Superstar and Ordinary People

Chapter 51: 53 The last candidate



The door of Mary's office.

With green lights in his eyes, the secretary sneaked onto the QQ.

It's hard to flatter the boss: the master is here, the master is here, the master is here!

Sworn against the police: (⊙o⊙) Kicking the hall

It's hard to flatter the boss: No. I'm here to see Gao Qin. The boss was kicked out.

Sworn against the police: (+﹏+) ~ dizzy. Are they a couple? Fortunately, this morning, I was shocked by the photo of Dashen and Xiaobai eating hot dogs together.

It's hard to flatter the boss: /(tot)/~~ However, there is Lianjuexiu in the room.

Cuihua: Ahhh... my Xiao Lianzi is here too

It's hard to flatter a boss:...

It's hard to flatter the boss: Xiao Lianzi

Cuihua: He is my life! \(^o^)/~

It's hard to flatter the boss: I'm going to work hard.

Sworn to death Police: I'm going to take a nap.


In the office next door.

Gao Qin crossed his legs, leisurely turning the funnel on Marui's desk.

Yan Su'ang sat on Ma Rui's big swivel chair and closed his eyes to rest.

Lian Juexiu stood beside the desk, spitting excitedly. In fact, from the moment he came in, the postures of the three of them hadn't changed.

Probably tired of talking, Lian Juexiu stopped to take a breath, and when he saw the two people's nonchalant expressions, he became angry again! "You tell me a word! An ace manager, a super star, actually made such a mess for me, are you ashamed!"

Gao Qin glanced at Yan Su'ang, "Your manager?"

Yan Su'ang didn't roll his eyelids and said, "Did you go to the wrong door?"

"You guys..." Lian Juexiu slapped the table loudly, "Aren't you ashamed that the movie couldn't be started because of this kind of crap? Male, protagonist, protagonist?!"

Yan Su'ang suddenly opened his eyes, "In the past, every time we worked together, there would be all kinds of news, and you enjoyed it at the time."

Lianjue Xiudao: "It was necessary publicity and exposure at that time."

Yan Su'ang said: "Now it has added authenticity and credibility."

Lian Juexiu cursed in a low voice, "I was worried that you wouldn't fall in love, but now I think it's better not to!"

Gao Qin saw that he had vented his emotions and finally came out to be a peacemaker, "Solving the problem is the most important thing."

Lian Juexiu said: "Clarification at the opening press conference. Didn't you say that Zhang Fuman has already settled Yueqing? Then there should be no problem."

Yan Su'ang replied without thinking, "I refuse."

The anger that had subsided just now rushed to the top of Lian Juexiu's head again, "Do you want to cast a shadow on the movie before it's released?"

Yan Su'ang said: "If I clarify now, then when Xiaobai and I make it official in the future, wouldn't today's words be equivalent to slapping myself in the mouth?"

There was a moment of silence in the office.

Apparently even Juexiu and Gao Qin were intimidated by his words, "We will make an official announcement with Xiaobai in the future".

After a long time, Lian Juexiu said: "Why didn't I realize that you live so seriously before?"

Yan Su'ang shrugged and said, "Because I've never been serious with you."

Lian Juexiu was speechless.

"Actually, I don't agree with clarification either." Gao Qin's words greatly exceeded Lian Juexiu's expectations.

"Are you going to pull Feng Yalun to make it public with them?" The matter of Gao Qin and Feng Yalun has never been a secret among them. Later, Feng Yalun went to the United States to find a school or passed him, so he had a little understanding of what happened after them.

Gao Qin squinted at him and said, "If you are not satisfied with your desires, go to the toilet and face the wall to solve it yourself. Don't shoot cannons here."

Lian Juexiu sneered and said, "I will be dissatisfied, you don't even know how happy I am every day."

Yan Su'ang said: "That is kidney deficiency."

Lian Juexiu glared at him fiercely, "You have been chasing someone and you haven't even kissed on the mouth. You have no right to speak."

Yan Su'ang proudly said: "I am in sight of victory, and you are the most angry. I have confidence in the future, and you are always calling for confidence. There is no comparison between us."

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Lian Juexiu said unconsciously: "Damn. Just wait, I will definitely get the other half before you. Then you will be dumbfounded!"

Listening to their nonsense, Gao Qin couldn't help thinking of Feng Yalun who patted his butt and left, and his mood suddenly became a hundred times worse, "We are discussing how to deal with the scandal now, right?"

Lian Juexiu wiped his mouth, "What's your opinion?"

"Just don't do anything, don't say anything, and let the outsiders guess."

Yan Su'ang raised her eyebrows, "You want to use it as a hype?"

The corner of Gao Qin's mouth twitched, "Sunday is a sensitive day when there are people coming and going in the playground, and when the film crew and reporters of "Good Night" are present, they ran to a private meeting. It’s hype, right? And it’s a very clever one.”

Lian Juexiu immediately said, "He belongs to the former."

Yan Su'ang said indifferently: "My head is clamped so willingly."

"Why didn't I think you were so disgusting before?"

"Because you don't deserve my disgust."

Gao Qin had to interrupt them again, "But this plan still needs Xiaobai's cooperation." He looked at his watch, "He will arrive in about half an hour, I will tell him."

Yan Su'ang's eyes lit up, and his smile suddenly softened, "Xiaobai is coming over?"

Gao Qin put the funnel on the table and said with a smile, "You must leave within thirty minutes. If necessary, I can send security guards with you."

Yan Su'ang snorted coldly: "Imat's way of hospitality is really unflattering."

"From a standpoint, we should be like Montague and Capulet."

Lian Juexiu's cell phone rang suddenly.

Gao Qin and Yan Su'ang shut up at the same time and turned to look at him.

After Lian Juexiu saw the displayed name, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Gao Qin asked, "Who?"


Lian Juexiu agreed to come and pick them up.

Xiaobai finally felt relieved, and after hanging up the phone, he dragged Jia Zhiqing to sit quietly by the bar and waited.

Jia Zhiqing was probably tired from the quarrel, his consciousness gradually became drowsy, and he dozed off on his shoulder.

At this time, some taxis were willing to stop and pick them up, but considering that Lianjue Xiuxiu was coming over on the road, and it would be very rude to release people as pigeons, Xiaobai decided to wait obediently.

It was already twenty minutes later when Lianjue Cultivation arrived.

He didn't get out of the car, but directed Xiao Bai to carry Jia Zhiqing to the back seat of the car.

Jia Zhiqing was soundly asleep, being dragged and bumped by Xiao Bai, his stomach immediately churned like a river.

Lian Juexiu saw that Xiaobai was getting into the car and was about to release the brake, when he heard a sputtering sound of vomiting from behind.

The smell of filtered wine and vegetables immediately filled the car.

Lian Juexiu felt his stomach churning and almost vomited.

Xiao Bai turned his head nervously and asked, "Are you okay?"

Jia Zhiqing muttered a few words, then stopped moving again.

Lian Juexiu lowered the car window, stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward, hoping to use the force of the wind to drive the air out of the car.

After driving for a while, he finally felt that his breathing was easier. He slowed down and said, "Is this why you asked me to pick you up?"

Xiaobai didn't understand what he meant, and said honestly: "In my mobile phone, you are the last candidate."

"..." The last candidate? In other words, the only thing he can be thankful for now is that he has qualified for the competition? Lian Juexiu suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart and said, "Where are Yan Su'ang and Gao Qin?"

"Zhiqing said he didn't want them to pick him up."

Lian Juexiu murmured and repeated: "Zhiqing said you don't want them to pick you up?"

Xiaobai nodded.

Lian Juexiu coughed dryly, and said softly, "You mean that Jia Zhiqing appointed you to call me to pick him up."

Xiaobai said: "Designated? No. He doesn't even know that I have your number."

In other words, Jia Zhiqing didn't want to see Yan Suang and Gao Qin very much now, and his name didn't appear on the scoring board at all.

The gas pedal under Lian Juexiu's feet became easier and easier to press.

As the car took off, Xiaobai had to grab the handle.

Suddenly, Lian Juexiu looked at the traffic policeman in front of him, cursed in a low voice, and slammed on the brakes.

He and Xiaobai rushed forward at the same time.


Jia Zhiqing fell off the seat, and his face was directly stuck on the vomit.

"Ugh!" There was a louder vomiting sound.

The smell came rushing in like a sea wave.

Lian Juexiu and Xiaobai turned their heads away with livid faces at the same time.

The car is parked on the side of the road.

The traffic police came slowly.

Lian Juexiu probed to see, acquaintance.

"The speed of the car is nearly ninety yards, speeding." The traffic police issued a ticket neatly.

Lian Juexiu sighed, "Apart from speeding, don't you have anything else to check?"

The traffic policeman said without raising his head, "I also want to know, besides speeding, is there nothing else you can do?" Is it contagious

Lian Juexiu wiped his face and said, "Actually, I have a reason today. Look behind..."

Jia Zhiqing lay motionless on his stomach.

The traffic policeman glanced out of the corner of his eye, "Corpse?"

Lian Juexiu calmly said, "Alcohol poisoning, rush to the hospital."

The traffic policeman's eyes slowly shifted from his face to Xiaobai's face, and finally turned back to the ticket, "Did you say you were the director last time?"

Could it be that he had carefully studied his biography after he went back, so he suddenly decided to express his admiration for him

Lian Juexiu nodded reservedly with a full sense of honor.

The traffic policeman asked suspiciously: "The show is so bad, did you sneak in through the back door?"

Lian Juexiu tapped his fingers on the steering wheel twice, and said with a smile, "So, do you want to issue another ticket?"