Superstar and Ordinary People

Chapter 84: Five or six times outside the story will heal


Fanwai five online game rookies

After Jia Zhiqing stayed in the United States for two months, he finally found out that the life of the young mistress was not as easy as imagined.

First of all, Lian Juexiu filmed movies to make money, and even his mother traveled around the world. He was left alone at home with nothing to do all day long.

Secondly, he and the Filipino maid do not understand the language, so the communication is not good, and he cannot live like a landlady.

Currently used, it is the most complete and best-used app for listening to books. It integrates 4 major speech synthesis engines, over 100 kinds of timbres, and is an artifact that supports offline reading.

Next, when ordering takeaway, the other party does not provide Chinese conversation service, so he can only eat "home-cooked food".

In short, he felt that he could not find a sense of presence in the United States.

In order to dispel this illusion, to find the value of his own existence, and to make life glow with new brilliance, Jia Zhiqing decided to devote his limited life to the infinite virtual network world.

Of course, such a great cause cannot be done by one person alone, so he tried his best to fool Xiaobai for a week, and finally succeeded in dragging him into the water.

That day was sunny and sunny.

Jia Zhiqing enthusiastically logged into the game, registered an ID, and waited impatiently for Xiaobai to send a message from QQ that the registration was completed. But one minute passed, two minutes passed, and in the blink of an eye, ten minutes passed, and the qq was still the same qq that didn't move.

He couldn't help but make an overseas phone call.

As soon as Xiaobai picked it up, he heard the game music background change sound when the registration was successful.

Jia Zhiqing was so excited that he forgot to ask Xiaobai why it took so long and asked id directly.

"Pig-headed little white."

Jia Zhiqing was silent for a long time before asking, "What happened?"

Xiaobai said: "Xiaobai has been registered."

"Yeah." Xiaobai's ID is very common, so it's understandable to be registered.

"Zeng Bai was also registered."

"... Hmm." The same name and surname are also very possible, but the practice of using real names in online games is relatively rare, and I didn't expect to make a double.

"Pork Xiaobai has also been registered."


"Fortunately, Zhutou Xiaobai was not registered."

Jia Zhiqing said: "The pigs are so rich, why do you have to choose the head?"

Xiaobai said: "Will pig trotter Xiaobai be better?"


"Or a pig-brained novice?"

Jia Zhiqing compromised, "The pig's head is the pig's head."

The two originally agreed to do novice tasks together to upgrade together, but the master announced that it was temporarily canceled, and they came back to pick up Xiaobai and went to the two-person world. Although Jia Zhiqing dared to be angry, he didn't dare to speak. Not only did he not dare to speak, but he also wished the two of them a smooth journey when they went out with a voice and a smile.

With resentment, Jia Zhiqing quickly rose to the tenth level, and then he could choose a school.

The game is divided into three sects, positive, evil, and neutral.

Jia Zhiqing thought about it and chose decent. With Xiaobai's personality, he will probably choose the decent faction. If he chooses the evil faction, it will be troublesome to cooperate in the future.

Decent has four options: Brilliant Gate, Valley of Doctors, Wudang and Shaolin.

He chose the Brilliant Gate neatly, even listening to the name with air.

When Xiaobai came back, he had already reached the eighteenth level, and he acted as if he had come here to direct Xiaobai to practice.

About an hour later, he finally reached level 20, and asked Xiaobai about his progress.

Xiaobai said: "Level 16."

"..." Jia Zhiqing asked impatiently, "Why so fast?"

"Team leveling."

"You... form a team?" Jia Zhiqing looked at the "little coquettish" on the screen who he had carefully dressed to attract bees and butterflies but had never even seen a fly, and asked extremely unbalanced in his heart, "Your pig-headed little white Isn't it a man?"

"It's a man."

"The team with you is a woman?"

"No, they are all men." Xiaobai said, "I don't know what it means to form a team, so I just clicked, and then they agreed."

"..." After Xiaobai became a popular host by mistake and was relegated to assistant inexplicably, he should know that comparing luck with Xiaobai's character is purely masochistic.

Although there was a time difference, because Jia Zhiqing had nothing to do all day, the two of them still had a lot of time to play games together, but... the level gap between the two sides gradually widened.

Xiaobai is high, Jia Zhiqing is low.

How is this possible

Jia Zhiqing was puzzled. Obviously, I spent much more time in the game than him, but why did Xiaobai level up so much faster than him? He couldn't help but ask Xiaobai. Xiaobai said: "Sometimes Ang will practice for me."

"..." Could it be that the master is not only the master of the entertainment industry, but also the master of game leveling

Xiaobai said: "Ang said, he helped me join a gang. That gang has a group of strong people who specialize in trumpet practice. My account is often used to gain experience."

"..." Xiaobai's luck plus the character of the great god... really is invincible.

It didn't take long before Jia Zhiqing's "Little Coquettish" gradually withdrew from the online game world.

Fanwai six yy song friends

The failure of online games cannot stop his pursuit of the beauty of the virtual world.

Jia Zhiqing soon found a new pleasure—yy.

At first he was just an audience, but after listening for a long time, he became unwilling to be lonely. In order to become a blockbuster, he first practiced at home day and night, and when he was finished, he recruited Xiao Bai as an audience—this became one of the ten things he regretted the most in his life.

After figuring out the function of yy, Xiaobai was excited.

Because of time constraints, he can't often go to the pyramid to sing, and the existence of yy helped him solve this trouble. From then on, "Jia Zhiqing's personal stage" had a new pillar. Jia Zhiqing, a singer who was almost a blockbuster, suffered from song phobia because of Xiaobai's singing, and died before his success.

Three days later, when Lian Juexiu came back from filming, Jia Zhiqing was sitting in front of the computer sweeping mines. He looked at the network cable that had been pulled out, and wondered, "Why is it not connected to the Internet?"

"This way Xiaobai won't be able to find me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lian Juexiu's cell phone rang.

"It's Xiaobai."

"Don't answer!" Jia Zhiqing said nervously, "Xiaobai is going to hold a solo concert at YY."

"..." Lian Juexiu picked up the phone and said in a choked voice, "Sau Rui, my beloved mother is so special Lian Juexiu."

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