Superstar, No Big Deal?!

Chapter 37: guessed center


When the alarm clock rang for the third time, Shan Yatong finally got up reluctantly from the bed, put on slippers and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Looking at the pale face in the mirror, Shan Yatong rubbed her forehead to wipe off the water on her face, when the phone rang.

"Hello," he walked out of the bathroom, took a glass of water and sat down on the sofa, "Yang Jun?"

"Ask for leave?" Shan Yatong thought for a while, "Okay, I see."

Close your phone and ask for leave to go home? He shook his head, threw his phone on the sofa, and drank cold water to wake him up a bit. After reading the script last night, it was past two o'clock in the morning. I have to say that the script was wonderful, and he never I haven't participated in a movie about gay themes, so it feels good to try it.

After returning to the room and just putting on the coat that went out, there was a knock on the door, and Lu Fan in a black suit opened the door and stood outside the door.

"Come in," yawned, and without looking at the people behind him, he sat back on the sofa, "Pour yourself what you want to drink."

Seeing that his complexion was not very good, Lu Fan guessed that he hadn't slept well, so he changed his shoes and sat down on the sofa beside him, "I just heard that Yang Jun asked for leave."

"Well, it seems that a certain elder from my hometown has returned to the West, and he won't be back for a while." Thinking of Yang Jun's tone that I finally had a vacation, Shan Yatong rubbed his forehead, "What do you want from me today."

"This morning, the boss of a beverage company wants to talk to you about product endorsement, and then you have to take a plane to C City at 11:20 am to participate in a talk show to promote your new album. It may take a total of 6 hours to go back and forth. Time, you are going to attend a charity party at 8 pm, this is your work schedule for the day, I have already booked the plane ticket for you." Lu Fan closed the work notes in his hand, "Do you have any questions?"

Shan Yatong shook her head, looked at the clock on the wall, it was already past eight o'clock, "What brand is that drink?"

"It's Shelley Juice, a relatively powerful beverage company in China. I have investigated it. The company's products have always had a good reputation, and the possibility of quality disputes is relatively small." Lu Fan stood up and said, "Let's go now. If you have any questions, tell me on the road that our appointment time to meet is at 9 o'clock."

Shan Yatong followed Lu Fan helplessly, it seemed that she would not be free for long.

Arriving at the VIP room of a high-end tea house, Shan Yatong saw a middle-aged woman wearing glasses, exuding a sense of noble alienation.

The woman expressed satisfaction with Shan Yatong's appearance, and then Lu Fan discussed the content of the contract with the woman.

The contract content and the obligations undertaken by both parties are clear, but Lu Fan is very dissatisfied with the endorsement fee.

"Miss Yang, the endorsement fee offered by your company is indeed too low. As an artist launched by Tianguan with a lot of money, you can also consider what kind of status you will have in the entertainment circle in the future, and the 500,000 endorsement fee you have given now Fee is really unacceptable to us." Lu Fan frowned and closed the contract in his hand, "Or is it that Ms. Yang has no sincerity to cooperate with Tianguan?"

Secretary Yang pushed his glasses, and glanced at Shan Yatong who had been silent all this time with sharp eyes, "Mr. Lu, I don't think this endorsement fee has anything to do with our sincerity of cooperation with Tianguan."

Lu Fan put down the contract and smiled lightly, "As I said before, Yatong is an artist launched by Tianguan with a lot of money. Now you want to sign a two-year endorsement time, but you only pay 500,000 for the endorsement fee. Is Tong regarded as a third-rate artist? In that case, we have nothing to discuss, this endorsement may not be suitable for Yatong, thank you for your company's kindness, and look forward to the opportunity to cooperate again next time."

"Mr. Lu, please wait a moment," Secretary Yang said, "Do you know how many TV stations this advertisement will be broadcast on? There are also some print advertisements and online advertisements. This is a good opportunity for Mr. Opportunity to appear."

"I think Ms. Yang hasn't heard what I mean." Lu Fan stood up, "Ya Tong is an artist launched by our company with a lot of money, and the issue of appearing on camera is not the focus of consideration at all. Our schedule is very full today, so excuse me , Miss Yang."

In many respects, as a gold agent, Lu Fan will not back down in the slightest, and he will never regret the decisions he made, because he has never missed the decisions he made.

The secretary of the president of Shelley Beverage Co., Ltd. has been arrogant from the beginning, and he is not polite to Yatong. As a manager, the cooperation partner neglects the artists under him, which is equivalent to refuting his own face. For such an endorsement, he and his artists are angry.

Shan Yatong smiled and followed Lu Fan, who was not very happy, into the car. After such a toss, his sleepiness was long gone, "Lu Fan, they will regret it."

While paying attention to the road ahead, while being shocked by Shan Yatong's self-confidence, Lu Fan looked sideways at the smiling young man, "Oh, are you so confident?"

Shrugging, Shan Yatong said nonchalantly, "If I didn't have this confidence, as a manager, you would have been so tough just now?"

Lu Fan smiled and didn't make a sound, which was acquiescence to Shan Yatong's statement.

"I heard from your agent that you are going to star in a gay-themed movie?" Tang Ruanqing clasped her hands and looked at the man sitting opposite her.

"That's right." After taking a sip of the coffee made by the president's secretary, Xiao Tianwang put it down with a slight frown, "What's wrong?"

Tang Ruanqing glanced at the coffee he put down, "Are you playing with tickets?"

"Hey," Xiao Tianwang leaned back on the sofa, "my cousin, when did you care about me accepting the show, not to mention, the show is very good."

"The show is not bad, or the person you play with is not bad," Tang Ruanqing raised her eyebrows slightly, "I heard that the other leading actor is very likely to be Shan Yatong, isn't it?"

"It seems that you understand it very clearly," Xiao Tianwang said with a smile, "But I heard that the producer has not received an accurate answer from Ya Tong, so I'm not sure yet."

"Zimo, Shan Yatong is not gay, do you understand?" Tang Ruanqing said with a gentle smile on her face.

When he heard his cousin call his real name, he spread his hands, "Of course I know, but my cousin, Ya Tong, is not Jing Anjue either, do you understand?"

"Xiao Zimo, what do you mean?!" The smile on Tang Ruanqing's face disappeared, and she looked at the casual man sitting on the sofa.

"I've always been curious about why my cousin would spend a lot of money to lure a young artist from Feiyu. I later found out that the tuxedo worn by Shan Yatong at the awards ceremony that night was the one worn by Jing Anjue when he first debuted. , Maybe you noticed this newcomer at that time." Xiao Qi even stood up, "As for how the lottery that the TV station let me draw later turned into Shan Yatong, and why there are scenes in Shan Yatong's album. An Jue's masterpiece, you may know these better than me."

Smiling instead of angry, Tang Ruanqing opened the document in her hand, focused all her attention on the document, and said without raising her head, "Zimo, I think you have acted too much and regarded life as a drama. What Ya Tong can shape is visible to everyone, what does this have to do with Jing Anjue?"

"OK, I was just joking, cousin, don't take it seriously," Xiao Qi said with a smile, "I won't disturb your work, I'll go out first."

Watching the office door close, Tang Ruanqing closed the document in her hand and threw it aside, "Xiao Zimo, you bastard, you actually investigated me!" Leaning back in the chair, closing her eyes, to hide the fact that she was being talked out of her mind. the embarrassment.

Lin Yuxin had just finished an announcement when she saw a certain Heavenly King walking out of the elevator in a good mood. She asked interestedly, "Why, Heavenly King Xiao, did something good happen?"

The corners of Xiao Qizhen's mouth curled into a perfect arc, and he raised his eyebrows and said, "I don't even know when Lin Tianhou changed from an entertainer to an entertainer."

"Cut!" Lin Yuxin rolled her eyes gracefully, "I heard that you plan to star in a gay movie, what about your Asian tour?"

"Does this affect?" Xiao Qi said, "The concert will only take more than a month in total, and the start time of this show will be more than a month later, so it will not affect the progress. If you are interested in the play, you can come to play the role of Queen Mother in the play."

"Go away, Miss Ben is not old enough to play this kind of role," Lin Yuxin said as she walked into the elevator, and the moment the elevator door closed, the corners of her eyes radiated a light called evil in the legend.

Lin Yuxin's assistant is accustomed to her habits, she thought for a while and said, "Yuxin, do you know who is the other leading actor in "Millennium"?"

"Who is it?" Lin Yuxin asked curiously.

"It's Yuxin, the newcomer you admire more recently, Shan Yatong," the assistant said with a smile, "I heard that Xiao Tianwang is very interested in this drama."

"Tsk, he is not interested in the play, he is interested in the protagonist, right?" The elevator door opened, and the two of them agreed not to continue this topic.

On the return flight, Lu Fan quietly looked at the boy who was sleeping next to him. The boy's sleeping face was very quiet, so quiet that it made people feel unreal. A few traces of delicacy.

"Sir, do you need anything?" The stewardess walked up to him with a smile and asked softly, but the corner of her eye was on Shan Yatong's sleeping face.

"No, thank you," Lu Fan replied softly, but he didn't want the teenager next to him to be woken up by their conversation.

"Lu Fan, how long is it?" The boy's voice was a little fuzzy because he had just woken up, and his eyes were misty when he opened them. This appearance immediately made the eyes of the stewardess standing beside him shine.

Such a cute, cute boy, but...why does he look familiar? The flight attendant's smile became more gentle, and she still didn't forget her job at this time, but her tone was a little softer, "Sir, do you need anything? It's 5:38 p.m., and we still have 30 minutes to the airport.”

"Thank you sister," the young man smiled into crescents, "a glass of white water."

"Okay," the stewardess went to the service backstage with stars in her eyes. When she took out the sterilized cup, she suddenly realized that this person, this person is a nobleman! It's Shan Yatong who performed Lian Yugui's son! It was the right decision for her to take the initiative to ask the guest what she needed just now!

How lucky to be able to see the noble young master in real life!