Superstar, No Big Deal?!

Chapter 88: My prince


"No matter what, I'm just your passer-by," the young man in green was leaning against the wooden door, with endless despair and bitterness on his face, his hand holding the jade flute trembling slightly, "I thought I could play the flute with you." He Ming, but I was wrong, what you want is not the qin Xiao and He Ming, what you want is a qin that can match you."

Tears slid down the cheeks, not without tears, but not deep.

Looking at the young man in red, Luo Yanqian felt a pain in his heart. He didn't know whether he was speaking a line or what was in his heart, so he just played the role of Ranzhu and himself so naturally.

The red-clothed boy paused slightly with his hand on the piano. He turned his face and smiled slightly, but did not look at the green-clothed boy. He whispered, "Actually, I don't want anything. All I do is myself."

The young man in green was stunned, and suddenly staggered. He supported the door, and smiled miserably, tears streaming down his face. So it turned out that he lost here, did he lose in this place

The boy in green laughed wildly and cried crazily. The head of the boy in red cut a wound on the strings, and the bright red blood was left on his white fingertips. He looked extraordinarily coquettish and blinked. He suddenly raised his head and looked out the window. The peach tree bathed in the moonlight murmured like a sigh, "Thank you, peach blossom."

"OK" Li Nan stood up, "Call work." He didn't look at the monitor anymore, because this scene made his heart flustered. As a director, he was affected by the scene of the actors. For the director, it is not good thing.

Luo Yanqian sat down by the door weakly. He looked at Shan Yatong, obviously not getting out of his emotions.

Shan Yatong stood up, glanced at Luo Yanqian, turned around and walked towards the dressing room. The speed is slightly faster than before.

Luo Yanqian smiled wryly, he knew it was not because of himself, but because there was still someone waiting for him in the hospital, that person was waiting for him wholeheartedly.

Liao Ran, who had been watching the play by the side, looked at Shan Yatong's back, then looked at Luo Yanqian who was sitting on the ground, and sighed.

Shan Yatong had finished filming all the scenes, and only the two sets of scenes with Xiao Qizhen were left to finish the whole scene. It was already past ten o'clock in the evening when he changed his costume, and he got into the nanny car tiredly.

"Going home?" Lu Fan asked with some uncertainty.

Shan Yatong opened her astringent eyes, "No, go to the hospital." The beautiful eyes were shining brightly.

Lu Fan nodded knowingly, and the driver in front naturally obeyed Mr. Shan's words, turned around and drove towards the hospital without saying a word. Lu Fan pushed his glasses, looked at Shan Yatong thoughtfully, suddenly thought of something, his hands froze slightly, but he didn't say anything or ask.

At this time, the time for visiting patients has passed, but for artists, this kind of thing belongs to the air, which cannot be seen or grasped. After getting out of the car, Shan Yatong took Lu Fan into the building through the back door. After entering the elevator, his expression Obviously exhausted to the extreme, leaning against the elevator wall to rest his mind.

"Yang Jun called and said it was just a bone shift, and it will be fine after a few days of care," Lu Fan couldn't help but speak when he saw him like this.

Shan Yatong opened his eyes, his eyes fell on Lu Fan, and he smiled and said, "I know." Even if he is a gold medal agent, this person can't be truly cold-blooded. The pickpocketing style that a broker should have.

Lu Fan pushed his eyes uncomfortably, thinking how awkward it would be for a 30-year-old man to be looked at by a young man with such eyes.

In a high-grade ward, Xiao Qi glanced at the wall clock on the wall, it was almost eleven o'clock in the evening, Ya Tong should have finished filming by now, is it too tired to go home to rest, so he didn't come to see himself

"Old Xie, Yatong really didn't call to ask?" King Xiao Datian asked a little discouraged. In fact, Yatong said today that he would come to see her after the filming was over to comfort herself. The more I think about it, the more sad it gets. There are still bursts of resentment on his body, enough to make a horror movie.

Xie Xun glanced at King Xiao sympathetically, "I called today, and Lu Fan said that Shan Yatong is very busy, and I have rushed several sets of shots today, and I am afraid it will be very late to finish the filming." Waves of artists were all stopped by him. He knew that there was only one person waiting for this person, and this person was naturally indifferent. How hard will this road be? He didn't want to see a second Tang Ruanqing. When Jing Anjue passed away, Tang Ruanqing's state scared him.

He still remembers the way Tang Ruanqing spoke to the empty aisle. At that time, he almost really thought that there was someone in the aisle. It was also at that time that he knew that Tang Ruanqing liked Jing Anjue and a man.

Tang Ruanqing is very different from Xiao Qi, but Shan Yatong is the same as Jing Anjue, with the same cold-bloodedness and indifference, but he really doesn't want the two of them to end up in the same dejection.

"Pray, if..." If Shan Yatong doesn't come today, you can give up, because he doesn't have you in his heart, Xie Xun can't say anything when facing the frosty and slender peach eyes, because these eyes are still full of love. expect.

"What if?" Xiao Qi looked suspiciously at Xie Xun's hesitation and raised his eyebrows, "It's fine if you don't say anything." After finishing speaking, he continued to glance at the wall clock habitually, and it was past eleven o'clock Very much.

Seeing him like this, Xie Xun didn't say anything in the end. He sat on the sofa beside him and started peeling fruit. What he can do, anyway, he is just a manager, and he can't control it so far, and he can't control it.

Before Xie Xun finished peeling a piece of fruit, there was a knock on the door. Xie Xun glanced at Xiao Qizhen whose eyes were shining, and he sighed in his heart. This should be a house patrol, and he might be disappointed.

When he opened the door, he saw that it was indeed a doctor, but what surprised him were the two people behind the doctor, the haggard Shan Yatong, and the expressionless Lu Fan. Xie Xun quickly turned sideways to let them enter the room, It's just that there are still some reactions.

Shan Yatong's appearance can tell that she is extremely tired, even so, do you still want to see Xiao Qizhen? It suddenly occurred to him that maybe Shan Yatong wasn't that heartless towards Xiao Qizhen, it should be. The doctor asked Xiao Qizhen some questions, and seeing that he was in good condition, and his mental state was abnormally good, but there was nothing wrong with it, so he left the ward wisely, just joking, seeing the second young master's eyes on the artist Knowing that there is an inside story, isn't he just asking for trouble if he stays here

Lu Fan glanced at Xiao Qizhen's complexion, which was ten times better than Shan Yatong's, and sat down on the sofa beside him, "I just said he's fine, look at his current condition is better than yours." Shan Yatong tomorrow Of course, he knew how much work was going on. With such back and forth tossing, with this body, he would fall down sooner or later.

Xiao Qi even saw Shan Yatong's excitement turned into worry when he saw the state of List Yatong. He sat up and pulled Shan Yatong to sit on the bed, "Why is your face so pale? What is Li Nan doing today?" How many shots did you catch?"

"It's okay," Shan Yatong rubbed his forehead, and lay down on Xiao Qi's very soft big hospital bed, without the slightest sense of shame about occupying the magpie's nest. Of course, the little sparrow was very happy to be occupied. He didn't notice the weird faces of the two managers next to him.

After rubbing against the soft bed, there is no unpleasant smell of medicine, it's good, he yawned, and said in a daze, "Your injury is fine, I'm relieved."

Seeing him like this, a certain king with one hand hanging around his neck bent down to take off his shoes, patted him and said, "Lie down and sleep well." By the way, he gave Xie Xun and Lu Fan a look, meaning They can disappear.

Xie Xun rubbed his nose, in his heart he despised the idiot Xiao Datian Wang was so happy to take off his shoes, he snorted, if you have the ability, you can take off his clothes too? If you have the ability, you also throw this kind of look at others

Lu Fan was obviously calmer than Xie Xun, he just looked at Xiao Datian Wang YD's smile, and sneered in his heart, people with disabilities can't eat even if they want to.

The door was closed gently, Shan Yatong wrapped the quilt around her body, and said in a vague voice, "I'm going to be exhausted, Li Nan that bastard" So now is the truth, and the calm look just now is also true. I don't know whether to show it to Lu Fan or Yang Jun.

The corners of Xiao Qizhen's lips raised slightly, and Shan Yatong became more and more relaxed in front of him. This made him feel close, his smile became more and more obvious, and the scolding in his ears became smaller and smaller, and finally became With regular breathing, Xiao Qi knew that the person lying on the same bed with him had fallen asleep.

Slowly covering Shan Yatong with the quilt, and adjusting the temperature of the air conditioner, Xiao Qi even looked at Shan Yatong's sleeping appearance, feeling very peaceful, he remembered what he learned about Jing Anjue , I couldn't help feeling slightly distressed for him, the mother who was crazy about love and finally jumped off the building in front of his eyes, the father who abandoned their mother and child, the poor life in the orphanage, and my brother who had malicious intentions in the name of friendship, struggling in the entertainment industry Years, although he finally became the king of heaven, was killed by a woman. In fact, he was rarely lucky in his life.

Compared with what Shan Yatong encountered, Xiao Qi even felt that the things he thought were unfortunate in the past might just be a joke in Shan Yatong's eyes. Knowing that he is not the Holy Father, and he has no extra sympathy, but looking at the young man sleeping peacefully beside him, he can't help but feel distressed. He dare not think about how Shan Yatong got here in those days, and he dare not think about it , When he was still Jing Anjue, how much blood and sweat he had put in to become a superstar.

I dare not think about it, I am afraid that if I think about it, I will regret why I didn't meet this person back then, and didn't protect this person well.

Gently kiss the boy on the forehead, good night, my prince, from now on, I will make your life full of luck.