Supporting Character Turned Over

Chapter 60


Although Jiang Chengyi held his heart, but that night, it was still calm. The only pity is that now he has to sleep alone. And early the next morning, the two people Li Qi sent to Jiang Chengyi, So I came to him with breakfast, and at the same time brought a piece of news: "Last night, someone was coming and going outside our door. It should be an investigation, but I saw the look in the eyes of the aunt who came to clean the room this morning." There's something wrong with that too."

"Can you see what's wrong and catch them?" Jiang Chengyi asked, although the management of these hotels is already very good, but as long as you have money, you can always buy some people. In the book, Han Didn't Tian just bribe the waiter to put drugs in his food

"Of course! But they haven't done anything yet." The two of them immediately spoke up. They thought that with Jiang Chengyi, they could only deal with the paparazzi at most, which was a bit boring, but they didn't expect to meet such a Things are getting interesting!

In the morning, Jiang Chengyi didn't go out, but just flipped through the Golden Tree Awards shortlisted films and the materials of the shortlisted actors, directors, and screenwriters. Because the Golden Tree Awards pursued professionalism, the best director this time was either Li Hui or another well-known director , he is completely hopeless.

After killing a lot of time, when it was almost noon, Feng Kun came over suddenly: "Jiang Chengyi, let me treat you to dinner, and introduce someone to you by the way."

Why did Feng Kun invite himself to dinner suddenly? Jiang Chengyi was a little surprised and a little skeptical, but soon realized that he was in danger—if Feng Kun really wanted to harm him, he could have done it long ago, and there was no need for such trouble: "Okay, let's go now?"

"Okay!" Feng Kun nodded and said. He also knew that Jiang Chengyi planned to leave Chenguang to make a movie by himself, and he was very optimistic about Jiang Chengyi. Because of this, after learning from his elder sister that his brother-in-law was planning to retire, he thought about introducing Zhao Ziwen to Jiang Chengyi to get acquainted—fat water does not flow to outsiders, and those who follow Zhao Ziwen are all talents!

He brought a bodyguard and went to dinner with Feng Kun. At the beginning, Jiang Chengyi thought he was going to meet some starlet who wanted to get to know him, but he didn't expect to see Zhao Ziwen in the end.

Zhao Ziwen was already sitting in front of the table, and smiled when he saw the three of them go in: "What? Did you bring your assistant to eat?"

Jiang Chengyi knew that Zhao Ziwen's temper was rumored to be not good, but what the other party said was relatively friendly, so of course he followed suit: "Mr. Zhao, I didn't expect the person I would meet to be you!"

"That's right, I usually don't invite people to dinner," Zhao Ziwen smiled, "Come on, sit down." He even greeted the bodyguard who is now the assistant.

The atmosphere was always good, they didn't ask for wine, they only ate some dishes, and then the topic became wider and wider.

"Jiang Chengyi, I also watched your new movie, it's so funny, I couldn't bear to leave my chair halfway through." Zhao Ziwen said it casually, but it was a very high evaluation.

Those who act in movies, when they go to the movies by themselves, they can't help but comment on their acting skills, so they don't have as much fun as ordinary people. However, Jiang Chengyi's movies are very enjoyable for him to watch. Moreover, Jiang Chengyi's acting skills are really good.

"Mr. Zhao, you are my idol..." Even though Jiang Chengyi has experienced a lot, he can't help being a little excited. It is possible for a person of Zhao Ziwen's level to cooperate with him, but getting such a high evaluation... is himself In "A World Without Thieves", he didn't give such an evaluation, did he

"I'm getting old, and this place will still belong to you in the future." Zhao Ziwen smiled, and then glanced at Feng Kun: "My little brother sometimes will be self-willed, and it's good to be able to hone and hone with you."

Zhao Ziwen has a good relationship with Feng Kun? Jiang Chengyi suddenly thought of Feng Kun's backstage that Hong Xiu had said earlier. Feng Kun's backstage was Zhao Ziwen

After all, Zhao Ziwen is a very busy person. After eating a meal, someone picked him up and said, "See you tomorrow - at tomorrow's awards ceremony, the other party should still be the award presenter. Seeing Zhao Ziwen leave, Jiang Chengyi Only then did he look at Feng Kun in surprise: "What's your relationship with Mr. Zhao?"

"The Buddha said, don't say it." Feng Kun smiled, not daring to say that Zhao Ziwen had a wife, and said again: "Jiang Chengyi, actually I introduced you to each other for a reason."

Seeing that Feng Kun didn't want to say it, Jiang Chengyi certainly wouldn't force it, but he was a little curious about the reason Feng Kun said: "What reason?"

"I got a secret message. I heard that Zhao Ziwen plans to retire. If you really want to go it alone in the future, then the people on his side must not be let go!" Feng Kun said.

It turned out that Zhao Ziwen himself had the idea of retiring? Han Tian had won the Best Actor award at the Golden Tree Awards, and his movie became popular at this time. Coupled with the presence of Li Qianqian and Mo Yuting, the chairman of Tianxia Media, Zhang Feng It was only then that I made up my mind to praise him vigorously. Jiang Chengyi didn't know how Han Tian made Zhang Feng look at him with admiration in advance, but he knew that if Zhao Ziwen really retired, then his subordinates would most likely sign a contract with Tianxia Media Group. You can easily win them over.

And now... Jiang Chengyi suddenly felt that he needed to find an opportunity to sell one to Zhao Ziwen, and this opportunity should be close at hand.

Although the summer is very hot, but in the hotel, it is not felt at all.

Han Tian chatted with Chen Fang for a while before hanging up the phone. Chen Fang has already given him the medicine to be given. Because of Chen Fang's corrupt private life, she still brought good things from abroad. The only thing missing now is the opportunity for Jiang Chengyi to take it. And this opportunity... Think about it... Han Tian had a smile on the face of the bullied woman he met when he first came to the hotel.

At first, he thought he could rely on Chen Fang to succeed, but now it seems that he can do well without Chen Fang? Sure enough, God still favored him!

This time, Jiang Chengyi was doomed to be unlucky. With Chen Fang around, Chen Yuan probably wouldn't be able to please him... And if Jiang Chengyi collapsed, Jindi and Chenguang would also be affected, right

Just after thinking about the matter, Han Tian saw Liu Yan holding the key card and opening the door and coming in from the outside. His childhood sweetheart was really considerate to him, and after getting along for such a long time, he already knew that she was a good girl. Unfortunately, no matter whether it was Liu Yan or his parents, although they matched him With Liu Yan, but insisted that he divorce Mo Yuting and marry Liu Yan.

Han Tian also knew that in the eyes of his parents and Liu Yan, Mo Yuting should be a shameless vixen who seduced men. After all, Han Tian had promised to marry Liu Yan back then, but in the end he married Mo Yuting. Yu Ting was pregnant before marriage. But now that Mo Yuting was still pregnant with her own child, how could she just get a divorce if she wanted to

"Brother Tian, the air conditioner is turned on all day in this hotel, how much electricity does it use a day?" Liu Yan had nothing to say, and then took all the disposable combs, toothbrushes, shower gel and small soap brought by the person who just tidied up the room. Put it in your bag.

Hmph, that woman who cleans the room is annoying to look at. In Brother Tian's room, there are four copies of everything... Fortunately, Brother Tian doesn't know how to use anything.

"It doesn't cost much," Han Tian said, but he frowned when he saw Liu Yan's behavior, "What are you doing with these miscellaneous things?" Even taking disposable items from the hotel is too embarrassing! What if someone misunderstood that you took it

"Brother Tian..." Liu Yan was a little dissatisfied. She saw that Han Tian's assistant had prepared better toiletries for Han Tian. The aunt who tidied up the room before obviously wanted to please them and put more things, so she planned to take these things away. home. And although these things are not easy to use, they are small and exquisite, and they are very cute, especially the comb. She thinks she can put a handful in her bag.

"Put the things back, what do you want these for?" Han Tian felt annoyed for a while, and his perception of Liu Yan became worse. If his parents insisted, he wouldn't have to bring Liu Yan to his room. You have to give her a room card, right

Seeing that Han Tian was angry, Liu Yan put the things back obediently, but she was a little sad after all: "Brother Tian, why do I feel like you have changed? You were obviously not like this before!" When Han Tian went to Before the part-time job, he said that he would marry her if he had money, but later he called back and told his uncle and aunt not to contact him for the time being to avoid scandal... It seems that since then, Han Tian never contacted her again!

The people in the village are right. When a man has money, he will turn bad, and if he turns bad, he will find a woman! Thinking of Mo Yuting who was crying all day as if someone was bullying her, Liu Yan's expression turned ugly. Didn't Han Tian just dislike her being poor and petty? But her uncle and aunt said that she knows how to live, but Mo Yuting, a woman who takes a bath at home and has to go out to spend money to find someone to dry her hair, is really a prodigal!

When Han Tian heard Liu Yan's words, he suddenly felt chills in his heart. His parents didn't see any difference in him from before. They only thought that he was promising. How could Liu Yan see something wrong

He already had ghosts in his heart, so of course he would be a little worried at this time: "Where have I changed? Don't talk nonsense!"

"I..." Liu Yan bit her lip, not knowing what to say.

Seeing Liu Yan's appearance, Han Tian thought of what Chen Fang said, and immediately relaxed his expression a bit: "A Yan, I need your help with something." Originally, he still didn't want Liu Yan to appear in front of others. Now…

"What's the matter?" Liu Yan asked, and her mood calmed down a little. The reason why Mo Yuting was worse, Liu Yan only thought that it was because Han Tian was too tired from work, she even felt that there was hope for Mo Yuting, who had snatched her position, to give it up again.

"It's a small matter. Tomorrow morning..." Han Tian said with a smile. Tomorrow night will be the awards ceremony. If something happens to Jiang Chengyi tomorrow morning...

The more Liu Yan listened, the more confused she became, and she agreed in a daze.

That night, Jiang Chengyi invited everyone who came with him to a nearby restaurant to have a good meal before returning to the hotel.

He has been very careful these two days, so he went in with his bodyguards. The room was the same as when he left, but Jiang Chengyi didn't see anything wrong.

"Mr. Jiang, be careful!" Jiang Chengyi didn't notice anything, but the bodyguard who was following Jiang Chengyi spoke anxiously, walked to the window in a few steps, and opened the window.

"Is there something wrong?" Jiang Chengyi asked.

"The smell here is wrong." One of the bodyguards said.

smell? Jiang Chengyi was a little surprised. He thought it was an air purifier or something when he smelled the faint smell in the room, but now he felt something was wrong, and immediately went to the window to breathe.

That's right, it's already dark outside now, if Han Tian doesn't do anything at this time, it will be too late, right? "What is this smell?"

"It seems to be an aphrodisiac." The two bodyguards said, frowning, such an aphrodisiac is still so weak, they really didn't pay much attention to it, after all, as long as they bear it, this level can be easily to hold back.

Jiang Chengyi nodded, and said again: "Then go and see if there is any problem with other things." It's just an aphrodisiac incense, it should only add to the fun and not have much effect, right

"Both the kettle and the teacup have problems, and the tea bags have been touched." The two quickly found out what was wrong and put them away.

Seeing this, Jiang Chengyi breathed a sigh of relief: "Treat him in the same way... Do you have a way to put things with Han Tian?"

Since Han Tian had already attacked him, how could he not react

"The management of this hotel is still very strict, but we have seen that the central air-conditioning pipe is very large, we can pass through here, and there must be no sound at all." One of the two bodyguards' eyes suddenly lit up, Then they looked at the air conditioner in the room. They had done similar work before. Although the pipes of the central air conditioner were not very clean and there were mice infested, it was much cleaner than the sewer! Moreover, this is really exciting, and he is a little eager to try it!

"Is this okay?" Jiang Chengyi was a little surprised, but quickly nodded: "Then let's do this, but, do you have any incense?" He wasn't prepared for such an aphrodisiac...

"Mr. Jiang, we found this in the room." One of them took out a small thing wrapped in a plastic bag: "The smell comes from this, but don't listen to his nonsense, the smell is probably nothing If you really want to give Han Tian a good look, I think you can find a way to put the contents of the tea bag into Han Tian's food." He is much more reliable than his companions.

After discussing it, the smell in the room disappeared, and Jiang Chengyi felt it. I didn't feel anything wrong with my body, and I didn't feel the intolerance after taking the aphrodisiac... Is this what Han Tian is capable of

Just thinking about this, there was a knock on the door, and after a few knocks, the door was opened, and Yu Rui walked in from the outside: "Cheng Yi, there are homemade pumpkin seeds and watermelon seeds, It tastes good, do you want to eat it?"

Ok, where are the homemade fried pumpkin seeds and watermelon seeds from? Jiang Chengyi raised his heart that had just let go: "Where did you come from?" Although he kept telling Yu Rui to be careful, he paid more attention to the things around him. After all, it was Yu Rui who came to his room at the beginning It happened after I found him, but now...

"A friend of mine gave it to me..." Yu Rui was stunned and said, "Is there a problem?" It's just two packs of melon seeds, so there's nothing wrong with it, right

Jiang Chengyi gave the two packs of melon seeds to the two bodyguards beside him. He wasn't sure if there was something wrong, so he should show it to others first, since they must not be eaten anyway.

The two bodyguards took one and looked at it, but they couldn't be sure: "Mr. Jiang, we can't be sure."

"A Rui, where did it come from?" Jiang Chengyi turned his head and looked at Yu Rui.

Yu Rui was a little scared, and immediately talked about what happened to him. He returned to the hotel after a good meal today, and just entered his room when he heard a knock on the door. A one-year-old girl, the other party is still wearing the uniform of the hotel.

Yu Rui and Li Chao's luck is good, and they worked hard, so they finally got a good job after graduating from university, but other people are different, especially those girls who entered the society early, most of them found a job with hard work , and then marry early and have children, the woman in front of her looks a little old.

"Yu Rui! It's really you! After so many years, you haven't changed much..." The woman said awkwardly when she saw Yu Rui.

"Miss Xiaomei, what's the matter with you?" Yu Rui was also a little surprised to see someone he knew.

"I... Yu Rui, I really have no other choice, can you lend me some money? My child..." The woman burst into tears, she really has no other choice!

After the woman cried and complained, Yu Rui knew that the other party had been married long ago, but now the child was sick, and she worked as a cleaner in the hotel, earning very little. Because of this, when seeing acquaintances , she disregarded the hotel's regulations and came to ask Yu Rui to borrow money.

After all, he was someone he knew, and the amount he wanted to borrow was not much, so Yu Rui didn't think about anything else, and gave the money to the other party, and after the woman left thankfully, she brought two packs of sunflower seeds : "Yu Rui, these are melon seeds fried by myself. I don't want to eat other people's things for nothing. Don't dislike them."

Yu Rui refused, but he still accepted it. He didn't like eating melon seeds very much, but in his impression, Jiang Chengyi liked it very much. Because of this, he came to Jiang Chengyi with something.

If this person Yu Rui knew was really arranged by Han Tian...

"Is this the person you're talking about?" Before Jiang Chengyi could speak, the two bodyguards spoke, and at the same time they took out their mobile phones and dug out a photo.

"It's her." Yu Rui nodded, feeling a little bit cold. Just now he also saw that there was something wrong with that woman, but he only thought that the other party came to find customers because she violated the hotel's regulations. Who would have thought...

"Mr. Jiang, she is the aunt I looked at wrongly this morning."

"I'm sorry..." Yu Rui said, he really didn't expect such a thing to happen!

"Maybe these melon seeds are fine, but after eating melon seeds, I will always be thirsty..." The kettle and the like are all tampered with! Jiang Chengyi frowned thinking about what he had found before.

"Cheng Yi, do you want to call the police?" Yu Rui frowned, his body trembling with anger and anxiety: "Is it Han Tianxia's medicine? How dare he do such a thing?"

"It should be him." Jiang Chengyi nodded.

"Beast!" Yu Rui rarely scolded someone: "Is he poisoned? He wants to kill you?" Looking at Jiang Chengyi's nervous look, and the information revealed in their few words... Yu Rui was writing the script. At that time, I designed all kinds of magical poisons, but I always felt that there were no such things in reality.

"No, he should have given the aphrodisiac..." Jiang Chengyi said. In fact, there are bodyguards around now. Even if he took the aphrodisiac, he probably wouldn't get the same result as before.

No matter whether it is melon seeds or tea, the two of them have never eaten, Jiang Chengyi is relieved, but thinking that Yu Rui's visit should be watched by someone, since he wants to plan, then should Yu Rui "stay" with him

Not long after, the two bodyguards walked out of the room, but Yu Rui never went out...

When Han Tian got the news from the female cleaner who saw the other party being bullied when he first came to the hotel, and then helped and gave money, Han Tian was a little bit happy from ear to ear.

Jiang Chengyi will be unlucky, and he should be 100% able to get the best actor tomorrow... Double happiness, Han Tian is in a very good mood.

After thinking about it, he went out to find Zhou Yunyun. Although Zhou Yunyun always pays attention to her image and prohibits scandals from appearing, but they have cooperated so many times, it is normal for him to go to Zhou Yunyun for a chat.

"Han Tian, why are you here?" Some disapproval appeared on Zhou Yunyun's face. In front of others, she still kept a certain distance from Han Tian.

"I have some good news for you." Han Tian said. He had contacted Chen Fang and got some inside information. Apart from the fact that he should be the best actor, because of "A World Without Thieves", Zhou Yunyun probably still Can be the best actress.

Hearing Han Tian said there was good news, Zhou Yunyun's voice softened: "What good news?"

Han Tian smiled and told the news he got.

Zhou Yunyun's eyes lit up, her mood improved, and she began to speak flattering words.

The two chatted for a while, before Han Tian returned to his room, he saw a bowl of Liangpi on the table, which was also his favorite food.

Was it sent by Liu Yan? Thinking of the woman who has been pleasing him all the time, Han Tian smiled slightly, and it happened that he was also a little hungry, so he ate unceremoniously.

As he was eating, Han Tian suddenly felt hot and horny. For the release of the new film and this awards ceremony, Zhou Yunyun really didn't let him touch him for a long time...

"Han Tian, why did you leave your watch at the door of my room? If the waiter hadn't knocked on my door..." Zhou Yunyun's voice sounded right outside the door.