Supporting Character Turned Over

Chapter 68


police? How could the police come? Chen Fang's eyes widened all of a sudden, and she froze in front of the cat's eyes.

She may be scheming and strategic, but she is still a woman after all. After doing something bad, she cannot be afraid. Now that there are policemen outside, she is even more worried.

She has two residences in Shanghai, one is here, the other is where she hides Huang Qing and money, now the police have found this place, so Huang Qing's...

Chen Fang was anxious, but she kept thinking of ways to deal with it. She knew that Chen Yuan was a soft-hearted person, but how could Chen Yuan not pursue such a large sum of money? After a little thought, Chen Fang "fainted".

Seeing Chen Fang fainted at the door, Chen Yuan panicked all of a sudden: "Xiaofang, Xiaofang, what's wrong with you?" Chen Fang didn't respond, but she was still thinking about the ringing of the doorbell. After seeing the police outside, he calmed down, "Police! Police!" Chen Yuan opened the door immediately, and exclaimed in surprise.

"Where's Yu Rui?" Jiang Chengyi called the police, but he never thought that it would be Chen Yuan who came to open the door. Could it be that Chen Yuan is really related to Yu Rui's disappearance this time

Chen Yuan had asked Chen Fang where Yu Rui was before, but now he knew: "He is in Xiaofang's car!"

car? Jiang Chengyi frowned. The community here is well built, and the garages are all independent garages. The airtight cars are placed in the garage... "Where is the garage?"

Chen Yuan also knew that it was all her fault this time, so she didn't care about Jiang Chengyi's bad attitude: "I don't know, Xiaofang fainted!"

Jiang Chengyi saw Chen Fang, and his mood became even worse: "What's going on this time? Also, don't you know how to find the key on her?" It was originally summer, and now Chen Fang was disheveled. He and those policemen are not easy to deal with!

Chen Yuan had heard Chen Fang say those words before, and he had already lost his mind. Now he instinctively followed what Jiang Chengyi said, and groped for Chen Fang. After he found nothing, he realized: "Police, My sister fainted suddenly, is it okay to send her to the hospital? Also, I saw the accountant who robbed me of my money... "

Although Jiang Chengyi wanted to know who the person who kidnapped Yu Rui was, what he missed most was Yu Rui's comfort. Seeing that Chen Yuan didn't find the key, he immediately searched around, and finally found it in Chen Fang's bag. Then he took the key and rushed downstairs.

Those policemen were called by Jiang Chengyi, saying that someone had been kidnapped. At first they were a little reluctant, but after seeing Jiang Chengyi, a star they also knew, they regained their spirits, but the case was unknown. They just started He also didn't take any drastic actions, but now he suddenly realized - is this still a big case

That's right, the case where Jiang Chengyi, a big star, came out, maybe it was just an ordinary kidnapping, right

When Jiang Chengyi found Yu Rui, Yu Rui was lying quietly on the back seat of the car.

The air in the garage and the car is very thin, so when Jiang Chengyi first saw this scene, he felt his heart was about to jump out! If something happened to Yu Rui, then even if he became famous this time, what's the point of beating Han Tian down

Fortunately, Yu Rui just fell into a coma and didn't wake up.

When Jiang Chengyi picked Yu Rui up from the back seat, he finally let go of his heart, and when he came out with Yu Rui in his arms, he saw Chen Yuan and a policeman helping Chen Fang down the stairs Well, both parties have to go to the hospital.

Jiang Chengyi's knowledge of Chen Fang all comes from that book and some things that have happened these days, but based on these, he has no affection for Chen Fang at all: "Is she pretending to be dizzy? Seeing Did the police faint?" He didn't look like Chen Fang was really fainted, but she was really capable, and it was not easy to pretend to be unconscious for so long!

"She was hit too hard..." Chen Yuan moved her mouth, and for a moment she really didn't know what to say: "Is Yu Rui okay?"

"Of course Yu Rui will be fine!" Jiang Chengyi was still afraid when he thought about the previous events: "What happened this time? Do you know that Yu Rui was locked in the car and almost starved of oxygen!"

"I don't know, I..." Chen Yuan's face was also a little ugly: "I didn't expect that I didn't wake up for long."

"Who brought Yu Rui here?" Jiang Chengyi asked again, but his eyes were fixed on Chen Fang.

Just now Yu Rui was lying in Chen Fang's car, even if he was killed, he would not believe that this incident had nothing to do with Chen Fang.

Chen Yuan moved his lips, and glanced at the policemen again: "It was the accountant who embezzled Yuanying's money, and he knocked Yu Rui unconscious."

"Mr. Jiang, this time it was the accountant who took away a large sum of money from Yuanying. Now I have someone hunting him down!" One of the policemen saw Chen Yuan's ugly look, so he helped to explain, and his tone was still very excited. In fact, they are just ordinary small police officers. Such a big case has never been encountered before!

Jiang Chengyi frowned and couldn't believe it. Although there were very few descriptions in the book about Han Tian's non-participation, it also mentioned that Chen Fang stole a large sum of money from Yuanying. After this time, Chen Yuan specially invited a general manager to come back. Because of this, Chen Fang finally got the company's...

However, the most important thing right now is Yu Rui's matter. After Rui wakes up, this matter will be clear, right

Because Yu Rui is a man, Huang Qing hit harder, and later he was in a small and almost airtight space with some lack of oxygen, so he woke up a bit late, but it was nothing serious, which made Jiang Chengyi relax. in one breath.

He is a public figure, and this time he was looking for the police and entering the hospital. He was also afraid that he would attract the attention of others, so he quickly called Feng Kun and others over and asked them to control the media.

"Don't worry, everything has been dealt with." Feng Kun said, this kind of matter, Jiang Chengyi doesn't need to say that he will handle it.

"Excuse me, I'll give you a bonus at the end of the month!" Jiang Chengyi said with a sigh of relief.

"Then I'll wait." Feng Kun said, and as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Yu Rui move: "Director Yu woke up!"

"A Rui, are you okay?" Jiang Chengyi asked immediately.

Yu Rui reached out and rubbed the back of his head: "Chengyi... is this a hospital?"

"Yes! Ah Rui, what happened before?" Jiang Chengyi asked, how could Yu Rui be kidnapped when he was fine? What does it have to do with Chen Fang and Chen Yuan

"It's Chen Fang!" Yu Rui recalled what happened at that time. He didn't recognize Chen Fang at first, but later he did: "Also, Chen Fang and the accountant who took Yuanying's money It's a gang!"

Jiang Chengyi was a little suspicious of Chen Fang at the beginning, that is, Chen Yuan didn't say anything, and Yu Rui just didn't speak because he was in a coma. Now when he heard this, his face changed suddenly.

This time, Yuanying's accounting problems were really caused by Chen Fang, right? But it's all like this, yet Chen Yuan still hasn't told the police...

"What's the matter?" Seeing Jiang Chengyi's complexion was not very good, Yu Rui asked immediately.

"Chen Fang is also in this hospital. Chen Yuan never mentioned to the police that she was related to this incident." Although he talked about kidnapping when he approached the police, after so many things happened, Yu Rui also It's okay, those policemen are all focused on that large sum of money...

Yu Rui thought about it, and then he realized it, and smiled wryly, Chen Yuan simply regarded Chen Fang as a daughter, and parents are always very tolerant towards their children.

"Mr. Jiang, Chairman Chen wants to see you." One of Jiang Chengyi's bodyguards entered the ward at this time and spoke.

"Let her in." Jiang Chengyi said, he wanted to see how Chen Yuan would explain this incident.

When Chen Yuan came in, his clothes had already been packed, but he was even more haggard: "Yu Rui, I'm sorry."

"Chen Dong, what happened this time has nothing to do with you." Yu Rui didn't expect Chen Yuan to apologize to himself, and he opened his mouth right away. He was the one who chased after him...

"Then let me say sorry to you on behalf of Xiaofang." Chen Yuan looked at Jiang Chengyi who was sitting next to Yu Rui again, "Also, I beg you not to pursue this matter, okay?" She is now pushing everything away It was the accountant, but Yu Rui knew the truth...

"Chen Dong, have you considered our feelings?" Jiang Chengyi sneered, although he knew the truth from Yu Rui, and he had already guessed the result by thinking about Chen Yuan's reaction before, but when Chen Yuan really When he opened his mouth, he thought it was a little funny.

In her own opinion, Chen Yuan is a very good person, right? That's why she forgave Chen Fang again and again, and that's why she avenged her son who was a "bad guy" in her eyes.

As for his mother, in fact, he was really looking forward to it before, because Jiang Heng has always been indifferent to him and there are many women, he always feels that his mother is a poor woman, but now...

He felt strange, why every woman he hated, someone would desperately protect them, such as Mo Yuting, such as Chen Fang.

"I'm sorry," Chen Yuan said again. She already felt guilty towards Jiang Chengyi, and now she didn't know how to face Jiang Chengyi. The one who cheated…”

"It's you, who actually believed her nonsense." Jiang Chengyi said, before Chen Yuan suddenly came to interfere with him and Yu Rui's affairs, although Chen Yuan said it was unreasonable, but at least it also showed that Chen Yuan cared about him, Look at this time... Jiang Chengyi was really cold-hearted.

Chen Yuan could ignore Chen Fang's kidnapping of them, but he couldn't ignore Chen Fang's behavior of throwing Yu Rui in the car so casually - he couldn't imagine that in that almost closed space, if he went If it's late...

"Chen Dong, I think, if you explain everything clearly, the possibility of getting the money back will be greater." Yu Rui said, he, like Jiang Chengyi, did not think that Chen Fang would have nothing to do with the money. Know.

Chen Yuan also knew this, but she just found out that Chen Fang had been wronged so much when she was a child, so she really didn't dare to provoke Chen Fang anymore.

Seeing that Chen Yuan didn't speak, Jiang Chengyi stood up: "Chen Dong, I think your sister should be accompanied by someone now, so we won't waste your time. Also, you said at the beginning that you and I It doesn't matter anymore, and it must have nothing to do with Yu Rui, so it's better not to look for us in the future."

Chen Yuan was speechless for a moment, she wanted to say that it was no big deal that Yu Rui wasn't injured, but she couldn't say anything, so she could only walk outside.

Halfway through the walk, Chen Yuan suddenly remembered what Jiang Heng said, and turned to look at Jiang Chengyi: "Chengyi, there seems to be something wrong with your father's health, I don't know it very well, you should ask him yourself " Now, she no longer wants to think of ways to force Jiang Chengyi to go abroad, and at this time, even if something happens to Yuanying, she deserves it!

Something wrong with Jiang Heng's body? Watching Chen Yuan leave, Jiang Chengyi felt a little turmoil in his heart.

In his memory, Jiang Heng's health has always been good, but in that book, after his death, Han Tian was an angry Jiang Heng who vomited blood and was sick for a long time... Moreover, Jiang Heng always made decisions before acting like an old fox Yes, even if he died, he wouldn't be so eager to deal with Han Tian that Han Tian caught him in the end... Jiang Heng's body is not really bad, is it

There is also the matter of Chen Fang... This time, Jiang Chengyi has no way to forgive Chen Fang easily, and he does not want Chen Fang to get a large sum of money for nothing! Jiang Chengyi thought for a while, and then remembered something suspicious—why did the people who came out from Han Tian's place lead them to Chen Fang's

Now even if I tell the police that Chen Fang is related to Yuanying's loss of money this time, if Chen Yuan has no evidence and Chen Fang is unwilling to accuse Chen Fang, Chen Fang will be fine, right? After being silent for a while, Jiang Chengyi asked the people he had contacted before to check on Chen Fang and Han Tian, and most importantly, the whereabouts of the money.

After explaining the matter, Jiang Chengyi called Jiang Heng.

As usual, the two greeted each other and there was nothing to say. Jiang Chengyi paused before asking, "How is your health?"

Jiang Heng was stunned for a moment, and immediately guessed what Chen Yuan said: "It's an old problem, and no one will die for a while."

"Dad, what's the matter?" Jiang Heng said casually, but it made Jiang Chengyi even more worried. He suddenly thought of what happened after he went abroad. At that time, he wanted to take on some good roles to make a comeback, but Jiang Heng was more willing to let him learn some knowledge about directors and how to deal with company affairs...

"It's nothing, the doctor said I won't be a director for a few years," Jiang Heng said, "You know, I have also created some careers here, and I will give them to you sooner or later, can you Come here now?" He didn't know what Chen Yuan told Jiang Chengyi, but it was obvious that Chen Yuan didn't do anything, and now he still had to rely on himself.

Go abroad now? At the beginning, he went abroad half a year later than now. After that incident, he persisted in China for another half a year before leaving. But this time, he still wanted to invest in a movie...

"Dad, I'll see you in a few days." Jiang Chengyi said, no matter what, Jiang Heng is his father, and it is impossible for him to ignore Jiang Heng's illness when he knows it.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come over!" Jiang Heng said, since Jiang Chengyi has left the country, he can always find a way to keep him.

Han Tian has already returned to the north according to the original plan. It is not easy to find him, and Chen Fang has nothing to do in the hospital...

It was very quiet that night, and no news came back from Jiang Chengyi's side, but the next day, someone told him something.

In the suburbs near Shanghai, there is a group of villas. Yesterday, a lot of people suddenly poured into one of the villas. No one noticed at first, but after someone found out that those people left without even closing the gate, they finally felt it. It's not right.

Finally, someone finally called the police, and when the police arrived, they found the car driven by the escaped accountant in the basement of the villa.

The money in Yuanying's account was transferred away in batches. Some of the money flowed into foreign accounts, and the other part was cashed in different places. In all, Huang Qing embezzled more than 90 million in total until In the end, he couldn't hold it anymore and left. It is precisely because of this that this matter is now making such a big fuss.

In the book, although Chen Fang got a sum of money from Yuanying, it was definitely not that much. At first, Jiang Chengyi thought that Chen Fang had found a good helper this time. Looking at it now, she must have lured a wolf into the house.

Also, it is definitely not easy for a person who can embezzle so much money without being seen by others, and it is definitely not easy to control such a person.

Jiang Chengyi was right, Huang Qing was indeed not simple.

Sun Jiutian made a lot of money by smuggling and selling drugs. Of course, the money has to be laundered, and he can't use Yuanying to launder the money like Li Bachou did back then. After much deliberation, he can only find talents in this field. And Huang Qing is one of them. Moreover, you need to be careful when laundering money in the past, but this time you try to embezzle the company's funds as much as possible under the circumstance of "someone above" and don't care about other things. Of course, Huang Qing has done a very good job.

At the beginning, Han Tian had contact with Huang Qing when he was in Yuanying. After Sun Jiutian was arrested, Huang Qing was able to escape with Han Tian's help. Therefore, he is very loyal to Han Tian .

When Han Tian introduced Huang Qing to Chen Fang, he really didn't have any bad intentions, but after receiving such a big blow, his thoughts changed completely - since others are sorry for him, why should he be nice to others? ? In this world, one must be selfish to survive!

When there was chaos here in Shanghai, Han Tian and Huang Qing had split into two ways and returned to the north. At the same time, Huang Qing went to an underground plastic surgery shop for plastic surgery—from then on, he would never be Huang Qing again. He is a rich second generation who just returned to China and wants to enter the entertainment industry!

Jiang Chengyi knew all the clues found in that villa, and of course Chen Yuan also knew about it.

At first, she was a little skeptical about Chen Fang, and she even thought about whether she should use her affection and reason to make Chen Fang explain more things, but now that she got the news, she really felt that Chen Fang was cheated, so He told Chen Fang about it immediately.

When Chen Fang heard the news, she was pretending to be sick. She didn't eat and didn't want to drink medicine. After a while, she would go "crazy" once. At this time, she got the news from Chen Yuan that made her almost collapse!

Huang Qing took her money and ran away? The amount of money was not small, and although Huang Qing gave it to her, she really didn't dare to mess with it, but because Huang Qing belonged to Han Tian, and Huang Qing's family was under her control, She didn't think Huang Qing would betray her, but now...

Before, she pretended to be sad and uncomfortable, but this time, Chen Fang was really uncomfortable. She spent so much effort, and even lost Chen Yuan's trust because of it, all the money she got was gone

Chen Fang was watched by Chen Yuan, unable to contact her staff outside, and could not get any more news, so she could only be trapped in the hospital and went crazy, regretting that she did not take the initiative to tell that place countless times—if The police went there earlier and caught Huang Qing's money and returned it to Chen Yuan. Will it still belong to her in the future? But now...

Chen Fang wished she could bite off a bite of her own flesh!

When Chen Fang was still hospitalized under Chen Yuan's insistence, Jiang Chengyi and Yu Rui had already come to the United States.

Li Hui invited him to play a supporting role in his new play, but Jiang Chengyi was not in a hurry because the role was late. After thinking about it, he simply looked for an opportunity to see Jiang Heng first.

Of course, he didn't want Chen Fang to have an easy time, so before going abroad, he specifically suggested that the police go to the villa to collect fingerprints, and at the same time suggested that they collect fingerprints from Chen Fang's car—he didn't believe Chen Fang. Fang and Huang Qing will always be so careful!

Jiang Chengyi grew up in this country until he was 18 years old. It can be said that he is more familiar with America than China. When I finally came back here with nowhere to go, I felt that all this was extremely strange.

At that time, although he used to feel unfamiliar, but he has been in the film and television industry here for several years, and he knows how to play here, and now he will not have any discomfort.

"Cheng Yi, my English is not good." Yu Rui dragged his suitcase off the plane, and after hearing the English around him, he said helplessly. No matter how to use it, the English is all returned to the teacher.

"It's okay, I'm good at English." Jiang Chengyi smiled, he really doesn't need to care too much about it, but maybe he should let Yu Rui memorize the vows he will say when he gets married

Now that he's here, Jiang Chengyi plans to settle his major life issues here by the way.