Supporting Character Turned Over

Chapter 76


After Jiang Chengyi got off the plane and slept, it was already February 12th.

He and Yu Rui lived at Jiang Heng's place, but Xu Zhiping and the others found a hotel to stay in, so early this morning, Jiang Chengyi went to find Xu Zhiping, and then took him to Jiang Heng's company.

In fact, many 3D films have been shot in China, but unfortunately, the technicians are all from foreign countries, and the final production effects are not satisfactory.

For Xu Zhiping's 3D movie this time, the technicians also sourced it from abroad, but the production is much more exquisite than other domestic movies. And he himself participated in it very seriously, and he has some understanding of many technical things.

"Foreign technology is really incomparable in China." Xu Zhiping said with some emotion. In Hollywood, the most outstanding film technical talents are gathered, and he wants to poach all of them back!

"After all, the market here is relatively mature." Jiang Chengyi smiled. In China, a few years ago, because of piracy and the like, even the movies made by big companies might not be able to make much money... Because of this, the domestic film industry Progress is always a step slower than abroad, that is, it has suddenly improved in the past few years.

Xu Zhiping nodded: "That's right, Jiang Chengyi, I'm really worried now, after all, it's such a big investment..." Xu Zhiping said, now the investment in "Journey of the Alien Beast" has more than 300 million, and there are more follow-up The advertising investment is estimated to reach 400 million, and a movie with an investment of 400 million, even if it has a box office of one billion, it is estimated that it will not make money.

"We just have to believe in ourselves." Jiang Chengyi said, if this movie only had a domestic box office, it probably wouldn't be a big deal, after all, the investment in it is too big. But counting foreign box office, it will be different soon!

Xu Zhiping took a deep breath: "Now "Technology Monster" has a box office of 500 million. This movie should not lose everything, right?" He can be said to be putting all his future on this movie. up!

Jiang Chengyi smiled and said nothing, he knew that this movie definitely surpassed "Technology Monster", and Xu Zhiping's responsibility for the movie alone was beyond the reach of others. However, at this time, no matter what he said, it was useless, it would be better to let Xu Zhiping strive for excellence in the film under the pressure.

Jiang Heng has long known about Jiang Chengyi's investment in this movie, and has met Xu Zhiping, but he has always had no confidence in this high-investment movie, and even has the idea of making Jiang Chengyi suffer some setbacks. However, his thoughts disappeared after seeing the materials and finished products brought by Xu Zhiping.

The movie "Journey of the Alien Beast" portrays a heroic character, and in it, there are countless battle scenes. The two sides of the battle are humans and insects.

In movies, children and animals are definitely the most difficult to shoot, and insects are certainly the same.

"These insects are very well photographed." Jiang Heng said with some emotion.

"I specifically found a few relevant experts, and with their help, I can know so much." Xu Zhiping said, for making this movie, he felt that he was almost becoming an insect expert.

Jiang Heng read all the materials carefully, and talked with Xu Zhiping for a long time, and then remembered something.

Jiang Chengyi mentioned before that he asked Jiang Heng to find someone to do the translation and dubbing, so that this movie can be released abroad. Jiang Heng didn't take this to heart before, but now he pays more attention to it: "I will find a special person for this movie. If it’s dubbed, if it’s released overseas, some details will need to be changed.” Because the cultural background is different, some small details still need to be changed.

"Then thank you, Director Jiang!" Xu Zhiping said, he originally hoped that this movie could be released abroad, but relying on his own words, it would probably be very difficult to do it, but it will be different if it is handed over to Jiang Heng .

Jiang Heng nodded, and said again: "If this movie is successful, you can still shoot the second one. When there are some scenes, you can come here to shoot." In Hollywood, movies with the theme of science fiction and the future After all, such movie shooting locations certainly exist, and framing is much more convenient than in China.

Hearing Jiang Heng's words, Xu Zhiping nodded his head immediately, and his confidence became stronger—he should still be able to succeed, right

Seeing that Jiang Heng put a lot of energy into Xu Zhiping's movie, after Jiang Chengyi told him to take a good rest for his own health, he once again expressed his desire to go around.

Jiang Heng didn't stop Jiang Chengyi, but just gave Jiang Chengyi the car he bought as a gift to the other party, and then let Jiang Chengyi go around.

"A Rui, let's go on a driving trip in the next few days!" After getting the new car, Jiang Chengyi looked at Yu Rui quite proudly.

When Yu Rui heard Jiang Chengyi's words, he remembered the absurdity at the beginning, coughed twice to cover up, and immediately agreed happily: "Okay!"

"The day after tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Let's have a good time then. Also, since I plan to develop here, I want to see if there is any suitable role for me to play." Jiang Chengyi said, his contract with Chenguang is in a It was over a month ago, and at the beginning, he also went abroad at this time.

Although he went abroad at that time, because of the heavy blow, he was still very decadent for a few months. If Yu Rui hadn't been sending text messages to encourage him later, maybe he couldn't cheer up so quickly... However, even if he cheered up quickly, he still missed a few opportunities.

Although Jiang Heng is well-known in Hollywood, he is of yellow race and can never reach the top position. There are several directors who are more famous than him. At the beginning of 2015, two well-known Hollywood directors who were not weaker than him planned to cooperate in the filming of a magical drama.

This fantasy drama has a large investment and a strong cast. The male and female protagonists are all world-renowned actors, but there is a supporting role that is difficult to choose.

The supporting role is the final big boss, with black hair and black eyes. At first, the two directors planned to find a Caucasian person to play the role, but later they decided to choose a yellow person to play the role because of the box office in Southeast Asia, but unfortunately, Among the well-known actors of yellow race in Hollywood, none of them are suitable to play this demon king who looked very innocent at first, but then suddenly transformed.

So at the beginning of this year, they suddenly held an open audition, and finally chose a Japanese star to play.

The Japanese star's acting skills are still good, but when this movie was released, the relationship between China and Japan suddenly became tense! This didn't affect much at first, but it was this star who actually expressed some contempt for the Chinese in public, which made the people in the country angry all of a sudden!

Because of this actor's behavior, the movie was firmly boycotted in China. A big-budget movie that received a good response internationally was disastrous at the box office in China. On the contrary, it was released by Han Tian at the same time. Movies with anti-Japanese themes eventually made a lot of money.

Jiang Chengyi also hated this Japanese star very much at the beginning, and because the other party had said arrogant things in front of Jiang Heng during the contact, even Jiang Heng hated him very much. So, when the other party was finally arrested because of a criminal case, the father and son used to drink together to celebrate.

At that time, Jiang Chengyi didn't know why the Japanese star was so stupid as to suddenly attack the Chinese who were traveling in the United States, but after reading the book, he knew that it was Han Tiandong's hands and feet.

At the beginning, after Jiang Chengyi cheered up, Jiang Heng once explained the movie to him, and said that he missed a good opportunity-although Jiang Chengyi's acting skills at that time were not comparable to what he is now, but they are not much different. It's just right...

I went shopping in Hollywood with Yu Rui, and Jiang Chengyi also inquired about this audition, but in the end, I didn’t find out anything at all. Also, the sudden public audition for that role seemed to be due to a dispute between the two directors. for the sake

There is no news for the time being, after Jiang Chengyi called Jiang Heng's assistant and asked him to help pay attention to this matter, he simply stayed with Yu Rui.

The two of them had already visited Hollywood the last time they came here, and naturally they were not very interested in sightseeing this time, so they simply found a place to open a room, and while resting, they did some things that were not suitable for children.

In fact, two people staying together in the room talking and playing computer games is also a very warm thing, Jiang Chengyi wants to rest for two more days!

But things didn't go as expected, at noon on Valentine's Day, he suddenly received a call from Jiang Heng, who told him concisely that auditions for that magical blockbuster had already started!

Jiang Chengyi almost rushed to the scene as fast as he could, fearing that he would miss this great opportunity—this kind of audition made by the director on a whim, if he could meet it, it would be good luck!

Jiang Chengyi had been to the audition place in his previous life, so he was familiar with it, but when he entered, he saw that the Japanese star had already come out... He shouldn't be late, could he

Jiang Chengyi didn't come late, when he finally went in, someone was auditioning inside, there were several people waiting outside, and two of them were lying on the door as if trying to peek inside.

The staff came over to give a brief introduction, and gave Jiang Chengyi another piece of paper, which was a clip he needed to perform later, Jiang Chengyi glanced at it, and found that this clip was not from that movie, but a schizophrenic A passage to other people is a test of acting skills.

"That Japanese guy was so arrogant just now, I can't wait to beat him up!"

"That's right, if it wasn't for fear of causing trouble to Brother Tian... hum!"

A loud voice resounded in this quiet space. As soon as Jiang Chengyi looked up, he saw that the two Chinese people lying on the door were discussing loudly the Japanese man from before, and behind them, a man who looked polite He was admonishing weakly: "You two, don't speak so loudly."

"Boy, why can't we even talk? You're the only one who has too many things to do!" One of the two turned his head and said dissatisfiedly: "Isn't it just a translator? If not..."

He froze halfway through his words, because he saw Jiang Chengyi.

Jiang Chengyi also saw him, and narrowed his eyes—the person in front of him turned out to be the one who injected him with drugs back then!

No wonder they said "Brother Tian", the person who auditioned in it was actually Han Tian? Jiang Chengyi took a deep breath, but in the end he still felt that his breath was not smooth—anyone who suddenly saw the person who had killed him would have a bad breath!

Jiang Chengyi's breath was not going well, but those two were just like him. They ate Han Tian's food and used Han Tian's food. Of course, they also regarded Han Tian as their parents. Under such circumstances, they suddenly saw Jiang Chengyi who had been against Han Tian all along. ... How could they be indifferent

"Hey! Isn't this Jiang Chengyi..." The man who saw Jiang Chengyi snorted coldly and walked towards Jiang Chengyi.

After Jiang Chengyi glanced at the other party coldly, he sat next to him and looked at his profile—the security guards and staff here are very responsible, so he won't do stupid things to provoke others!

"Don't make trouble here..." The interpreter who followed Han Tian stopped in front of him. Although he didn't know much about the entertainment industry, he also had a hunch that if the two continued to fight, they would definitely There will be no good fruit to eat!

"Go away!" The man named Xiao Si pushed the translator away—the translator refused to let them do this or that in the past two days, which already made him very disgusted!

After pushing away the interpreter who blocked him, he came to Jiang Chengyi in a few steps: "Jiang Chengyi, I will beat you up no matter what I do today!"

Jiang Chengyi put down the materials in his hand, and spoke a series of English words. Of course, he was talking to the staff here, not to the person in front of him—this person probably couldn't understand English either.

Sure enough, the man showed a confused expression on his face, and then said fiercely: "Fuck! You bastard, you are not scolding me, are you?"

As soon as the words fell, a staff member next to him stood between him and Jiang Chengyi: "Sir, please get out!"

The staff member spoke English, but the person didn't understand it at all. The translator was dedicated to his duty or wanted to watch the excitement. After hearing what the translator said, the person suddenly became angry: "Why do you want me to go out? ?”

The staff member also couldn't understand what he said, and seeing his ferocious expression, he was still sneaking around the door... Without even thinking about it, he called the security guard.

In China, the average person will give way to an arrogant person, and that person is used to being arrogant, so he is not afraid at all at this time. After seeing the security guard, he even waved his fist and said with disdain: "You touch me try!"

The man who was with him also came up at this time, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and cursed in his rare English: "shit!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the two security guards on the opposite side drew their pistols—this is a large company, and there are two well-known directors in it, of course the security work is very good: "You put your hands up!"

Finally, when Han Tian came out, he saw Jiang Chengyi and didn't say anything, and at the same time, he realized that his two subordinates were no longer there!

Although Han Tian has a bad temper, he is more reliable than his two subordinates. After the translator pulled him to explain the situation, he shook his hand angrily and left here.

The two people who auditioned after Han Tian, Jiang Chengyi only looked at the appearance, and felt that the other party should have no chance. This time the audition came a bit hastily, and there was no limit to the participants. It is estimated that many of the people who came were very Ordinary, right? No, didn't even Han Tian, who didn't know much English, go in before

After Jiang Chengyi met Han Tian and the man whom Han Tian called "Little Four" at the beginning, his mood was not calm, but even though he was not calm, he still read carefully the information about his performance.

When it was Jiang Chengyi's turn to audition, he took a deep breath and played the role of the schizophrenic.

He was restless at this moment, but it was in harmony with the mood, and in this short passage, the mental classifier sometimes comforted him softly and threatened harshly at other times. On the one hand, he wanted to completely restrain his emotions, and on the other hand, But he has to show murderous intent again!

Of all these, who can do better than Jiang Chengyi, who has died once, and has developed enough concentration in that mysterious space, and has just met his enemy

When he finally finished the audition, seeing the satisfied expressions on the faces of the two directors opposite, Jiang Chengyi also breathed a sigh of relief.

After that, the two directors asked Jiang Chengyi a few more questions. After learning that Jiang Chengyi grew up in the United States and was an American citizen, they nodded repeatedly.

However, there were still people auditioning behind Jiang Chengyi, so they didn't say much to Jiang Chengyi, and asked Jiang Chengyi to leave after a few routine questions.

"How is it? Jem, you should be satisfied with this, right?" The brown-haired director looked at his friend beside him. In the previous audition, he fell in love with that Japanese guy, but his partner disagreed, thinking that guy was too arrogant.

"This is fine." The director called Jem said. He was very optimistic about the Chinese who gave an ingenious audition performance in Chinese that they didn't understand. The other party is very suitable for the image of the big boss in my mind, but the other party's English is not good, this will still bring a lot of trouble...

After much deliberation, this young man is more suitable. Regardless of his acting skills, he will not be arrogant or difficult to get along with or cannot get along with his poor English.

After the audition, Jiang Chengyi didn't stay any longer, and went directly back to the hotel where he opened a room.

Today is Valentine's Day, but after going through the previous audition, his mood has changed a lot after meeting Han Tian, so he took Yu Rui back to Jiang Heng's house after he checked out the room, and at the same time, he took the audition today. The situation told Jiang Heng.

"Jason, if you can get this role this time, you will definitely benefit a lot!" Jiang Heng said after hearing Jiang Chengyi's words.

The audition came very suddenly this time. It is estimated that many people don't know the news. Even him, if Jiang Chengyi hadn't explained it in advance, he would have choked to death. Because of this, Jiang Chengyi's chance of getting this role has increased. , and if Jiang Chengyi can get this role...

The investment of this film should be hundreds of millions of dollars, and it was filmed by two well-known directors together. It can definitely become the guiding stone for Jiang Chengyi to enter the entertainment circle.

"I know." Jiang Chengyi nodded and said.

The results of the audition came out very quickly, Jiang Chengyi was notified the next day, and ten days later, he was going to report to the crew.

These ten days of spare time are just enough to celebrate a new year, and Jiang Chengyi is very satisfied with this arrangement.

Jiang Chengyi was very satisfied with the result, while Han Tian was just the opposite!

He passed by there by accident that day, knowing that there was an audition opportunity to go in there, but after knowing the specific situation, he knew right away—his chance came!

His English is not good, so he had to ask the translator to translate the meaning into Chinese and remember it, and then he went in and performed in Chinese. At that time, he clearly saw that one of the directors showed a satisfied expression towards him. Even if there was some language barrier later, that person didn't change his expression, but now, this role turned out to be Jiang Chengyi's!

Jiang Chengyi, why do you keep grabbing his things? Thinking of the impact of "Technology Monster" on "People on the Journey", which is currently being screened in China, Han Tian's mood is even worse!

Han Tian was in a bad mood, and the two people around him could tell that, and immediately encouraged Han Tian to go to Las Vegas to play - the two of them didn't know anything else, but this casino still knew.

After thinking about it, Han Tian finally agreed, and the group of four went to Las Vegas.

Gambling is definitely a big deal, but Han Tian's luck is very good, not to mention not losing, and even winning a little.

"You're so lucky!" A white man who had lost a lot of money before Han Tian came over, and only got back his money after betting with Han Tianxia, said to Han Tian, "What's your name? I'm relying on you today!" After finishing speaking, he put Han Tian's shoulder affectionately.

After hearing what the interpreter said, Han Tian immediately said: "My name is Han Tian." He is warm-hearted, and seeing this white man's overtures, he also wants to make friends—many friends have many paths, don't they

Accidentally met a like-minded person in the casino, Han Tian chatted with him better and better, and that person was also very enthusiastic, took the initiative to act as a tour guide, and took Han Tian to play around Las Vegas .

Han Tian's English is not good. When he lived in the hotel, he couldn't watch TV and could only surf the Internet. After surfing the Internet, he would inevitably check Jiang Chengyi's news.

"Han, God!" The white man came in with a smile, yelled with an awkward accent, and sat beside Han Tian: "What are you doing?"

Han Tian understood such a simple question: "I'm watching the news." He pointed to the computer in front of him.

The white man looked away from Han Tian's neck and turned to the computer, and when he saw the screen on the computer, he immediately said in surprise: "I know these two people."

The translator helped translate the words to Han Tian. After listening to it, Han Tian looked in surprise at the photo of Jiang Chengyi and Yu Rui facing the reporter together after the Golden Tree Award on the computer screen. Then he turned his head and asked puzzledly : "Where have you seen it?"

"Oh! Han Tian, I still had a good job before, which was to register marriages for people. These two people even went to my place to get married." The man said, Jiang Chengyi and Yu Rui are of the yellow race, and both It was a man, and he seemed to have gone crazy just now, so of course he was impressed.

Of course, the most important point is that the man who should be in the dominant position really suits his appetite, just like the Han Tian in front of him.

At that time, he still hoped that the other party would get a divorce as soon as possible. At that time, he would definitely ask for the contact information to "comfort" the other party.