Supporting Character Turned Over

Chapter 93: Spoiler Best Actor


Although Jiang Chengyi invested in the first part of "Journey of the Alien Beast" and participated in some filming, in fact he didn't spend much experience. The second part of "Journey of the Alien Beast" is completely the opposite.

When filming this movie, he was an investor, a starring role, and an assistant director. The experience he gave for this movie surpassed all the movies he had acted in before.

When the 3D sci-fi film "The Journey of the Beast 2" with large investment and production was completed at the end of 2016, Jiang Chengyi gained a lot and was relieved at the same time.

Although he also participated in the post-production of this movie, but the most important ones were handed over to Xu Zhiping and Jiang Heng, which made him feel a lot easier.

At the beginning of 2017, after the later stages of the film were almost finished, Jiang Chengyi had more and more free time.

Caring about his own studio, molesting Yu Rui, interacting with fans... After doing all the miscellaneous things that should be done, Jiang Chengyi began to think about other things.

"A Rui, why are you writing again?" Jiang Chengyi resented as soon as he turned around after sitting on the balcony basking in the sun for a while.

"What do you do when you don't write? Do you want to stay in a daze with you?" Yu Rui asked with a smile. Jiang Chengyi has been idling at home all day long to gain weight, pestering himself by the way, which put his plans on hold.

"Isn't it okay to stay in a daze with me?" Jiang Chengyi asked, he knew that Yu Rui was writing an English script recently, but he really wished that Yu Rui could do nothing and stay with him all day long!

"It will be boring..." Yu Rui touched his nose, then read a paragraph from a book he wrote, and asked, "Is there any problem with writing this way?"

"No problem, but the character dialogue is a little too formal..." Jiang Chengyi said, Yu Rui is a very hardworking person. He learned English from his nanny Laura when he was in the United States, and learned English from himself when he was at home. Those few foreign professionals learn English. In short, the other party’s current English level can already ensure that he can live comfortably in the United States. Perhaps some Americans are not as good as him in the study of grammar.

"Then how to change it better?" Yu Rui asked, he collected a lot of information, and planned to try to write a script of a movie with a foreign background.

Jiang Chengyi talked about his own opinion, and said: "A Rui, you wrote the script in English, do you want me to play it to try to sprint for the best actor in Mosca?"

"I would like to, but it's impossible now. If you want to act, there are better choices." Yu Rui said, as a screenwriter, he must hope to become the best screenwriter in Mosca, and he also Take this as your own goal, but it is not easy to achieve such a goal.

The judges of Mosca are not young now. The movies they like are generally narrative, and the background of their favorite movies should be during World War II... Of course, although the judges’ preferences are so, it does not mean that such movies I will definitely win an award, and if I want to write a World War II movie, I guess I can't write a profound and touching one.

Because of such considerations, what Yu Rui is writing now is an ordinary modern drama, and he plans to practice first.

"In foreign countries, which big-budget film director would choose a person of yellow race as the protagonist?" Jiang Chengyi smiled and said, even Mosca's best film award was also dubbed the best English film award by the industry. After all, people of the yellow race will always encounter various problems.

"Uncle should know some excellent screenwriters?" Yu Rui asked.

"That's true, but sometimes a good script can't be obtained by deliberate pursuit." Jiang Chengyi said: "Okay, let's not talk about this, why don't we talk about where to go on vacation next!" Neither he nor Yu Rui seemed to have ever gone out to have a good time

Moreover, it is their best age now, Jiang Chengyi suddenly thought, maybe he can use a camera to record many moments when he is with Yu Rui now

Jiang Chengyi is now well-known, and he may encounter some troubles when traveling in China, so after thinking about it, he took Yu Rui out of the country, and then from the countryside to the city, from a certain mountain to a certain castle, the two of them together Been to many places.

Yu Rui lived in China since he was a child. When he went to various places, he would inevitably encounter some embarrassing things or offend people inadvertently because of the different cultural environment. totally used to it.

The last stop for the two of them was San Francisco. After playing here, they were going south to Hollywood.

The place that attracted Yu Rui most in San Francisco was actually Chinatown. He and Jiang Chengyi found a small Chinese restaurant in Chinatown and sat down. After hearing familiar Chinese and eating familiar Chinese food, it can be said that the whole person relaxed.

Because Jiang Chengyi is well-known, Yu Rui and him deliberately chose a time when there were not many people to eat in the restaurant. However, what they didn't expect was that the little girl who served the food at the end recognized Jiang Chengyi: "You Is it Jiang Chengyi?"

"Hello." Jiang Chengyi smiled at the other party. He knows the importance of fans, and of course he will treat them friendly.

Signing, taking pictures, and the little girl who served the food chattered excitedly and offered to waive the order.

"Are you not afraid that we will order a bunch of the most expensive meals?" Jiang Chengyi asked with a smile.

"Don't be afraid, the chef is my father, and you can cut corners when the time comes." The little girl laughed.

In Chinatown, there are many small restaurants run by the whole family. Jiang Chengyi didn’t find it strange, so he ordered some home-cooked dishes, while Yu Rui rummaged through the bookshelves next to him—there was a bookshelf in this restaurant, and there were many books on it. There are few books, it is estimated that they are used to pass the time for the guests.

Yu Rui has always liked to read something, so he picked out a random book and read it, but he didn't expect that he would be attracted by it.

This is a detective book in Chinese. The protagonist is a Chinese student who travels across the ocean to study abroad. He rents a house with a eccentric old lady with several others. One day, he suddenly sees that she is talking to her A middle-aged man argued, but he didn't expect that the old lady would die in her own room the next day...

The police intervened in the case, and the protagonist was accused of being the murderer by another renter. After the old lady's family showed up, he discovered that the person who had quarreled with the old lady was the old lady's son. The co-tenant who reported on the protagonist was also killed!

The case is complicated and confusing, and the protagonist's incompatibility with everything abroad is written very realistically, which makes Yu Rui, who has encountered a lot of troubles these days, empathize with him.

"Ah Rui, the food is ready." Jiang Chengyi was originally chatting with the little girl, but after Yu Rui picked up the book, he began to look at Yu Rui frequently, and it happened that Yu Rui was so mesmerized by reading it. Didn't pay attention to him... Finally, after waiting for a few dishes, Jiang Chengyi finally couldn't help it.

"Oh, I see." Yu Rui said, although he was reluctant to put down the book, he stopped. After seeing Jiang Chengyi's expression, he picked up a few chopsticks for him: "These are what you like, eat more."

Jiang Chengyi suddenly lost his displeasure, and became curious about the book in Rui's hand: "What book is it? If you like it very much, let's go buy a copy."

"It's a detective book, well written and very real!" The little girl said immediately, "I heard that the author is an overseas student, and we all guessed that he couldn't bear to harass his co-tenants before writing such a book." .” Seeing the idol, and such a sweet scene, she felt that it was complete!

Yu Rui's face collapsed all of a sudden: "You shouldn't have said that, I've been guessing who the murderer is..." There is such a co-tenant in the article who likes to harass the protagonist...

The little girl stuck out her tongue and smiled embarrassedly: "I'm sorry...but if you really like it, I can give you this book as an apology."

"Are you really willing?" Yu Rui asked, the book was carefully wrapped in a cover, and it was obvious that the owner liked it very much.

"Of course I'm willing! You're my idol too! I really like the movies you write! It always makes people happy." The girl laughed.

A thought suddenly flashed in Yu Rui's mind.

Although people said it was free, Jiang Chengyi finally put the money under the plate, and because Yu Rui planned to take the book away, he put some more money there.

For the rest of the day, as long as Yu Rui was free, he was reading that book, and even when Jiang Chengyi fell asleep at night, he got up and read the book seriously.

So, when Jiang Cheng got up the next morning, what he saw was Yu Rui with dark circles under his eyes but an excited expression on his face: "Cheng Yi, I'm going to buy the movie copyright of this book, I'm going to buy this book The book was turned into a screenplay!"

To be honest, the plot design of this book is very ingenious and meticulous. If he can get the authorization, he will definitely be able to adapt a good movie script!

Yu Rui has an unfinished English script in his hand, but now, he has no interest in that script.

Although Jiang Chengyi liked Yu Rui's presence very much, he was also very supportive of what Yu Rui really liked, so after seeing Yu Rui's appearance, he immediately nodded.

The person who wrote this book was not a young man who came to study in China as many people thought. On the contrary, he was a middle-aged man who had been abroad for more than ten years and worked in a law firm.

It took him a lot of time to write this book. At first he wrote it in English, but after he found it difficult to publish it in English, he switched to writing it in Chinese.

For amateur writers, being able to sell film and television copyrights is also an exciting thing. That person is very negotiable, and he didn't care about money, so he sold the copyrights openly.

In May 2017, "The Journey of Alien Beasts 2" was simultaneously released all over the world. This movie, which invested more than the first movie, also achieved better results than the first movie, making Jiang Chengyi once again become a hot movie. At the same time, Yu Rui finally adapted the movie script.

After making many movies with Jiang Chengyi, Yu Rui has a lot of experience in this area. He used to write scripts, and the plots he wrote were always more than the ones that would be shot in the end. Some plots were deleted, but now that the script in his hand is finished, he doesn't want to and is reluctant to change any words!

Jiang Chengyi saw the birth of this script with his own eyes. When Yu Rui wrote it halfway, he was already very interested in it. After the final product came out, he took the script to find Jiang Heng immediately. .

Jiang Heng didn't pay much attention to the script written by Yu Rui at first, but after reading it carefully, he had to admit that it was a very good script.

Moreover, Yu Rui's writing is very detailed, and the timing is also very good. It can be said that any director can make a movie according to this script.

"You filmed a sci-fi film with Xu Zhiping, and you learned a lot of skills. However, filming in foreign countries is different from domestic filming. I will teach you again. In the future, you can try to direct films yourself. It is!" Jiang Heng said.

Because of his health, he seldom directs movies now, but this time he plans to play in person, on the one hand because the script is really good, on the other hand, because he wants to teach Jiang Chengyi.

"Dad, thank you!" Jiang Chengyi said.

After "Journey of the Alien Beast 2" was released and won a total box office of 3.7 billion, Jiang Chengyi and Jiang Heng began to plan the shooting of the new film.

Although Jiang Chengyi had made movies with Li Hui and Xu Zhiping in the past, no one would explain it as carefully as Jiang Heng, and he did learn more from it.

Of course, after previous tempering, Jiang Chengyi believes that his acting skills should also have made great progress!

The collision between Chinese culture and Western culture, the conflict between the elderly living alone and the tenant, and the humanity and suspense revealed after the murder...

This movie is played by Jiang Chengyi, so after Jiang Heng used all his resources to shoot, he also spent a lot of effort on publicity.

Because it is not a blockbuster, the shooting time is not long, and then the movie will be released at the end of 2017.

In this movie, except for the male lead played by Jiang Chengyi, the heroine and many important supporting roles are not Chinese. It can be said to be a foreign movie, but because of Jiang Chengyi's existence, it is quite well received in China, while abroad, Of course no one rejected it.

This is not a commercial blockbuster, in fact, it also has a bit of literary style, but it cannot be denied that this is a good film, because its box office is not low, and it has been recognized by many people, Even got nominated for Mosca.

In the end, under everyone's attention, it even allowed Jiang Chengyi and Yu Rui to appear on Mosca's podium.

Some people cheered wildly, some people thought it was incredible, but it cannot be denied that this movie was really a success.

In 2018, Jiang Chengyi is also thirty years old. At the beginning, he won the Mosca Best Supporting Actor Award this year, and died at the hands of Han Tian this year. But this time, he stood on the podium and became Mosca's best actor, and Yu Rui's script also became the best adapted screenplay.

Coming out of Mosca's party, Jiang Chengyi met the provocative Han Tian, but this time, it was Yu Rui who suddenly hugged him and kissed him in public: "Jiang Chengyi, I love you!"

"I love you too!" Jiang Chengyi's eyes lit up, and he hugged Yu Rui back. He knew that Yu Rui might do such a crazy thing once in his life, but he really liked it.

The spotlight flashed around the two of them as if it was daytime, and then, Jiang Chengyi and Yu Rui, who let go of each other, blushed together.

There is still a long life, and they will become more and more brilliant.

[Irresponsible side story: dreaming]

Yu Rui had a dream. In the dream, he and Jiang Chengyi had never been together. In the dream, Jiang Chengyi's heart and soul were all about Mo Yuting. In the dream, Han Tian became Jiang Chengyi's most important opponent. In the dream, he and Jiang Chengyi had a spring breeze After a while, they parted ways...

What a strange dream! When he woke up in the morning, Yu Rui thought of his dream last night and felt it was funny, but when he saw Jiang Chengyi was still sleeping next to him, he began to grope for him.

"Hmm..." Jiang Chengyi made a sound, his eyes were closed tightly, but the bottom was hard.

Yu Rui continued his efforts, gently licked the other's nipples, and then licked the other's armpit...

"Why are you so enthusiastic this morning?" Jiang Chengyi finally couldn't pretend to be asleep and opened his eyes.

"I've had a sex dream." Yu Rui smiled, although the dream was inexplicable, but there was indeed a sex scene between him and Jiang Chengyi, so it could be considered a sex dream, right

However, in his dream, he couldn't figure out why he had sex with Jiang Chengyi. Looking back now, combined with the actual situation, it should be Han Tian who drugged them, right

"You still have the energy to dream?" Jiang Chengyi hugged Yu Rui and took off Yu Rui's pants. Could it be that he didn't work hard enough

"That's right, but in the dream you were a little too rude." Obviously Jiang Chengyi had cultivated a relationship with him for so long, and the two of them kissed and touched for so long before they started, and they were still too gentle, but in the dream they made him It's going to be all over the body.

"You think I'm too gentle?" Jiang Chengyi opened his eyes wide, feeling that it was necessary for him to have a more intense fight.

At the beginning, Yu Rui was able to support the wall with his hands and cooperate hard, but later, Yu Rui buried his head in the quilt, leaving only his buttocks raised high.

After several violent thrusts, it was finally released in Yu Rui's body, and Jiang Chengyi took a tissue to clean it up—this time should be intense enough, right

"My waist..." Yu Rui complained, paralyzed on the bed and didn't want to move, but it cannot be denied that it was really fun.

Jiang Chengyi lay next to the other party, but he was still very curious: "A Rui, tell me, what did I do in my dream?" He has also done spring dreams, sometimes with some inexplicable people, so Yu Rui Being with him made him proud.

"That's it..." Yu Rui opened his mouth and described a few words casually. In his dream, he and Jiang Chengyi had been together for many years, but that was the only time.

Jiang Chengyi didn't take it seriously at first, but frowned after hearing it. How could what Yu Rui said sound like the original thing? "Tell me, what kind of dream is it?"

"It's a strange dream. I don't know if it's because you take Han Tian too seriously. In the dream, he is much better than you." After going through a "vigorous exercise", Yu Rui fell asleep again at this moment, "Actually, I was the worst in the dream. You wronged me for drugging me, and Auntie still thinks that I seduced you and made people take me away." It looks like..." Confused, Yu Rui roughly talked about the situation in the dream.

For him in the dream, that experience was actually quite painful. After Chen Yuan had his communication equipment taken away to look at him, he was very sick but no one knew about it. Fang got him out and handed him over to Li Chao.

Moreover, when he went out, he found out that Jiang Chengyi had already gone abroad, and he didn't run around like now, but had no plan to come back at all.

"A Rui, there won't be such a thing again..." Jiang Chengyi hugged Yu Rui. He also speculated about what happened before his rebirth. After what happened between him and Yu Rui, it is very likely that Jiang Heng and Chen Yuan Together, let him have no choice but to go abroad...

Judging from Chen Yuan's personality, she might feel that he has a better chance of development after going abroad, and she doesn't want to help him who is so muddy and unable to support the wall, but for Jiang Heng... At that time, he was in China I have never contacted Jiang Heng in the future, and Jiang Heng is a person who only cares about the result, so it is normal for him to do this.

"Hmm..." Yu Rui snorted, rolled over and fell asleep. The last thought before going to bed was that Jiang Chengyi took the dream seriously again!

Seeing Yu Rui sleeping soundly and not taking the dream seriously at all, Jiang Chengyi suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, but it's actually something to be thankful for, right? Those tragic things at the beginning, now Yu Rui only thinks it is a dream...

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