Supporting Role’s Aura

Chapter 26: Dressed as a spare tire in a love story 26


Dressed as a spare tire in a love story 26

As soon as Ye You entered, he saw Du Yao with a thick quilt behind him. He was lying half leaning on the bed, looking out of the window. Such a scene immediately gave him the urge to cry. No matter whether Du Yao is good or not, he is determined to live a good life, but he still feels distressed and wants to cry.

Du Yao heard the door opening and slowly turned his head to look at Ye You. His expression was calm, but his face was still a little pale, and looking at Ye You's eyes, he was as gentle and affectionate as ever.

Ye You walked over to the bed, and the guards and carers consciously got up and walked out.

Ye You sat down by the bed, looked at Du Yao for a while, stroked his face and asked, "Does it hurt?"

"Well, it hurts, but it's better than when I just woke up." When Du Yao just woke up, he felt like his body was broken into pieces and couldn't connect, and his whole body was extremely painful.

Ye You slowly leaned over to hug him, and then gently leaned his head against him. Du Yao's body could not move at will, so there was no way to hug Ye You back. But Ye You felt that even though it was only lightly touching his body, it made him very relieved.

"I'm sorry..." Du Yao said suddenly, "Ye You, I'm sorry."

Ye You straightened up and looked at him, waiting for him to continue talking.

"The doctor said, it is very likely that I will find it difficult to get better again. I may only be able to move in a wheelchair in this life. Even if I can stand up, I will not be able to lead soldiers anymore in the future."

"So?" Ye You was calmer than he thought, and he still waited calmly for Du Yao to finish speaking.

"... But, I'm sorry, I still don't want to abandon you." Du Yao said with a serious and firm look in his eyes: "I can't make you to others, and then always worry about whether you are happy or not. This torture is more than I can't stand up anymore and it makes me more painful. So, please forgive my selfishness. I want to keep you. Even if I can't bring you glory, I will definitely make you happy."

After staring for a while, Ye You's eyes moistened and said, "Since you said that, you are not allowed to go back, you must make me happy. If you say something about it, push me away and keep me away from you. , I will kill you to vent my anger."

"I promise you, I will never push you away." Du Yao Chengruo said.

Ye You hugged Du Yao lightly again, put his face on his face and said, "It doesn't matter if you can't walk, it doesn't matter if you can't lead soldiers, as long as we have the determination to live a good life, we have many ways. , Can live happier than anyone else, as long as we are together, nothing can stump us."

After the two snuggled quietly for a while, Ye You looked at Du Yao and said, "I can make a lot of money. I will support you in the future."

"You want to raise me?" Du Yao looked at Ye You with a smile.

"Yes, I'm here to make money to support you. We can go to many, many places to play, or build a very large mountain villa on the mountain. We live in the mountains. I cook for you every day. If we get tired of living in the mountains, we Just come back to the city again. I want to build a big house. You and I, our children, our parents, and your grandparents can all live here."

"Okay." Du Yao agreed. He looked at Ye You's eyes, like a net woven with tenderness and love, wrapping Ye You tightly.

"Then let's get engaged first, so that I can justly take care of you. The engagement banquet will not be held. When you are over, we will have another grand wedding banquet."

"Good." Now, no matter what Ye You said, Du Yao would say yes. He likes to watch Ye You talk about their future lives. Although the property he has now is enough for the two of them to spend their entire life prosperously, even if he can't lead soldiers, he actually has many other things he can do. It's not that he can't lead soldiers to fight in the future, and he can't continue to be a soldier. His brain is his most powerful ability. And the doctor also said that if his perseverance is strong enough, he may be able to trigger a miracle and stand up again. Although the possibility is small, he has enough confidence in himself.

Ye You held Du Yao's face and kissed him on the mouth: "You must always be so obedient, always be nice to me, don't get angry with me, you must always have the determination that we can be happy. ."

The two were kissing softly when the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open. Ye You hurriedly separated from Du Yao, turned his head to look at the person standing outside the door, and then he stood up a little embarrassed.

"Mom." Du Yao looked at the door and called.

"I'm sorry, I..." Qin Yuwei was also a little embarrassed. She didn't expect to run into such a scene. The guard told her that someone had come to visit Du Yao, but she thought the people inside were just talking to Du Yao and didn't knock on the door.

"Auntie, hello." Ye You greeted Qin Yuwei politely. He tried his best to hide his embarrassment, but he couldn't help but blush.

"Hello." Qin Yuwei closed the door and walked over and said, "You are Ye You. Du Yao mentioned you to me before."

"Yes, I heard that he woke up, come and see him." Ye You said.

"Sit down, I'll give Du Yao some porridge, and I'll leave right away, you talk about you, don't worry about me." Qin Yuwei was originally planning to stay with Du Yao, but now it seems that Du Yao must be more I hope Ye You will accompany him.

"Mom, sit down too, I have something to tell you." Du Yao looked at Qin Yuwei and said.

Du Yao told Qin Yuwei that he was going to be engaged to Ye You. Qin Yuwei didn't expect that they would want to get engaged now, and advised them to think about it for a while, at least until Du Yao was discharged from the hospital before discussing whether to get engaged. She felt that if Du Yao really couldn’t stand up for the rest of his life, then Ye You should be given more time to consider instead of agreeing to be engaged to Du Yao immediately because of feelings of sympathy. Both sides are even more embarrassed.

But Ye You said that when Du Yao went to perform the task, he had already considered getting engaged with him when he came back. Even if he knew that Du Yao was injured, and that he might not be able to stand up again, he never wavered. I just want to be able to take care of him for the rest of my life.

Qin Yuwei persuaded and persuaded them, but both insisted on getting engaged immediately. Seeing that they were firm, Qin Yuwei said that after returning home, she would discuss with Du Yao’s father and grandparents, and let Ye You discuss with her parents. If his parents agree, the two family members will find a time to meet. If his parents disagree, don't force them to be young. The days to come will be long, and important marriage issues should be carefully considered.

After Qin Yuwei returned home, she discussed with Du Yao's grandparents and father about Du Yao's engagement with Ye You. Qin Yuwei said that Du Yao and Ye You were firm in their attitudes, and both hoped to get engaged immediately.

Du Yao's grandparents and father began to think seriously after hearing this.

Du Hao’s mother, Sun Ting, was also sitting and listening. Seeing that they were hesitant about this matter, she couldn’t help but interject: “Although our family’s identity and status are placed here, if Du Yao is still the same as before, absolutely It is impossible to marry the brother of a merchant. But now, unlike before, Du Yao can never stand up anymore. He can only lower the standard and choose a similar one. I think Ye You is very suitable. "

The reason why Du Yao's grandparents, father, and Qin Yuwei hesitated was not because Ye You's father was a merchant, but because he was worried that Ye You was still too young. He made this decision on impulse and might regret it later. But when Sun Ting said a few words, it seemed as if they were disgusting Ye You's family.

"What age is it now? Anyone who is not a merchant or a business is a big family. I heard Du Yao say that Ye You himself is also a very good child. If Du Yao is not injured, this is a matter of engagement. There is no need to hesitate too much." Qin Yuwei glanced at Sun Ting and said.

"Anyway, Du Yao was not born to me. Everything I say is wrong, okay, I just don't interrupt. You, the mother, decide for yourself." Sun Ting sighed, feeling aggrieved that she was kind enough not to be understood. expression.

Qin Yuwei and Sun Ting have lived under the same roof for more than 20 years. She has long understood what kind of person she is, and she doesn't bother to pay attention to her anymore, and continue to discuss with Du Yao's grandparents and father.

Sun Ting also continued to sit by and listen, wondering what kind of result they would discuss. Naturally, she didn’t want Du Yao to be well. When he knew that Du Yao was seriously injured and sent back, and he would probably never wake up again, she didn’t know how happy she was because she was too excited, and his face was so excited. She couldn't stop her smile. In order not to be sad, the old man and the old lady found her too happy, so she went back to live with her family for two days.

Although Du Yao was a little disappointed when she woke up, she was still very happy thinking that Du Yao would never stand up again.

Du Hao said a lot of good things about Ye Chen in front of Sun Ting, and also said a lot of bad things about Ye You, so although Sun Ting hadn't met Ye You, he had a very bad impression of him. The words she deliberately said just now was that she hoped that Du Yao could be engaged to Ye You smoothly. After the two got married, she could wait to see Qin Yuwei's jokes.

After discussing for a long time, the Du family decided to respect their ideas and choices, as long as they didn't regret it in the future.

Seeing that they had made a decision, Sun Ting was even more happy. In her heart, although Ye Chen and Ye You are cousins, Ye Chen's father is also an official, and there are still many opportunities for promotion in the future. Ye You's father was just a lowly merchant. Even if Ye You himself was a literary soldier, he couldn't get rid of his lowly status as the son of a merchant. Moreover, according to Du Hao and her description, Ye You was completely inferior to Ye Chen. After they were married, she had one more thing to show off to Qin Yuwei.