Supporting Role’s Aura

Chapter 30: Dressed as a spare tire in a love story 30


Dressed as a spare tire in a love story 30

Three months later, Ye You and their recruiting period is about to end. After the last large-scale report performance is completed, the group will announce the list of staying and leaving. In this performance, every recruit has at least one personal performance opportunity. The audience watching the performance will include not only the leaders and soldiers specially invited by the group, but also the performance soldiers, but also their family members and relatives. Watch the play.

On the day of the performance, the art troupe was very lively. Not only many soldiers came to watch the performance one after another, but also the relatives of the recruits almost all arrived.

Those who watched Ye You's performance were not only Ye Jiande and Ye Song, but also Du Yao's parents and grandparents. Because Ye You invited Mr. Xu to treat Du Yao, the Du family was grateful to Ye You, and their affection for him was greatly improved. Therefore, for this performance, they all came to show the most face. Yau’s attention.

As for Ye Chen's performance, in addition to Mr. Ye and Mrs. Ye Jianxian, Du Hao himself, his mother and his grandfather's family came to see some people, and Sun Ting specially invited them to come and support Ye Chen.

Although Du Yao's grandparents and father specially came to see Ye You, in the eyes of others, they are also Du Hao's grandparents and father, and naturally they also came to see Ye Chen. So two generals showed up to watch Ye Chen's performance at the same time, making other art soldiers envy Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was doing warm-up preparations for lajin in the backstage, and smiled and accepted the admiration of others' admiration.

"There are two generals who can come to watch the show at the same time, and it's only you. I don't know if there will be any in the future. Anyway, I have never seen it before."

"The Du family and the Sun family both value you so much, and Du Hao loves you so much. After you get married, your life will definitely be very happy. Thinking about it makes people feel envious."

"Yeah, I really envy you. If I can marry half as good as you in the future, I will be satisfied and have nothing to ask for."

"We are definitely not as good as Ye Chen. Who makes us not as good as him."

"You will definitely have your own happiness." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Because Ye You has to take full responsibility for all three events in the cultural troupe, he has to perform three programs in total for this performance.

Ye Youzheng was drinking medicated tea to protect his throat while talking to Ji Wen. Suddenly a female art soldier ran in, blushing and extremely shy and said, "Ye You, Du Squadron is looking for you."

The lounge immediately became quiet, and everyone's eyes turned to the man. Many people were stunned when they heard the words Du Squadron, including Ye Chen.

"Hurry up." Ji Wen urged taking the thermos cup in Ye You's hand.

Ye You stood up and walked out. Just walking outside the door, he saw Du Yao holding a large handful of white roses, standing in the corridor outside looking at him, Ye You stared at him and walked over, tolerating Smiling constantly.

The other art soldiers also curiously walked to the door to take a peek. Because of Ye Chen’s vigorous propaganda, they thought that Du Yao would never stand up again. Later, although they heard that Ye You had hired a genius doctor to help Du Yao. Healed, but they didn't know the specific situation, and they even had great doubts about whether Ye You really had a genius doctor. So when they heard that Du Yao was coming, they all felt that he might have come in a wheelchair, but when he saw Du Yao's straight and upright body, he was stunned again.

"Why don't you sit in front, why are you running here?" Ye You asked, looking at Du Yao.

"I haven't seen you for several days. I want to see you up close." Du Yao handed the white rose wrapped in kraft paper to Ye You: "I wish you a successful performance."

"Thank you." Ye You took it with a smile.

"Are you nervous?" Du Yao looked at Ye You and asked.

"Not nervous, because I am confident." Ye You said confidently.

"You look so confident." Du Yao couldn't help smiling, and raised his hand to stroke Ye You's soft hair.

"Is it not good-looking at other times?" Ye You asked deliberately, staring.

"It looks good at any time." Du Yao's desire to survive is still very strong, and he didn't hesitate to answer, but he also sincerely thinks that Ye You is good-looking at all times.

Those literary and art soldiers who were peeking were seeing Du Yao smiling for the first time. Their heartbeat was a little abnormal, and their faces started to heat up. Du Yao’s gentle eyes gave them a feeling that their souls would be hooked away. They felt that Du Yao looked more handsome and attractive than before. Such a man is really the best in the world, just looking at it. Let people rippling in love.

After the two said a few more words, Ye You said, "The performance is about to begin. Go back and sit down. I'm going to prepare for the stage too."

Du Yao nodded. He looked at Ye You's shiny and ruddy lips, and wanted to kiss him very much to ease his feelings, but there were too many people peeking, he could only hold it back, and then turned and left.

Ye You watched Du Yao leave. Those who peeked also saw Du Yao's steady steps. After Ye You turned and walked back, they quickly dispersed, pretending that they were not peeking, and then each Busy.

Ye You put the roses on the sofa, and then sat down to tune the violin.

"I heard that Du Squadron was injured very badly before, but now it can go. Your grandpa is truly a genius doctor. It's too powerful." Ji Wen couldn't help but exclaimed with a thumbs up.

"I was able to stand up a month ago. Not only is my grandpa's good medical skills, but his recovery speed is also amazing." Ye You smiled and said that he would go to see Du whenever he had time for three months. Yao, then learn some medical skills from Mr. Xu by the way.

"That said, Du Squadron has recovered to the same as before, and there is no big problem?" Ji Wen raised an eyebrow and asked.

"Yeah." Ye You nodded and said, "After a period of rest, he will be able to return to the team."

"That's great." Ji Wen was really happy for Ye You.

But among the eavesdroppers next to him, some of them couldn't be happy anymore, and that person was Ye Chen. He didn't expect that Ye You could find the genius doctor, and he actually cured Du Yao, and they would live under the same roof in the future. Isn't he inferior to Ye You everywhere? Ye Chen felt unwilling to think about it, but for the time being, he had no other way to let Du Yao and Ye You break the marriage contract.

Elder Du, Elder Sun, and Elder Ye were sitting in the middle of the front row. Elder Du and Elder Ye disliked each other, and there was no communication during the whole process. Grandpa Sun and Grandpa Ye belong to the same faction, and the two are considered good friends. If Grandpa Sun hadn't persuaded him, Grandpa Ye could not agree to let Ye Chen and Du Hao be engaged so easily. And Father Du and the other two have had many open and secret fights over the years, and there are various personal reasons. Naturally, there is nothing to say, and he doesn't even bother to deal with it.

And Sun Ting deliberately pulled Ye Chen's mother Su Ping and sat beside Qin Yuwei. On the other side of Qin Yuwei was Ye You's mother Xu Yun. Sun Ting sat like this on purpose because Du Hao always told her, Ye Chen is so good. He is the most valued recruit in the art troupe. Even most of the veterans are not as good as him. So she is going to show off with Su Ping when Ye Chen performs.

The performance began, and the first performers were recruits who would be assigned to the band in the future.

In Ye You’s three performances, each of them was on the stage. When it was Ye You’s turn to play, he played a very lively violin song, which was in line with his current mood. After Du Yao was able to walk and dance , His mood is particularly good.

The cheerful tunes drove the emotions of the audience and made people feel very happy. With such a fast-paced and stable performance, even laymen can hear Ye You’s strength and feel that Ye You is better than the ones he played before. Everyone must be excellent.

Xu Jingyuan stood at the entrance to the side of the stage and looked at it, thinking in his heart that Ye You’s strength is still so amazing and amazing, and he found that every time Ye You performed on stage, he practiced better than usual. He played better during the assessment, as if he was born for the stage.

"It's so good, it makes people feel very happy when listening." Qin Yuwei whispered to Xu Yun.

"I learned a lot of musical instruments when I was a child, but the violin persisted. It is indeed a lot better than before. It seems that after joining the art troupe, he has been practicing very hard." Xu Yun said with a smile.

"What's so good about this instrument? The dance performance is more worthy of appreciation. I don't know when Ye Chen will be on stage." Sun Ting said to Su Ping.

"I heard Ye Chen said that he was relatively behind." Su Ping replied.

"Du Hao always tells me that Ye Chen is the best in this group of recruits. He must be performing on stage. In order to enjoy the best performance, it is worth waiting more time." Sun Ting said with a smile. .

Su Ping also smiled.

After Ye You finished his performance, the recruits from the dance team took the stage to perform. Ye Chen's order of on stage was indeed the last in the dance performance. He was the second on stage, but Ye You was the one who took the stage.

After the first few dance performances, when the reporter said Ye Chen's name, Sun Ting said happily: "It's finally time for Ye Chen to play."

The curtain slowly opened, and Ye Chen, dressed in blue and white dance clothes, began to perform the solo Blue Spirit Bird. The blue spirit bird is a very rare bird in this world. It has very beautiful blue feathers, and its posture when dancing and playing among the flowers is also very flexible and graceful.

Ye You’s dancing skills are still very good. He performed the blue spirit bird’s agile and graceful dance in place. Before Ye You crossed, he was indeed the best recruit among the recruits. But after Ye You crossed, he was right. Not any more.

"Dancing is really good! This dance is very difficult to see, but he looks very relaxed when he dances, and it is so good-looking. No wonder Du Hao said that he is the best among the recruits. This dance is just better than Why playing the violin looks interesting, Ye Chen doesn't know how much better than some people." Sun Ting said quietly, but it was enough for Qin Yuwei next to him to hear it.

Qin Yuwei didn't bother to care about her at all, and it was impossible to argue with her on this occasion, just as if she hadn't heard her voice.

"He has liked dancing since he was a child, and the teacher who taught him always praised him for his talent. He was still the number one art troupe at the time." Su Ping was very proud of her heart, and she couldn't stop the smug look on her face, she felt Ye Chen really gave them a long face. Now that Sun Ting sees Ye Chen's excellence, she will look at her even more in the future.

Du Hao also came today. He actually didn't really appreciate the performance of any instrument. Even if he could hear that Ye You's performance was really good, he would not admit Ye You's excellence in his heart. He dislikes Ye You extremely now, and naturally feels unpleasant no matter how he looks at it. And Ye Chen's excellent performance also made him very satisfied.