Supporting Role’s Aura

Chapter 34: Dressed as a spare tire in a love story 34


Dressed as a spare tire in a love story 34

Because there were too many dowries for Ye You, Ye Jiande and his wife sent more than a dozen large trucks specializing in transporting goods to deliver all the dowries at once.

After the car stopped, more than two dozen strong men jumped out of the car, and then carried Ye You's dowry inside.

After half an hour, the guests were all tired, but the dowry had not been finished yet. The yard in the middle of Du's house was very large, but it couldn't fit it anymore. Qin Yuwei could only let them put it in the front yard. Although I don't know what exactly are in these big boxes, the quantity alone is amazing enough.

An hour passed, and Ye You's dowry hadn't been moved yet. Qin Yuwei was worried that it would be delayed, so she asked Du Yao to bring her soldiers to help move it together.

With the help of these soldiers, the progress was finally much faster. The last two large trucks were loaded with two latest imported cars. The soldiers carefully carried in the cars tied with red silk and big red flowers. It's in the yard, and most of the men present have their eyes bright. It is definitely a man's nature to love a car. It can be seen from the straight eyes of the men present looking at the two cars. It is more tempting to them than seeing a celestial beauty.

After the soldiers carried the two cars into the yard, they all circled around the cars, and they couldn't see enough. They really wanted to get a taste of what it was like to drive them.

"Captain," Lin Dong walked to Du Yao's side and whispered, "Can this car be borrowed from me to drive once? Just once!"

"This is your sister-in-law's dowry, and I don't have the right to borrow it." Du Yao said.

"Also." Lin Dong was very sorry, but he was absolutely embarrassed to ask him to speak to Ye You.

The male guests onlookers couldn't help but discuss it.

"I've seen this car in foreign magazines. The price is scary. The price of a car is enough to buy a small western-style building. The boss of the Ye family deserves to be a well-known wealthy businessman in the country. Two cars for dowry at a time."

"The high price is not the key. The key is that there are only 50 cars in the world. If you don't have foreign channels for imported cars, you can't buy it even if you have money."

"This car is so beautiful. Look at this curve and look at this appearance. I can't find a car that is more beautiful than this. It's really beautiful!"

"If I can feel it once, I will have no regrets in my life."

"I heard that this car is also fast. It is by far the fastest and best-performing car in the world, so the price is scary."

"Do you think he is willing to sell this car? I am willing to pay three times the price."

"This is someone's dowry. Can you sell it casually? I think it's more reliable to find a way to befriend the boss of the Ye family. He must be able to buy this car."

Ye Chen stood in the corner and looked at the two cars, feeling sour. In his original world, cars are no longer a rare thing. The streets are full of cars of various types, but in this era, cars are Things that are hard to buy with money. And even if he is used to seeing various styles of cars, he has to admit that the car in front of him is indeed very good-looking, and it will definitely become a classic.

Two dozen big men, tired and sweaty, guarded separately beside the dowry, and then opened all the wooden boxes for the guests to watch the makeup.

The male guests who got a good position and were able to watch the two cars were unwilling to move their feet. Other guests who could not get a good position and could not watch from a close range moved their feet to see other dowries. They are now more curious. , In those big boxes, what is packed.

Many of the guests who were able to attend this wedding banquet were powerful and powerful. Even if they were not powerful, most of them had seen the world, but these people were still shocked by Ye You's dowry. The older ones, for the sake of their identities, it is not easy to express the shock in their hearts too clearly, but the art soldiers, after all, are young and can't keep words in their hearts, and can't help but talk in a low voice.

"Is that big box of pearls? Or Ye Mingzhu? It's too big! One, two, three... There are sixteen, and there are pearls the size of a baby's fist. I haven't even heard of it."

"Those tall pots... are they red coral? They are beautiful!"

"Your complete set of tea sets and tea tables seems to be made of emperor green jade."

"Those crystal curtains are so beautiful. They are white, blue, pink, red, green, and yellow. They can't be changed all year round."

"That's not a crystal, isn't it? It's like a gem or something."

"Do you use gemstones for door curtains? Damn, it's too extravagant? It's not so extravagant to marry a princess before, right?"

"What kind of wood is that big screen? The carvings on it are so exquisite and golden, so beautiful."

"It's a screen made of golden nanmu." said a bookish middle-aged man with glasses.

In fact, most of the things, these art soldiers can't see what they are made of, but they just think they look good, and the items that can be recognized are enough to shock them. And they couldn't see what it was, but it was something that shocked those with status and status.

On the day of the wedding of Ye Chen and Du Hao, only Liu Hui came with the dance team. Today, except for Liu Hui, all the art troupe can come. Because Ye Chen only knew the people of the dance team, and Ye You's triathlon, the leader of the acoustic band and the band came with people, and the deputy leader of the dance team also came with some members of the dance team.

A teacher of the band said to Xu Jingyuan: "Leader Xu, look at those violins, they are all treasures."

Xu Jingyuan had been watching it a long time ago, and his eyes were straight. There are more than a dozen violins, each of which is very valuable, and there are two grand pianos, one black and one white. Amazing. They all knew that Ye You's family was rich, but they didn't know that his family was so rich.

Although a lot of people came to the art troupe today, Ye You is different from Ye Chen. He doesn't like to let a group of people with ordinary relationships surround him and say some flattering and flattering words. So he only invited Ji Wen and Zhao Yu to come to the room to speak with him. He always felt that true good friends don't need a lot, just one or two people who can meet each other is enough.

Ji Wen stood by the window and looked at it for a while and said, "Your dowry is too much, right? Your parents have emptied their home and brought you here?"

"If I don't stop, they are still going to add it." Ye You ate the cut fruit and said, "I keep my parents low-key, but in order to prevent me from being underestimated, this time I really showed it to others. Let’s take a look at our family’s financial resources. Actually, I don’t think it is necessary. After all, the wealth is not revealed, and it’s not good if people are thinking about it. But it’s what they think of me, and I can’t say anything."

"Fortunately, this is the family area of the military area. No thieves dared to steal things here, otherwise the thieves would really miss it." Ji Wen walked to the sofa opposite Ye You and sat down and said.

The men in this family are all equipped with guns, including Mr. Du's guards also have guns. The average little thief does not have the guts to steal things here, but there is no guarantee that there will be no money or death.

"Wait tomorrow, I will ask my brother to bring people over, and take most of the valuables and put them in the safe of the bank, so that I can feel more at ease." Ye You paused and said, "It's just that the two cars are different. I know what to do, it's a pity to leave it, and it's too sassy to drive out."

"Do you have a car in your dowry?"

"Yes, there are only fifty cars in the world in a limited edition. My dad bought two cars through his relationship abroad, and they were all married to me. I said he would leave one for my brother and he didn't want to keep it. , Let me and Du Yao one person and one car."

"Then open it, what are you afraid of."

"I won't open anyway," Ye You shook his head and said, "It's too swagger."

If it were in his original world, let alone a car, he had driven all ten private jets of different sizes in his family. However, in this era when there are so few cars, there is no monitoring and it is not safe to drive out.

"After getting married, giving birth is the top priority. Have you discussed it? When are you going to have children?" Ji Wen asked.

"Let's go with the flow, give birth when you have one, and don't force it. I didn't want to have a baby too early, but now I feel that having a baby earlier has the advantage of having a baby earlier. Anyway, the marriage is closed, and the child is sure. To give birth, in that case, it is better to give birth later than to give birth early."

The three of them were chatting while eating fruits. In fact, it was mainly Ye You and Ji Wen who were chatting, and Zhao Yu, as usual, listened to them quietly.

The guests who finished viewing the makeup below put the makeup viewing ceremony into the silver washbasin, and then went to the lobby to sit and wait for the table to be opened.

Sun Ting was also raised since she was little. The Sun family is also a big family. She thinks she has seen good things both at home and abroad, but today she was shocked by Ye You's dowry.

"There is a little money and everyone in the world would like to know it. No wonder the smell of copper, no matter how rich it is, it's just a lowly merchant. What's to show off!" Sun Ting only needs to think of Qin Yuwei and Du Yao's refusal to talk to the Sun family. The appearance of the marriage made me feel angry, and I felt even more angry when I saw Ye You's dowry today. Although she didn't want the daughter of the grandson to marry Du Yao, but Du Yao fell in love with the brother of a merchant family but didn't like the daughter of their grandson, so she couldn't be angry or not. No matter how rich it is, in her opinion, a lowly status cannot be changed with money.

"Okay, sister, let's just say a few words, it's not good to be heard." Sun Xiaoning whispered: "It's almost time for the opening of the table, let's go to the table too."

"Humph!" Sun Ting snorted and walked forward. She was actually jealous. She was jealous of Ye You and their rich family, but she didn't want to admit it in her heart and mouth.

There is also a person who is jealous and has stomachache, Ye Chen. He really did not expect that Ye Jiande and his wife would have money to such an extent. If he had known that, he should always have a good relationship with Ye You. Ye You got a lot of benefits, maybe he could get some dowry from Ye Jiande. Thinking about it now, he felt that the decision to let Ye You pay for him was a blunder.

When it was auspicious, Ye You went out with Du Yao and offered tea to Mr. Du, Mrs. Du, Du Zhenfeng and Qin Yuwei.

Du Yao took Ye You’s hand and walked out. The two stood together, making everyone shook their heads at the same time. There was an illusion of seeing the person in the painting walk out of reality. The appearance and temperament of both of them were too good. Like a person in reality.

Qin Yuwei looked at the two with a smile and was very moved. She thought that for so many years, her tolerance and persistence were all to see that Du Yao could have a good life. She felt that Ye You was the most suitable for Du Yao in the world. Yao's person, Ye You can control Du Yao, so she feels very relieved and relieved.

Du Zhenfeng held Qin Yuwei's hand, Qin Yuwei turned to look at him, and then smiled. When Du Yao was seriously injured and unconscious, and he was probably unable to stand up again after waking up, they felt the same heartache, sadness, and sadness in their hearts. Now Du Yao is back to the same as before. He can walk, run and jump, and he can return to the team to continue to lead troops. Their hearts are moved and fortunate the same.

Sun Ting watched Du Zhenfeng holding Qin Yuwei's hand, her heart was suddenly angry and sour, she clenched her teeth and fists to endure the anger in her heart before she controlled herself and left without getting up. On the day Du Hao and Ye Chen got married, Du Zhenfeng didn't hold her hand like she does now, nor did she look at Qin Yuwei with the gentle eyes, and didn't even go to her room for the night. How could she not be angry.

Sun Ting feels that she has not only given birth to Du Hao in Du's house for so many years, she is also filial and obedient in front of Du's father and his wife. , She who can worry about it also does her best to worry about it, even if there is no credit, there is hard work. But no matter how she behaves, why in Du Zhenfeng's heart, she is no better than Qin Yuwei's false high. After so many years, she hasn't understood what is good about Qin Yuwei, and how can she compare to her

Sun Ting felt that even though Qin Yuwei was born in a scholarly family, Sun Ting had also been reading poetry since she was a child, and she had returned from studying abroad and had seen the world outside. Not only is she not as talented as Qin Yuwei, but she also looks more beautiful than Qin Yuwei. Qin Yuwei has a sober face. She has neither style nor taste. Why has Du Zhenfeng loved her for so many years

Qin Yuwei really doesn't like to dress up, and her clothes are mainly simple and elegant. Although she looks good, she is indeed not as good-looking as Sun Ting. But Du Yao looks more handsome than Du Hao because Du Yao looks more like his grandfather and uncle, while Qin Yuwei looks like her mother.

Sun Ting felt that Du Zhenfeng was unfair to her. If she did not fall in love with Du Zhenfeng and did not marry him, she would not suffer such a grievance by marrying anyone. But everything was her choice. She felt wronged, and Qin Yuwei didn't feel wronged, and it was Sun Ting who forcibly intervened between her and Du Zhenfeng.

No one wants to share her husband with others. What's more, Qin Yuwei and Du Zhenfeng's childhood sweethearts love each other sincerely. In Qin Yuwei's eyes, Sun Ting is the saboteur between her and Du Zhenfeng.

After offering tea to Mrs. Du and Mrs. Du, Du Yao helped Ye You up, took his hand and walked to the knees in front of Du Zhenfeng and Qin Yuwei, and respectfully offered tea to both of them.

After Du Zhenfeng and Qin Yuwei had tea, they put the red packets in the tea tray.

Qin Yuwei took Ye You's hand and said, "I am really happy that you can come to our house. You are an excellent, outstanding, and especially blessed child. Du Yao is the luckiest in his life to marry you. Matter. Du Yao sometimes makes people feel uncomfortable. I will leave him to you in the future, and you will take care of him."

Ye You turned his head and glanced at Du Yao. How dare to say that he will discipline Du Yao well in the future. He can only say: "In the future, we will support each other and take care of each other, and we will work hard to live a happy life. "

With tears in her eyes, Qin Yuwei smiled and nodded. In fact, she still had a lot of words in her heart to say to the two of them. She wanted to tell Du Yao and Ye You that they would only be the only ones for each other in this life, whether it was body or soul. All belong to each other only. However, if these words are not easy to say in such an occasion, Du Zhenfeng's face will not look good, and the guests will feel that she is venting the grievances in her heart. Today is the day of joy for Du Yao and Ye You once in a lifetime, and she can't spoil such a beautiful atmosphere.

After serving the tea, Du Yao took Ye You's hand to toast the guests.

Ye You drank fruit wine with a very low alcohol content. Naturally, Du Yao would not be let off easily. He drank all high spirits poured by the guests.

There were so many guests here today. Du Yao couldn't stand this drinking method even with an iron-struck stomach. Old lady Du and Qin Yuwei hurriedly winked at Du Yao's cousins and cousins, and asked them to help stop the wine.

Ye You went back to the room to rest after serving every table, leaving Du Yao to drink with them by himself.

The soldiers under Du Yao were so jealous that Du Yao married Ye You. Although they wanted to vent Du Yao’s wine, they didn’t have the courage. Not only could they not do it, but they had to help stop the wine. If he is not active enough to block alcohol, he will definitely find a way to torture them after Du Yao returns. Therefore, while Du Yao is still sober, let him see that he is actively helping him block alcohol.

After Ye You returned to the room, he filled his stomach first, and after a short rest, he took a bath comfortably, soaked in the white and scented fragrance, then put on his nightgown and lay on the bed. Waiting for Du Yao.

This is the first time Ye You slept in Du Yao’s room and bed. It may be because of the brand new quilt he just put on, or because Du Yao rarely lives. The big bed does not smell like Du Yao, but After all, this was the bed Du Yao had slept in. From now on, it will be the bed of both of him and Du Yao. Thinking of this, Ye You felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Ye You thought, and he didn't know if Du Yao was still awake after returning to the room, it was very likely that he passed out drunk and was sent back. Ye You just finished eating and prepared all the sober medicines and put them on the bedside. Although they have done it several times before, today is of special significance. If Du Yao is drunk and can't get a bridal chamber, he will still be a little disappointed.