Supporting Role’s Aura

Chapter 38: Dressed as a spare tire in a love story 38


Dressed as a spare tire in a love story 38

Du Yao drove the car to a very remote place, where there were no people, only green mountains and green waters, and the scenery was very good.

"Where is this and what are you doing here?" Ye You looked at the scenery outside the car window, still wondering what medicine Du Yao sold in the gourd.

Du Yao stopped the car and got out of the car, then entered the back seat, hugged Ye You and kissed.

Ye You instinctively kissed him back, until he kissed deeper and deeper, Ye You could only put his head up and put his arms around his neck to bear it.

The two kissed and devoted themselves to selflessness, and Ye You's brain was even more dizzy. When he felt the chill on his legs, he was shocked to realize that Du Yao had taken off his pants.

"Do you want to do it in a place like this?" Ye You asked while holding Du Yao's hand, looking at him.

"Do you remember the few moves the grandfather asked me to do?" Du Yao asked.

"Remember… ."

"In the future, if you want to confirm whether my leg injury is good or not, wouldn't it be easier to confirm with this method?" Du Yao lifted Ye You's body.

"Wait a minute!" Ye You looked around in panic, "What if someone comes?"

"Only the road just now can lead to here. If there was no one on the road just now, no one will show up for at least half an hour." Du Yao kissed Ye You's mouth, making him unable to even protest. issue.


On the nearby tree, some birds occasionally landed on it, but they were all scared away by the sound of the car and the shaking of the car.

Ye You was still recalling the movements Du Yao said when his brain became more and more chaotic. He thought, when Du Yao did those movements himself, it seemed very ordinary and simple. Why use those movements here? This kind of thing, will produce such a strange and exciting effect? He won't be able to look directly at these movements anymore because it's too dirty.

And Ye You never thought that he would experience such things in such an era, and more than once or twice. Ye You originally planned to stay for two days before going back, but Du Yao was unwilling to go back, and then delayed for another two or three days, driving him to different remote places every day.

Sometimes he would move from the car to the outside. Ye You was really embarrassed to do such things outside. Du Yao always coaxed him to take him out.

After staying for four or five days, they went directly back to Ye's house. Ye You still had a lot of things to discuss with Ye Song, so after returning to Ye's house, Du Yao would inevitably be left out.


"These are all made according to the method you said. If mass production, let's not talk about other things. Just the taste will definitely not worry about sales." Ye Song put several tin cans and glass bottle cans. There are some convenient cooked food in foil vacuum packaging, and some high-calorie candies, all opened on the table.

Ye You tasted a bit of each with chopsticks, and then nodded in satisfaction. If mass production can have such a taste, it is indeed very good. Even people like him with a particularly picky mouth find it delicious, but the production method and the material ratio are all given by him, so he is not surprised by such a result.

With these canned meats and convenient cooked food in the future, Ye You doesn't have to worry about getting hungry, whether he is performing in the art troupe, in the combat corps, or with the army.

Ye Jiande paid for the production and sales of these things, Ye Song contributed his efforts, and Ye You developed various production methods and marketing methods. Then Ye You gets 60% of the profit, and Ye Song gets 40%.

The fifteen-day holiday passed in the blink of an eye. Du Yao finally returned to the team after a few months. Although Ye You’s vacation time was not very long, he also had an inexplicable sense of belonging when he returned to the art troupe. After all, it is the place where he can fully show his talents.

After Ye You reported on the holiday, he returned to the dormitory and distributed the various canned cooked food and high-calorie candies brought from home to Ji Wen and Zhao Yu.

Ji Wen opened two cans, originally just want to taste one bite, but couldn't stop after one bite, eating bite after bite, and kept repeating saying that it would be better to have a bowl of rice now.

"I'm not in the group these days. Is there anything new?" Ye You took out the things he had brought and put them away. He is now married. When rehearsing in the group is not so stressful, he always You can go home to live, but Du Yao can't. He doesn't want to go back every day to keep the vacant room alone, so sometimes he still lives in the dormitory.

"Well, there is one thing, I think you should know it, or be mentally prepared. The dance team performed a special performance a few days ago. Ye Chen was very popular. The leaders who watched the performance praised him very much. It’s windy when you walk, and the smile on your face hasn’t disappeared. If you were there at that time, there would be nothing wrong with him. There seems to be something on the dance team recently. You'd better be on guard." Ji Wen After speaking, put the last bite of meat into his mouth with a spoon, and tasted it seriously.

"Anyway, I didn't plan to let them go. They got better and better. It saves me more effort to stimulate them." Ye You said.

"What is the specific situation of the dance team now? The deputy leader Zhao Yuan will definitely tell you. As far as I know, she has been angry with Liu Hui a lot over the years. Going down."

"I think Deputy Team Leader Zhao is pretty good. Since we have Liu Hui as a common opponent, then I don’t mind cooperating with her and helping her realize her ideas and plans. In this way, I will be more relaxed and free in the dance team in the future. ."

Ji Wen nodded and said: "I believe that with your strength, you will never lose to Ye Chen, but you should be careful that they make some small actions to frame you."

After Ye You packed his things, he went to give gifts to both the acoustic band leader and the band leader. After returning from the wedding leave, he sent a small gift to his direct leader to express his gratitude. This is already an unwritten custom in the military. The army is not allowed to give gifts to leaders frequently, let alone give expensive gifts, as long as they are willing to do so.

After going to the Harmony Band, Ye You took a gift to the practice area of the dance team. After finding Zhao Yuan in the big dance studio, he gave the gift to her.

"Thank you." Zhao Yuan smiled and accepted the gift, and then looked at Ye You and said: "After getting married, it is really more radiant, and it is even better than before. As expected, the most nourishing things are happiness. Words."

"I would like to ask you to take care of you in the future." Ye You said with a smile.

"I am specifically in charge of your practice arrangements. Taking care of you is necessary, as long as you don't bother me." Zhao Yuan said as she opened up the gift Ye You gave her, and saw that she was the most in it. Like the perfume, he immediately said in surprise: "How do you know I like this perfume? Is it a coincidence?"

"Last time I smelled that Teacher Zhao had sprayed this perfume, I just saw it when I was shopping, thinking that you might like it, so I bought it." Ye You said.

"I don't like it, I like it too much!" Zhao Yuan said with a little excitement: "I bought a bottle with some difficulty before, and I have never been willing to use it. I didn't expect it to be smelled by you. Thank you."

"You like it." Ye You said with a smile.

The members of the dance team who were standing or sitting next to him were chatting quietly while paying attention to Ye You and Zhao Yuan. They saw that Zhao Yuan really liked the gifts Ye You gave, and was not deliberately pretending to be excited. It was a joy from the heart, and then I couldn’t help but glance at Liu Hui, who was talking to Ye Chen, because Ye You only gave Zhao Yuan a gift, but not Liu Hui. This is already considered very dear to Liu. Hui's face changed.

While Liu Hui was talking to Ye Chen, she was actually paying attention to Ye You’s side. Of course, she didn’t care about the things Ye You gave. Even those members of the dance team who came back from Ye You’s wedding have been discussing it for several days. He sighed how amazing Ye You's dowry was, and her heart was still full of disdain for Ye You. But Ye You ignored her and only gave Zhao Yuan gifts, which still made her feel angry.

It is an unwritten custom of the army that soldiers returning from marriage leave only give gifts to their direct leaders. And Ye You is now equivalent to publicly not admitting that she is the direct leader of the dance team. This is the main reason why she feels angry.

In fact, if Liu Hui is like Sun Ting, no matter how much she dislikes him secretly, she will still pretend to be gentle and generous, then Ye You will also do it with her. But Liu Hui was targeting him both overtly and secretly, and he didn't bother to act. The gift he gave out was ridicule, and he didn't have the habit of finding anger on his own.

Zhao Yuan told the members of the dance team she was mentoring that after letting them rest, they would practice on their own, and then went to the tea room with Ye You to discuss the next arrangements and plans.

After entering the single room tea room, Zhao Yuan closed the door, the relaxed smile on her face disappeared, and she replaced with a slightly serious expression.

Ye You made the tea and waited for Zhao Yuan to explain the situation to him.

"Liu Hui invited the National Dance Academy, a well-known choreographer, and got the approval of the team leader to perform large-scale group dance performances during the special performance of the dance team." Zhao Yuan looked at Ye You and said, "Because it is. Performing in a very open venue outside, so it must be group dances that are more dominant. Solo dances and group dances with a small number of people are difficult to achieve the visual impact of the viewer. Nowadays, almost all members of the dance team participate in large-scale group dance performances. Ye Chen was the lead dancer. In the last performance, he was very popular and received great praise. Liu Hui and him have been proud of it for several days. In the following two special performances by the dance team, they also did a good job. Confidently, I am now discussing the need to change the dance a bit, and strive for each show to be different, but it is also very exciting."

Ye You first poured a cup of tea for Zhao Yuan, then poured himself a cup, and then asked: "The members of the dance team, except me, have all participated in the group dance performance?"

"In addition to you, there are six players who did not participate." Zhao Yuan replied: "These few who did not participate are also players that Liu Hui doesn't like usually. She used the assessment as a reason for not passing the assessment. Can participate in large-scale group dances."

"Enough," Ye Youming took a sip of tea, put down the tea cup and said, "Add me, there are seven people in total, which is totally enough. I will apply for the performance with the leader and deputy leader, and then choreograph by myself, etc. After the rehearsal is complete, the deputy head will be invited to review it."

"You... really think that the dance performances of the few of you can compete with the large-scale group dance of so many people? Liu Hui found this time, but it is a very powerful choreographer." Zhao Yuan said: " Of course, I am not doubting your dance ability. If you perform on the stage of the group, I believe you will have a great chance of winning, but consider the choreography and performance venue factors..."

"Don't worry." Ye You smiled and said, "Since I dare to apply for a performance, I am sure to be able to compete with them. You only need to find a way to let the other people do their best to cooperate with me in practice. Others Leave everything to me."

Zhao Yuan thought silently for a while and said: "Okay, let's try and look good. Even if it doesn't pass, it won't suffer more than now. I will be responsible for supervising the other people in their practice. They are not convinced by Liu Hui. It's been a long time too, I don't think I need much motivation, they will do their best by themselves."

After the agreement was reached, the two began to taste tea seriously, and then talked about some trivial things at home. Zhao Yuan really liked the perfume that Ye You gave her, so the two chatted about perfume for a while.

After returning to the dormitory, Ye You first wrote the application report, and then sent it to the deputy head of the delegation. The reasons why he wanted to persuade the deputy team to approve his performance were all written in the report. After the deputy leader read it, he didn’t say much. He asked him to prepare first and wait for the review before the dance team’s special performance next month. Anyway, It's not that you can only perform during a special dance performance, as long as you are ready, there are many other performance opportunities.

Then Ye You started to prepare. First, he had to arrange the dance in the shortest time. Then he wanted to prepare the costumes by himself. It should be said that he drew the costume design drawings by himself, and then let the people give them to Ye Song. , Let him arrange his own garment workers to rush out in the shortest time.

Ever since Ye You decided to take all three tasks, as long as he was free, he would think about arrangements and choreography. His inspiration is like a treasure trove, rich and abundant in resources. Now he only needs to fill in and connect the inspiration fragments he usually gets, and a complete set of dance moves will be completed quickly. Anyway, during the rehearsal process, he will change and perfect the moves again.

In the evening, Ye You, Ji Wen and Zhao Yu took the washbasin and put on toiletries, and went to the bathroom to wash.

The female soldier’s bathroom and the brother’s bathroom are divided into two sides by a full wall, but the outside washbasin is separated by a tall wooden railing. There are too many female soldiers. The number of children is very small. Sometimes the washbasin on the side of the female soldiers can't be squeezed, and they will go to the brother's face to brush their teeth and wash their face.

As soon as the three of them walked to the side of the washbasin, they heard that others were discussing the last group dance performance, because most of the female soldiers were from the dance team.

"Speaking of which, in the last performance, Ye Chen performed really well as the lead dancer."

"I think being excellent is the next best thing. The most powerful thing is that he can keep up with the practice only a few days after returning to the team, and he has become the lead dancer. It's incredible."

"Yeah, Ye Chen, your basic skills are too good, how did you manage to complete all the dance moves in such a short time? Share your experience with us."

Ye Chen had just finished brushing his teeth and was about to wash his face. When someone asked him this, he smiled and replied: "In fact, I didn't even think that I could keep up with the practice. When I first returned to the team, I was very anxious. , I thought I was going to miss this group dance performance. It may be because of my anxiety that I wanted to do well, so I stimulated my potential."

Ye Chen was very helpful to their surprise and admiration, so of course he would not tell them. In fact, before he took his wedding leave, Liu Hui had already let him practice secretly for a period of time, just because he was worried that he would return to the team after his wedding leave. He can't keep up with the practice, so he actually takes longer to practice than others.

"Anyway, we are inferior to you. No matter how anxious we are, it is impossible for us to explode to your potential."

"Yes, the premise of the explosive potential is to have that potential."

"I really envy you, why am I not as talented as you?"

After Ye You and the others had brushed their teeth and washed their faces, they went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Ye Chen had washed his face long ago, and deliberately ditched, while packing things, listening to their admiration, there was really nothing left to take, and then he went into the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower, Ye You opened the door of the single room and walked out, standing by the door while wiping his hair with a dry towel, while waiting for Ji Wen and Zhao Yu.

Ye Chen also walked out. After seeing Ye You, he wiped his hair while saying: "Ye You, it's a shame that you didn't catch up with the selection and practice of the group dance performance."

It's not in Du's house now, Ye You is too lazy to act with him, and doesn't even want to talk to him, just as if he hadn't heard him, and completely ignored his existence.

And Ye Chen may have become accustomed to Ye You’s attitude of ignoring him, and said to himself: “If you return to the team ten days earlier, you might be able to become one of the leading dancers. With your strength, even a few days. Nai can’t be the lead dancer, but it’s okay to keep up with the progress of the practice and pass the selection. Although you leave regrets because of time, it’s okay. You can practice with us from now on, maybe you can decide on the next performance. , Can you also play?"

Ye Chen's words seemed to be fine on the surface. It seemed that he was really sorry for Ye You, and for Ye You's sake, so let him hurry up and follow the practice now. Others may not be able to hear it, but Ye You can hear the true meaning of his words. Maybe Ye You can become one of the lead dancers. Ye Chen is suggesting that Ye You is inferior to him, because Ye Chen is the lead dancer, and Ye You just might be one of the lead dancers. Another point is that Ye Chen knows how Liu Hui can’t understand Ye You, and it’s impossible for Ye You to participate in the group dance performance she organized, so he said this just to show him in front of others. His kindness and kindness are nothing more than.

After Ji Wen and Zhao Yu came out of the single room, they were too lazy to dry their hair, so they said to Ye You: "Let's go, it's too noisy here, I don't know where the strange noise is coming from."

Ye Chen looked at Ye You’s back and felt very proud. Because Ye You was better than him in the past, his self-confidence was hit hard, and he even thought that his strength was not better than Ye You. He regained his confidence, he felt that his strength was definitely not inferior to Ye You, but he still needed some better planning.

Ye You thought he would be busy as soon as he returned to the art troupe, and he certainly didn’t have the extra time and energy to miss Du Yao, because he not only had to choreograph and practice, but also instructed several other people to practice. Every day was exhausted and he returned to the dormitory. Just want to sleep.

On the first day, he did not think of Du Yao, nor did he think much on the second day, but from the third day on, his thoughts could not be controlled. He was already very tired, but when he was lying in bed , I still think he can't sleep as much as he wants. At this time, Ye You is very upset that the technology of this era is not well developed. Otherwise, it would be nice to have a mobile phone and talk before going to bed every night. Now I can't even want to hear his voice, I don't know what he is doing now, whether he is thinking of him.

Du Yao also returned to the team and took the soldiers for field training. At this moment, he was lying on the grass to keep alert. If he was successfully attacked, the field training would end with the failure of the War Lions Squadron. Since Du Yao took the lead, no matter whether it is training, exercises, or actual combat, there has been no record of failure. Although he was seriously injured and recuperated for a few months before returning to the team, it is absolutely impossible for him to fail in such a small practice.

Du Yao didn't put this level of asymmetric practice in his eyes, but as the people of the Fierce Lion and Thunder Lion Squadron, they did not think so. The Lions squadron won a game. Although this possibility is very small, if it succeeds, it will be an ecstasy for them.

Among those who have this idea, Du Hao has the strongest idea. He wants to beat Du Yao once in his dream, even if it is just a very ordinary training, but he believes that as long as he has a good start, he will surpass Du Yao in the future. Yao's speed will be faster.

The attacker moved forward cautiously, trying hard not to startle the snakes. Under Du Hao’s leadership, they thought they were behind the War Lions Squadron, but they didn't know that they had already been caught by Du Yao's trap. The War Lions Squadron was wide open. Lion's mouth, waiting for them to put themselves into their mouths.

After the two squadrons of the sneak attacker knew that they had been trapped, it was too late. At first, they grumbled, screamed, and then fired like firecrackers. Lime bombs were very painful when they were hit. , He must have been bruised after returning. Some soldiers felt unwilling to move. If they were shot, they would move. Then those who were waiting for him would be beaten violently.

The sky lit up slightly, and the field training was over. The two squadrons of the attacker were completely wiped out, and none of them survived. After arriving at the concentration area, the soldiers of the attacker sat or lay down, resting their heads dejected. They thought about failing, but they didn't expect to lose so badly. Many people were "beaten to death" before they could react.

Du Hao's mouth was bruised and his whole body was in pain, and he was sitting on the edge of a big tree with a disgraceful face. He hadn't even figured out the specific reasons for their failure.

Only the winning party is eligible to eat breakfast. After breakfast, it takes several hours to walk back. Although the army rations are so unpalatable that they can only be swallowed raw, it is better than having an empty stomach.

Du Yao sat on the ground, and from his military rucksack, he took out a canned beef that Ye You asked him to carry. He opened the iron lid and smelled it. The smell was very fragrant. The braised beef that Ye You has cooked for him tastes similar. Although it is not as delicious as Ye You's own, it is also very good, and it is more delicious than his cook.

Lin Dong lying on his rucksack next to him, sucked his nose, climbed to Du Yao's side with his hands and feet at the fastest speed, stared at the canned beef in Du Yao's hand like a wolf, swallowed his saliva and asked. Said: "Captain, have you ever heard a legend that people who eat alone will be struck by lightning."

Du Yao gave him a calm look, then put a piece of meat into his mouth and said: "I heard about this legend, but I have never been struck by lightning. I really want to try what it feels like to be struck by lightning."

Lin Dongguang swallowed all the time after smelling the scent. He didn't know where the courage came from, and quickly reached out to Du Yao, trying to grab the canned meat. But he was overpowered by Du Yao, and he couldn't move when he was pressed on the ground.

Lin Dong struggled a few times without success. Thinking that at this time, he could only rely on the power of the group, he shouted: "Brothers, the captain has meat here, come and eat it!"

The soldiers who had smelled the scent a long time ago all gathered around, staring at Du Yao one by one like a hungry wolf. There are many of them, but they don't have the courage of Lin Dong. They dare to grab meat from Du Yao's hands and can only launch eye attacks.

Under the gaze of dozens of pairs of hungry wolves, Du Yao still ate the meat calmly. He took out another can of meat from his rucksack until he ate all of the meat, and then he threw it away. The soldiers all rushed over and snatched it.

"Save some, save me a bite!" Lin Dong yelled anxiously, thinking of so many people. If he doesn't hurry over and grab the meat, he won't even be able to take his turn. He can only beg for mercy: "Captain , I was wrong, I really know it was wrong, I will never dare to snatch meat from your mouth next time, just let me go."

Du Yao pressed his rucksack on Lin Dong's body, and then leaned on the rucksack to rest for a while.

"Captain, I really know that I was wrong, you let me go this time, Captain..." Lin Dong was almost out of breath.

Now relax, as long as Du Yao closes his eyes, he will think of Ye You, want to kiss his face and lips, want to hug his soft body, and even want to lie on the bed with him. Smell the scent on his body and fall asleep.

Du Yao’s miss for Ye You is of course not less than Ye You’s. Even if he only has a little free time, he would think about Ye You. Just remembering the memory of Ye You lying in his arms makes him feel Very happy, but the more I remember, the more I miss it, and the more I miss it, the more I want to remember. Love is really something that can make people happy and torment people.

After the dawn, they were almost resting. Du Yao stood up and ordered to return. Everyone immediately got up and put on their rucksacks. Only Lin Dong was still lying on the ground and pretending to be dead. He was heartbroken because he could not eat the meat. And dead.

The two soldiers walked over and squatted down, pretending to test Lin Dong's breath, pretending to be serious, and said to Du Yao: "Report to the captain, the deputy captain is out of breath."

"You two stayed and buried him on the spot, and the others followed." After Du Yao finished speaking, he set off quickly, and the soldiers immediately followed.

Lin Dong immediately bounced off the ground. While carrying his rucksack, he quickly followed Du Yao. After following up, he still asked Du Yao if there is any canned meat, or if there is any canned meat in the dormitory, or if there is any in the dormitory. Where can I buy it? In short, he won't give up if he doesn't eat it.

In this era, there is no such high-tech equipment, so it is impossible to use surveillance and other things to observe the process of training and exercises. Therefore, during each training and exercise, several observers would follow, hiding aside to watch the whole process, and then record it.

Winning in this training is a matter of no joy or superiority to the soldiers of the War Lions squadron, but to the soldiers of the other two squadrons, it is quite embarrassing, because they lost too much. It's thorough.

After reading the observer's record report, the captain gave the other two squadrons a big deal. Du Hao and Gu Hang were even more critically criticized, and their faces were lost. Not only did Du Hao look ugly, but he was even more uncomfortable in his heart. Because of their failure this time, he had to pay the main responsibility.

After the captain was disbanded, Du Yao unloaded his backpack and weapons and handed them over to the soldiers, while walking to the captain and complaining: "Brigade, can you not call us for this kind of play-by-house training in the future? It’s a waste of our training time. Just let the two squadrons play on their own."

Du Hao passed by Du Yao, and he was even more angry when he heard him say this, but he couldn't go to the theory with Du Yao, so he could only strode back to the dormitory angrily.

"You kid, don't complain to me!" The captain looked at Du Yao and said, "I watched you recuperate for a few months before returning to the team, so let you get used to it and you can stretch your muscles and bones."

"Thank you, captain, but this kind of adaptation will be avoided in the future." Du Yao's expression was redundant.

"Go!" The captain raised his foot as a flying kick, but Du Yao easily avoided it.

After returning to the dormitory, Du Hao slammed the door shut, then beat the sandbag vigorously and quickly like crazy. The anger, frustration, and annoyance in his heart were all concentrated on his fist, wanting to vent. From childhood, Du Yao was better than him in whatever he did. He tried so hard to beat him and surpass him, but he never succeeded.

When Du Yao was seriously injured and sent back into a coma, he thought he had finally got rid of Du Yao's suppression, but the ecstasy in his heart disappeared as Du Yao stood up again. He felt that Ye You was to blame for all this. If Ye You hadn't gotten a genius doctor to help Du Yao heal his leg, he wouldn't have to experience everything now.