Supporting Role’s Aura

Chapter 52: Dressed as a spare tire in a love story 52


Dressed as a spare tire in a love story 52

Two hours after Du Yao gave the order, all the soldiers returned to the previous camp. The soldiers had already begun to pack their things and prepare to return.

Although Frank was very angry, his task was to lead the soldiers to follow Du Yao's training process, so it cannot happen that Du Yao and the others have returned to the original camp, but they are still here. So Frank arranged for soldiers to carry those who could not move.

When the soldiers of the Aurico nation brought their people out of the camp one by one, they were shocked when they saw that the other medical and artistic soldiers walked out of the camp by themselves, wondering if it was. Are these people monsters? Why is their person unable to walk even after the painkiller, but the other person recovers so well after just a night's rest

Not only Frank and his soldiers were stunned in shock, but even the recorder who was hidden next to him was very surprised. They couldn't believe their eyes, and then quickly took everything they saw. Every detail was recorded, especially the recorders of Orico Country, and they even recorded things like how much breakfast each person ate.

In fact, the soldiers on Du Yao's side were also quite surprised, but they didn't show it, but looked calm, as if they had known it a long time ago.

If this is not training but a real war, those who need to be carried away in Aurico will become a drag on the entire army, and it is likely to cause more serious casualties. The purpose of actual combat training is to simulate all possible critical situations, and then come up with countermeasures and solutions to minimize losses.

Because there was a delay of two more hours in the camp at the top of the mountain, after returning to the original camp, Du Yao cancelled the rest time and immediately began confrontation training.

The content of the confrontation training is that the two armies will seize the high ground.

Frank was suffocated in his heart, determined to win Du Yao once, and immediately set off with the soldiers. Regardless of the soldiers' current state or the surrounding environment, they just ordered the soldiers to move forward quickly regardless of everything. At all costs, we must seize the high ground ahead of Du Yao and the others.

Lin Dong looked at Frank and they had surpassed them very far. Only some dark shadows could be seen. He turned his head to look at Du Yao a little worried and asked: "Captain, are we really not going to catch up? At this distance, we can completely catch up. In terms of quality, if you really wait for them to lengthen the distance, it will be difficult to chase them."

"What's the hurry?" Du Yao said while eating while walking at a certain speed: "How can I eat if I run too fast? I'll fill my stomach first."

Lin Dong thought to himself, so why didn't you just give a few minutes to eat before ordering to start confrontation training? Do you have to eat while walking? However, Lin Dong did not dare to complain, nor did he dare to question Du Yao's decision.

It is spring, and the wild flowers blooming all over the mountains and plains are a very beautiful sight, but when Frank and the others walked through the flowers, they didn't have the slightest idea of stopping to rest, they just ran forward desperately.

After filling his stomach, Du Yao ordered to start chasing at full speed, gradually shortening the distance between Frank and the others.

People on both sides ran in the mountains for more than two hours. Frank looked back from time to time and saw that Du Yao and the others were about to catch up. He became even more anxious and kept ordering the soldiers to move forward quickly. With only the last distance left, they would win. Up.

Suddenly, a gunshot sounded, as if a cut was made on a quiet canvas, and then there were successive gunshots. The actual combat training to seize the high ground, of course, will not be as simple as someone running faster in the mountains. The last team of soldiers who can "live" seize the high ground is the key to proving victory.

Frank and the others saw that Du Yao and the others began to attack, they also evaded and attacked. Seeing Du Yao seeing them getting closer and closer, Frank decided to stop advancing, and when they were still dominant in the terrain, they first attacked Du Yao. Yao, let's talk about it after they have solved it.

In the chaotic gunshots, Frank quickly hid himself by a big tree, and then earnestly looked for Du Yao among the soldiers below. He must "kill" Du Yao with his own hands in order to vent him. The resentment in my heart.

Suddenly something slammed heavily on Frank's head. He was taken aback, and hurriedly hid behind the big tree, then raised his hand and touched the top of his head.

Suddenly he felt a little viscous liquid on his hair. Frank was shocked, thinking that he was smashed and bleeding, but he didn't feel the pain

Of course he quickly looked at the thing that hit him and immediately shouted: "Ah!!!"

The soldiers were startled by his cry and immediately looked back at Frank and saw that he was being attacked by a swarm of bees.

"Ah!!! Save me, save me!!!" Frank yelled, running fast to avoid the bees, and then ran farther and farther.

When the soldiers stood up and looked at Frank, and were stunned that they didn't know what to do, they had all been resolved by Du Yao.

Ye You was sitting on the ground talking to Ji Wen and Zhao Yu, when he suddenly heard a scream from a distance, and subconsciously raised his head to look into the distance.

Ji Wen heard it too, and said in a daze, "Who is this? It's so terrible that it won't kill anyone, right?"

"... Probably not." Ye You said hesitantly.

Two more hours later, Du Yao and the others returned.

After seeing Du Yao, Ye You hurriedly walked over and asked, "How is it? No one was injured, right?"

"Our people were not injured." Du Yao replied.

"Oh." Ye You breathed a sigh of relief, and asked again: "Who said so badly just now?"

"Flander was attacked by a bee." Du Yao smiled and said, "This is the first time I heard a big man who was able to scream such a high-pitched scream, and even you all heard it."

"Attacked by a bee? How could you be attacked by a bee?" Ye You was stunned for a moment, and then asked after seeing Du Yao's gloating expression: "You made the ghost, right?"

"Am I the one who can only make small moves in your heart?" Du Yao looked at Ye You with innocent and aggrieved eyes and said, "Can I still control the bees and let those bees obey my command? ?"

"Don't pretend to be pitiful, do you think it will work every time?" Ye You beat Du Yao's chest and said, "I don't care how badly Frank was stung by a bee. I'm worried that if something happens to him, you If you get stung by a bee, you will die."

"Don't worry, I can still let him hurt me?" Du Yao said affirmatively: "I won't let him die in the actual combat training under my command."

Ye You sighed and said, "As long as you don't kill people."

Du Yao said a few more words to Ye You, then walked into the camp tent to have a meeting with the team leaders, stood by the camp tent and waited for Du Yao’s Lin Dong, looked at Du Yao with admiration, and then gave a thumbs up. Du Yao ignored him and walked in directly.

After dozens of minutes later, Frank came back with the help of the soldiers, but the soldiers who supported him pinched their noses, because Frank was covered in black mud and exuded a stench. In order to avoid the bees, he jumped into the quagmire, held the bubbles in the quagmire for a long time, and waited for the bees to leave him before getting up.

Frank walked all the way and cursed all the way. He felt that this time was the best chance to win, but he was ruined by a colony of bees. He really couldn't figure out why the hive fell from the tree so well, and it happened to fall on his head. How could he be so unlucky

Frank looked up and saw Ye You standing not far away watching him. He thought Ye You was worrying about him, and he immediately became excited, pushed away the soldiers who supported him, and strode towards Ye You. The soldier pushed away by him ran away with a relieved expression, breathing fresh air forcefully.

Ye You watched Frank walking towards him and smelled the foul smell on his body. He immediately pinched his nose and stepped back and warned loudly: "Don't come here!"

Frank stopped for a moment, then took two steps forward: "Ye You..."

"Hold him a little farther for me!" Ye You said to the soldier next to him.

The soldier immediately ran over with his breath, dragged Frank to a place far away from Ye You, and warned him to dare to go to them again, don't blame them for being rude.

Ye You let go of his nose and breathed hard, but the stench just now seemed to be stuck in his nose. As soon as he inhaled, his stomach churned up and couldn't help but vomit. He vomited as if he couldn't stop, he kept vomiting.

Ji Wen and Zhao Yu saw it, and ran towards him immediately, and cried out anxiously: "Ye You, what's the matter with you? Is it okay?"

"I..." Ye You wanted to say that he had an upset stomach, but he vomited again before he could say it. Seeing him vomiting like this, the soldiers next to him all gathered around and looked at him worriedly.

Du Yao heard the sound and walked out of the camp quickly. He pushed the others away, hugged Ye You and observed his face. Du Yao was anxious when he saw his face pale and very uncomfortable. Asked: "Where is it uncomfortable?"

"In my stomach..." Ye You just said two words and vomited again, but he couldn't vomit anything except water.

"Hurry up and take him to the tent of the medical camp and lie down. I will show him, maybe he has eaten something poisonous." A military doctor said hurriedly.

Du Yao picked Ye You up, and then quickly walked to the medical camp.

Du Yao carefully put Ye You on the bed, watching his increasingly pale face, Du Yao was worried and anxious, but he calmly calmed Ye You and said, "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Ye You closed his eyes uncomfortably and nodded slightly.

Thinking that Ye You might be poisoned, Du Yao was distressed and nervous, especially thinking that Mr. Xu had already left, and he didn't know that he went to live in seclusion in that mountain. He would definitely not be found in a short time.

The military doctor really took Ye You's pulse with a serious face. After a while, he was stunned for a while, and then seriously confirmed.

"How is it?" Du Yao asked nervously.

"Congratulations on Du Squadron." The military doctor let go of Ye You's hand and looked at Du Yao and said.

"What?" Du Yao was taken aback for a moment, and some did not react.

"Group leader Ye You, this is pregnant. It should have been more than two months. The specific month will be known after he goes to the military hospital for examination." The military doctor said with a smile.

Du Yao looked at Ye You, and the excitement in his heart had spread from his eyes. He held Ye You's hand tightly and said in a low voice, "We have children."

Ye You still couldn't react. When he heard the military doctor say that he was pregnant, his brain stopped functioning.

"What's wrong? Is it still uncomfortable?" Du Yao looked at him worriedly and asked.

"Me, I'm pregnant?" Ye You asked somewhat mechanistically.

"Yes, we have a baby." Du Yao stared at him with affectionate and moving eyes.

"Give him some water." Ji Wen kept holding the kettle and stood aside, hearing that Ye You was not poisoned, but pregnant. He also breathed a sigh of relief, poured the warm water in the kettle into the glass, and then passed it to Du Yao.

Du Yao hugged Ye You, let him lean on him, and gave Ye You a cup of water.

Ye You's throat was very uncomfortable, and he felt better after drinking half a cup of warm water.

"Lin Dong!" Du Yao yelled while looking outside.

"Yes!" Lin Dong strode in immediately.

"Go and contact the military area hospital, let them send a car, and then contact my home, let them go to the hospital and wait for Ye You." Du Yao said.

"Yes!" Lin Dong immediately turned and ran away.

"You all go outside, let him rest for a while." Du Yao said while looking at the other people around.

After everyone else had left, Ye You slowly recovered, and then he took his pulse to confirm the fact that he was indeed pregnant, but he was still speechless for a while. Although he was mentally prepared to have children before getting married, but after getting married, he slowly forgot about his pregnancy. After all, he still subconsciously felt that he was a man, not a woman. Consciousness of getting pregnant at any time after marriage. So now suddenly knowing that he is pregnant, there is an indescribable and inexplicable feeling in his heart.

"We have children." Ye You said with a certain tone after he pulsed himself.

"Yes, we have a baby." Du Yao felt a little scared when he thought that Ye You had participated in the transfer training yesterday: "Would you like to sleep for a while? The military hospital's car will come to pick you up soon."

"I'm fine. I don't need to go to the hospital. The training will be over in a few days. I just need to be more careful." Ye You gave himself a pulse just now to make sure that his body is okay. He thinks he can stick to it. A few days.

"No!" Du Yao spoke to Ye You in such a strong tone for the first time: "Think about your journey over the mountains yesterday. I feel terrified in my heart, and what you did before is sure to practice. It’s very hard work. How can I rest assured if I don’t go to the hospital for a good checkup?"

After Du Yao said this, Ye You also became scared, and he realized how dangerous things he had done before.

Ye You put his hand on his stomach, and his heart trembled because of fear, that this child was really fateful, and he was so tossed by him that he was still staying in his stomach, and he felt a little guilty for this child.

Seeing a look of fear on Ye You’s face, Du Yao immediately comforted: “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid. The child will definitely be fine. Just go to the hospital for a checkup and feel relieved. Mom must have rushed to the hospital to wait for you. After the examination in the hospital, you will go home with your mother and take a good rest."

Ye You hugged Du Yao tightly and buried his face on his chest.

Du Yao kissed Ye You’s hair and stroked his back to comfort him. He wanted to go to the hospital with Ye You, but he could not leave now. This anxiety and helpless feeling made him very uncomfortable, because He knew that Ye Youxian would definitely want him to be by his side.

More than an hour later, the car from the Military Region Hospital arrived, but because they were in the mountains, the car could not get in, so Du Yao carried Ye You on his back and sent him away.

Ye You lay on Du Yao’s back and simply bid farewell to Ji Wen and Zhao Yu. Ji Wen also asked Ye You to rest well. After the training was over, they went to visit him again and watched Du Yao walking away with Ye You on his back. .

Frank just saw Du Yao being left behind by Ye You, and there were two soldiers behind with things in their hands. He asked Alger suspiciously, "Where are they going?"

"Ye You is pregnant, Du Squadron sent him away and went to the hospital for an examination." Alger replied.

"Pregnant, pregnant?" Frank's body immediately stiffened, and then a sad mood gradually appeared in his eyes: "She, is she pregnant?"

"Actually, Ye You is not..." Hearing that Frank was still calling Ye You her, Alger wanted to explain to him that Ye You was not a woman, but he hadn't finished speaking yet, and felt that even Frank knew it. It didn't make much sense, so I didn't go on.

Frank was so sad that he didn't notice that Alger hadn't finished speaking. He was enveloped in a sense of loss. He turned and walked to no one's corner by himself, secretly sad.

Du Yao sent Ye You to the car and held his hand tightly. He was really reluctant to leave him alone. After several urgings from the doctor, he let go of Ye You's hand, and closed the door of the car with a feeling of distress. Watching the car go away.

Qin Yuwei and Du Zhenfeng, as well as Ye Jiande's wife and Ye Song, had already been waiting in the military hospital.

Seeing Ye You being lifted from the car, several people hurriedly walked around and walked in with the stretcher.

"Ye You, is it still uncomfortable?" Qin Yuwei and Xu Yun asked at the same time. After they received the call, they knew that Ye You's condition seemed not very good, so they were both worried.

"It's not uncomfortable, and I didn't vomit much along the way, don't worry." Ye You smiled and comforted them.

"Good boy, don't be afraid. Mom and Dad are here to accompany you. You and the child will definitely be fine, and nothing will happen." Qin Yuwei comforted Ye You's hand.

"If something is uncomfortable, you must tell it so that the doctor can make a good diagnosis. If it doesn't work, let's get your grandfather back. You can relax and have a good rest. There is nothing to worry about." Xu Yun shook Ye You's other hand and said, although she herself was nervous and fierce, she still wanted to comfort Ye You.

"Well, I'm not afraid or worried." Ye You nodded and said, "Don't worry about it either."

After Ye You was sent to the treatment room, everyone else could only wait outside, and could only go in after the diagnosis was completed.

Seeing the people in the closed treatment room, Qin Yuwei and Xu Yun couldn't help becoming even more nervous, closing their eyes and praying in their hearts that Ye You and the child would be safe.

Du Zhenfeng hugged Qin Yuwei and patted her shoulders to comfort her, and Ye Jiande hugged Xu Yun and comforted.

After the door of the consulting room opened, several people walked in immediately.

"Doctor, how are our children?" Xu Yun and Qin Yuwei asked hurriedly as soon as they entered the door.

"It's no big problem, don't worry, adults and children are fine, but they were overworked before, and their body is a little weak. After returning home, be sure to let him rest well and not be tired anymore," the doctor said.

"Thank you doctor."

"Thank you, thank you doctor, we will take good care of him and we won't tire him anymore."

Several people breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Oh, yes." The hospital confessed again: "Although it is necessary to take a good rest, don't let him lie down all the time. It is also very important to walk around properly. Otherwise, when he is born, he will suffer. ."

"Okay, we get it, thank you. What are the taboos and what can be eaten more, please write it down for us. I read in the newspaper and said that some old people used to say that pregnant women can eat or can't Everything you eat is wrong, and there are some nutrients that must be supplemented. I will bother you to write it down, so we can do it accordingly." Qin Yuwei said while looking at the doctor.

"I'll give you a book with specific content about caring for pregnant women. Take it back and read it." The doctor opened the drawer and found the book.

"If you have a book, it would be better. Thank you so much. We will definitely read it carefully when we go back." Qin Yuwei took the book and asked, "Then can we take him home now?"

"Go back and let him rest at home. You don't need to stay in the hospital. Just remember to check in on time." The doctor said.

"Oh, good." Qin Yuwei turned to Ye You happily, and looked at Ye You and said, "We can go home, and we can rest well when we get home. Grandma is still at home waiting for news, she must be anxious too. ."

"Then let's go home quickly, don't make grandma wait in a hurry, I don't feel uncomfortable anymore, now I want to go home and lie down on my own bed." Ye You sat up, ready to get out of bed.

"Be careful, don't worry, take your time." Qin Yuwei and Xu Yun immediately supported Ye You and walked out slowly.