Supporting Role’s Aura

Chapter 64: Dressed as a wealthy white moonlight 6


Dress as a wealthy white moonlight 6

The venue of the finals is much more luxurious than the sub-venue. After all, it is the top international fashion design competition. There will be media from all over the world, so it is natural to arrange high-end scenes that meet the international status.

After the game officially started, the models went on stage to show off their costumes. The reporters below kept shooting. Even though the flashes were a little dazzling, they still couldn't resist the attractiveness of these costumes to ladies and ladies. They stared wide-eyed. , I want to choose a set that I like best, and I want to take all these clothes home.

Ye You showed off all the costumes in the finals. As soon as those models appeared on the stage, they aroused a lot of admiration. The people below can hardly take their eyes off, so they can't even look at other designs. The clothes designed by the designer just want to appreciate every detail of each set of these clothes designed by Ye You.

Lu Ning sat in the last row with his assistants. He doesn't even have the mind to appreciate the costumes on the stage. He just wants to quickly see who will receive the award on stage. For him, as long as it is not Ye You, it doesn't matter if it is anyone else.

He felt that it was unlikely that Ye You won the award. After all, many world-class design masters have come to participate. How could the organizer give the award to a newcomer? What he prays most strongly now is to hope that the clothes that are admired by everyone and attract the attention of most people should not be designed by Ye You. Otherwise, even if Ye You does not win the prize, it will definitely cause a sensation in the domestic fashion circle.

After all the designer's clothes are displayed, then start scoring and voting. After the scores and votes are counted, the sponsoring representative comes on stage and announces the winning clothes to everyone, and then all other models go to the backstage, only wearing the winning clothes Those models of, stood in the center of the runway.

Lu Ning saw that the clothes he didn't want to win the prize were left until the end. He couldn't help but become more nervous. He kept comforting himself in his heart. The designer who came out would never be Ye You, absolutely impossible. It's him, don't scare yourself.

"Next, let us welcome the designers of this group of clothing and come to the stage to receive the award." The representative of the organizer announced loudly: "Welcome the designer, Ye You!"

After Lu Ning's brain banged, it went blank immediately, and he stared stiffly at Ye You who came to the stage to receive the award.

The flashing light kept flashing, and the people below applauded Ye You enthusiastically. They didn’t feel that the clothes designed by Ye You were not qualified to win the prize. They were just a little surprised that Ye You was so young, and then thought that a new genius designer would be born. Up.

After Ye You gave his acceptance speech, he took photos with the models from the photographers, then took photos with the organizers, and took photos with the jury, and finally with the voting group of fashion professionals from various countries, as well as those ladies The ladies take pictures.

Ye You kept a decent smile, and he felt that his smile was sore.

Lu Ning's assistants were shocked when they saw his ugly face, and kept persuading him to leave, but Lu Ning just sat still and stared fiercely at Ye You who was proud of the spring breeze on the stage.

"Director, the competition and awards are over. We don't need to watch the photo process of the rest of the winners. Let's go back to the hotel." The assistant persuaded.

"It is impossible for him to design it." Lu Ning gritted his teeth and said, "It is absolutely impossible for him to design the clothes!"

"Director, Ye You won the prize. It's a foregone conclusion. We don't have the ability to change. Let's go back to China as soon as possible and think about countermeasures." Another assistant said.

"Who said it can't be changed?!" Lu Ning looked at the assistant, stared at him vigorously and said, "It is impossible for him to design those clothes. I have to open him to the organizer to let people all over the world know. He entered the competition with costumes designed by others, and made people all over the country spurn him and insult him!"

Lu Ning stood up and strode towards the organizers. The assistants tried to catch him but didn't catch him, so they could only follow quickly.

Ye You was surrounded by reporters and those watching the game. Lu Ning couldn’t squeeze in. He could only wait until the photo-taking time was over. The reporters and photographers packed their things and left. Lu Ning watched as he was about to be with the organizer. Ye You, who had left together, hurriedly chased after him.

"Mr. Baird, Mr. Baird, please wait a moment." Lu Ning trot to follow while calling the name of the representative of the organizer.

Baird stopped when he heard someone calling his name. After turning and looking over, everyone else behind him also stopped. Seeing Lu Ning rushing over in a hurry, he made a way out. .

Lu Ning stood still in front of Baird. After taking a look at Ye You, he said to Baird, "Mr. Baird, I want to report something to you."

"Report?" Baird asked suspiciously: "What do you want to report?"

"I want to report him." Lu Ning pointed to Ye You and said, "Report him for using a work designed by someone else for the competition."

Ye You watched Lu Ning calmly. Lu Ning's behavior was in his expectation.

Baird froze for a while and then asked, "Do you have any evidence to prove that he used someone else's work to enter the competition?"

"I have known him for many years, so I know him well. He graduated from the Conservatory of Music. He has never studied fashion design. He has never worked in any work before, so it is impossible to design those clothes." Lu Ning was eager. Said.

"I'm sorry, what you said cannot be used as evidence. If you want to report him, you must provide actual evidence that proves that his clothes are designed by others, otherwise we cannot accept it. Because you have to know, After all, there are many people who are jealous of other people's awards. If everyone just speaks some empty words and reports, then even if we invite more people, we can't be too busy." Baird said calmly.

"What I said can be found, and he is so young that it is impossible to design better clothes than those masters!" Lu Ning became more excited as he said.

"Are you also a costume designer?" Baird asked.

Lu Ning froze for a while and said: "Yes, I am also a fashion designer and participated in this competition, but this does not mean that I am jealous that he won the prize, but because I know him enough and know It is impossible for him to design such a costume."

"So it seems that your time as a costume designer is still very short, or you don’t know enough about other master designers. If you have time, you can go to our designer prize hall exhibition hall. Some designers won awards when they were teenagers, and talented designers have always existed."

"How can he compare with those talented designers? And it's not the same era anymore, he..."

Baird raised his hand to stop Lu Ning from continuing and said: "I say it one last time. If you want to report him, please provide enough actual evidence. If you can't provide evidence, please leave. Otherwise, I will Just ask the security to come and ask you to leave, and add you to the blacklist on the grounds of slandering and reporting others, and you will never be allowed to participate in the Phoenix Fashion Design Competition in the future."

"Director, let's go quickly. If the reporter caught you being dragged out, then you will really have to face scandals in China, and the company will not be able to stand up."

"Yes, Director, you are too irrational now. If you really join the blacklist, you won't be able to compete again in the future."

Several assistants helped Lu Ning's hands to take him away. Lu Ning stared at Ye You fiercely and said, "I will find evidence that those clothes were not designed by you at all. You can wait for me!"

Ye You saw that Lu Ning was taken away by his assistants half-supported and half-supported, and sneered in his heart, then turned to the organizer and continued walking.

"We have prepared a banquet specially for you. Please be sure to attend. I think many people in the fashion industry will definitely want to meet you." Baird said.

"I will definitely attend, thank you for the banquet specially prepared for me." Ye You said with a smile. It is already customary to hold a banquet for the winners.

Ye You won the prize for his own strength. He was not afraid of any reports or doubts. Moreover, Lu Ning could not produce any evidence at all. Even if he wanted to forge evidence, he would not succeed, because the big boss behind the organizer was Du Yao himself.


The next day, there was news in China, and all major media reported. Ye You was the first person in their country to win the Phoenix Design Contest Gold Medal. He also won glory for the country. Even without Du Yao's operation, it is worth it. It was reported. The clothing photos designed by Ye You were also publicly displayed by the media and were loved by many people.

The He family sat in the living room and watched the news reports, all with unbelievable faces.

"Ye You got the Phoenix Gold Award? How could this be possible?!" He Lanqin widened her eyes, thinking that she had heard it wrong: "Isn't Ye You a graduate of the Conservatory of Music? When did he learn fashion design? Or in the news? Is the person talking about the same name and surname as him?"

"He is indeed a graduate of the Conservatory of Music. He knows how to play violin and piano, but he doesn't know how to design clothes. I watched him grow up. I know what happened after he went abroad. Designing clothes." Yu Fenglian kept denying it.

"You watch the winner on TV, is it really him?" He Lanqin stared at the TV screen vigorously and said, "It can't be the same name, right?"

"It's him." He Xu said very positively. He felt that he would not admit Ye You wrong, so the person who was receiving the award must be Ye You in the picture shown on TV.

"This, how is this possible?! He, how could he get the Phoenix Design Gold Award?!" After Yu Fenglian saw that the person on the TV was indeed Ye You, she was even more shocked and unbelievable.

"Call Lu Ning and ask, what is going on?" He Lanqin said.

"Lu Ning is on the plane now, so let's ask after he comes back." He Xu watched Ye You, who gave his acceptance speech on TV, gradually lost his senses.

After Lu Ning returned to China, he got off the plane and returned to Lu's first, not He's.

"Dad!" As soon as Lu Ning entered the door, he said to Lu Changxiao who was sitting in the living room particularly eagerly: "You must help me find a way to find evidence. It is impossible for Ye You to design the award-winning costumes! "

"Don't worry, sit down and speak slowly." Qu Hui pulled Lu Ning's hand, let him sit down and soothed: "You are pregnant with a child now, what should you do if you are so excited and hurt the child? Don't worry, everything. Your dad will help you handle it, don’t worry, ah."

"If he really uses other people's work to participate in the competition, I will definitely find a way to find evidence, but for this kind of thing, we have to take it slowly and plan step by step. The more anxious we are, the easier it will be to get confused. "Lu Changxiao said.

"But I just don't want to wait, I just want everyone in the world to spurn him and ridicule him immediately!" Lu Ning said angrily, "I just can't understand how proud he is! He used to be better than our Lu family in the Ye family. Even if you are proud, now their Ye family is far behind our Lu family, what else can he be proud of?! He is a music graduate, but he went to the costume design competition and won the gold medal! I am absolutely It is impossible to tolerate him. He is a person who has never studied fashion design and uses other people's work to win awards, and then he will become famous! I will never allow this to happen!!"

"Quiet, calm down." Qu Hui tapped Lu Ning's back and said: "The higher you stand, the harder you will fall when you fall. Let's let him be proud of it for a while, and wait until the evidence is collected. After that, we will crush him again so hard that he can't turn over again!"

"Recently, I have heard some news that the Ye family has re-registered the trademark. They will definitely take advantage of Ye You's award and re-listing for business." Lu Changxiao sighed and said, "Preventing them from reopening will definitely prevent them from reopening. No way, we can only find a way to destroy them after they reopen."

"Our clothing company, maybe it's going to be closed for a while, or after a year or two, let's re-register the trademark and start over again, just like the Ye family." Lu An suggested.

"No!" Lu Ning immediately objected: "In the past few years, how much energy and effort have been spent for this company and for the brand I founded? How many days and nights have been worked hard? How can I just give up and give up? ?"

"But after the suspected suicide incident of Ye You last time, everyone is now accusing our family, saying that our family threatened Ye You to break up, and slandered him as a third party, forcing him to commit suicide behind and scolding us. The scolding at home is very unpleasant, I have long advised you not to do this, you will not listen.” Lu An said angrily and helplessly: “The clothing business is no better than other businesses in our family. Clothing is for all consumers. Without a good reputation, let alone making money, we will continue to paste money into it. What is the point of running such a company?"

Lu Ning's expression became even more ugly after hearing Lu An's words. Qu Hui immediately stared at Lu An and said, "What are you telling your brother about this? He is pregnant with a child now. If you make him angry, Look how I teach you!"

Now their family is indeed being scolded particularly badly by ordinary people. The family members try their best to conceal Lu Ning, not wanting him to get angry.

"It is precisely because our clothing company has a bad reputation right now, so we must seize this opportunity to turn around. As long as we can prove that Ye You used other people's work in the competition and make it public, we will be able to defeat the Ye family. At the same time, I can also promote the clothes I sent to the competition. Even if my ranking is not particularly high, at least I designed the clothes by myself. This is the focus of the promotion."

"Well, you can do whatever you want. It's just a clothing company. Even if you want to post money temporarily, we will also post it." Qu Hui coaxed Lu Ning and said, "You are the most important thing right now. It means to raise the body well, give birth to the baby well, and leave the rest to your dad and your brother to take care of it. You don’t have to worry about it, and then you can rest assured that the baby will be raised."

"Just stay accustomed to him. Sooner or later, you will get used to bigger things. I won't care anymore. The big deal is that I will go out to find a job by myself! From now on, everything in the Lu family, good or bad, will be let He inherits it, I don't want it anymore!" Lu An angrily got up and walked out.

"You! Is this what you should say when you are a brother and a son?!" Qu Hui stood up and shouted, "Where are you going? Stop for me!"

Lu Ning was originally emotionally ups and downs because of her pregnancy. Everything that happened during this period has been accumulating pressure in her heart. Now she finally burst out because of Lu An's words, crying bitterly.

"Don't cry or cry." Qu Hui immediately sat down and hugged Lu Ning to comfort: "Don't be uncomfortable. When he comes back, my mother will teach him to vent your anger. In fact, your brother loves you too, but during this period of time. , He is too tired, so his emotions are a bit out of control. What he said just now was all angry, don't take it to your heart."

Lu Changxiao sighed and said, "If you are reluctant to create a brand and company, then let's take a look at it for a while. Don't cry, things will always be resolved. You have been on the plane for such a long time. Tired, eat something, go back to the room and rest."

Qu Hui helped Luning back to the room, and asked the helper to bring the cooked meat porridge and side dishes.


Indeed, as Lu Changxiao said, taking advantage of the popularity and attention of Ye You's award, the company re-listed for business.

With the help of Du Yao, Ye You invited the most popular celebrities at home and abroad to shoot commercials. Even the content of the commercials was his own thought. Now he has begun to broadcast on major TV stations at home and abroad, just watching Advertisements give people a feeling of being particularly tall and tall, and you can see at a glance that they are high-end brands that are still difficult for ordinary people to consume.

After Lu Ning returned to He's house, he originally planned to listen to his parents and raise the baby at home with peace of mind. No matter what, he waited until the child was born before participating. But he was so bored that he couldn't help but want to watch TV and watch fashion magazines to pass the time, but whether it was domestic and foreign fashion magazines or TV, they were all Yejia clothing advertisements.

Lu Ning angrily tore up all the magazines. He didn't understand why the Ye family suddenly had such a great ability to invite so many popular domestic and international TV stations to shoot commercials, and it was still the best in major TV stations at home and abroad. The time to play the ad.

Lu Ning, who was getting angry, suddenly received a text message sent to him by Lin Yuesi’s assistant. The content of the text message was that in the name of Lin Yuesi, he was invited to attend the opening ceremony of the Yejia Clothing Company’s main store, and he also paid special attention. Ming, he did not invite anyone else in the He family, as long as he was invited, both inside and outside were deliberately irritating and provoking him.

Lu Ning was so angry that he threw the phone against the wall, and he took a deep breath, telling himself that he should not be angry.

Lu Ning thought, "Go and go, really when he doesn't dare to go?" He is going to see how deserted their main store opening ceremony will be. Then he picked up his mobile phone and dialed his dad’s number and asked his dad to use their Lu family’s power, whether it was a threat or a buyout. In short, those who were invited should not go to the Ye family president. When the store opens, he can just go and watch the jokes.

Lu Changxiao promised that Lu Ning would do it, but he still persuaded him to take a good rest at home and not to watch any jokes. After he has given birth, he can watch the jokes whatever he wants.

Lu Ning promised, but on the day when the Yejia sales main store opened, he not only went, but also asked He Xu to accompany him. He just wanted to show how much affection he has with He Xu in front of Ye You. , I am so angry.

After Lu Ning got out of the car, he took He Xu's hand and walked in on the red carpet with a smile on his face, but when he got inside, his smile instantly stiffened on his face. Not only because it’s very lively inside, but also because of the decoration inside, he really couldn’t figure out where Ye You was looking for an interior designer, and how much did he spend to decorate a shop like this. High-end and beautiful.

The more Lu Ning walks in, the more unable to maintain his smile, because this store can be said to be different from all the stores in the country. Not only is it big like an exhibition hall, but it is also divided into different styles according to different styles of clothing. In the decorated area, customers only need to sit on the sofa, drink champagne and eat snacks, and choose their favorite clothes on the rotating display table and on the model. When trying on, there will be a service staff to help them quickly comb it. The right hairstyle, and then the right accessories.

Lu Ning no longer wanted to go inside, he wanted to go home immediately.

"He Xu..." Lu Ning called out with an ugly expression.

"What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?" He Xu looked at him and said, "Or we should go back."

Lu Ning just nodded, he heard Ye You's voice, then looked up and saw Ye You come down the stairs.

"You are welcome to attend the opening ceremony of our head office." Ye You smiled toward them and said, "There are a lot of guests today. If there is any lack of hospitality, please forgive me."

He Xu looked at Ye You walking towards them, wearing a tailored suit, making his body even more slender. His exquisite features have made his heart beat faster, and his deserted and refined temperament made him feel something that made him forget to breathe. The suffocating beauty. He felt that Ye You seemed to look better than before, and his temperament was even more outstanding. The thought that he would no longer have the person in front of him made him feel painful and uncomfortable. The previous determination to live a good life with Lu Ning began to waver again.