Supporting Role’s Aura

Chapter 88: Violent White Lotus 15


Violent White Lotus 15

In the next few days, Ye You didn't go to school, because he was not in the mood to do anything at all, and he was just in a listless daze every day. Even he himself couldn't figure out what kind of mood he was feeling right now. It wasn't really sad, nor did he blame the emperor and empress for failing to protect him, nor was he angry or sad, and of course he didn't feel excited or excited.

Du Yao knew that Ye You's mood was very complicated. Seeing his listless appearance, Du Yao tried his best to stay at home with him and enlighten him.

And Ye You is probably the only child of the emperor and the empress. There has been a lot of rumors. Not only the nobles and officials are eager to know the truth, but even the public is also on the star network, urging the royal family to respond positively to this rumor.

In order to prevent various rumors from harming Ye You, the emperor and queen made a public response after discussing with Du Yao and with Ye You’s consent, acknowledging that Ye You was their only child, and disclosed the results of the identification. , There are also images of the queen more than a thousand years ago, compared with Ye You's current photos.

The people of the entire empire were shocked. The discussion on the star network continued to rise. The main content of the discussion was that Duke Du Yao’s fiancé was actually the only biological son of the emperor and the queen, and the most well-known heir to the throne. Duke Du Yao, who has always been unwilling to marry the royal family, became engaged to the royal heir without knowing it. How will the situation of the power struggle in the empire change? Will Duke Du Yao support the royal family for his fiancée, or will he break the marriage contract with his fiancée in order to sever the relationship with the royal family

Ye You suddenly became the rightful heir to the throne. Of course, it was not just a simple discussion among the people of the empire. The nobles and officials were also a little caught off guard. Some people had planned for so many years because of this sudden change. It can be said that overnight, hundreds of years of hard work were wasted.

Those who originally thought they had a chance to inherit the throne were also forced to wake up from their dreams overnight, but some people were still unwilling to wake up. They felt that as long as Ye You disappeared into this world again, everything would be lost again. They will be restored to their previous state, and they will still have the opportunity to inherit the throne.

Except for those imperial family members who suddenly lost the chance to inherit the throne, the people who are most anxious are the people of the democratically elected party, because once the royal family has the support of Du Yao, then their goal of abolishing the royal family will be even more difficult to achieve. Up. Therefore, people from the democratically elected party deliberately fanned the people on the Internet, wanting Du Yao to break the marriage contract with Ye You.

And Du Yao directly and publicly stated that it is absolutely impossible for him to break his marriage contract with Ye You, and he will be the same as before, focusing on the interests of the entire empire and the people, and warning those who stir up public sentiments for their own interests. People, be careful to ignite the fire.

Seeing Ye You's depressed state, Du Yao felt that it was not a way to keep going like this, so he deliberately stirred up the sentiments of the people by the Democratic Party and Sieglin. He wanted them to dissolve their marriage contract and told Ye You.

Ye You felt very angry after hearing this. He hadn't been able to fully accept the sudden change. Those people couldn't wait to suppress him, and wanted him to break the marriage contract with Du Yao? Do you really think he is so bully

Du Yao also told Ye You something very important.

"In fact, many years ago, I got evidence of the collusion between the King of the Silver Heaven and the King of Silver Heaven. The reason why the emperor and the queen were ambushed back then was also planned by the King of the Silver Heaven and the Emperor. If they did not encounter the ambush, they would not You will not be able to escape the cosmic storm, and you will not be left behind in other time and space. Although I have some evidence of Sieglin, I did not tell the emperor about it, one is because the evidence is not enough, and the other is because I want to keep Sigrilin to contain the royal family and some other nobles, so that while the reputation of the royal family declines, I strengthen my own power."

"King of the Silver Heaven Kingdom?" Ye You thought for a while and said, "I remember that the king of the Silver Heaven Kingdom was called Aldrich. He succeeded to the throne five hundred years ago. The surrender treaty was signed, but Aldrich is still alive and well."

"Yes, although the national power of the Silver Heaven Kingdom is not as good as before, but Aldrich is still the king and is alive and well." Du Yao looked at Ye You and said, "For various reasons, I voted for the armistice. Affirmative vote, I am sorry for not killing Aldridge in the battle to avenge you."

"No, it is just right for you to keep his life. If he died early, how could I personally breathe it out?" Ye You's eyes became fierce and said, "Aldrich is back to Green, I'm the one I will not let it go! I must make them regret what they have done!"

Ye You didn't want to hide under Du Yao's protection completely. He wanted to counterattack those people head-on, and was ready to accept what had happened. He is grateful to his parents for their nurturing. If possible, he hopes to repay them, but he will never forgive the people who caused this to happen.

Du Yao saw that Ye You finally regained his spirit, even if he was full of energy because of the hatred in his heart, he felt that he was stronger than when he was down and uncomfortable, because of those people, he would help him solve them together, and he would definitely help him if he should be removed. Remove them all, and only wait for Ye You to let out the breath in his heart, and he will let those people disappear completely.

Jin Lan didn't go to the college these days. He pretended to be sick and hid in his dormitory, unwilling to step out of the dormitory, as if once he went outside the palace, he would never come back and continue to be his prince.

Jin Lan lay on the bed every day and saw no one. Even his parents came to see him, but he refused to see them, as if he would be able to keep his status as a prince as long as he kept the bed.

A few days later, Jin Lan gradually calmed down. He realized that it was absolutely impossible for him to keep his status as a prince, let alone prevent Ye You from becoming the heir to the throne, so he called Bo. Discuss countermeasures.

"What should I do?" Jin Lan leaned against the head of the bed with a haggard face, and looked at Bowen and said, "Ye You is actually the biological son of the father and the mother. I have now lost the opportunity to inherit the throne. If I inherit the throne, what does it mean for me to be the prince?"

"His Royal Highness, you are not the only one who lost the opportunity to inherit the throne, but also your cousins. Although you were the only one who was adopted as the prince, your cousins and their fathers did not give up on the throne. The fight for the battle is just because your father is the most powerful, so they are only temporarily giving in. You all know these." Bowen said.

"So? Even me, the person closest to the throne, has passed away. What use is there if they have any ideas?" Jin Lan smiled bitterly, "Moreover, he was engaged to Du Yao. Who can argue with Du Yao for his support?"

"His Royal Highness, I have been thinking a lot in the past few days." Bowen said: "I think there are no absolute things in the world. Her Royal Highness's child is gone, but he suddenly appears again. And his appearance may not be a bad thing for His Royal Highness."

"What do you mean?" Jin Lan asked while looking at him.

"Life is always full of all kinds of accidents, especially the higher the standing, the greater the chance of encountering accidents. Before and after becoming a prince, your Royal Highness was not also targeted by your uncles and cousins. Has it been many times? Ye You has disappeared once before, who can guarantee that he will not disappear again? Therefore, the future is unpredictable, and the opportunity is not completely absent. Your Royal Highness can retreat as an advance and temporarily make a concession for the sake of Be fully prepared for the next opportunity. But if your Highness gives up and becomes decadent, then there is really no hope at all."

Jin Lan seriously considered Bowen's words, and understood the meaning of his words, and then asked: "Do you think these things yourself, or do you have other people's meanings?"

"Some are my own thoughts, and some are what your father asked me to convey to you." Bowen said: "Your father meant that hope will always exist, so you must hold on."

Jin Lan's emotions and expressions have returned to normal: "Go and tell my father and say I know."


Ye You decides to face what has happened, and is ready to counterattack those who do not want him to exist. They hope that he will dissolve the marriage contract with Du Yao. That is impossible. They hope that he is the rightful heir to the throne. If he can disappear again, he just wants to return to the royal family, completely cutting off their chances and thoughts of inheriting the throne.

Ye You had adjusted his mood and prepared mentally, and followed Du Yao to the palace to see the emperor and empress.

The emperor and the queen personally greeted them. As long as the queen saw Ye You now, the guilt in her heart would explode, and she couldn't help but want to cry.

When Ye You saw them, he didn't know what to say to them. The anxiety of seeing his biological parents who had never been in contact before made him hold on to Du Yao's hand tightly.

The emperor and queen took Ye You and Du Yao to visit the dormitory prepared for Ye You. This dormitory was prepared before Ye You was born, and was cleaned and tidied by servants every day.

They passed through a very beautiful garden and entered the sleeping hall. Ye You looked at the huge sleeping hall, everything was gorgeous and exquisite, and he could see the care of the people who arranged it.

The queen told Ye You that there were thirty-six rooms in this hall, and thirty-six was considered the luckiest number in the world.

After entering the bedroom, the queen turned to look at Ye You, and said nervously, "Here is the style I guess you might like. It is decorated by people. If you don’t like it, I will let you have all the things here. Replace it with a style you like."

Ye You froze for a while and said, "It's good, no need to change, I... I still want to continue living in the Duke's Mansion."

"Occasionally, come to live in the palace for a few days, okay?" The queen took Ye You's hand and looked at him expectantly.

Ye You looked at the queen's hopeful eyes, and couldn't bear to refuse. He could only nod his head and said, "Okay."

The queen smiled happily, and then took Ye You to look at other rooms.

This bedroom is very large, with a flower room, a hot spring room, and a massage room. There are two or three rooms in the dressing room alone. There is also a large room with all kinds of beautiful fishes that Ye You has never seen before.

After visiting every room, several hours have passed. They left Ye You's bedroom and were going to have lunch together.

Jin Lan stood in the corner of the long corridor and looked at them secretly. He had never entered the bedroom specially prepared for Ye You, because the queen did not allow any other people except for the cleaning and tidying personnel specially arranged by the queen. People go in. When he was young, he wanted to go in because of curiosity, but the queen seriously rejected him and told him not to make such a request in the future.

From then on, Jin Lan knew that no matter how he behaved, he couldn't take the place of their biological children in their hearts. He was extremely fortunate that the emperor and the queen had no children, because even if he could not replace the child's place in the heart of the emperor and the queen, he could still enjoy everything that the child could not enjoy. But why, why after so many years, the person that he absolutely cannot replace, has to reappear

Jin Lan clenched her fists hard, thinking in her heart that the person who had already disappeared shouldn't reappear, since he has appeared, then he must let him disappear more completely this time!

During lunch, the emperor proposed to help Ye You hold a grand banquet, and as the prince, he would publicly introduce him to everyone.

Since Ye You had decided to face everything, he did not reject the emperor's proposal.