Supporting Role’s Aura

Chapter 92: Violent White Lotus 19


Violent White Lotus 19

After finishing the mecha tactics theory class, Ye You and the others went to the last class in the morning, the fighting technique practice class.

Ye You is now the student with the highest grade in the fighting class. He is also the latest student to enroll in these students. In a short while, he will definitely become the fastest student to finish school. His excellent degree has made many students admire him.

After Ye You put on the protective gear, he walked to Jin Lan's side and said, "Want to have a match?"

Jin Lan froze for a while and looked at Ye You. When Ye You's fighting level was not as high as his, he could not beat Ye You. Now that Ye You's level is so much higher than him, he is even less likely to be. His opponent.

"It's just a confrontation exercise. Don't worry, I won't use my full strength." Ye You looked at Jin Lan very peacefully. Jin Lan had said the same thing to him before, but now the situation has changed.

After thinking about it for a while, Jin Lan agreed, putting on his protective gear to prepare, and Ye You went to the fighting stage to wait for him.

"His Royal Highness..." Bowen whispered, looked at Jin Lan with some worry and said, "Do you really want to compare him?"

"Don't worry, he won't do anything to me. If he really intends to hurt me, I can't ask for it." After Jin Lan said coldly, at the moment he turned around, he changed to the usual With a gentle expression, he walked towards Ye You.

When other students saw Ye You and Jin Lan have another match, they couldn’t help but went to watch. Ye You used his fist to break two sparring robots before. They are guessing whether Ye You will go straight this time. Beat Jin Lan into serious injuries.

After the two set their positions, Jin Lan waited for Ye You to take the initiative.

Ye You fisted over, and Jin Lan raised her hand to block it. With this, Jin Lan snorted and knelt on the ground holding her hands in pain.

Ye You was taken aback for a moment, because Jin Lan fell a little bit soon, and he didn't use much effort just now.

Jin Lan also knew that this was a bit exaggerated, because Ye You did not seem to use much effort, but just now, he was really in pain, not pretending.

Jin Lan could only gritted her teeth to endure the pain, then stood up and continued to fight Ye You. This time, he fisted first, but Ye You just blocked it a little bit harder. Jin Lan couldn't hold back her yell. His face fell to the ground in pain.

The other students onlookers could not help but discuss in a low voice.

"You said, is Prince Jinlan real pain or fake pain? I look at him and think he is too pretentious."

"It's too exaggerated to pretend like this? Anyway, play a few more times before pretending."

"Yeah, what do you think Prince Jinlan thinks? It's not a fight at all, it's just one punch and block each one. He pretends to be painful and pretends too early."

"I think, maybe he doesn't want to fight with Prince Ye You at all, but it is not easy to refuse, so he deliberately pretends when he comes up, so that Prince Ye You can't continue to fight with him, nor does he As for losing too ugly, it can make others think that he deliberately lost to Prince Ye You."

"It makes sense."

Ye You originally planned to be upright, and easily win Jinlan once, but he hasn't exerted half of his strength yet, and Jinlan feels painful as if his hand is about to be broken. Such performance is indeed too exaggerated. Some, and he is very sure of controlling his own strength.

But after Ye You stood and looked at Jinlan for a while, he felt that Jinlan was not pretending. He quickly glanced at his palm and asked someone to come up, help Jinlan to take a rest, and then ask the teacher to inform the school doctor. Come over and check Jin Lan to see if his hand is really injured.

After the school doctor checked Jin Lan, he didn't find any injuries on his hand, and then left immediately. Now other students felt that Jin Lan was pretending.

But Jin Lan felt that she was wronged, because his hand was still hurting.

Ye You still felt that Jin Lan didn't pretend, but he also felt very puzzled in his heart.

After leaving the college, Ye You did not go back to the palace directly as usual, but went to the Duke's Mansion to find Du Yao.

Du Yao was working on some important documents in the study. He suddenly saw Ye You push the door and walk in. He raised his eyebrows unexpectedly and said, "It's really rare. His Royal Highness actually took the initiative to come here."

Ye You ignored Du Yao's ridicule, walked directly towards him, and then slammed a fist at him.

Du Yao easily squeezed Ye You's fist, and asked suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

"Do you feel pain?" Ye You asked, looking at him.

"It doesn't hurt." Du Yao replied.

Ye You punched Du Yao harder again. This time he used 80% of his strength. Then he looked at Du Yao and asked, "How about this? Does it hurt?"

"No." Du Yao's expression remained calm.

"How could this be?" Ye You hugged his arm and started thinking.

"What's the matter?" Du Yao took Ye You and sat on his lap, hugging him and asked, "Did something happen?"

"Today's fighting class, I originally wanted to win Jinlan upright, but I haven't used any strength yet. Jinlan looked like his painful hand was about to be broken. I don't think he seemed to pretend to be. Yes, but my strength is clearly well controlled. When I practice with you, you have never felt any pain, and you have not felt any pain just now. Why does Jin Lan hurt so much? This is too strange, what is it? His problem, or my problem?"

Du Yao understood what Ye You meant, then looked at him and said, "Compare him with me?"

"Of course I know that he is not comparable to you, but..." Ye You still has something to think about: "Even if you don't compare him to you, it's still very strange. Every time I practice with a robot, it will show The amount of power I used, the power I used at the time did not make Jin Lan hurt like that, and it was all so painful, but there was no injury. Isn’t that strange?"

"Well, this is indeed the reason that should be studied carefully." Du Yao nodded, then stood up and said, "Let's go and test it."

Du Yao led Ye You to the fighting practice room. He conducted several tests based on Ye You's situation, and then discovered Ye You's new ability, and then had someone make a new sparring robot for Ye You.


Ye You lived roughly the same life every day. After becoming the heir to the throne, he rarely went to the academy again.

In this way, more than ten years have passed.

In the past ten years, Sieglin has received more and more support from the people because Ye You has become more and more popular, and the emperor and empress, as well as Du Yao’s strict protection of Ye You, prevented him from being able to directly or indirectly He became more and more anxious in his heart when he acted on Ye You, so he had more contact with the King of the Silver Heaven Kingdom, and even began to plan to control the wheel of Tianhui to force the emperor to abdicate and give him the throne.

Du Yao had collected enough evidence to be able to convict Sieglin's death sentence for the crime of collaborating with the enemy and treason, and there was another person, Ye You, who was waiting to teach him personally. After more than ten years, he finally waited for his chance.

Ye You took the royal battleship, accompanied by Du Yao, to the Federation planet, as the prince, representing the Baizhou Empire, and participating in the federation exchange meeting. In the previous federation exchange meeting, Ye You's father and the emperor went by himself. Now that Ye You returns to the imperial family, the emperor asked him to participate on behalf of the empire.

"Huh!" Ye You snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "That Aldrich, do you really think that everyone is like him? He actually wants to use beautiful tricks against you!"

Ye You got the information and knew that this time Aldrich had also brought his sister to the Federation Star, with the purpose of getting his sister to seduce Du Yao.

Du Yao pulled Ye You and sat down on the sofa, hugging him and said: "If his brain is really good, the Yintian Kingdom will not become weaker and weaker under his governance. I agreed with the truce back then because Seeing that he has no ability to govern the country at all, instead of spending more weapons and financial resources to continue attacking them, it is better to let him destroy himself. Our White Empire can still get a lot of benefits."

"If it hadn’t been for him to ambush our royal battleship with troops, my father and queen would not have been able to escape the cosmic storm, and I would not have been taken to other time and space by the cosmic storm... It made my mother and queen suffer three times. For more than a hundred years." Ye You said fiercely: "There is also Sieglin who colluded with him, they don't even want to escape!"

"Tomorrow, I will let him experience what is better than death!" Ye You's eyes flashed a fierce light.

After Ye You arrived at the Federal Star on the Royal Battleship, accompanied by Du Yao and the escort, took a car to the Federal State Conference Building.

Du Yao got off the car from the other side first, then helped Ye You open the door and reached out to help Ye You get out.

Ye You put his hand on Du Yao's, and after helping Du Yao's hand to get out of the car, he stepped on the red carpet and walked into the building. The surrounding reporters immediately gathered around for a live report.

"Now arriving at the Federal States Conference Building is the heir to the throne of the Bai Zhou Empire, Prince Ye You. Accompanying him to participate in this exchange meeting is his fiancé, the God of War of the Bai Zhou Empire, Commander Du Yao."

"Prince Ye You himself gave people the first impression that his appearance is really amazing. Few men can describe it as beauty, but Prince Ye You really has a beautiful face."

"Although this is the first time that Prince Ye You has participated in the Federal State Exchange Conference, but with Commander Du Yao accompanying him, I personally think there should be no problems. What will happen to him during this exchange meeting? Will his performance bring back some gains for the Baizhou Empire? Let's wait and see together."

Ye You and the others came to the top floor and just entered the conference hall. The people who were talking with each other stopped to look at Xiang Ye You.

They didn't intend to stare at Ye You deliberately, but after Ye You's appearance made them stunned, they couldn't look away immediately.

Over the past ten years, Ye You’s physique and appearance have undergone great changes. He now looks more and more like the queen of more than a thousand years ago, but Ye You is really beautiful now, But it is not feminine, you can tell at a glance that he is male.

And among these people who looked at Ye You, one of them stared at Ye You's face for a moment, and then immediately appeared an unkind look like seeing a delicious prey.

The Baizhou Empire was one of the five first nations, so Ye You went straight to the position of chief. Du Yao helped him move the sofa chair back. After Ye You sat down, Du Yao also sat in the seat next to him. Down.

When it was time for the exchange meeting to start, the door was closed, and then representatives from various countries began to speak and exchange.

In such large-scale exchange meetings between countries, the main content of the exchanges and discussions is nothing more than energy, weapons, medical care, and technology. Some countries hope to get help from big and powerful countries, while others want to show their own strengths and advantages, and then conduct various transactions with other countries in need.

Drugs and weapons are the top priority of the discussion every time. Especially in the past few years, Ye You has developed several new effective drugs, which are not available in other countries, so this discussion on drugs , Bai Zhou Empire, that is, Ye You holds the main voice.

"As one of the first states of the Federation, the White Empire is the country that has contributed the least to the Federation. Since there are several new drugs this time, which other countries need most but do not have, it is time for the White Empire to do something for the Federation. These contributions have also demonstrated the tolerance of a major country."

The speaker was King Aldrich of the Silver Heaven Kingdom. It was the battleship where he led his troops to ambush the father and queen Ye You and his mother. As a result, Ye You's father and queen could not escape the cosmic storm, but he himself escaped. .

Later, Du Yao led troops to attack the Silver Heaven Kingdom, and the national power of the Silver Heaven Kingdom declined. Under pressure from the people, Aldrich had to sign a surrender treaty, and then joined the Federation at the cost of surrendering a large amount of energy every year.

Aldrich knew that as long as Du Yao was there, he wouldn't be able to defeat the Baizhou Empire dignifiedly by force. But his ambitions still haven't extinguished, he's still ready to move, looking for all possible opportunities to turn over, so for so many years, he has been in contact with Singlin.

"Our Baizhou Empire’s greatest contribution to the Federation is to maintain peace and stability among the federal states." Du Yao looked at Aldrich with a cold face and said: "The Silver Sky Kingdom sent troops to attack and harass other countries many times. If it wasn't for our White Empire to send troops to suppress it, and the Federation Congress suffered even greater losses, now you say that our White Empire did not contribute to the Federation? Would you like me to send you a list of the military expenses for the attack on the Silver Sky Kingdom? "

Du Yao said in a few words that Aldrich's face changed drastically, but he couldn't refute it. The meaning in Du Yao's words was already very obvious. Their White Empire defeated the Yintian Kingdom and asked the Yintian Kingdom to sign the defeat treaty. That's right. One of the contributions of the Federation.

Ye You always maintained a decent but gentle smile, which made people feel that his character was weak and deceptive, but he sat next to him and saw that he was very strong and capable. No one would dare to treat him in such a situation. He pressed his head to make him agree, including Aldrich, who was still arrogant after the defeat.

However, Aldrich already had a plan, and did not intend to force Ye You to agree with others at the exchange meeting. With Du Yao also present, the success rate of this approach was too small. After he saw Ye You himself, the uncontrollable commotion in his heart gave him another plan.

"Don't worry, our Baizhou Empire, as one of the first federal states, has always hoped to create a win-win situation with the federal states, and naturally it will also be considered for the people of the federal states." Ye You said gently: "Regarding the sale of new drugs, it is not possible to determine immediately. We will sign the most suitable sale contract according to the different conditions of each country. We can discuss these later."

Du Yao and Ye You, one with a black face and the other with a white face. Because they want to use the majesty of a powerful country to frighten those with ulterior motives, but the threat of force alone may make people fearful, but it cannot completely conquer people’s hearts. Therefore, occasionally they also need to give other countries that are attached to the White Empire some benefits to be stable. The White Empire's status in the Federation can also get more support. The so-called whip and sugar are indispensable and the best way to tame them.

After the topic of drugs is over, countries have used projection screens to show the weapons that their country can sell, as well as various new technologies.