Supporting Role’s Aura

Chapter 94: Extraordinary One If you haven't left before 1


Extraordinary One: If you haven't left

"General." Du Yao's deputy Lu Ling reported to Du Yaohui: "The royal battleship will arrive in an hour, and Marshal Luo Zhen will ask you to go with him to meet the emperor and the queen."

"Yeah." Du Yao replied, but he still looked at the information he had just received, and did not get up immediately.

Lu Ling did not continue to urge, but stood quietly and waited.

After Du Yao quickly read all the information, he got up and walked outside.

"Your Majesty and Queen, finally came back safely. The Yintian Kingdom dared to ambush our royal battleship. Is this openly declaring war on our Baiyu Empire?" Lu Ling said after Du Yao, "What the hell are they doing? Know the course of our Royal Battleship?"

"The person who knows your situation best will definitely not be your opponent, but the so-called own person. This is the reason why house thief is hard to defend." Du Yao said blankly.

Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment, and he seemed to understand something in his heart, but he did not continue the topic. Instead, he changed the subject and said: "Your Majesty and the Queen have been looking forward to the birth of the little prince for more than a thousand years, and how happy they are in their hearts. , It must be enough to dispel the unhappiness caused by the danger encountered this time."

Du Yao didn't say anything, and went on walking.

After the royal battleship landed, the emperor and the queen stepped off the battleship in the third base generals and soldiers lined up to greet him.

Du Yao followed Marshal Luo Zhen and stepped forward to salute the emperor and empress.

When the emperor was talking to Marshal Luo Zhen, Du Yao glanced at the little prince that the queen was holding, but only saw the small white face.

The queen's eyes were always looking at the child in her arms, with a loving and happy smile on her face.

After the emperor and empress returned to the palace, they immediately began to arrange a banquet to celebrate the birth of the little prince. After that, the palace held a banquet for several days, which was very grand, but Du Yao did not attend because he had already led his troops to attack the Yintian Kingdom.

It is one thing for the emperor and the queen to be happy because of the birth of the little prince. The new king of the Yintian Kingdom personally led his troops to ambush them, but it is another thing. The king paid the price.

The Yintian Kingdom really couldn't hold on, and took the initiative to surrender and declare defeat. It was already five years later. After the King of Yintian Kingdom signed the defeat treaty, Du Yao also led his troops back to Emperor Star and was promoted to Marshal.

After another ten years, Du Yao entered the palace to discuss important military affairs with the emperor.

Du Yao walked to the promenade, and just after passing the corner, he was hit by a short running body. Du Yao immediately stretched out his hand to support the person who hit him.

"Oh!" Noy rubbed his forehead, then looked up at the person he hit.

"His Royal Highness." Du Yao and the people behind him saluted the prince together.

"Marshal Du Yao." Noy smiled at Du Yao and said, "Are you here to see my father?"

"Yes, Your Highness." Duke Du Yao replied.

"His Royal Highness! Wait for us..." Angus ran over, followed by several guards.

"His Royal Highness, I went to see your Majesty." Du Yao looked at Noy and said.

"Okay." Noy nodded.

"His Royal Highness, are you planning to sneak out of the palace alone again?" Angus asked, looking at Noy.

"I was discovered by you, it seems that I can't get out today." Noy said with a smile.

"You always do this. Her Royal Highness will be worried if she knows it." Angus said helplessly.

Noy turned his head and looked at the back of Du Yao, who was gradually walking away.

Angus also followed Noy's gaze and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Marshal Du Yao is really amazing." Noy sighed from the bottom of his heart.

"People call him the god of war of the empire. He is also the youngest marshal in the empire, so naturally he is powerful." Angus replied.

"I really want to be able to drive the mech faster." Noy turned around and walked forward with his hands on his back.

"I also really want to..." Angus said, "But waiting for our bodies to grow to be able to drive mechas, we will have to wait for many years. It's useless to think about it now."

"We can start working hard to lay the foundation now. With a solid foundation, we will be able to drive the mech earlier and faster." Noy walked into the sun, and his eyes flashed under the sunlight. With noble and beautiful lavender light.

Noy hopes that he can drive the mech earlier. He wants to fight as handsome as Du Yao. The feeling of manipulating the mech as he pleases must be particularly interesting.


Living day after day, time seems to be very slow and slow, but recalling what happened more than ten years ago, it seems that it happened yesterday. Thinking about this, I feel that time flies very fast.

Twenty years have passed. Noy has been born for 35 years. Although his face has been changing and getting better and better, he has always remained at the age of eighteen. He is the only one. The prince is also the heir to the throne, and the entire royal family has trained him with the best resources, so he will stay at this age for a long, long time in the future.

Du Yao was in the office, watching the tactical report, and suddenly a reminder sounded. After he pressed the screen, there was a voice inside saying: "Marshal, the prince is down."

"I see." Du Yao replied.

Du Yao opened the monitoring screen outside the door and saw the slender and noble youth appearing in the screen, he pressed the button to open the door.

Du Yao stood up, walked around the desk, and saluted Noy who walked in: "His Royal Highness."

"I have completed all the basic exercises for piloting mechas, and used the small practice mechas to achieve a tenth level." Noy approached Du Yao step by step, and their chests were almost pressed together. Noy looked up. Du Yao said: "Now, what reason do you have to refuse to teach me to fly mech combat?"

Du Yao looked down at Noy for a while and said, "His Royal Highness, why bother to start mech combat training so early? I think it is more appropriate for you to wait until your physical fitness becomes better."

"I know my own body. I think I will start to practice driving a real fighter armour now. There is no problem at all." Noy raised his head for too long and his neck became a little sore. He took a step back and continued to look at Du Yao. .

After Noy and Du Yao looked at each other for a while, they turned their heads away and said angrily: "If you are so unwilling to teach me, I will find someone else to teach it."

Du Yao looked at Noy's angry tender face, and after sighing in his heart, he said helplessly: "Since your Royal Highness is so persistent, let's try it first."

"Really?" Noy stopped being angry immediately, looking at Du Yao with excitement.

Du Yao looked at Noy's bright eyes, and felt that his usually cold and hard heart gradually became soft, and couldn't help but want to smile.

"Let's go." Du Yao quickly concealed his smile, turned and walked out.

Noy followed happily.

Du Yao took Noy to the warehouse where the old mechas were stored, and chose an old mecha with a lower configuration for Noy to use for practice.

After boarding the mecha cabin, Noy became even more excited. He activated the mecha under Du Yao's guidance, and then piloted the mecha to start flying.

Du Yao sat in the second seat, turned his head and looked at Noy's face with an excited smile, making him dumbfounded. Noy looks really beautiful, and his facial features are as exquisite as a virtual character made by a program. Although his face is still a little childish, he looks even more lovely.

Noy wanted to accelerate his driving, but his current strength was unable to push the accelerator harder. He tried for a while but failed. Du Yao shook his hand and helped him push the accelerator.

The sensation of the mecha speeding up the flight made Noy feel more exciting and more excited. Du Yao felt the smooth and tender touch of his palm, and his heart became softer.

Noy drove the mech to land on the beach by the sea, and then looked at the blue sea outside and said: "This is something I always wanted to do. Driving a real fighter to the sea, I finally did it today. ,Ha ha."

Du Yao was infected by Noy's excitement, and finally couldn't help smiling.

Noy turned his head and looked at Du Yao for a while, then suddenly put his arms around Du Yao and kissed him.

Du Yao was stunned, or it could be said that he was stiff, but when he clearly felt the touch of Noy's soft lips, he really enjoyed this feeling in his heart.

"This is what I have always wanted to do." Noy said while looking at Du Yao, and then kissed it again. It was not so much a kiss, as it was with his own lips, which were tightly pressed against Du Yao's. , Because he didn't know how to kiss at all.

After Du Yao recovered, he held Noy's head with one hand and pinched Noy's chin with the other, and began to control the initiative. When Noy's mouth opened slightly, Du Yao kissed deeper and deeper.


The sun on the beach was very good, and Noy said he wanted to go for a walk on the beach, so Du Yao took him for a walk.

Noy stepped barefoot on the beach, holding Du Yao's broad and heavy hand, walking slowly. He can now hold Du Yao’s hand, hold Du Yao’s waist and step on his feet, let Du Yao sit under the big tree by the sea, and then sit on his body and kiss him over and over again. , He feels that he is the happiest person in the universe.

After returning to the base, Noy Lai was unwilling to go down in the driving. He didn't want to go back to the palace, but wanted to be with Du Yaotian.

A youth who tastes love for the first time is like finally eating a delicious cake that he has been thinking about for a long time. How can he be satisfied with just one bite.

Du Yao coaxed and coaxed, with various promises, and Noy reluctantly walked out of the mecha cabin.