Supreme Emperor

Chapter 106: The number one enemy


Thousands of feet away, a headshot.

This news shocked all the senior officials of the All Saints Gate.

"In Baidiguan, is there such a master of archery?"

Elder You Xuan squinted his eyes and felt suspicious.

"As far as I know, there are not many people skilled in archery in Emperor Xuanzong. There is a master archer in Luoxingling, called Sikongyi, who can reach the level of a thousand feet away and a headshot."

An elder spoke.

"Could it be that Sikongyi went to Baidiguan?"

"Impossible. There will be at least one day and night from Luoxingling to Baidiguan. From the information sent back from Luoxingling, Sikongyi was still there yesterday. It is impossible to rush to Baidiguan so quickly. ."

This suspicion was immediately denied.

"Since it's not Sikongyi, who would it be?"

Elder You Xuan groaned, his face even more gloomy.

"It was a crystal iron arrow that shot Feitianmao stiff. It was not the same as the previous arrows. From this point of view, Emperor Xuanzong should have sent additional reinforcements and sent armaments."

"I guess that this master archer should also be one of the reinforcements."

Someone put forward their own views.

"Finally, no matter what the person's background is, I will send troops tonight to find out his details."

Elder You Xuan said coldly.


The rest were shocked.

The defeat just now caused heavy losses to the All Saints Gate, and sending troops at this time was tantamount to sprinkling salt on his wounds.

"You don't need to go to too many people, just send someone to harass them with a few flying hairs."

Elder You Xuan said again.

"Understand, the subordinate will do it now."

Immediately, a man in a black robe took the order and left.

Night fell.

In the Baidi Pass, many disciples have already fallen asleep, and only some of the garrisons are still vigilant and watch the night above the city.

Of course, Qin Feng and other reinforcements did not get a chance to rest.

Because they have just arrived, they are full of energy, and they also help the garrisons to do some simple patrols.

The noisy battlefield during the day was terribly quiet at this time, and there were occasional howlings of wolves in the distance, which seemed particularly desolate.

call out-

Suddenly, there was a rush of breaking wind in the night sky.

"what… "

Immediately, a garrison screamed and fell from the top of the city.

"Huh? Someone attacked?"

Qin Feng's expression moved, very sensitive.

The garrison on the front of the city also rioted, immediately cheering up, holding bows and arrows, and aiming at the distant night sky.

"Be careful, Feitian Mao Zheng is here again."

A sentry shouted.

Sure enough, after a while, four or five flying heads stiffened, and under the leadership of a black-robed man, they shot towards Baidiguan.

"It's really lingering."

Qin Feng squinted his eyes, immediately picked up the wire bow, and shot an arrow.

call out-

The arrow pierced the air and shot at one of the flying feathers stiffly.

However, at this moment, the opposite night sky also shot an arrow light, which happened to collide with Qin Feng's iron arrow.


With a loud blast, Qin Feng's iron arrow was actually shattered.

However, that arrow beam continued to shoot towards Qin Feng with unabated momentum.


Qin Feng was startled.

The giant spirit sword flashed out and swept away at the arrow that came.


The collision between Jian Mang and the Giant Spirit Sword turned into a violent atmosphere and blasted the Giant Spirit Sword into the air.

Qin Feng was also shaken back for half a step, and a tingling sensation came from his arm.

"What a powerful innocent power, who is this guy?"

Qin Feng frowned slightly, looking at the black-robed man from a distance.

The arrow fired by the opponent can actually smash the crystal iron arrow, and it can also shake oneself back, which can be seen in its repair.

Without the strength of the fifth-order True Qi "Aura Realm", it would be impossible to shake Qin Feng back.

However, when Qin Feng wanted to fight back, the black-robed man had disappeared with flying hair stiff.

The garrison breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the other side withdraw.

"Junior Brother Qin, how are you?"

The leader of the garrison hurried over to inquire.

"I'm fine, who is this black-robed man? Is the deacon of the Ten Thousand Saints Gate?"

Qin Feng curiously said.

"I don't know, but I think they should be here to test you."

The garrison leader said again.

"Test me? Is it because of the daytime?"

Qin Feng said to himself.

During the day, he successively shot and killed two Feitian Maozheng, forcing the remaining Feitian Maozheng to retreat, which also became the fuse to reverse the battle.

"If you want to test my strength, I am afraid I will disappoint you."

Qin Feng shook his head and chuckled lightly.

His arrow didn't fully exert its power. If you add Hunyuan Zhenqi and forging skills, the power of this arrow can more than double.

"It is necessary to inform Commander Qi about this matter. You continue to watch the night, and I will return as soon as I go."

The garrison leader gave an order and left in a hurry.

the other side.

The black-robed man returned to the Ten Thousand Saint Gate resident and reported the information he had collected to Elder Youxuan.

"The subordinates have already tried, and the opponent is just a disciple of Emperor Xuanzong, and his strength should be around the second and third levels of true Qi."

"Infuriating second or third order?"

Elder Youxuan was slightly startled, and he did not expect that a disciple of the second and third order of true Qi could actually possess such shooting skills.

"However, there is one thing worth noting that this blocked my gas burst arrow!"

The black robe man said again.

"What? Blocked the gas burst arrow?"

The elders around were also shocked.

The production cost of the gas explosion arrow is extremely high, and the power is quite amazing. The range can reach 3,000 steps, which is stronger than the wire bow.

Moreover, the gas explosion arrow can accelerate in the middle, and when it comes into contact with the enemy, it has a strong blasting power.

Once the qi burst arrow exploded, it was equivalent to the strength of a fifth-order true qi master.

The reason why Qin Feng was shaken back was precisely for this reason.

In fact, the cultivation base of this black robe man did not reach the fifth real qi, only the fourth real qi.

He just relied on the qi to explode the arrow, which created an illusion of the fifth-order true qi.

"Although this child's cultivation base is not high, it can block the qi burst arrow, which shows that his defense is very strong. Moreover, this child has good shooting skills, which is a threat to Fei Tian Mao Zheng."

After meditation for a while, Elder Youxuan continued to speak, "You will start the war again in two days. In any case, you must kill this son. Once this son dies, the flying stiff can continue to function."

The two armies confronted each other and moved the whole body, especially when the combat strength of the two sides was similar.

Before that, Qin Feng didn't come to the Baidi Pass, and the Ten Thousand Saints Gate sings forward, because of his flying and stiff harassment ability.

But without the advantage of Fei Tian Mao Zheng, the Wan Sheng Gate would have difficulty conquering Bai Di Pass.

On the contrary, the garrison of Baidiguan will only become more and more courageous, and with sufficient supplies, confidence will also increase a lot.

The battle between the two armies lies in the same momentum.

"Don't worry, this child is my prey, I will never escape."

The black robe is full of confidence.

Although Qin Feng blocked the Qi burst arrow, in his opinion, Qin Feng's cultivation base is too weak after all, and there is always a gap in the hundred secrets, and he always has a chance to start.

Probably no one thought that Qin Feng, as a reserve army, had just arrived at Baidiguan and was regarded as the number one enemy by the Ten Thousand Saints.