Supreme Emperor

Chapter 121: Legacy of Lei Di


"Thunderbolt armor?"

Qin Feng felt the irritable breath from the scriptures, and his whole body seemed to be electrocuted, extremely numb.

The energy conveyed by the scriptures is so strong, it is really rare.

In Qin Feng's impression, only the Dragon Clan's high-level secret arts could transmit strong energy fluctuations.

"This is a ground-level technique?"

Qin Feng said in shock.

"Not only the level, but also the top grade, and has advanced attributes."

The elder nodded and smiled.

Most of the exercises do not have advanced ability.

For example, Qin Feng cultivated Yangang Boxing, no matter how he cultivated it, it was impossible to advance to the next level.

However, there are also a handful of exercises that can derive more profound artistic conceptions and undergo qualitative changes with the deepening of practice.

For example, "Hunyuan Zhenqi" and this "Thunder Explosion Armor" can be continuously upgraded, and there is no upper limit.

"The starting point is the top grade of the earth ranks. So, it is not difficult to upgrade to the martial arts of the sky rank?"

Qin Feng asked again.

"Yes, this is where the value of "Thunder Blast Armor" lies. Once you upgrade to the heavenly rank, the power of this technique will truly be revealed."

The elder touched his beard and smiled proudly.

"Such a precious exercise, the great elder gave it to me, if the school knew about it, I'm afraid..."

As soon as Qin Feng spoke, the elder interrupted him, "Don't worry, this technique is not the technique of Emperor Xuanzong, it was taught to you by me personally."

"Not Emperor Xuanzong's technique?"

Qin Feng was startled slightly.

"This is when I traveled to the sea and obtained a technique in the sea. According to legend, the person who created this "Thunder and Explosion Armor" was the Thunder Emperor in ancient times."

The Grand Elder explained.

"What? Ancient Lei Di?"

Qin Feng's heart trembled.

When he was in the Dragon Clan, he had heard of the fame of Lei Di.

Lei Di gained the Tao 100,000 years ago, comprehended the law of heavenly thunder, and took control of the nine heavenly thunders.

Thirty thousand years ago, the Lei Di suddenly disappeared. Some people said that he had soared through the realm and reached the highest plane.

And more people are saying that the Lei Di was jealous of the sky and died in the sea, and all the treasures on his body were scattered in the sea.

However, this matter is too old to be verified.

Qin Feng just didn't expect that the volume of "Thunder Explosion Armor" in the hands of the Great Elder was actually a legacy left by the Lei Di.

"This "Thunder Explosion Armor" is only a part of Lei Di's inheritance, some of which is missing, it can only be regarded as the top grade. If you can find the incomplete part, you may be able to get the true inheritance of Lei Di."

Speaking of this, the elder looked regretful.

If the Lei Di's inheritance were obtained, it would be easy to dominate the entire Nine Star Continent.

"Elder, this thing is too precious, disciples dare not accept it."

Qin Feng shook his head.

This "Thunder Explosion Armor" really moved him, but this work was the painstaking effort of the elder, and it was his most precious thing, and Qin Feng was really embarrassed to accept it.

You know, for a cultivator, a top-level exercise is often seen as more important than life.

"Accept it, this thing is of little use to me."

The attitude of the great elder is very firm.

What he meant by what he said, obviously, he had already cultivated "Thunder Blast Armor" to the pinnacle level. There is no difference whether there is this scripture or not.

For top-level exercises of this type, only the original version is useful, and copying a copy of it is meaningless.

This scripture contains a strand of Lei Di's will, which is the essence, and if you copy a copy, you can only remember some tactics and cultivation methods, but there is no Lei Di's spiritual will.

The so-called finishing touch, if there is no such finishing touch, the effect will naturally be far worse.

"The great elder's kindness, the disciples will definitely remember it."

Qin Feng didn't shirk anymore, and accepted the scriptures.

After all, Lei Di's exercises are difficult for anyone to resist, even the Ninth Prince of the Dragon Clan.

"There is one thing you must be very careful about. Cultivating this "Thunder Explosion Armor" requires a strong mental power. Don't try to cultivate."

The elder exhorted.

"Disciples, remember!"

Qin Feng nodded.

At this level, every exercise is as difficult as reaching the sky, and the stronger the mental power, the easier it is to cultivate.

Because of this, many people will practice the earth-level exercises when they reach the life stealing realm, or even the golden core realm.

But Qin Feng is different. His spiritual power was originally stronger than ordinary people, and now he has spiritual fire, which can continuously devour the spiritual power of others and strengthen himself.

Under these conditions, he can practice the ground-level exercises without any taboo.

"Besides, there is one more thing. Have you heard of the celebration banquet?"

The great elder said again.

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"At Baidiguan, Commander Qi had already talked about it."

Qin Feng answered.

"Three days later, you must be prepared for the celebration banquet in the Wandi Palace."

The implication is that there will be some discussions and struggles at the celebration banquet.

However, the elder regarded Qin Feng as his disciple, and naturally did not want Qin Feng to be laughed at at the banquet.

"The disciple understands, go back and prepare now."

After Qin Feng saluted, he left directly.

Back in the mountain palace, Qin Feng couldn't wait to study "Thunder Blast Armor".

"This is Lei Di's technique, it must be extremely mysterious."

When Qin Feng read the scriptures, a violent electric current exploded immediately, shocking people in a cold sweat.

Just a book contains such a powerful power, and after tens of thousands of years of baptism, the power has not dissipated, which shows the horror of the Thunder Emperor.

"Thunderer, Cardinal of Heaven and Earth!"

The opening sentence is the general outline of "Thunder Blast Armor".

It means that the person who controls the thunder is the hub of the world and the world, and is the most important and critical link in the operation of the avenue.

This sentence directly set the tone of "Thunder Blast Armor".

"It's really domineering, in a word, it will directly suppress the laws of thousands of great ways, and I am the only one who is the only one."

Qin Feng took a deep breath.

As the ninth prince of the dragon clan, he hasn't seen anyone strong

Demon Sovereign, Demon Emperor, Human Sovereign... Various primordial spirit powerhouses, eternal giants, he doesn't know how many he has encountered.

But it was the first time he heard of such a domineering and powerful existence like Lei Di.

Qin Feng stroked this scripture, lightning throbbed at his fingertips, he seemed to be able to feel the domineering power of Lei Di.

He closed his eyes, and he seemed to be able to see the invincible scene of the Lei Di running across the sky and the earth in his mind.

It was not until a long time later that Qin Feng's mood gradually calmed down.

"Let me take a look, how exactly is this practice practiced?"

He continued to look back, and soon after reading the contents of the book, he probably also had an impression in his mind.

"It turns out that this technique needs to absorb the essence of thunder and lightning. Fortunately, I have only just started. Just a few crystal stones with lightning attributes are enough to complete the cultivation."

Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"According to the book, when I gather the air armor, I can integrate the power of thunder magic into it, so that the air armor can generate thunder and lightning power, which can not only defend, but also passively attack. It is really wonderful..."