Supreme Emperor

Chapter 146: Dragon Egg


Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts.

Pieces of medicine pools exude different auras, colorful spirit pet eggs, like agate stones.

Beside each medicine pool, there is a stone tablet with words inscribed on it, introducing the basic situation of Ling Chong Dan.

Qin Feng came to a stone tablet at random, and a lot of important information was presented before his eyes.

"Two-headed ice wolf."

"The attribute is ice, and the level is two stars."

"The bloodline concentration, 11%, the concentration is weak, and the basic skills are not..."

Qin Feng muttered to himself.

This spirit pet egg was left by the wolf clan and was a double-headed ice wolf, belonging to a rare spirit beast.

Moreover, the level of two stars is not bad.

The level here is the starting level. As the two-handed ice wolf grows, it will continue to advance to the highest nine-star level.

The higher the starting level, the more obvious the advantage.

You know, the starting level of many spirit pets is only one star.

In the world of spiritual pets, the level below three stars is the infancy period, four to six stars are the growth period, and above six stars is the peak period of the spiritual pet.

After the spiritual pet reaches four stars, it will be able to forage, hunt, and feed itself.

In the infancy, the owner's feeding is required, just like a baby that has not been weaned.

Moreover, more than 70% of the spiritual pets died in their infancy.

Because childhood spiritual pets are too fragile, if the owner is not careful, they will feed them to death.

Therefore, the higher the starting level, the greater the value of the spirit pet.

If you were born with four stars, then you would be the best spirit pet in a million. Of course, this probability is very low.

Qin Feng's previous spirit pet "Dayan Sacred Fire Dragon" had a starting level of only four stars. Therefore, this two-star double-headed ice wolf is also very good.

However, this two-headed ice wolf has a fatal shortcoming, and the blood vein concentration is too low.

If the race gene determines the upper limit of the spirit pet, then the bloodline concentration determines the growth of the spirit pet.

The higher the bloodline concentration, the faster the growth rate of the pet, and vice versa, the slower it is.

The bloodline concentration of this two-headed ice wolf is only 11%, and it may be cultivated for another ten years before it can advance to three stars.

"Not ideal, let's look at other things."

Qin Feng's eyes moved, and he came to a medicine pool not far away.

The information on the stone tablet is clear at a glance.

Attribute: Thunder

Level: two stars

Blood Vessel Concentration: 29%

Skill: Lightning

"The basic qualities of this Lei Ling carving are pretty good."

Qin Feng pondered.

It is also a two-star spirit pet, but the bloodline concentration of the Lei Ling Eagle has reached 29%, so its growth rate is almost three times that of the double-headed ice wolf.

In other words, Lei Ling Carving can advance to Samsung in only three years.

Moreover, this is a spirit pet with lightning attributes, and has the ability to attract thunder, which is consistent with Qin Feng's practice of thunder method. Qin Feng decided to put the thunder spirit sculpture on the candidate list first.

Next, he watched the flowers and walked around, and checked a lot of information about the spirit pet.

Among them, two spiritual pets appeared again, which made Qin Feng a little excited.

Attribute: Wind

Level: two stars

Blood Vessel Concentration: 52%

Skills: Thousands of miles in a flash

Attribute: Gold

Level: two stars

Blood Vessel Concentration: 54%

Skill: Tiger Roar

The reason why Qin Feng fell in love with these two spirit pets was mainly because the bloodline concentration was extremely high, reaching more than 50%.

It is also a two-star, these two spirit pets can be advanced to a three-star within a year or two.

Moreover, their basic skills are also attractive to Qin Feng.

The flying ability of the Golden Wing Roc is extremely strong. The Roc rises in the same wind in one day and soars for 90,000 miles. Among all the pets, the speed of the Golden Wing Roc is at the top.

And the other soul pet, Split Sky Tiger, is behind the famous sect.

The ancestors of the Sky Splitting Tiger are the White Tigers, one of the four great sacred beasts in the ancient times.

As for "Tiger Roar", it is a sound-killing skill, which is also quite rare.

"With a bloodline concentration of more than 50%, these two spirit pets should be easy to feed."

Qin Feng touched his chin and began to hesitate.

Obviously, compared with the two spirit pets, the Thunder Spirit Sculpture was much inferior, so Qin Feng also directly excluded the Thunder Spirit Sculpture.

However, the Golden Winged Roc and Sky Splitting Tiger also seemed to make Qin Feng unsatisfied.

After all, his previous life's spiritual pet was Dayan Sacred Fire Dragon, which was completely the existence of two worlds.

Now suddenly letting him raise a two-star spirit pet, it was indeed unwilling to be reconciled.

"I use the fire of spirit to test, maybe there will be a legacy from the sea."

Qin Feng's mind moved, and he immediately ignited the fire of his spirit.

The spiritual power was raised to the highest level and turned into divine consciousness to explore. He had to personally explore the attributes of these spirit pet eggs.

After all, this inscription is just a reference value and may not be all accurate.

"Huh? There is a familiar breath, what's the matter?"

Soon, Qin Feng made a new discovery.

Under his spiritual exploration, there was a scent of dragon clan in a spiritual pet egg.

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Qin Feng was originally a dragon, so he was particularly sensitive to the breath of the dragon.

When he came to this spiritual pet egg, he was dumbfounded to find that the stele had no record.

When this happens, there are only two possibilities:

First, the person who recorded the inscription did not identify the attributes of this soul pet egg.

Second, for some reason, the inscription was erased artificially.

If it weren't for Qin Feng's spiritual temptation, I'm afraid he would have overlooked this spiritual pet.

"There is no attribute, and no bloodline concentration data, which is really a headache."

Qin Feng smiled bitterly.

With his current mental power, it is still impossible to identify this spirit pet egg, only one thing can be determined, it should be a dragon egg.

The dragon clan is the largest race in the world, and the dragon beast is naturally the emperor among the beasts.

Even the most common dragon beasts are much stronger than Dapeng and White Tiger.

The most troublesome thing now is that I don't know anything about this dragon egg. If a hybrid dragon head appears at that time, then everything is full of unknowns.

Spirit pets hybridize and their bloodlines evolve. It is possible that the more they evolve, the stronger, and the more they evolve, the weaker they are.

"Got a gamble, I'll choose you."

Qin Feng hesitated for a moment, and finally chose this dragon egg.

There is a very important reason for choosing it, that is, Qin Feng has a wealth of experience in cultivating dragon beasts.

The Dayan Sacred Fire Dragon, from four stars to nine stars, was cultivated by Qin Feng.

If you choose other spiritual pets, then everything has to be explored from scratch. This process is very difficult. If the method is not appropriate, it is possible to feed the spiritual pet to death.

For the sake of safety, Qin Feng finally chose this dragon egg.

"You want this one? Are you sure?"

When Qin Feng came to Taniguchi holding the dragon egg, the elder looked at him with surprise.

"The attributes of this spirit pet egg are unknown, and the bloodline is unknown. Do you really regret it when you choose it?"

The elder asked again.

"Since I have chosen, I won't regret it naturally, that's it."

Qin Feng nodded and answered very positively.