Supreme Emperor

Chapter 155: Go far to the imperial capital


The edge of the desert.

The two figures shuttled like electricity, and disappeared at the end of the horizon in the blink of an eye.


Kui Ji, Tonghu, and Yin Jiu smashed the ice layer one after another, but at this time, Qin Feng and Qin Feng had not been seen for a long time.

"Damn, I'm so angry!"

The Bronze Tiger jumped like a thunder, venting fiercely into the distance with an axe, and suddenly the dust blasted into the sky.

"The cooked duck actually flew. No, we must not allow this to happen, otherwise, our'Rakshasa Sansha' will face scandal and will be ridiculed by our peers."

The Yin Dove gritted his teeth with a stubborn look.

"What are you doing in a daze, chase them quickly and let them escape into Yunlan Nation, then it will be troublesome."

Kwai Ji gave a cold shout, and her figure rushed out.


Tonghu and Yinji didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly followed.

Although these three are extremely fast, Qin Feng and Qiu Baifeng are not slow, especially when they are escaping for their lives, they will stimulate the instinct to survive.

After half an hour.

"Qin Feng, look at it, Yunlan Country is ahead."

Qiu Baifeng was overjoyed.

Not far ahead, a towering ancient city reflected the eyes of the two of them, and it was Yunlan City, the border town of Yunlan Kingdom.

Although Yunlan City is not large, it has a population of tens of millions, and it is also on the border of the country, and it is a mixed bag.

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As long as you enter the city and get mixed up in the crowd, you are basically out of danger.

"Hurry up..."

Qin Feng's face was pale, and he couldn't even lift a breath of real energy.

He was one enemy three, consuming too much energy and blood, and then he was hit hard by the Rakshasa Sansha, and suffered a very serious internal injury.

If it can't be treated in time, some sequelae will be left behind, which will affect future cultivation.

Qiu Baifeng didn't dare to be sloppy, supported Qin Feng, and walked quickly into Yunlan City.

Yunlan City is a stronghold of the military, and every pass is guarded by a large number of garrisons. Among them, there are many true Qi practitioners. If they want to pass their pass, they must have a reasonable identity.

After all, the opposite of Yunlan City is the Eastern Wasteland Realm, and the repairers from the Eastern Wasteland are not welcome.

"Who came from?"

At the pass, the garrison soon came forward for questioning.

"Emperor Xuanzong disciple."

Qiu Baifeng immediately took out the token.

"Oh? It turned out to be a distinguished guest of Emperor Xuanzong, disrespectful and disrespectful."

The garrison clasped their fists in a salute.

The Kingdom of Yunlan was protected by Emperor Xuanzong, so he was in awe of the people of Emperor Xuanzong in every possible way.

"This Xiongtai seems to be injured?"

The garrison leader also stepped forward and glanced at Qin Feng.

"We were hunted down."

Qiu Baifeng nodded, speaking bluntly.

"Understood, you go in first and leave it to us here."

The garrison leader knew immediately.

The people of Emperor Xuanzong are in trouble, they will definitely help each other, this is one of the national laws of Yunlan Kingdom.

You know, Yunlan Kingdom is not only protected by Emperor Xuanzong, some of the princes of Yunlan Kingdom also practiced in Emperor Xuanzong.

"Yun Yifan", the third prince of the Yunlan Kingdom, was a disciple of Emperor Xuanzong's outer sect. He died at the hands of the Iron Brown Bear. Qin Feng, Lu Ming and others went to dig out his treasure.

The half of Qin Feng's remnant picture and some fragmentary belongings were also obtained from Yun Yifan.

Many talents in Yunlan Kingdom were cultivated with the help of Emperor Xuanzong, so they were very grateful to Emperor Xuanzong, and naturally it was impossible for them to die.

"Two, please come with me."

Under the arrangement of the two garrisons, Qin Feng and the two quickly mixed into the city.

In Yunlan City, there was silence and desolation.

Although there are a lot of people in the city, it is a bit depressed. There are no shops on the street, let alone bustling.

The garrison brought Qin Feng to the city lord's mansion, and the city lord enthusiastically received them.

"We need some pills, otherwise, my junior's injury will be difficult to heal."

After seeing the city lord, Qiu Baifeng opened the door and said what he wanted.

"I think this young hero is seriously injured. In Yunlan City, I am afraid that there is no good healing medicine."

The city lord looked at Qin Feng's injury, his face heavy.

Yunlan City is too barren, there are not many ordinary shops, let alone medicine shops.

"Are there medical technicians in the city?"

Qiu Baifeng asked again.

Medical practitioners, this is a person who specializes in practicing the way of medicine. He has the ability to rejuvenate his hands. There are several top medical practitioners in almost every school.

Qin Feng's injury was serious, even if he took the pill, it was difficult to treat it on his own, and he needed medical treatment.

"This… "

The city lord looked embarrassed.

There are not many medicine shops in places like Yunlan City, so how can there be medical technicians

"We have a shortage of supplies in the land here. I am afraid that we can't meet the demands of the two. If the two want to treat their injuries, it is better to go to the imperial city. The imperial city is only seven days away from here."

The city owner sincerely suggested.

"Seven days?"

Qiu Baifeng frowned, then glanced at Qin Feng, who was in a coma, "Okay, I need some support and arrange a few infuriating masters to escort me. If we get through this crisis, we will definitely repay in the future."

"We don't dare to repay, it's our responsibility to share the worries for Emperor Xuanzong."

The city lord was so frightened that he quickly bowed his hands in salute.

He is a small town lord in a borderland, how dare he ask Emperor Xuanzong to repay him

"Come here, get Dragon Guard and Tiger Guard, let them escort two distinguished guests to Yunlan Imperial Capital."

The lord immediately issued the order.

After a while, two tall and mighty young men appeared in front of Qiu Baifeng.

These two are full of blood, their eyes are divine, their bodies are huge, but they walk very lightly, and their martial arts cultivation is indeed not weak.

"Dragon Guard, Tiger Guard, wait for dispatch!"

The two clasped their fists and bowed, their voices loud and loud.

"The third order of true energy?"

Qiu Baifeng's heart moved.

Neither Dragon Guard nor Tiger Guard was wearing heavy armor, which showed that they had already cultivated their air armor and reached the third real qi.

Although this point of cultivation can't compete with the three evils of Rakshasa, it can play a somewhat harassing effect.

Coupled with the delays of the garrisons in Yunlan City, it would buy Qin Feng and the others a lot of time.

"Okay, just you, let's start now."

Qiu Baifeng nodded immediately.

She didn't dare to delay the slightest, arriving at the imperial city earlier, Qin Feng could get rid of the danger earlier.

Yunlan City, pass.


A piece of dust flew, and dozens of garrisons, like broken kites, flew high and crashed on the city wall, leaving their bodies torn apart.

"Damn, even dare to block the way of our Rakshasa Sansha? Are all living impatient?"

The bronze tiger roared again and again, and the giant axe slashed out fiercely.


There was another loud noise, and the heavy city gate was directly blasted into powder by him.

"Say, where are those two guys?"

Yin Jiu caught the garrison leader and threatened coldly.

"I... I don't know..."

The garrison leader's face was pale.

"Bronze Tiger, Yin Dove, stop talking nonsense, just slaughter the city until they speak."

Aoi Ji's eyes were cold and her tone was extremely indifferent.