Supreme Emperor

Chapter 19: Hun Yuan Zhen Qi


"Are you willing to save my sister?"

Lu Ming was ecstatic, tears burst out all of a sudden.

"Didn't you miss a nourishing pill? I happen to have it here. You can use it to save people."

While speaking, Qin Feng took out a small jade bottle.

This blood nourishing pill was produced by the Pill Refining Workshop. Although it was not as good as the elixir of God Xuanzong, the effect was not bad.

Before Qin Feng left Jiangzhou, he deliberately brought a few commonly used elixirs in order to prepare for emergencies, but he didn't expect to use it as soon as he arrived.

"Thank you En Gong, thank En Gong..."

Lu Ming got the pill and was so excited that he would kowtow to Qin Feng on the spot.

"Okay, okay... it's almost done."

Qin Feng's voice was lazy and waved his hand casually.

"By the way, I don't know the name of Eun Gong? I'll be able to repay it in the future!"

Lu Ming calmed down and asked quickly.

"My name is Qin Feng."

"Brother Feng, you will be my boss from now on. If you have anything you want, you can do it directly."

Lu Ming chuckled.

He has also seen Qin Feng's strength, and he is also righteous, and it is not a shame to follow such a boss.

"I'll talk about these things later, go and save your sister!"

Qin Feng nodded.

"Okay, then I'll go first."

Lu Ming was eager to save people, and did not delay too much, and hurried away with the other disciples.

"Fortunately, these people weren't sent by Yang Shaotian, otherwise they would be in trouble."

Seeing Lu Ming's disappearing figure, Qin Feng thought to himself.

If Yang Shaotian was in trouble at this time, with Qin Feng's current cultivation base, he would definitely not be able to resist.

Of course, Yang Shaotian was in the inner sect. According to the rules of the sect, the inner sect disciple could not act on the outer sect disciple. After all, the gap between the two was too great.

Outer disciples have low status, but on the contrary, they will receive greater protection.

The only way for inner disciples and outer disciples to confront each other is to sign the certificate of life and death and go to the stage of life and death.

Although Yang Shaotian couldn't do it himself, he had the ability to operate secretly and send someone to assassinate Qin Feng. This possibility was not unavailable.

Lu Ming's troubles sounded the alarm, and Qin Feng had a sense of crisis.

"It seems that I must improve my strength quickly, and I will cultivate my true energy as soon as possible."

Qin Feng said to himself.

He is now staying at the eighth stage of the body building. The next step is to stimulate the brain, realize the great path, and condense the true energy.

For ordinary people, this step requires a very high level of savvy. Many people can't cultivate true qi in their entire lives, and can only be ordinary warriors in the world.

However, as far as Qin Feng is concerned, he has invincible experience, knows how to condense true energy and how to improve the efficiency of cultivation.

"Inner breath, true energy, within a single thought. Only by breaking through the shackles of life and death, can I have an epiphany and explore the threshold of the true energy period. I have only one chance now."

Qin Feng knew everything about himself, so he wasn't worried.

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"If you experience a life-and-death fight, you should be able to open the door of your brain."

People are on the verge of life and death, and the instinct to survive can often stimulate powerful potential. With this power, they can break through the door of the brain and realize the existence of true qi.

"Hunting in the deep mountains, um... it's a good opportunity."

Qin Feng soon had plans.

When he entered Emperor Xuanzong, he had certain observations and inquiries about the Falling Star Mountain Range. He knew that there were many fierce beasts in the mountains, and fighting these fierce beasts life and death would naturally feel the pressure.

With Qin Feng's talent and experience, as long as there is a kind of pressure, he is sure to open the door of his mind.

After making up his mind, Qin Feng finally rested.

Early the next morning, he did not go directly into the mountain to hunt, but first went to the "Tianwu Pavilion".

Tianwu Pavilion is a place to learn martial arts and martial arts. According to the rules of Emperor Xuanzong, beginner disciples have a chance to enter Tianwu Pavilion for free.

Qin Feng had only practiced a set of Yangang Boxing, which was obviously far from enough. He also needed some other cards.

The top of the mountain is misty and misty.

An octagonal pagoda stood in Qin Feng's field of vision. This was Tianwu Pavilion, a rather sacred place.

"Direct disciple?"

When the deacon Shouge checked Qin Feng's token, a look of shock appeared on his face.

There are more than 3,000 outer disciples, and no more than 100 direct disciples. They are definitely seedlings cultivated vigorously by the sect and are especially valued.

"According to the rules, outer disciples can only choose one set of exercises. However, if you are a direct disciple, you can choose two sets of exercises, go."

Deacon Shouge returned the token to Qin Feng, with a very kind attitude.

Entering Tianwu Pavilion, it is another look.

The most obvious is that there is a faint fragrance in the pavilion, and Mingshen is refreshing, which can quickly calm down and choose the exercises with a normal heart.

After all, there are too many cheats in this Tianwu Pavilion, and some of them are powerful and exciting.

But not everyone is qualified to practice these powerful exercises. Those disciples with shallow foundations chose these exercises impulsively, but as a result they were unable to cultivate and regretted it.

Therefore, only by calming down can you choose the exercise that suits you best.

In addition, there are so many kinds of Tianwu Pavilion exercises, which are dazzling, and there is no way to start without sinking your heart.

"Fist and foot martial arts are of no use to me, I wonder if there is any internal cultivation technique?"

Qin Feng thought secretly, passing in front of the rows of bookshelves, searching all the way.

He is very clear about what he needs, which is completely different from many rookie disciples.

The internal cultivation method mainly cultivates qi, blood and spirit, and it is to stabilize the foundation. There is not much effect in the early stage, but in the later stage, it can make people practice twice with less effort.

The fist martial arts, mainly to enhance the lethality, such as Yangang Boxing, King Kong Tiger Roaring Boxing, etc., have an immediate effect.

But these exercises are only applicable to the body-building period, once they enter the zhenqi period, they will all be eliminated.

Therefore, Qin Feng didn't want to waste time and energy to practice low-level martial arts skills, but directly practice internal family skills.

Struggling iron also requires one's own hard work, and internal power is the real kingly way.

"This "Hunyuan Zhenqi" is an internal cultivation technique, how about it?"

After half an hour, Qin Feng finally found an interesting technique.

"Hunyuan Zhenqi" Level: Van-level masterpiece.

This is an internal cultivation technique that strengthens vitality, internal energy, spirit... and so on. It is especially beneficial for the condensing of true qi.

True Qi has attributes, such as gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

The true qi of different attributes has the relationship of mutual generation and mutual restraint, but if you practice "Hunyuan True Qi", you can break the attribute lock, freely transform the five elements, and blend the elements into one.

"This exercise is divided into five levels, entry, small achievement, great achievement, peak, and transformation. Once you enter the transformation, you will break the routine and comprehend higher levels of mystery. In other words, this exercise follows There is no end to the continuous upgrading of cultivation."

Seeing the introduction on the cheat book, Qin Feng also shined.