Supreme Emperor

Chapter 20: mad


What is Transmigration

Transformation, the way of change, breaks the thinking of the ancients, breaks and then stands, transcends the routine.

Any technique that reaches the state of transformation can turn decay into magic, and burst out infinite power.

However, not all exercises have the level of transformation, such as Yangangquan, which can only be cultivated to the peak at most.

In this Tianwu Pavilion, there are really rare exercises that can reach the level of transformation.

"Yes, this "Hunyuan Zhenqi" can be practiced forever, and basically will not be eliminated."

Qin Feng nodded and smiled, and immediately put this secret book in his pocket.

Because he is a direct disciple, he can choose a practice.

"Fisting techniques and internal cultivation techniques are available. I don't know what good footwork can be practiced?"

Qin Feng continued to search.

His idea is very simple, the world martial arts can only be fast and unbreakable, when he has a superb physical ability, he can kill the enemy when he enters, and he can save his life when he retreats.

Qin Feng currently only has some simple basic footwork, and now, he dared not show the dragon clan secret technique, naturally he still needs to practice a clever human footwork.

Compared with internal exercises, footwork is much more complicated, but it can be roughly divided into three categories:

The first category is the pursuit of extreme speed, such as "Jinghong footwork", "Streaming footwork" and so on.

The second type, pay attention to a "light" word, such as "fly on the grass", "floating on the water" and other footwork.

The third type is more weird, neither pursuing fast nor light, but the footwork of the clone type.

Stepping out in one step, the figure is heavy, creating a kind of confusing effect, such as "ghost footwork", "Fengyun Nine Changes" and so on.

Of course, there are a handful of footwork, which have three characteristics at the same time. They are extremely difficult to practice and require super talent.

"Huh? Why is this book here?"

In a daze, Qin Feng found a similar footwork-"Qianlong Step".

The level of "Qianlong Step" is unknown, it seems to be incomplete, it is not a complete set of exercises, but Qin Feng is very familiar with it.

"If I remember correctly, the'Qianlong Step' is a footwork in the Dragon Clan's secret technique, and it has actually spread to the Human Race?"

Qin Feng flipped through the secret book quickly, his judgment was correct, "Qianlong Step" was exactly the dragon clan's practice.

This footwork combines the three characteristics of lightness, speed, and agility. When it reaches its peak, it is like a dragon flying in the sky, full of domineering.

It's just that this footwork requires too much comprehension, and many people can't even reach the realm of Xiaocheng, let alone the pinnacle.

But as far as Qin Feng is concerned, he is familiar with this footwork himself, and he is not familiar with it after his cultivation

"Since the'Qianlong Step' has spread to the Human Race, I shouldn't have any problems with this footwork, right?"

Qin Feng was a little worried, he was mainly afraid of being noticed by Jairus.


Since the "Qianlong Step" appeared in the Tianshu Pavilion, there must be someone else who had also practiced, and Qin Feng might be just one of the many people.

As soon as he thought of this, Qin Feng was relieved a lot.

"Okay, that's it."

Qin Feng nodded and smiled, picked up the secret book and turned around to leave.


But at this moment, an indifferent voice came from the other end of the bookshelf.

The person who spoke was a young man, about seventeen or eighteen years old, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, extraordinary appearance, but the faint arrogance between his eyebrows made people feel not very close.

"Is there a problem?"

Qin Feng was a little surprised, he didn't know this person.

"You took my things."

The young man said coldly.

"Your stuff?" Qin Feng was taken aback, then looked at the secret book in his hand, "You mean this?"

"That's right, this'qianlong step' has long been my fancy, don't you know?"

The cold shout of this young man quickly attracted some disciples nearby, and many people stepped forward to watch the excitement.

"Huh? Isn't that Li Xingyao?"

"Ten Li Xingyao in front of the outer door? That's a man of the wind, he actually came to Tianwu Pavilion?"

"Is anyone robbing Senior Brother Li for the cheats?"

It turned out that this cold and arrogant young man was the top ten genius in the outer door, and his appearance also attracted a lot of onlookers.

"Snatching the cheats with Brother Li? Who is the other party?"

Some people were surprised.

"I don't know, it looks like a freshman, probably a new disciple, right?"

Some people guessed it.

A rookie who is new to the outside world actually snatches the cheats with the top ten characters in the outer door

The news spread, and the entire Tianwu Pavilion was a sensation, and people continued to crowd around, and the area was surrounded by water in the blink of an eye.

"This cheat book belongs to me, don't you even know mine?"

Li Xingyao stared at Qin Feng coldly.

Hearing this, Qin Feng shrugged and smiled, "Yours? Your name is not written on it? If I don't give it, you still want to grab it?"


As soon as this statement came out, the entire Tianwu Pavilion was in an uproar, and the disciples onlookers changed their colors.

"Is this kid idiot? Doesn't he know who Senior Brother Li is?"

"Hey, this is called a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, and those who don't know are fearless."

"Look at Senior Brother Li's face, this kid will definitely suffer."

It is really surprising that an unknown little rookie blatantly challenged characters like Li Xingyao.

"Leave the secret book, get out of the Tianwu Pavilion, I can let you go."

Li Xingyao squinted his eyes, and the cold light flickered.

"I won't give a cheat. If you have the guts to grab it, just try it."

Qin Feng didn't show any fear, and under all eyes, he took the secret book into his arms.


This is Tianwu Pavilion, the place where Zongmen is forbidden by martial arts. Who dares to use martial arts here

Li Xingyao is not a fool. Once he takes action, he will immediately be punished by the sect, and maybe he will be detained.

Two months later, it will be the annual Outer Gate Competition. If it is now confined, it is very likely that it will not be able to catch up with the Outer Gate Competition, and a year was wasted in vain.

"Why? Don't you dare?" Looking at Li Xingyao with a pale face, Qin Feng sneered, and then changed the conversation, "If you dare not, I can challenge you."


Hearing this, Li Xingyao's mouth twitched, and his body trembled with anger.

It was a shame that the top ten people in his dignified door were scorned by a rookie and challenged himself openly.

The disciples who were watching were also stunned, and suddenly they looked at Qin Feng with admiration.

"Aren’t you trying to teach me? I’ll give you a chance. Two months from now, I’ll challenge you. If you win, I’ll be at your disposal, but if you lose, I’ll kowtow to admit my mistake. . How? Do you dare?"

Qin Feng sneered slightly and looked at each other with a playful expression on his face.

"Okay! I accept your challenge. The day of the Outer Gate Competition is your death date."

Li Xingyao's anger was wide, and he agreed.

As a figure in the top ten of the outer door, he was pointed to the nose to challenge him, and he could not refrain from fighting.


Once he challenged it, it meant that during these two months, he could no longer wear small shoes to Qin Feng, otherwise he would appear to be very lacklustre.

Qin Feng deliberately issued a challenge, but also wanted to give himself a two-month buffer period.

"A word is settled, see you outside the door."

Qin Feng didn't stay much, and left Tianwu Pavilion directly.