Supreme Emperor

Chapter 36: You are all rubbish


The next day, early morning.

The mist in the mountains has not yet dissipated, and the ten disciples in front of the outer door have successively arrived at the Tiandan Pavilion.

Since the Phoenix Blood Pills are distributed uniformly, those who arrive early can only wait in the hall first.

Among these people, Jiang Mofeng and Lei Yiming are naturally the most eye-catching.

However, Li Xingyao also has an arrogant look and a lofty posture.

After obtaining the two treasures, the blood of the beast king and the Rashomon, Li Xingyao was confident and possessed arrogant capital.

"Look, that kid is here."

When Qin Feng came to Tiandan Pavilion, many people cast their gazes over.

In contrast, Qin Feng is a very special existence, because this group of people are all veteran strong, only Qin Feng is a newcomer.

Naturally, Qin Feng was a little out of tune with this circle.

"Qin Feng, don't be too proud, don't think that if you get into this circle, you can sit on an equal footing with us."

Li Xingyao sneered, his eyebrows full of sarcasm.

Some of the other disciples were also indifferent, and the eyebrows were filled with disdain.

Most of them have the same feelings as Li Xingyao. Qin Feng is just a tubaozi who entered the city and is just a nouveau riche, and he is not worthy to compare with them.

Even if Qin Feng defeated Lu Fan and Meng Yunhan successively, they did not get their approval.


Hearing this, Qin Feng frowned.

He entered the finals by strength. What is Ceng

"Isn't it? What background do you have that is comparable to those of us? It was just an upset, and luckily got the first place in the group."

Li Xingyao's arrogant posture devalued Qin Feng.

Without Yang Shaotian's support, he would never dare to be so arrogant, but now he holds two treasures in his hand, and doesn't pay attention to Qin Feng at all.

"Brother Li, you talk to a rookie about the background, isn't it difficult for a strong man?"

"Haha, Junior Brother Li just likes to tell the truth, but the words are rough and not rough. Qin Feng, although you have good potential, it is a pity that you are too crazy and you are destined to not go far."

The other disciples also sneered.

Qin Feng was a little speechless. What kind of information did these guys who have not grown all the hair actually talk about in front of him

"I started for two months, reached the ninth level of body forging, defeated Lu Fan and Meng Yunhan one after another, and entered the final with my strength. Compared with some of the three to five years of entry, it is only the rubbish of the ninth level of body forging. Not as good."

Qin Feng sneered slightly.

Introductory three to five years... Rubbish

The corners of the mouths twitched at the old students present here, and their faces turned pale.

You know, most of these people are veterans who have started three to five years. Qin Feng's words are equivalent to slap everyone in the face.

"Do you dare to call me rubbish?"

Li Xingyao came up against the crime, turning anger into anger.

"No, no, no... I think you have misunderstood. I am not targeting you."

Qin Feng shook his head repeatedly, glanced at the crowd with a sneer, "I mean, you are all rubbish."

"what did you say?"

"The arrogant guy is simply defiant."

"Little beast, are you looking for death?"

Everyone present was furious and yelled one by one.

If it wasn't for occasional reasons, I'm afraid someone would have attacked Qin Feng long ago.

Even Jiang Mofeng and Lei Yiming frowned, their expressions lightening and darkening, and they looked a little unhappy.

"Qin Feng, your strength is good, but you are too crazy. I will not be soft in the finals."

Lei Yiming snorted coldly.

"You are a mediocre being young and not crazy. In the finals, I will wait for you to come."

Qin Feng didn't blink his eyes, no fear.

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What kind of madness is this? When he was in the Dragon Clan, he was ten times more crazy than he is now.

Young is arrogant capital.

Qin Feng was not afraid to offend these people at all. In his eyes, these people were not even ants. If they were afraid of these guys, what revenge would he talk about

There is only one real opponent, and that is the current dragon emperor-Jai Xu.

"Qin Feng, do you really want to be an enemy to all of us?"

Jiang Mofeng asked in surprise.

"Whatever you think, I don't care. Outer champions are my goal. Whether Li Xingyao or Lei Yiming, including you, Jiang Mofeng, can't stop me."

Qin Feng's words were arrogant to the extreme, which made many people present unhappy.

However, this is what he said in his heart, there is nothing to hide.

"Well, in the final, I will challenge you by name."

Jiang Mofeng nodded, then sat down calmly.

"I am waiting."

Qin Feng is still light and breezy.

After receiving the Phoenix Blood Pill, he left directly.

There are no specific rules for the top ten decisive battles. You can call on names to compete, or you can pick two, one pick three...

Qin Feng has become the target of public criticism, and in the finals, there will be big troubles.

"This idiot, let's see how you die in the finals."

Seeing Qin Feng's leaving figure, Li Xingyao was delighted.

Back at the disciple's residence, Qin Feng immediately took the Fengxue Pill and began to practice.

"As long as zhenqi is cultivated, all obstacles will be shattered."

Qin Feng said to himself, with a confident look.

The gap between internal breath and true Qi is too big.

With True Qi, all exercises will increase several levels, such as Qianlong Step and Hunyuan True Qi, which will greatly increase their power.

And forging skills will really play a role.

Forging power, concentrate the power of the whole body, burst out a blow, if the inner breath is replaced with true energy, how terrifying the power of this blow will be

In addition, the Dragon’s "Seven-Star Overlord Spear" will explode with unimaginable combat power due to the integration of innocence.

Click... Click...

The Fengxue Pill was shattered, and the power of the medicine was crazily absorbed by Qin Feng.

This is a spirit-level pill. It takes ten and a half days for ordinary people to refine this pill, but with Qin Feng's martial arts experience, three days are enough to refine this pill.

Three days later.


Qin Feng's muscles and bones exploded, as if there was an electric current, all the pores were relaxed, and a hot breath surged in his body.

This breath is huge and real, like a stream of water gliding through your fingertips, within reach.

This is a completely different feeling from internal interest, which is invisible and colorless, just a subcutaneous force.

True Qi, tangible and colorful, is a real thing that really exists.

"The gun is coming!"

Qin Feng shouted in a low voice, grabbed with five fingers, and swept out his true energy, and then sucked the Zhangbadian steel spear in the corner of the wall into his hand.

Taking things from the air, this is a symbol of the infuriating period.

Holding a war spear in his hand, he stepped on his feet, and his whole body rose in the air and flew towards the outside of the house.

With the support of infuriating energy, Qin Feng soared away from the ground and was able to soar and walk around at will.

Standing in the sea of clouds, Qin Feng looked down at the peaks below his feet, and a sense of heroism could not help but flowed out of his heart.

"Finally I have cultivated my true energy, and I have officially stepped into the door of cultivation."

Qin Feng looked lightly happy.

Although, for him in his previous life, there was nothing to be proud of when he cultivated true Qi, but after his reincarnation, this was a new breakthrough for him.

With true Qi, there is the rising capital, and there are thousands of possibilities.