Supreme Emperor

Chapter 46: Dragon Burial Spear


Wanbao Pavilion, a very important organization.

Regardless of whether the elders or disciples, as long as they want to forge magic weapons, they must obtain the approval of Wanbao Pavilion.

If it weren't for the benefits of being promoted to the inner door, it would be difficult for Qin Feng and others to have a chance to visit Wanbao Pavilion.

"Everyone is here, now let me talk about the rules."

In Wanbao Pavilion, an old man in a green robe gave everyone a calm expression.

This person is the "Elder Wanbao", that is, the master of Wanbao Pavilion. At the same time, he is also a seventh-grade refiner.

The refiner also has nine ranks, the seventh rank is already extremely high, and it is a very rare existence in the entire continent.

Therefore, everyone respects this kind of character very much.

"There are countless magic weapons in the Wanbao Pavilion, but every magic weapon is guarded by a magic circle. If you want to get a magic weapon, you must first break the magic circle..."

Elder Wanbao explained.

The magic weapon can only be obtained by breaking the magic circle. This is also the last small test.

The more powerful the magic weapon, the stronger the guardian circle.

The reason for setting up the magic circle is mainly based on two considerations: first, to guard against thieves; second, to allow the disciples to choose magic weapons reasonably.

Everyone wants a powerful magic weapon, but not everyone has the ability to control it.

If there is no power to control, no matter how strong the magic weapon is, it will not be able to exert its combat power. On the contrary, it is a waste of resources.

"The magic circle has a strong backlash. Remember, you have to do what you can."

Elder Wanbao exhorted.

"The disciple understands."

Everyone answered in unison.

"Okay, go in, you must come out before dark."

Elder Wanbao nodded, and then opened the passage in Wanbao Pavilion.

There are six passages in Wanbao Pavilion, representing the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, as well as a mixed element attribute.

The disciples choose different channels according to their own conditions.

Qin Feng thought for a while, and then walked towards the sixth channel, which is the Hunyuan attribute.

He has cultivated Hunyuan Zhenqi himself, no matter which attribute he chooses, he can control it.

However, since Wanbao Pavilion has specially set up a channel of mixed element attributes, why use it

Entering the passage, Qin Feng immediately felt a majestic aura of mixed origin.

When he walked through the passage, there was a huge chamber in front of him, with jewels and jewels, which made his heart surging.

In the chamber, there are many stone platforms, and on each stone platform, there is a magic weapon suspended, which is colorful and dazzling.

Above these magic weapons, there is a faint light mask, which must be broken to obtain the magic weapons.


Qin Feng's eyes moved and he quickly caught a treasure.

It was a black spear with a dragon pattern coiled around, very eye-catching.

The spear head is also very weird, a spear point formed by numerous dragon whiskers intertwined together.

Qin Feng hurriedly walked over and glanced down at the lettering introduction on the stone platform.

Dragon Burial Spear, Xuan-level superb.

Collect meteorite iron from the outer world, forge it with the essence of the earth's fire, and refine it with the blood of the heavenly dragon, which contains the great formation "Dragon Burial Formation".

The big formation is on, ten thousand guns are fired, and the power is extremely powerful...

"Dragon Burial Gun? Good name."

Qin Feng nodded and smiled, with a touch of mockery at the corner of his mouth.

He was the ninth prince of the dragon clan in his previous life, but he was killed by the dragon clan, his family was destroyed and his family was destroyed, and he suffered torture.

In this life, he was reborn as a human, and the Dragon Clan is his greatest enemy.

If he saw the word "burial dragon" in the previous life, he would have been furious, but now it seems that he is safe.

"Dragon Burying Spear, it's you."

Qin Feng let out a low growl and blasted the mask with a punch.


The mask flickered, and the magic circle fluctuated violently, but it soon calmed down.

"It's not broken?"

Qin Feng was slightly startled.

With this punch, he used his true energy, and his strength reached one hundred thousand jin, but he could not break the mask of the magic circle.

"It seems I underestimated this magic circle."

Qin Feng stepped back two steps, breathing attentively.

The Hun Yuan Zhen Qi revolves, and the forging skills are also used, focusing all the strength on the eight-point steel spear.

"Break it for me!"


The steel spear pierced at eight o'clock sharply, and fierce infuriating energy burst out.


The mask flashed wildly, and the whole chamber shook.

With a loud sound, the steel spear at eight o'clock was broken and flew out directly.

Fortunately, there was also a trace of flaws in that magic circle. Qin Feng was so experienced and took the opportunity to launch a crazy attack.

Boom! Boom!

Qin Feng's fists were like electricity, and slammed the magic circle mask, tearing the flaws more and more.


After a while, the mask finally shattered.

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"Roar… "

At this moment, a deafening dragon chant resounded in the chamber.

The dragon-burial spear burst out with a brilliant light as if it were spiritual, and it actually came directly towards Qin Feng assassinated.

Qin Feng grabbed it with a big hand, trying to capture the Dragon Burial Spear.

However, the Dragon Burial Spear was too fast and too sharp. It actually escaped from Qin Feng's palm and cut his palm.

"It's a bunch of strong horses."

Qin Feng laughed instead of anger.

He has cultivated the colored glaze body now, this flesh and blood body will heal quickly, so there is no need to worry.

However, this dragon burial spear was born with the power of slaying dragons, and Qin Feng still carried some dragon attributes in his body, which made the dragon burial spear rebellious.


The Dragon Burial Spear hovered, and then shot towards Qin Feng.

"I must tame you."

Qin Feng roared, Qianlong stepped forward.

When the Burial Dragon Spear arrived, Qin Feng's figure flashed, and Xuan Zhi dodged mysteriously.

At the same time, he grabbed the spear head of the Dragon Burial Spear with his five fingers, and the true energy entangled like silk, restraining the Dragon Burial Spear.

"I don't believe it, the Dragon Clan's Dragon Catchman can't surrender you?"

Qin Feng smiled faintly.

The Dragon Burial Spear shook wildly, trying to break free from Qin Feng's palm, but it was a pity that the more it struggled, the tighter it became.

Behind Qin Feng's cultivation as Liuli, his true energy was long, and he was patient with it.

"Look at which of us is more patient."

Qin Feng looked like he was sure to win.

Sure enough, after half an hour, the Dragon Burial Spear gradually became quiet.

"Blood to recognize the Lord."

Qin Feng pinched his finger and wiped a drop of blood on the Dragon Burial Spear.


Suddenly, the Dragon Burial Spear trembled, and the whole body burst out with a dazzling brilliance, which seemed to be very excited.

After dropping the blood to recognize the master, the magic weapon will obey the master wholeheartedly.

Although the Dragon Burial Spear was stout, after being soaked in essence and blood, it had become docile and had a spiritual connection with Qin Feng.

As long as Qin Feng thought about it, Dragon Burying Spear would understand his intentions.

"Sure enough, only after dropping the blood and acknowledging the Lord can you use the magic weapon handily."

Qin Feng held the Dragon Burial Spear in his hand and looked at it carefully.

"Brother, there is still a long way to go. You will not wrong yourself if you follow me. Let us create the future glory together."

Qin Feng smiled confidently.

The Dragon Burial Spear seemed to feel the heroic spirit of Qin Feng, and he also let out a whispered excitement. Previous chapter chapter list Next chapter Warm reminder: arrow keys left and right (← →) to scroll back and forth, up and down (↑ ↓) to scroll up and down, enter key: return to list.