Supreme Emperor

Chapter 56: Hidden corpse cave


Blood baby at the bottom of the river.


With blood flowing across, the four of them drilled out of a crack in the bottom of the river, and an underground cave appeared in front of them.

In the outer layer of the cave, there are some pale corpses lying all over the place, all the people of Yuzhou city who have just died.

And all the blood in their bodies was drawn into the blood infant river.

"Too cruel."

Lu Fan twisted his eyebrows, heartbroken.

Among these corpses, there were some half-old children who died so tragically that it was unbearable to look directly at them.

"It's really utterly conscience to sacrifice the dead with the blood of living people."

Lei Yiming gritted his teeth.

"What's so weird about this. As far as I know, the former demons started with the'soul art', constantly refining dead men and strengthening their power."

"It is said that in the heyday of the demons, there were 80 million dead men who gave their lives for them."

Jiang Mofeng looked very lightly.

"80 million?"

Lu Fan and Lei Yiming were shocked.

What is the concept of 80 million

The entire Yuzhou has only a few hundred thousand people, 80 million dead people... It's almost more than locusts.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Qin Feng smiled to himself, but didn't say much.

At that time, Qin Feng led the Dragon Clan soldiers and the Demon Clan to fight, and the Demon Clan’s dead soldiers numbered more than 80 million.

"800 million is about the same."

Qin Feng sighed inwardly.


Thinking back to the years of the war, passionate and sad.

"Let's go, go straight into the cave, we have a charm protector, and ordinary dead men will not ask for trouble."

After that, Qin Feng took the lead in stepping into the corpse cave.

Inside the corpse cave, it was dark and humid, with a thick rotting aura, especially pungent.

Soon after going deep inside, everyone could see that there were mummy corpses lined up on both sides of the cave.

"These corpses are undergoing corpse transformation, don't touch them."

Qin Feng reminded.

The corpses in the corpse transformation are very irritable, even the corpse talisman does not have much effect on them.

On the contrary, after these corpses complete the corpse transformation and become dead men, they will be very afraid of the corpse talisman.

With a veteran of Qin Feng leading the way, everyone went smoothly without encountering any resistance.

It wasn't until half an hour later that everyone came to the hinterland of the corpse cave, and they were stunned by the sight in front of them.

The hinterland of the corpse cave is extremely wide, and the dead men are like wooden stakes, standing upright on the spot, looking at a total of four to five hundred heads.

And these dead men also noticed Qin Feng and others.

The pair of faint green eyes swept toward everyone immediately, making the whole body hairy.

Fortunately, everyone has a corpse talisman protector. When these dead men saw the golden talisman, they didn't dare to step forward.

"This thing is really easy to use."

Everyone is secretly grateful.

If there were no corpse talisman, these four or five hundred dead men swarmed, and the situation would be very dangerous.

"How come there are so many dead men? The information given to us by the city lord, isn't there only one hundred and eighty-eight?"

Lu Fan was very surprised.

"In my opinion, the information given by the city lord is not complete. There are 188 missing persons in Yuzhou City, but it does not mean that there are only 188 dead people."

Jiang Mofeng analyzed.

"In the outskirts of Yuzhou, there are still many small villages. These extra dead men should be the villagers of those small villages."

"It's so exasperating, those unarmed women and children were also sacrificed to death by blood. Who did it?"

Lei Yiming was very angry.

"Is there any way to save these people?"

Lu Fan asked again.

"I'm not saved. These people have been drained of blood. Even if the corpse king is killed, these people will not survive. Moreover, the mastermind of the blood sacrifice to the dead is not necessarily the corpse king."

Qin Feng shook his head and sighed.


Lu Fan gritted his teeth.

"No matter what, kill the corpse king first."

Lei Yiming drew his sword and walked towards the tomb of the corpse king in front.

The tomb of the corpse king is easy to find, as long as you follow the direction where the blood is flowing, you can find the tomb of the corpse king.

Not long after, the four came to a cave.

A huge sarcophagus immediately appeared in front of everyone.

The sarcophagus is tightly closed, so everyone can't see the true face of the corpse king.

"This guy should be asleep. Let's prepare and hit him off guard."

According to the previously planned plan, Lei Yiming attacked, Jiang Mofeng assisted, Lu Fan attacked, and Qin Feng controlled the overall situation.

"Do it."

Qin Feng gave the others a hint.


Lei Yiming held a war knife, like a bolt of lightning, and the violent sword slammed on the sarcophagus.


The sarcophagus burst suddenly, and the billowing corpse shot out.

A violent storm drove Lei Yiming directly away and slammed into the rock wall.

"The water doesn't move, the mountains and rivers turn upside down."

Jiang Mofeng shouted wildly, and the mountain and river fan suddenly waved.


In an instant, violent winds were everywhere, and an overwhelming breath rushed out of the treasure fan.

This fan pulled up the mountain with amazing power.

Qin Feng had experienced this trick when he was in the outer door competition.

Now, Jiang Mofeng's strength has greatly increased, and his true spirit is strong, making the power of this trick ten times stronger than before.

Bang bang...

The fierce corpse qi storm constantly rubbed against the wind of the mountain and river fan, and collided with each other, causing violent fluctuations.


At this moment, a huge figure suddenly stood up amidst the billowing smoke and dust.

A terrifying vigor suddenly erupted, directly causing Jiang Mofeng to shoot out, and the mountain and river fans flew out.

Thousand-year corpse king is really terrifying.

It was a tall corpse with three heads and six arms, a body like steel, a pair of violent eyes, exuding a lavender light.

Facing this terrifying monster, Lu Fan and the others were already frightened.

It seemed that there was a big gap between this and the scene they imagined, which made them a little panicked.

After all, I used to cultivate in the martial arts. Where did the flowers in the greenhouse encounter such a dangerous scene

This is the real life-and-death fight, a careless one, directly torn to pieces by the corpse king.

"I come."

However, Qin Feng was very calm.

He has talked about too many corpse kings and killed too many corpse kings, not to mention the thousand-year-level corpse kings, even the ten thousand-year-level corpse kings.

Qin Feng vaguely remembered that in the monster sea, he personally killed a "corpse god".

The corpse king has cultivated for thousands of years, and he can only be regarded as a small achievement.

Ten thousand years level is considered a great achievement, capable of transforming human form, but there is no difference between human races, but it can be immortal.

And only after one hundred thousand years can he reach the top level and become a "corpse god", which is equivalent to a figure in the Yuanshen stage, who can cultivate mana and supernatural powers that will last forever.

Therefore, for Qin Feng, who had once killed the "corpse god", there was nothing to be afraid of for the thousand-year-level corpse king in front of him.

"The gun is like a dragon, and it breaks the enemy like a mountain."

Qin Feng let out a low roar, and his true energy burst out suddenly.


The dragon-burial spear in his hand turned into an electric light, with the power of piercing all things, and shot directly at the head of the corpse king.