Supreme Emperor

Chapter 65: Halloween door


The next day, early morning.

Before dawn, Qin Feng rode his horse and left Yuzhou City.

After more than ten days, he hurried back to Emperor Xuanzong.

Back to the sect, the first thing Qin Feng wanted was not to avenge Yang Shaotian, but to go to the Great Elder to report the result of the cannibalism case.

"Qin Feng, are you back?"

Seeing Qin Feng's return, the great elder's face showed joy.

"The disciples pay homage to the elder."

Qin Feng bowed and saluted.

"What are the gains from this trip to Yuzhou?"

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The Grand Elder couldn't wait and wanted to know the results of the investigation.

"The trip to Yuzhou was indeed rewarding. First of all, the cannibalism case. The disciples have already investigated and made it clear that this was not the work of the demons."

Qin Feng said.

"Oh? It's not the control of the demons. What is that?"

The Great Elder was a little surprised.

"In the wilderness of Yuzhou, there is a corpse-hidden cave with a thousand-year-old corpse king. This corpse king wants to absorb the corpse energy, so many dead men have been refined..."

Qin Feng first explained what he had seen and heard all at once.

"You mean that the mastermind behind the cannibal case is this thousand-year corpse king?"

The elder shook his head, and continued: "As far as I know, a thousand-year-old corpse king should not be so capable. Moreover, the method of blood sacrifice to living people is generally the'corpse soul technique' of the demons. "

The suspicion of the great elder is also Qin Feng's suspicion.

"It is true. At first, the disciple thought it was done by the demon. However, it was not until the disciple discovered this booklet that he had a new idea."

With words, Qin Feng handed the pamphlet obtained in the stone room to the hands of the elder.

When the elder opened the booklet and looked at it, his expression immediately changed.

"These lists... Are they the missing people in Yuzhou?"

The Great Elder guessed.

"Not only Yuzhou, but also some nearby villages. Obviously, this is organized and planned, and it is by no means accidental."

Qin Feng groaned, with a reminder, "Elder, you can turn to the last page of the booklet."

"the last page?"

The elder frowned, but when he saw the last page, the line of small print, the whole person was suddenly stunned.

"The All Saints Gate? This is the conspiracy of the All Saints Gate.

The great elder took a deep breath, as if it suddenly penetrated.

"What's the origin of the All Saints Gate?"

Qin Feng asked curiously.

The power of the All Saints Gate is not weak, and it is extremely low-key. There are no disciples walking in the arena, and they will not participate in the activities of the cultivation world, so the sense of existence is extremely low.

This also made many people not understand the Ten Thousand Saint Gate enough, and Qin Feng had never heard of this school.


The Great Elder sighed, obviously knowing a lot.

"The Wanshengmen is actually a branch of our Emperor Xuanzong."

Qin Feng was also startled when he said this.

"The Wanshengmen is a branch of Emperor Xuanzong, what is going on?"

The great elder was silent for a moment, and those old past events came to mind again.

"About 700 years ago, Emperor Xuanzong was at its peak, and he was the only leader in the Central Plains, and even Taiyimen had to bow down."

"The emperor Xuanzong's head at the time was the number one powerhouse in the Central Plains. Everyone wanted to worship his elder's family and get no inheritance from Emperor Xuanzong."

When it comes to the former head teacher, the elder's eyes are also full of reverence.

"The land of the Central Plains is a land of outstanding people, and Emperor Xuanzong is a young man with a wide open door, accepting different talents from all sides. Therefore, the emperor Xuanzong at that time was full of talents and could be described as the golden generation.

"Including me, as well as the current head teacher, there are many other brothers who joined Emperor Xuanzong at that time. My mentor is the former head teacher."

Recalling the past, the great elder is full of spirits.

But as he talked, his mood dropped a lot.

"Unfortunately, the heyday did not last too long. The old master was missing when he traveled the sea. The sect has been without a leader for a long time."

"With the rise of Taiyi Sect, the pressure on our Emperor Xuanzong is increasing. Later, the elders decided to recommend a new head teacher, which directly caused a huge civil unrest."

Hearing this, Qin Feng probably understood it.

"The great elder meant that the Ten Thousand Sacred Gate was because of the forces that split after failing to compete for the position of master?"

Qin Feng guessed.

"Yes. At that time, Emperor Xuanzong had two great geniuses, one is the current head teacher, and the other is the head teacher of the Ten Thousand Saints Gate."

"These two geniuses have a large number of fans in the inner sect. No matter who becomes the head teacher, the other side will not be convinced. In the final competition, the'Ten thousand ancestors' eventually lost."

"In the end, he was angry, brought a large number of Emperor Xuanzong disciples, set up his own door, and created the current Ten Thousand Sacred Gate. This is also a misfortune for the family."

The elder shook his head and sighed.

Recalling this incident, his face was a little pale, and only that generation knew the most difficult process.

However, Qin Feng was able to empathize.

The battle for leadership is not much different from that of the dragon clan.

Qin Feng was an example of being framed by Jah Xuan because of competition, and his family was destroyed in the end.

"In this way, the ancestors of Ten Thousand Saints must hate Emperor Xuanzong to death, and this plot of blood sacrifice to the dead is their revenge against Emperor Xuanzong."

Qin Feng muttered to himself.

"You can say so!"

The great elder nodded, and agreed with Qin Feng's point of view.

"Since the ancestor of Ten Thousand Saints set up his own business seven hundred years ago, he has only done one thing, and that is to break Emperor Xuanzong by any means."

"In seven hundred years, Ten Thousand Saints Gate has launched a dozen battles against Emperor Xuanzong."

"Thirty years ago, they launched a large-scale battle, but unfortunately they failed in the end and their vitality was greatly injured. Since then, they have been in a state of disappearance."

"Unexpectedly, after thirty years, the All Saints Gate will make a comeback."

The great elder looked sad and sighed again and again.

Emperor Xuanzong is not in its heyday. On the contrary, it is faintly going downhill, mainly due to the collapse of the Ten Thousand Saint Gate.

On the contrary, the adjacent Taiyi Gate is becoming stronger and stronger, with a tendency to surpass Emperor Xuanzong and dominate the Central Plains.

Once the Ten Thousand Saints Gate launches a campaign again, this will have a great impact on the status of Emperor Xuanzong.

"By the way, there is one more thing, the disciple feels a bit weird."

Qin Feng remembered something again.

"What else is there?"

The Great Elder was surprised.

"On the day the disciple went to Yuzhou, I met a few Taiyimen disciples. They pretended to be masters of exorcism and cheated and cheated at the City Lord's Mansion.

"This is nothing strange. What is really suspicious is that these Taiyi disciples learned about the news six months ago that there was a blood sacrifice to the dead in Yuzhou."

For this detail, Qin Feng was puzzled.

"Taiyimen knew the news six months ago?"

The great elder touched his beard and started to think in secret.

"If this is the case, the situation will be even worse." The elder took a deep breath, "Taiyimen knew about the plan of the All Saints Gate early on. This only shows that the two factions have reached some kind of agreement. ."

Emperor Xuanzong, Taiyimen was known as the "Shuangjiao of the Central Plains", and the other schools bowed their heads to their subjects.

Although the power of the All Saints Gate is not as strong as these two martial sects, it can influence the entire Central Plains structure.

"That's weird, since Wanshengmen wants to join forces with Taiyimen, why hesitate to this day? Why didn't you do it before?"

Qin Feng looked surprised.