Supreme Emperor of Swords

Chapter 122: Sadly, the sorrow of the outer disciples


Ding Hao walked over gently step by step, held Zhang Fan's hand, comforted him softly, and then carefully inspected the Orion boy's injuries.

Ding Hao moved slowly and calmly.

Only the flames in his eyes became increasingly hot and terrifying as he examined the injuries.

What a vicious method!

Zhang Fan was seriously injured.

At least four of his ribs were broken, his right arm was fractured, and the fibula of his left leg was fractured. In addition, there were many muscle tears all over his body, and even his internal organs were more or less displaced due to the violent blows. Bit.

This is definitely a serious injury.

It can be seen that this is the result of being treated with various extremely sophisticated techniques and elixirs. According to Wang Xiaoqi, Zhang Fan was injured for at least four or five days. In other words, four or five days ago, his injuries were absolutely severe. Much more serious than now.

You can imagine how he was beaten at that time.

Such injuries have already affected Zhang Fan's journey as a warrior.

If the recovery of the injuries to the bones and internal organs is not optimistic, the future practice of profound energy and combat skills will be affected.

"Senior Brother Ding, I'm fine... I'm really fine..." The Orion boy saw the gloomy look on Ding Hao's face before the volcano erupted. He kept repeating the same sentence with a weak breath, looking anxious.

He obviously had the same worries as Wang Xiaoqi.

Ding Hao just patted his shoulder gently.

"Have a good rest and don't worry about anything. I will definitely cure you without leaving any sequelae. You will be back on your feet soon, I promise!"

Ding Hao said with a smile and pressed an acupuncture point on the back of Zhang Fan's head.

The latter immediately fell into a deep sleep.

Then, Ding Hao turned around and walked out of the room slowly.

The sunshine in the autumn afternoon shone warmly on Ding Hao's face, bright and bright, making this originally angular face even more handsome.

However, the anger in those eyes was burning with fire, and the mouth that slightly tilted the corners of its mouth to reveal white teeth made Wang Xiaoqi and other disciples in the courtyard feel that they were facing a head that was about to explode with their own anger. The terrible beast!

"Tell me what's going on. Tell me everything. Don't worry, I'll know how to handle it myself!" Ding Hao looked at Wang Xiaoqi and said quietly.

"This...I...but..." Wang Xiaoqi still hesitated.

"No matter, let's talk, Senior Brother Zhong, if you don't say it, I will," the former disciple named Zhou Qing finally couldn't suppress his anger, and his face turned red and said: "Zhang Fan was beaten..."

Ding Hao nodded: "Who is it?"

"They are a group of outer disciples who bully and dominate the market. The leader is called Duan Tianli. He has joined Wenjian Sect for five or six years. He controls a very powerful small group of outer disciples called Tianli Tower. It is said that there are several outsiders behind them. The elders of the sect are supportive and have always been very arrogant!”

Outer disciple

Ding Hao somewhat understood.

No wonder Wang Xiaoqi didn't want to let herself know who the enemy was. It turned out to be an outer disciple. This was already considered a disciple of Wenjian Sect. It was indeed not something that most registered disciples could afford to offend, but...

The corners of Ding Hao's mouth turned up slightly.

I am not an ordinary registered disciple, and I won’t fall for your tricks!

"Why?" Ding Hao continued to ask.

"Senior Brother Ding, do you still remember that we killed five animals during the trial? Zhang Fan dissected the corpses and got some teeth, bones and leather of the ferocious beasts. Everyone was very happy at the time and could make a small fortune. Who? Knowing that after returning to the sect, the outer sect disciples headed by Duan Tianli insisted on forcibly purchasing the property at a price that was one-sixth lower than the market price in the commercial district. Of course, Senior Brother Zhang refused to agree, and as a result, the other party fought... "

"Duan Tianli threatened to kill the chicken to show the monkeys, so he poisoned him and beat senior brother Zhang Fan seriously until he was unconscious. In fact, it was not just senior brother Zhang, senior brother Fang Tianyi, and senior brother Zhuo Yiyi who were injured, but also many senior brothers from the vanguard team. They were all severely beaten and are still bedridden to this day!"

"Yes, these guys are so vicious and cruel!"

"Many registered disciples from various colleges who came back from the trials were bullied at will by them. They forcibly plundered the proceeds from the trials. If they resisted even a little, they would immediately beat them up!"

"Among the five courtyards, there are only those in the middle courtyard in white shirts. They can't afford to offend them and don't dare to mess around!"

"It's just a bunch of robbers!"

"It's so shameless and overbearing!"

As Zhou Qing was the first to explain, more and more Qingshan East Campus disciples could not suppress the anger in their hearts and gathered around Ding Hao, as if they had met relatives who could make decisions for themselves. I spoke out about the oppression I suffered.

Ding Hao did not interrupt and listened quietly.

This is the fire burning in the eyes, but it is getting stronger and stronger.

He waited until everyone had finished speaking, then nodded, glanced at everyone's faces, raised his head, glanced at the bright sunshine in the sky, and said softly, as if to himself: "They don't dare to mess with them, just Do you dare to mess with me, Ding Hao? It seems that the impression I gave some people before was too friendly! This is not good!"

After speaking, Ding Hao separated from the crowd, looked calm, and walked out unhurriedly.

Wang Xiaoqi's first reaction was to catch up and stop him.

But after taking a few steps, he thought of something again, but his steps froze again. In the end, he shook his head and followed Ding Hao closely.

Dozens of other disciples looked at each other and understood what Ding Hao meant. Their expressions were both excited and worried, and they all followed him.

In a sense, registered disciples cannot be regarded as formal disciples of the Wenjian Sect.

Because only after going through various assessments, passing five levels and killing six generals, and being recognized by the sect in the big exam a year later, and removing the two characters above the head, can one officially enter the Wenjian Sect.

At this time, they were considered official disciples of Wenjian Sect.

That is.

Of course, becoming an outer sect disciple does not mean being a one-and-done disciple.

Because the outer disciples can only be regarded as the bottom of the pyramid of Wenjian Sect.

They still have to go through various assessments, and only the winners will be qualified to continue climbing up and become inner disciples, and then move up to become true disciples and core disciples... If they cannot go further in the fierce competition, then He can only stay at the level of an outer disciple for the rest of his life. If there are no exceptions, he can only die in the Wenjian Sect.

However, this does not hinder the pride and advantage that some outer disciples have over the registered disciples.


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