Supreme Emperor of Swords

Chapter 31: Top ten seeds


"Little bastards, since you are almost here, let me introduce myself first. From today on, I will be your chief instructor. I will be responsible for all the cultivation and assessment of all the registered disciples of Qingshan East Academy for a period of one year. My name is Wang Juefeng, and I am now the third generation disciple of Wenjian Sect."

Saying this, a smile appeared on the face of the bearded man.

In the eyes of the teenagers, this smile was a bit ferocious, especially the snow-white teeth of the chief instructor, which were as dazzling as sharp and dense knives. He smiled and said: "Little bastards, believe me, you will remember it soon." Live this name!”

Everyone couldn't help but shudder at this moment.

When encountering such a general instructor, I am afraid that life will not be easy for everyone in the next year.

"Very good. It seems that you have the consciousness to endure hardship. Then, let's talk about the five-academy competition in two days."

Wang Zhuofeng said, stretched out his hand to touch his thick beard, and continued: "To be honest, I don't have much hope for the first five-house competition, because the Qingshan East Branch has the average strength or the strongest combat power. , is originally the last among the five academies, so my requirement for you is that as long as you can get two points in the ten games in the first round, you will be considered to have passed."

The words have not yet finished.

There was an uncontrollable discussion and noise in the martial arts house.

Getting two points means being able to win two out of ten matches.

The faces of the young men all showed expressions of dissatisfaction.

They passed the test and entered the Wenjian Sect. Each of them claimed to be a genius, but they suffered such naked contempt. They were obviously very dissatisfied that their instructor underestimated the strength of themselves and others.

On the face of the bearded Wang Juefeng, there was a sarcastic smile that he had long known would be like this.

Ding Hao touched his nose.

He suddenly felt that if this guy who kept talking about me was not trying to attract hatred for himself, then his goal would have been achieved.

With just one sentence, he completely aroused the competitive spirit and fighting spirit in the hearts of the teenagers. It was like sprinkling a handful of salt into a slightly hot oil pan, and the scene suddenly became boiling and heated.


Wang Juefeng snorted again.

The sound easily drowned out all the noise and noise. The young men's ears were buzzing and they stopped talking in shock.

Wu She's buttocks became quiet again.

"You﹍﹍you﹍﹍and you﹍﹍you﹍﹍" Chief Instructor Xi stretched out his hand very casually, pointed at ten young men in the crowd, waved his hand and said: "All ten of you, come up here. Arena.”

Ding Hao was also one of the ten teenagers named.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Figures flickered, and the teenagers jumped onto the ring.

The boys who were called were all the strongest guys in the Qingshan East Campus. At this time, they vaguely understood what the chief instructor meant. If there were no accidents, they should be the ones to represent the Qingshan East Campus for two days. Afterwards, there was a competition among the five houses.

All of them have a youthful spirit, and a few of them even have the intention of showing off. Their leaping postures are graceful and graceful, showing their extremely strong strength.

Only Ding Hao walked out of the crowd honestly, followed the steps on one side, and walked onto the ring step by step.

This is not because Ding Hao deliberately kept a low profile.

In fact, he also wanted to fly in the air and show off beautifully. Unfortunately, [Jinghong Step] is only a footwork, not a light skill. Besides, Ding Hao has not mastered other light skills. Instead of showing off, it is better to be honest. Go up step by step to avoid embarrassment.

There was a slight sneer from the crowd.

Especially Wang Xiaoqi, who was pointing at Ding Hao and talking to his friends with a sarcastic expression.

The young man named Zhuo Yifeng who was surrounded by them had a sinister expression. He felt that he was extremely powerful and could definitely be ranked among the top five in the hospital, but he was not picked. So he looked at the ten people on the stage with a pair of eyes. There was a spark of jealousy and unwillingness in it.

The head teacher, Wang Juefeng, seemed to be smiling, but he was stroking his beard habitually.

After casually glancing at the ten people, the scheming male head teacher continued to say casually: "Although you guys are only so-so in strength, you can only stand out from the inside. It will be up to the ten of you to represent Qingshan East Campus and scream for two days." Let’s go to the five-house competition later, I don’t expect you to win many games anyway.”

You﹍﹍your sister!

This time, even Ding Hao couldn't help but want to slap this weak head teacher, Mr. Xi, hard.

This is really too much to say.

The young men standing on the stage, who were all excited at first, suddenly turned dark at these words.

"I'm not convinced."

Suddenly there was a loud shout from below.

Everyone looked at the voice and saw the young man named Zhuo Yifeng suddenly stood up, with a gloomy look on his face, and shouted in dissatisfaction: "Master Xi, I think this selection method is unfair. Really. It’s too hasty.”

"Oh?" The dark-faced and bearded head teacher narrowed his eyes: "So, do you have any good ideas?"

"Of course." Zhuo Yifeng looked proud and said loudly and eagerly: "I think that the representatives of the Qingshan East Academy should be selected through a competition, so that we can distinguish who is the real strongest. Only the ten people who win in the end are qualified to represent the Qingshan East Campus in the competition, lest those guys who pretend to be fake get mixed in and go out and embarrass our Qingshan East Campus."

"Yes, this is a good idea!"

"I also agree with the martial arts contest!"

"Hehe, if we really compare, I think I will never lose to anyone on the stage."

There was a roar of applause from the crowd.

This suggestion was echoed loudly by almost everyone in the audience.

The young people are all proud and arrogant. They have long been accustomed to the king and me being first. Before joining the sect, who was not the treasure of each major family? Everyone is obviously a little bit concerned about this practice of directly appointing representatives by the chief instructor. It’s hard to accept, who knows if you are biased

Only by falling down in the ring and fighting can they be convinced.

The sinister teacher nodded, still wearing a squinty expression that was half-smiling but not smiling.

"That's right. What you said makes quite a bit of sense. However, if 10 people are selected from 400 people through a competition, when will the competition last? Let's do this. If any of you are dissatisfied, then go to the ring to challenge. Whoever can If you defeat any one of them, you will be qualified to represent the Qingshan East Academy in the five-academy competition."

The words have not yet finished.

The humble teenagers immediately cheered.

Ding Hao shook his head slightly.

Teenagers are so naive.

I don’t even think about how powerful Wang Juefeng is and how sharp his eyes are. In front of this sinister man, the teenagers are just toddlers. The ten people he seemingly named at random are actually... They are the ten strongest disciples among the four hundred people in Qingshan East Campus.

Zhuo Yifeng and others thought they had obtained fair rights, but in fact, they were pushed along by the shady head coach Xi, who used this opportunity to establish authority for the ten people he designated on the stage.

"I'm the first to come, and I want to challenge him."

Zhuo Yifeng couldn't wait to jump up, his expression extremely arrogant, and he aimed at Ding Hao.


Thanks to Qidian Zhuanlai, Tiao Dao VS, Dongfang Xiaoyao, Withered Killer, and Lin Jue'er for your support.