Supreme Emperor of Swords

Chapter 35: nerves and other meridians


An unprecedented powerful feeling filled Ding Hao's body.

"The [Xuan Qi Seed] has basically reached perfection. Next, it should hit the first meridian of martial arts [the first meridian of Hand Shaoyin]."

Only by opening up the meridians and acupuncture points can one truly step into the path of martial arts.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful your swordsmanship is, without the stimulation of profound energy, it is only a skill but not strength. In front of a truly strong person, a sword thrust cannot even scratch someone's skin, let alone strike. kill

[The First Meridian of Hand Shaoyin] starts from the Dantian, and the first level of the mind method of [Tai Xuan Wen Sword Chapter] includes this meridian and the locations of the nine major acupoints in it. Sun Fei carefully activated the [Xuan Qi Seed] The profound energy fed back flows towards the meridian pulse.

A trace of soft profound energy quickly found the meridian channel and entered smoothly.

Generally speaking, the size and toughness of the meridian channels determine a person's future in martial arts.

In the previous evaluation, Ding Hao was considered to have a second-class meridian. Such a rank can only be regarded as average and not relatively broad. Therefore, as soon as the mysterious energy entered the meridian, Fei had a A feeling of stagnation and swelling.

"Huh? Are my meridians really so small?"

Ding Hao frowned slightly, somewhat unwillingly.

He thought for a moment and did not stop, but slightly increased the speed and intensity of the impact.

For ordinary people, the meridians are not naturally smooth. Due to various acquired reasons, they will be more or less blocked, just like abandoned rivers, with sediment accumulation, and these "sands" need to be washed away. , to ensure that the river flows smoothly.

The process of Xuanqi impacting the meridians is the process of clearing the "river".

Only by clearing the blockages in the meridians can the profound energy function normally and continuously provide strength to the body.

After increasing the speed and power of the Xuan Qi impact, Ding Hao was surprised to find that the pain like tearing meridians that he had imagined did not come. The first meridian of Shaoyin in Shou still felt the same stagnation. It feels astringent and swollen...even, there is a faint sense of comfort.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Whether it is [Qi-Entraining Technique] or [Tai Xuan Wen Sword Chapter], it has been solemnly mentioned that forcibly impacting the meridians is likely to cause tearing and damage of the meridians. The pain is like being gnawed by thousands of ants. Not wanting to be born.

However, such a phenomenon did not happen to Ding Hao.

This surprised him greatly.

"Although I have not yet reached the state of inner vision, I can be sure that [Tai Xuan Wen Sword Chapter] cannot be wrong. The only explanation is that my body meridians are different and have some strange features. It is very possible that It has something to do with those naked women in the adventure in the garbage cliff cave."

The superposition of two souls made Ding Hao analyze it very calmly.

Then, he tried again and continued to separate more powerful profound energy from the [Xuan Qi Seed] to strengthen the power of impacting the meridians.

This process is a bit risky, so Ding Hao is careful.

Because once you exert too much force and cause damage to the meridians, you are likely to hurt yourself and deplete your talent, which is really not worth the gain.

However, what makes Ding Hao extremely happy is that even though he has doubled the profound energy that hits his meridians, the feeling coming from the first meridian of Hand Shaoyin is more comfortable, without any pain, even the swelling and soreness before. The feeling is also gradually receding.

As if in an instant, the width of Shaoyin's first meridian doubled.

The meridians seem to have become thicker.

Ding Hao activated the profound energy and withdrew from the meridian passage. In the next moment, the thickness of the first meridian of Shaoyin's hand returned to its original state.

"Wow hahaha, that's what happened. I understand. Haha, it turns out that my meridians have incredible flexibility. They are simply like a spring tube with no elasticity. Haha, although the original size is extremely ordinary, but But it can accommodate the passage of profound energy several times greater than itself!"

Ding Hao couldn't help laughing.

This level of flexibility is rare in the world, and it is simply the meridians of a god.

His previous guess was correct. The silver-robed elder from the outer sect who tested the meridians was 100% wrong.

Ding Hao even knew the reason why the silver-robed elder made the mistake...

During the test, when the elder discovered that his meridians were slightly thinner, he did not dare to further test the flexibility of his meridians with mysterious energy that was several times stronger, because he had already been tested to have magical powers before. If someone with a remote attribute talent damages his meridians by using too much force, then an outer silver-robed elder cannot bear the crime of destroying a god-level talent.

Therefore, the silver-robed elder naturally did not know that although Ding Hao's meridians were thin, his flexibility was of a divine quality, and he could only be assigned a second-class meridian rank.

In fact, Ding Hao's guess was not wrong at all.

The silver-robed elder from the outer sect who was in charge of the testing was performing tests continuously and behaved erratically. It was precisely for this reason.

After figuring out the connection, Ding Hao suddenly felt proud and proud.

God-like physical attributes!

The divine meridians are of high quality!

If the talent of the two gods were spread, it would definitely cause a sensation in the entire Wenjian Sect.

If that "scout" from Qingping Academy knew that he had missed out on a genius with a talent as great as a double god, he would probably be thinking about wiping his neck right now.

With such qualifications, any sect in Selangor would rush to recruit disciples.

Ding Hao sat there and secretly had fun for a while. It took him a long time to calm down from the excitement and continue to practice.

After figuring out the rank of the meridians, he stopped being cautious and used the strongest power that the [Xuan Qi Seed] could currently provide to attack the first meridian of martial arts [the Hand Shaoyin Meridian].

Sure enough, after experiencing the initial sour and swollen feeling, the mysterious energy circulated faster and smoother in the meridians.

In the blink of an eye, Ding Hao had reopened about one-tenth of the length of [Shou Shao Yin First Meridian].

Next, comes the most critical moment.

According to the "Tai Xuan Wen Jian Chapter", at the initial tenth of the "Shou Shaoyin First Meridian", there is an extremely important acupuncture point, which is called the first of the hundred acupoints on the human body and is called "Shenquan". Like a giant steel door, blocking the meridian passage.

Breaking open the [Shenquan] point will give a warrior a qualitative leap in strength.

Moreover, only by breaking through it can we continue to further explore and attack the remaining channels and acupoints of the [Hand Shaoyin First Meridian].


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