Supreme Emperor of Swords

Chapter 45: One knife to start the journey


"The current number one person in the Zishan South Academy is called Lu Kuang. He is surrounded by followers such as Nangong Zheng. It is said that he has secretly controlled more than a quarter of the disciples in the Zishan South Academy. He is the most popular and the most active, except for In addition to Lu Kuang, there are also Nan Mengzheng, Dong Yi, and Wang Xiaoshi, who also have certain strength."

"People in the Yellow Shirt North Campus are divided, but there is a fat man named Ren Xiaoyao and a young man named Lin Xin. They have been very active and strong these days and are contacting the disciples of the North Campus!"

"As for the red-shirted Western Academy, there is nothing special about it, and no one worth noting has been found. None of the rumored top ten seeded players in the Western Academy seem to be very strong."

After reporting in one breath, Zhang Tianlun also handed over three brochures, which recorded the details of the other seeded players from the three houses.

Li Lan nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, you all did a good job. I will keep your contribution in mind, and I will definitely reward you when my uncle comes out of isolation."

Ge Yin and Zhang Tianlun were overjoyed: "Thank you, Senior Brother Li, for your kind words in front of Elder Li."

One day passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the lanterns have started to turn on, and the moonlight is sultry.

Ding Hao returned to his room and practiced diligently.

The ice and snow profound energy in the dantian under the abdomen has been condensed to an almost perfect level.

The [Xuan Qi Seed] of the power of ice is also like a ten thousand-year-old ice crystal marrow, crystal clear without any impurities, continuously providing ice and snow Xuan Qi to nourish the human body.

In the middle dantian, the fire-attributed Yan Yan profound energy has also grown a lot.

The [Xuan Qi Seed] of the power of fire has more than doubled in size compared to last night, changing from light yellow to deep yellow. It continuously releases Xuan Qi, transforms the middle dantian sea, and provides an extremely strange power.

Practicing the two completely different mysteries of ice and fire at the same time has brought indescribable benefits to Ding Hao.

The two completely opposite forces, the power of ice and the power of fire, are in the lower Dantian and the middle. They are mutually reinforcing and reinforcing each other. They fit perfectly with the yin and yang theory of martial arts in this world. In terms of nourishing the body, there is no other single mysterious force that can match it. magical effect.

Ding Hao had the illusion that he was getting stronger every minute and every second.

"The [Double Holy Body of Swords] is indeed a peerless physique. It is not an exaggeration to call it [Holy Body]. It is like equipping a sports car with two super engines at the same time, making it an unparalleled ride! "

Ding Hao couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

He had only been cultivating two dantians and two kinds of profound energy at the same time in less than a day, and he had already experienced the infinite mysteries involved.

"Haha, this is just the beginning. As your martial arts realm continues to improve, you will become more and more aware of the mystery of the Holy Body." Sword Ancestor, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke up again.

"Huh? Madam, are you out of seclusion? So you figured out the secret of the [One Sword Departure Technique]?" Sword Ancestor, who had been lonely for a long time, found an opportunity to quarrel and deliberately teased her.

Ding Hao is also full of expectations.

If the Sword Ancestor can complete the [One Sword Departure Technique], then he can smoothly attack the Renmai acupoints in the hand of the Six Miracle Meridians.

"Hahahaha, that's natural. How can a small human-level sword art stump me?" The sword ancestor laughed.

"A small book of sword art has made you think about it for a whole day, and you still have the nerve to brag." Sword Ancestor mocked disdainfully.

"Fucking bastard ancestor, are you looking for trouble?" Sword Ancestor got mad and angrily shouted: "What do you know? The more basic the sword technique, the more unshakable the meaning contained in it. The so-called great simplicity, you old boy Haven’t you heard of it?”

Sword Ancestor was silent for a rare moment.

Obviously, what Dao Zu said is irrefutable.

Seeing that his old enemy was finally mute, Sword Ancestor finally hummed a few times proudly before continuing: "Xiao Dingzi needs a perfect sword technique that is comparable to [Tai Xuan Asks the Sword Chapter] to activate [Double Swords"]. The second Dantian of the Holy Body, I naturally have to spend some energy to perfect the [One-Sword Journey Jue]."

When Ding Hao heard this, he felt moved in his heart.

Daozu really worked hard on himself and spent a lot of thought on it.

"That sword art is indeed good. I asked you how you are familiar with it. I have completed it for you. Okay, little Dingzi, listen carefully. This is the sword art I have completed..." The sword ancestor felt proud for a while. , and then explained the completed [One Sword Departure Technique] to Ding Hao in detail.

Sword Ancestor obviously also knew that this time was extremely important and did not make any jokes at all.

After a while, Ding Hao nodded, indicating that he understood all the secrets of the sword technique.

"Thank you [Senior Sword Fairy] for your hard work. I can't thank you enough." Ding Hao was so grateful that he came to the ground and bowed respectfully to the Sword Ancestor in his mind.

Because this brand-new set of sword techniques is still named [One Sword Departure Technique], and even the basic mental techniques are derived from the self-mutilation book, but the real secret is very different from the previous fragment of the scroll. It is almost the sword ancestor who specially measured it for himself. He has created a brand-new knife technique.

Moreover, the new [One Sword Departure Technique] has surpassed the original level and is comparable to the top human level [Tai Xuan Wen Sword Chapter]. It can be regarded as the perfect technique for enlightenment in sword skills.

For this technique, Sword Ancestor obviously spent a lot of energy.

"Hahaha, little Dingzi, you are quite knowledgeable." Daozu laughed triumphantly.

"It's just a top-level breaking skill at the human level. It's not a god-level mysterious skill. There's nothing to be proud of." Sword Ancestor, who had endured it for too long, could finally start arguing.

"Ancestor, if you have the ability, you can create a sword technique."

"Uncle, what I know is swordsmanship..."

"Since you can't create sword techniques or techniques, then shut up, mother..."

"you… "

The two began to bicker happily again.

Ding Hao had a black line on his forehead. He no longer had the "senior master"-like admiration for the two of them. Instead, he felt that these two male and female voices with mysterious origins had some humanity and fireworks, making them more approachable.

After the two ancestors finally shut up, Ding Hao began to practice the "One Sword Departure Technique".

According to the mental requirements of the sword art, Ding Hao activated the flame mysterious energy seeds in the middle Dantian, separated out wisps of flame power, and began to attack the meridian channels from the beginning of the [Ren Vessel] ranked first in the Six Miraculous Meridians.

Ding Hao's monster-like comprehension and cultivation speed were once again confirmed.

The first of the six extraordinary meridians, the Ren Meridian, starts from the center of the middle Dantian. It is longer than any of the twelve main meridians and contains eighteen acupoints. It happens to be the first of the twelve main meridians, the Hand Shao Meridian. The first meridian of yīn contains twice as many acupuncture points.


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