Supreme Emperor of Swords

Chapter 6: good fortune! Mysterious. Cave


"Ah, it hurts so much, it hurts me so much... Huh? Could it be... I, am I still alive? Where is...?"

I don’t know how long it took, but the unparalleled pain of burning his body in flames and being gnawed by thousands of ants allowed Ding Hao to regain his consciousness a little. He instinctively wanted to move, but his body was as stiff as if it were made of iron. Unable to move, he slowly opened his eyes subconsciously.

All he could see was a ruddy white flame, and it was impossible to see anything else.

There seemed to be soft flesh surrounding him.

This feeling is like being surrounded by amniotic fluid in the mother's womb as a baby.

But there were bursts of severe pain all over his body, leaving Ding Hao in a semi-fainting state and his consciousness was a little blurry.

His eyelids seemed to be sewn together, and it took a lot of effort to open a gap. He could vaguely see a soft, white paste in front of him, wrapping him in it.

"Let me strangle you, this baby is white... I'm not soaked in semen, right?" Ding Hao was so painful that he was dying of pain, and he could only enjoy himself like Ah Q in this way.

Just then, suddenly, something strange happened -

I don't know why, but in such an extremely confused state, Ding Hao saw very clearly that there was a pair of phantoms of simple-looking swords, like a pair of swimming dragons, white and white beside him. Move in the middle.

The most bizarre thing is that the sword is obviously a phantom and does not even have a physical form, but it seems to be alive, illusory and real, far and near, circling around his body, trembling constantly, just like two A picky customer is choosing what to evaluate.

"Fairy? Monster?" Ding Hao was shocked.

At this moment, suddenly, this pair of ancient sword figures seemed to have finally reached some kind of tacit understanding.

The sound of swords clashing like a dragon's roar came.

The two phantoms shot out, like a dragon that had been trapped on the beach for thousands of years singing into the sea. They chirped happily and invaded Ding Hao's body easily, turning into two streams of heat and quickly disappearing.

Then, Ding Hao had a hallucination.

Suddenly, the sound of two people arguing and talking came to my ears.

These two quarreling and chattering voices are distant and vicissitudes, close but vague, a mysterious and mysterious feeling. Ding Hao can be sure that two people are quarreling, but he still can't hear clearly what these two voices are arguing about. From beginning to end , can't even hear a complete word clearly.

Soon, waves of indescribable severe pain spread through his body again.

Ding Hao felt as if he was soaked in a sulfuric acid solution, as if life was worse than death, as if the fleshy white flesh wrapping his body was the most corrosive flesh in the world, and it was going to destroy him. His body completely melted bit by bit.

This slow but clear process of severe pain is beyond human endurance.

"I can't die. I want to find Ding Ke'er and my sister... I must find her."

The unparalleled strong desire to survive and the bright smile of his sister Ding Keer were like an eternal light in the boundless ocean of darkness, emitting a faint light, allowing Ding Hao to miraculously sustain himself.

He did not pass out, but gritted his teeth and endured the waves of endless pain.

Time passes slowly like a snail stuck in a swamp.

I don’t know how long it took.

The pain reached the extreme, and finally a change occurred.

At a sudden moment, Ding Hao suddenly felt that the pain suddenly began to recede. At the same time, an indescribable and wonderful new energy seemed to be produced in his body, filling his limbs and bones, and even every cell, bringing a kind of warmth. The comfortable feeling of floating in the air.

Half an hour later, control of the body suddenly returned to Ding Hao's control without any warning.

"Can... can you move?"

Ding Hao suddenly opened his eyes and stood up with his hands on the ground.

He immediately made a vigilant posture, looked around, and quickly saw the surrounding environment clearly.

This seems to be an extremely ancient cave.

The surrounding green-gray stone walls are mottled, with natural stone texture, dry and rough, and no trace of artificial carving. However, in the middle of the cave, there is a simple stone table with two stone chairs. The stone tables and chairs were covered with dust, and it was obvious that no one had used them for hundreds of years.

On the contrary, there are vertical and horizontal lines on the tabletop, which are definitely not natural and should have been carved into it.

It's just that this line is weird and inexplicable, it seems to have a deep meaning, and it seems to be a random graffiti. Ding Hao stared at it for a while and felt dizzy. He didn't know what the lines were used for, and it revealed something extraordinary.

Ding Hao guessed that someone should have lived here a long time ago.

But it has been abandoned for at least a hundred years.

The cave is very empty, with a tunnel about ten meters deep leading outside.

Gusts of wind howled and roared from the entrance of the cave, and there was a faint black mist billowing, but it seemed to be blocked by a strange force. The foul-smelling black mist could not even invade the cave.

The place where Ding Hao stood was a square depression three meters square and about one meter deep.

At first glance, this depression looks like a specially dug tomb. The incisions are extremely neat and smooth, and the shape is very regular. If there were no traces of artificial excavation, it would be hard to believe that this depression would have been formed naturally.

The white substance that originally wrapped Ding Hao was the body in this depression.

However, at this time, the color of the breasts has changed from rǔ white to light black.

But it still exudes a very strange fragrance, but the number of sperm is obviously much less than before. It could wrap Ding Hao's body before, but now it can drown Ding Hao's ankles.

With a slight jump, Ding Hao jumped out of the stone pit.

"What's going on? The phantom of a pair of ancient swords, and the body that changed from white to light black... Also, my body, the fatal injuries caused by the collision when I fell from the cliff. , are everything healed? It seems...that some kind of change has occurred?"

Ding Hao waved his fist, and a long-lost feeling of strength filled his body.

"Not only is he recovering from serious injuries, his body's strength seems to be several times greater than before, and his body has undergone some unexplained changes..."

Ding Hao felt that something must have changed in his body.

During his previous coma, he clearly saw the phantoms of a pair of extremely simple and powerful swords entering his body, but now, for a while, nothing unusual could be found. This is really strange. !

The clothes on his body were in tatters.

However, the rusty iron sword was not lost and was still tied behind his back.

Ding Hao's appearance at this moment was extremely embarrassing.

Forcing himself to calm down, Ding Hao began to carefully observe and search the cave.


Third update, keep on rushing, brothers and sisters, let’s burn!