Supreme Emperor of Swords

Chapter 7: The elixir is in hand


I remember that among the martial arts laws that I had read countless times in my previous life, there was this one. As long as the protagonist fell off a cliff, he would have adventures. Ding Hao felt that he had always been lucky, and today's encounter had already met the first half of the martial arts laws, so if he could do it here If you find magical weapons and martial arts secrets in the cave, it will be a worthwhile trip.

Who knew that apart from stone tables and chairs, there was nothing special in the cave.

Ren Dinghao couldn't wait to dig three feet into the ground, but he didn't find anything.

"It seems that you have to be kind and not too greedy. It's good to survive the catastrophe. Maybe the light black color in the stone pit is a great treasure. At least it saved my life. Unfortunately, Now there is no way to take these ** with me."

Ding Hao sighed and stopped searching in disappointment.

There was no water or food in the cave, so it was time to find a way to go back.

Follow the corridor to the entrance of the cave.

Below is an abyss.

He raised his head and looked around, only to see rolling black mist and howling wind.

However, when looking upward, through the black fog, one could vaguely see the stars shining in the sky above. It seemed that the time he had been unconscious was not too long, at least it was not yet dawn.

Moreover, being able to see the starlight also shows that the location of the cave is not very far from the ground, and there is hope of climbing up.

"It's really weird. I fell off the cliff. How on earth did I enter this cave and get soaked in that stone pit?"

Ding Hao was puzzled.

He did the Eighth Children's Broadcast Exercise twice at the entrance of the cave, moving all parts of his body. Then he stuck the rusty sword behind his back, climbed up a few protruding rocks at the entrance of the cave, and climbed up carefully.

Fortunately, in his previous life, Ding Hao was very interested in rock climbing for a while. He also participated in some indoor rock climbing activities and mastered some climbing skills, so he didn't panic.

Like a gecko, he stretched out his limbs and clung to the cliff, slowly climbing up.

The strong wind roared behind him, and there was a terrible gravitational force in the black mist, which seemed to be blowing Ding Hao away at any time.

This process is really extremely dangerous.

If you are not careful, you will be swept away by the strong wind and fall into the abyss below, shattered into pieces, and never recover.

Moreover, the gravitational force here is also astonishingly large, beyond the normal range, and it is simply shocking every step of the way.

When Ding Hao climbed up about twenty meters, he felt extreme pain in all his limbs, and his whole body had a tendency to lose strength. He had to grit his teeth and persist, and continued to climb, holding his fingers tightly on the protrusions on the cliff. On the rocks, the toes also pressed firmly on some strong points.

Sweat flows out like rain.

Ding Hao's whole body was quickly soaked. He breathed heavily, not daring to relax at all.

After climbing more than 20 meters, Ding Hao had a complete experience. His muscles all over his body ached like knives, and his arms almost lost consciousness.

But at this moment, suddenly, something incredible happened -

A strange stream of heat emerged from the Dantian, like a trickle, and soon flowed through Ding Hao's limbs, like a lover's gentle hands, washing every part of the body.

Then, the fatigue and pain all over his body disappeared instantly.

Ding Hao felt as if he had been reborn, and he was suddenly more energetic.

The power of the body more than doubled without any warning.

If he had a strength of four hundred kilograms before, Ding Hao's strength now probably exceeds a thousand kilograms.

The next climb up was much faster.

After climbing for more than forty meters, just when Ding Hao was exhausted again, the same thing happened again.

A burst of heat suddenly appeared in his Dantian, flowing through his limbs and bones.

Then a new force arises, sweeping away all fatigue and pain.

In this way, after the same mutation occurred six times, Ding Hao was already less than a hundred meters away from the ground.

At this time, a few rays of red light flickered on the cliff not far from the body.

"Huh? Those few rays of red light... that's... I climbed to the rock protrusion with the [Dragon Heart Mysterious Grass], hahaha, it's really hard to find anywhere without wearing iron shoes, and it takes no effort at all."

Ding Hao was overjoyed when he saw the red light not far from his body.

Without any hesitation, he carefully climbed over and picked out a total of six [Dragon Heart Mysterious Grasses] that were red in color, emitting red light, and looked like ginseng, and carefully wrapped them in his tattered clothes.

Strange to say, this rock protrusion is only about the size of a grown man's palm, and is very inconspicuous. There is only a layer of black soil three fingers wide on it, and six spiritual grasses actually grow there. It is really a wonder in the whole world.

Ding Hao was extremely excited when he got the spiritual grass.

After taking a short rest and then working hard, he climbed to the top of the cliff and came to the ground with extraordinary smoothness.

"Hey, mother, I finally came up and danced face-to-face with the God of Death. I can't be so reckless in the future."

Ding Hao lay on the ground and took a deep breath. He felt that he had really taken a risk this time. He was still scared when he thought about it now. He had to be careful in the future.

However, climbing the cliff of five or six hundred meters just now caused an extremely strange change in my body. Not only did my sexual strength increase sharply, but I also sweated a lot, and at the same time, some black greasy dirt appeared. It squeezed out from the pores all over the body, and dried up and condensed into a thin black shell on the body.

This situation is very similar to the legendary rebirth, cutting off the hair and washing the marrow.

At this time, following Ding Hao's movements, the black shell cracked and fell, revealing the skin underneath, which looked as white and tender as snow but extremely tough and elastic.

Even Ding Hao's whole temperament has completely changed. He is like a banished immortal living in the world, standing on the edge of the cliff, with an indifferent aura. The sky in the distance has slightly revealed the white color of fish belly.

A new day is about to begin.

The morning breeze blew, and even my crotch felt cool.

Ding Hao looked down and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The clothes on his body had been torn almost to pieces, and even his crotch had a big gaping hole. The chicken was fluttering in the morning wind, looking really majestic.

Fortunately, each of the six [Dragon Heart Mysterious Grasses] was wrapped tightly in his clothes.

After rearranging his clothes and covering up his vital parts, Ding Hao found his direction and followed a safe route through the poisonous miasma and swamp. He came to the edge of the garbage stone forest and followed the path, striding towards home.

"Huh? How come I can run so fast all of a sudden?"

Taking one step forward, Ding Hao was startled.

The body is full of strength, and one step can reach three to four meters. The body is like catkins, not bound by gravity, and the whole body is light and airy, as if it has learned the legendary Qinggong.

In the blink of an eye, we arrived outside the small fenced courtyard.

Under the morning sun, the courtyard looks quiet and beautiful.

Ding Hao frowned.

He smelled a dangerous scent.


Brothers and sisters are very awesome today. Although they did not reach the first place in the new book, Dao Zi is very grateful and still has to break a chapter. Thank you for your support.

Everyone must collect the red tickets.