Supreme Emperor of Swords

Chapter 70: Endurance and defeat in one thought!



The disciples of the fifth courtyard looked at the pair of figures on the ring in disbelief. How strong are they

At that moment, the disciples of the Fifth Academy even had the illusion that their hearts had been shattered by the explosion caused by this blow.

In the arena.

A pair of palms are still touching each other.

It took three or four seconds for a change to occur.

A muffled sound sounded, and a figure finally couldn't hold on anymore and stumbled back.

It's Liang Feixue!

The crowd in the audience couldn't help but burst into exclamations.

Liang Feixue lost

The disciples in the white-shirted courtyard all covered their mouths, showing expressions of disbelief.

The brothers of the [Seven Righteous Alliance] were about to lose their patience. Only the eldest brother, Li Muyun, remained calm and blocked Chen Sheng, the junior martial arts idiot who was about to rush into the ring. I don’t know what he was thinking.

"Liang Feixue was defeated?"

Ding Hao opened his mouth. For some reason, he felt that things were not that simple.

That young man with pink and phoenix eyes who was famous in the Fifth Academy and sent [Madman] Lu Kuang flying with one sword wouldn't be defeated so easily, right

In the arena.

"You lost." Li Lan was not as ecstatic as he was after winning.

This weak young man looked at his opponent calmly, as if he was telling something that had nothing to do with him.


There was a loud sound, and a drop of blood fell onto the glorious stone surface along Liang Feixue's slightly hanging fingertips.

His ten fingers, due to the violent impact, were split into tiny wounds. Thin drops of blood were constantly pouring out from them. Veins were popping out on his wrists and arms, and the blood vessels were bumpy.

"The Jade Palm Technique, which can cut gold and cut jade, is truly well-deserved!" Liang Feixue lowered her head and looked at her palms, sincerely praised her, and said with a smile: "However, it seems that I can take another palm from you. !”

Li Lan frowned and said, "If you receive another palm, your hands will be useless."

Liang Feixue smiled slightly and said: "The three palms we agreed on are three palms. Even if our hands are disabled, we still have to take them."

Li Lan took a serious look at the calm young man with pink and phoenix eyes opposite him, and saw that he was not joking. His expression was extremely firm, and he was a little confused, but he was unwilling to say anything more, so he nodded and said: "I won't hold back! "

"It's what I asked for." Liang Feixue said with a smile.

Li Lan took a deep breath of fresh air, and quickly and flexibly made complicated handprints on his chest, like a white lotus blooming in his chest instantly.

The glistening jade color that originally only filled the palms slowly spread across the wrists and towards the forearms. At the same time, a trace of bright green slowly appeared on the mutton-fat jade-white palms, like a Blood vessels appeared in Li Lan's palm.

"This is... a strange phenomenon that occurs when using the mysterious energy of one's own attributes to activate the [Jade Alluring Palm]." Ding Hao keenly caught this point in the audience, and couldn't help but be secretly surprised: "Li Lan's interest in this palm technique Zhen, it has definitely reached its peak level!"

Liang Feixue obviously knew what kind of blow she would face.

He took a deep breath solemnly, his body suddenly dwarfed, and his knees bent. The profound energy of the three-aperture martial arts disciple reached its limit, and the light yellow radiance on his whole body had a tendency to turn into orange.

At this moment, Liang Feixue's legs seemed to be rooted to the earth, her body leaned forward slightly, her long black hair fluttering in the wind, covering her eyes and face, and her whole figure looked like a terrifying beast that chose people for its lust.


"Do we still want to fight? Senior Brother Liang is crazy and can't continue!"

"Senior Brother Liang has not mastered the Xuan Qi Kung Fu. This is not fair. If the sissy in Qingshan East Courtyard had not possessed the [Jade Color Alluring Palm] Xuan Qi Kung Fu, she would definitely not be a match for Senior Brother Liang!"

"It's too dangerous. If we continue, Senior Brother Liang's hands will become useless!"

The disciples from the White Shirt Courtyard shouted anxiously.

Even the brothers in the Seven Righteous Alliance could hardly sit still. Xiaowu Chi Chen Sheng jumped up and flew towards the ring to stop the ongoing competition, but was blocked again by Li Muyun.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Although everyone understands that the winner will eventually be determined in the ring competition, but at this moment, they still feel tragic for Liang Feixue!

"The third palm!"

Li Lanqing shouted, and his figure suddenly shot out, spinning wildly, and shot towards Liang Feixue like a sword from a string.


Li Lan's figure spun into a huge whirlwind in the air, and the green energy was like tentacles and whips, carrying supreme power and reversing the airflow, which was dizzying.

Liang Feixue looked up to the sky and let out a roar, using all her strength, a pair of palms bloomed with dazzling yellow brilliance. She looked like she was trying her best, which added a bit of tragedy.


The two groups suddenly collided hard with a power that was unmatched by countless registered disciples.

It seemed that even the arena blessed by the inscriptions carved by the fourth-level inscription master was shaking. The people watching the battle felt their vision shaking violently, like an earthquake, and the people in the front almost felt blood coming out of their ears.

"Li Lan won..."

Ding Hao's eyes keenly captured the scene happening on the ring amidst the strong wind.

Li Lan's pair of jade palms, entwined with traces of emerald-like filaments, almost destroyed the yellow mysterious energy released by Liang Feixue, and then drops of blood spattered, as if in slow motion, Ding Hao even watched Reaching the scene where Liang Feixue's palm split open, revealing white bone stubble.

At this moment, Ding Hao was surprised to find that there was a trace of hesitation in Li Lan's eyes.

The emerald green filaments wrapped around his palm suddenly disappeared.

At this moment, a strange change that no one expected occurred—Liang Feixue's hands, which were already about to be destroyed, suddenly erupted with a dazzling reddish flame.

That is a power that surpasses the martial arts realm of the Four Apertures!

"Not good!" Ding Hao's heart suddenly stopped.

"not good!"

Li Lan was shocked.

He originally wanted to let his opponent go, but who knew...

Before he could react, he felt a burst of destructible power pouring out from the palm of his opponent who was supposed to have no resistance, instantly shattering the power of [Jade Alluring Palm] , crazily pouring into his arms.

"Uh... poof!"

Li Lan's throat felt sweet, and she raised her head and spurted out a mouthful of blood. Her vision turned black, and she flew upside down like a kite with its string broken.

The elbow and armpit changes, no one expected such a turn.

The people watching the battle under the ring didn't even have time to utter exclamations.

But at this time, Liang Feixue seemed to have fallen into chaos and rage in an instant. His eyes burst out with bloody light, his body flashed, he shot out quickly, and his fists struck out a series of terrifying streaks in the air. The energy is so strong that I want to kill them all!


First update, come and collect red tickets!