Supreme Emperor of Swords

Chapter 79: The promise of three swords


Farther away, the owner of the pair of beautiful eyes also showed a hint of surprise on his flawless face: "With such swordsmanship... it turns out that you have another chance. So, you finally have a glimmer of victory?"

On the management platform, amidst the surprised discussions among the big bosses, Yin Yifei and Lu Qi looked embarrassed, while Cheng Fei laughed unceremoniously. Although Leng Yixuan still squinted his eyes, The corners of his mouth turned up in a soft arc.

These people are all real strong men, and their eyes are so vicious. It is natural to see how amazing the sword style that Ding Hao suddenly performed just now is.

This sword alone was enough to give Ding Hao a chance to win this game.

"The second sword."

Li Muyun's body surged with lavender flames, and the purple mist spread in a ring. His momentum climbed endlessly, and in a blink of an eye, he surpassed the middle stage of the Four Apertures martial disciple realm. He stepped out with one step and held the weapon in his hand. The sword rises again.

Everyone squinted their eyes.

Because Li Muyun's long sword, at this moment, bloomed with dazzling brilliance, like a small purple sun, one sword transformed into two, three, four... ten swords in his hands. !

This is an extremely strange scene!

Li Muyun's sword seemed to have chopped up the light, shattering people's vision and making it impossible to capture the most deadly sword shadow.

"[Taiyifen Lightsaber]!"

Li Lan, who was in the peripheral crowd, was so shocked that he couldn't help but exclaimed.

He had a mysterious origin and an extremely knowledgeable family. He could recognize at a glance that the sword technique performed by Li Muyun was the famous human-level Xuan Gong combat technique [Tai Yifen Light Sword] in the Wenjian Sect.

The original version of this sword technique is stored in the Sword Hidden Hall of the Wenjian Sect. It is one of the 689 unique sword techniques of the Wenjian Sect.

Among the human level Xuan Gong combat skills, [Tai Yifen Light Sword] is definitely considered to be the best, its power is even comparable to that of the lower level earth level. For ordinary registered disciples and outer disciples, only by obtaining extremely high sect contribution Points, or very special reasons, can be learned.

How did Li Muyun learn this mysterious sword skill

What is his identity

At the same moment, on the viewing platform, many people who knew the origin of this sword skill showed shocked expressions.


The long sword was thrown, like a rainbow, and it was inserted into the ground of Arena No. 1, penetrating the rock blessed by the inscription master. It was almost handleless, and it was humming and trembling.

"You win, I can't defeat your swordsmanship." Throwing the long sword, Li Muyun looked at Ding Hao and said calmly.

Ding Hao looked at his opponent in surprise.

The promise of three swords, and the last sword.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Li Muyun would take the initiative to admit defeat.

The moment before, the first person in the White-shirted Intermediate Courtyard [Seven righteousness Alliance] used the [Taiyifen Light Sword] with astonishing power. He continuously broke through Ding Hao's [Closed Door Thank You Sword Style] 21-layer sword net, forcing Ding Hao to He took more than ten steps back.

However, [Taiyifen Light Sword] ultimately failed to completely break [Closed Door Thank You Sword Style].

"I can't think of any other swordsmanship that can break through your weird sword style, so you win this competition." Li Muyun showed no trace of decadence on his face, and said calmly: " However, our three-sword agreement is still valid. The remaining sword will be postponed for the time being. One day, I will find a way to break it and use this last sword to completely defeat you!"

To be honest, at this moment, even Ding Hao was a little impressed by the kingly genius in front of him.

This magnanimity, this calmness, this pride cannot be imitated by others if they want to.

For Li Muyun, being the first in the competition among the five colleges did not seem to be enough to make him as enthusiastic as other registered disciples.

Ding Hao nodded: "Okay, there is another sword, I will wait for you."

Li Muyun nodded, and with a flash of grace, like a free flying bird, he jumped directly off the ring, and amidst the noise of the crowd, he gradually moved away and disappeared into the distance.

Even the magistrate was stunned for a long time, and then hesitantly announced loudly: "Qingshan East Courtyard, Ding Haosheng!"


"Senior Brother Ding is great!"

"Long live! Long live Senior Brother Ding! Long live Qingshan East Campus!"

There was a burst of cheers under the ring. The disciples of Qingshan East Campus could not contain the excitement in their hearts and cheered and shouted wildly. The twists and turns of this competition made them think that Ding Hao would definitely lose. Although they knew that in the end, their beloved Ding Hao would definitely lose. The senior brother still created a miracle and became the final winner.

The disciples in the white-shirted courtyard had somewhat complicated expressions.

The dream of two white-shirted midfielders joining forces for the first five-academy competition final was shattered.

Although anyone with a discerning eye can see that Ding Hao is far inferior to Li Muyun in terms of the realm of profound energy and combat effectiveness against the enemy, they must also admit that the sword technique that Ding Hao used to block Li Muyun's attack twice in the end was really too good. Incredible.

No one else, even one with higher strength than Li Muyun, would be able to break Ding Hao's defensive swordsmanship.

This is also a manifestation of strength.

Ding Hao's entry into the finals was indeed deserved.

As for Li Muyun, he was so proud that if he couldn't defeat Ding Hao as he wanted, he would rather admit defeat!

In the collision of two geniuses, in the end, the lucky one wins.

There are less than three hours until dark.

The red sun hangs over the mountains and peaks in the west, exuding the last of its heat. In less than a month, the short autumn will end, and the land of Snow State will quickly enter a long and cold winter. At that time, But there is no such warm sunshine.

In the second-level martial arts area, the crowd gathered at this time has reached its peak in a day.

On the periphery, some ordinary people from the garbage slums in the back hill who had finished their cleaning work for the day also began to appear, paying close attention to the first stage in the central yāng from afar, because they heard that a man who also came from the garbage slums The talented boy, who was amazing all the way, defeated all his opponents, and finally entered the finals of the five-academy competition of registered disciples.

This is the first time in countless years.

Although some of them did not know Ding Hao, they also felt excited and proud.

All they can do is stand here and watch from a distance, using this humble way to cheer for this young man who was born in a garbage slum.

Among the crowd were Zhao Xingcheng and his parents.

This young bully from the garbage slums in the past has had a tendency to change his mind since he provoked Ding Hao and was severely beaten. In the previous entrance test, he entered the Wenjian Sect at the bottom and was divided into By the time the entire army was wiped out in the Sequoia West Campus, he had lost all his anxiety and arrogance, practiced hard, and now knew how to be filial to his parents.


Thank you for helplessness丨Blank, Smoke weaved into poems, Delusion of Heavenly Immortality Sutra, For you, Feelings, Edge without Right, Diamondback Morning Star, Eternal Empire, The Sleeping Westward Demon, pei_0121, User 58384364, Dancers in the Shadow and several giants Huge continuous support.

Sword has given birth to two more tributes. There are four updates today and one more to come. Today we will add an update to Fengchu Wuyou, and tomorrow we will add another chapter to Yanzhi Beauty!