Supreme Emperor of Swords

Chapter 8: Song Jiannan


Opening the door, Ding Hao walked in slowly step by step.

at this time-



Two black shadows, one on the left and one on the right, caught in the strong wind, appeared from both sides behind the wooden door without warning, and struck hard at the back of Ding Hao's head.

They were two long ebony sticks.

One end of the long stick was held in the hands of two grinning teenagers.

It was Zhao Xingcheng's group last night.

The long ebony stick was as hard as pig iron and hit Ding Hao on the back of the head with all its strength. This was completely killing Ding Hao!

In the flash of lightning, Ding Hao even saw Zhao Xingcheng, who was free at the door of the hut opposite, smiling viciously at him.

So Ding Hao also laughed.

The next moment, the ferocious smile on Zhao Xingcheng's face turned into confusion, surprise, dullness... and finally into shock.

Because he was dumbfounded to see that the sneak attack he had painstakingly arranged not only failed to work, but was easily cracked by Ding Hao in an instant and in an incredible way - it was obviously two teenagers who attacked first, but in that flash of lightning, they were defeated by Ding Hao With lightning speed, he punched the left and right fists first, hitting the two teenagers hard in the face.

"ah… "


Two shrill screams.

In the tragic sight of bright red blood splashing and white teeth bursting out, before the ferocious smiles on the faces of the two sneak attack teenagers could turn into horror, their faces instantly became sunken and deformed.

Then, their bodies were like rag dolls hit by a hammer, involuntarily flying upside down and falling more than ten meters, smashing into the fence.

Ding Hao blew the blood drops on his fists coolly and strode to the middle of the yard.

Several teenagers who were lurking in other places in the yard were frightened and stayed in place motionless.

The culprit Zhao Xingcheng, facing the murderous Ding Hao, seemed to have seen a terrifying ancient beast. He lost his courage instantly and subconsciously took a few steps back, almost falling to the ground.

At this time, he was completely frightened. He turned around and crawled away. He opened the door and ran towards the hut.

"Senior Brother Song, he is here, Senior Brother Song..." Zhao Xingcheng screamed in horror.

Inside the hut, the golden morning sun poured in along the door frame, and they saw a square-faced young man wearing a blue robe. He closed his eyes tightly and sat cross-legged. His breath was quiet. He had a very luxurious stainless steel sword with a scabbard. The long sword was placed across the young man's knees.

"Why are you panicking?" The square-faced boy slowly opened his eyes.

"Senior Brother Song Jiannan, he...he...Ding Hao is here, he..." Zhao Xing was incoherent. He was completely frightened by Ding Hao's two punches. .

At this time, Ding Hao had arrived at the door of the hut.

The golden sunlight shines from behind, making it difficult to see his face clearly. The shadow on his face gives people the illusion of anger, as if he is a god of death walking in the darkness, filled with indescribable momentum. .

"Are you the arrogant and domineering little guy that Zhao Xingcheng talks about?" Song Jiannan, a square-faced boy, stood up slowly, holding a long sword in his arms.

Under his feet was the small red cotton-padded jacket that was supposed to be hung on the wall of the hut.

The only souvenir left by my sister, the cotton-padded jacket that Ding Hao has always cherished, was actually used as a cushion by this uninvited boy with a square face in blue robes, placed it on the ground, sat under his buttocks, and then Trampled underfoot again.

Ding Hao's eyes immediately fixed on the cotton-padded jacket.

"Boy, do you know who I am? I am Song Jiannan, an outer disciple of Wenjian Sect. Zhao Xingcheng is my friend. If you offend him, you offend me. However, I heard that your swordsmanship is barely good, although you are a bit arrogant. , and also injured my people, as long as you surrender to me, I can ignore the past grudges... "

Song Jiannan was like a lofty peacock with an arrogant expression. He looked at Ding Hao from a bird's eye view and said to himself.

"Fuck you!" Ding Hao said suddenly.

"What? What are you talking about?" Song Jiannan was stunned and didn't react for a while.

"I say, you idiot, you inexplicably superior person, fuck you!!" The last few words almost burst out from between Ding Hao's teeth.

After saying that, Ding Hao punched out.

This was the punch that contained Ding Hao's strongest power after his adventure in the cave.

Fast as lightning.

The momentum is like thunder.

The air was directly blasted with a roar.

Song Jiannan felt his eyes blurred, and the strong wind pressed against his body. He had no time to react, so he held the long sword across his chest to block the fist that seemed to be able to smash an ancient mountain into pieces.


The sword trembled and screamed.

Song Jiannan's face turned red instantly, and he was blown away without even being able to withstand it for a second.

His body fell backwards and hit the wall of the hut. Amidst the crackling sound of wood and stone, dust filled the air, grass clippings flew everywhere, and a large human-shaped hole was knocked out of the wall. Song Jiannan fell directly out of the house.

"Click, click, click, click..."

Zhao Xingcheng, who was on the side, had already seen the ghosts of the dead. He felt a cold air rushing from the tailbone to the sky. His upper and lower teeth were uncontrollably clashing and fighting. Unprecedented fear enveloped him, and his whole body was shaking like lice.


Ding Hao didn't even look, and slapped him with his backhand like a fly.

Zhao Xingcheng was like a rag doll, being whipped and flew out of the door. His face was instantly deformed, swollen like a ripe peach, with blood splattering everywhere, and not a single tooth on the right side was left. All broken.

With a distressed expression on his face, Ding Hao slowly squatted down, picked up the red cotton-padded jacket on the ground, and brushed away the dusty footprints on it.

"Little bastard, come out, get out of here, I'm going to kill you."

Song Jiannan's roaring sound like a wounded, crazy beast could be heard in the yard.

This arrogant disciple of the Wenjian Sect, who was as proud as a peacock, was obviously frightened by Ding Hao's punch just now.

He is a warrior in the martial arts realm, with more than 400 kilograms of strength, and his reaction speed is far beyond ordinary people. However, he was blown away by a punch without any suspense. For a moment, he did not have the courage to come in for revenge, but Standing in the yard and shouting provocations.

Ding Hao gently folded the red cotton-padded jacket and placed it on his chest.

Then he turned around and walked out.

In the yard, Song Jiannan's face had lost its previous calmness and composure, replaced by a completely ferocious and deformed madness due to extreme anger and humiliation.

There were some grass clippings on his body and his hair was a little scattered, but he was not injured.

Of course, the most important thing is that he slowly drew out his sword.

The silver light like steel reflected from the long sword, stinging people's eyes.

This is obviously a long sword made of hundred-refined fine steel with excellent quality.

A faint red light gushed out from Song Jiannan's body, appearing and disappearing.


First update, brothers, please collect and get red tickets, we have to rush forward.