Supreme Emperor of Swords

Chapter 80: finals


However, Song Jiannan, the previously named disciple, was eliminated during the last year-end assessment and has left the Wenjian Sect.

Perhaps Song Jiannan's fate made Zhao Xing feel sad, and it was also one of the reasons why he turned back as a prodigal son.

"This little guy used to look stupid when he was in the garbage slums. He didn't expect stupid people to have stupid blessings. He suddenly enlightened and turned out to be a genius who entered the finals of the five-academy competition!" Zhao Dahai said incredulously.

"Senior Brother Ding is a genius. After three years of silence, he became a blockbuster." Zhao Xingcheng said: "But, dad, don't worry. One day, I will become a master like Senior Brother Ding, and then I will be rewarded by the sect." , let you and your mother escape from the garbage area and go to Qianshan to have a good time."

"Okay, okay..." Zhao Dahai said happily.

This son used to be domineering and caused a lot of trouble, which made him worried. Unexpectedly, after being beaten by Ding Hao, he actually got better.

"By the way, you used to make trouble for Xiao Dingzi. Now that he has become a famous person, he won't come back to make things difficult for you, right?" Zhao Dahai said worriedly.

Zhao Xingcheng smiled easily and said: "Dad, don't worry, that is all in the past. Senior Brother Ding is tolerant and generous, and extremely humble. Now not only Qingshan East Academy, but also all the registered disciples in the Fifth Academy, most of them are While praising his character, I asked him for advice on some cultivation problems not long ago, and he answered them for me one by one."

"You kid, please remember the kindness of Little Dingzi. He is a dragon who will eventually fly to the nine heavens. As long as you don't become a worm, Dad, I will be more relieved."

"I know, dad, how can you say that about your son? Even if I don't become a dragon, I will become a dragon! Hehe!"

The same conversation spread among the people in the garbage area standing humbly on the periphery. Some people recalled Ding Hao's interesting stories in the past, while others were extremely envious. Their moods were all the same, that is, they hoped that Ding Hao could win in the upcoming finals. Win the championship in one fell swoop.

"Wow haha, let's make it, Zhang Fan, let's make it..."

Wang Xiaoqi pulled Zhang Fan and ran towards the stall where he had betted with a wild laugh. Ding Hao came back and won. The high odds made the 10,000 taels of gold that Wang Xiaoqi invested instantly turn into 80,000 taels. It was like getting rich overnight. There is no such high return on investment in the world.

Zhang Fan was so happy that he almost couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

Under the gazes of envy, jealousy and hatred, and amid the banker's tearful complaints, the two quickly exchanged the gold tickets and left in a swaggering manner.

"Haha. Ten thousand makes 80,000, I have 20,000, you have 20,000, and Senior Brother Ding has 40,000. Hehe, we have really paid it this time. This money can buy us a large number of elixirs and herbs, so that we can practice You will get twice the result with half the effort on the road, hahahaha!”

The corners of Wang Xiaoqi's mouth were almost grinning, and the roots of his ears were rising.

"Me? I didn't contribute much. I can't..." Zhang Fan declined quickly.

"Hey, didn't we agree before? When the time comes, we will share the money we win. If you do this, don't you think of me, Wang Xiaoqi, as your brother? Or are you still holding grudges on the first day you joined the clan? I said something mean to you and you Those bullshit about father?" Wang Xiaoqi deliberately pushed against the Orion boy.

"I didn't, it's all over... I... you..." Zhang Fan had never seen so much gold before. He was speechless and didn't know what to say.

Wang Xiaoqi patted him hard on the shoulder and said firmly: "Then it's settled. If you think highly of me, Wang Xiaoqi, just accept 20,000 gold. I am a mean person and have offended a lot of people." I'm a man, but I'm really not bad-minded. With this gold, I will treat it as my formal apology to you for what happened that day. Brother, you can use it to purchase a large amount of low-level spiritual herbs and elixirs, which can help you break through quickly and condense [ Xuan Qi Seed], when you become stronger, you can help me in turn!"

"This..." Zhang Fan hesitated.

Thinking about his current situation of slow cultivation due to mediocre qualifications, and the expectations of his parents and uncles at home, knowing that having these golden tickets would mean having the capital to make a breakthrough in strength, the Orion boy finally nodded and accepted.

"I owe you a great favor. As a hunter in Baiman Mountain, I will repay my kindness. You will be my brother from now on." Zhang Fan said solemnly.

Wang Xiaoqi punched Zhang Fan and said with a smile: "That's right. We have been brothers for a long time. Let's go and cheer for Senior Brother Ding. The finals are about to begin."

Of course he would not say that he also bet Li Muyun 30,000 taels. After dividing it like this, he actually lost 10,000 taels of gold. However, compared to money, Wang Xiaoqi valued the futures of Ding Hao and Zhang Fan more. The former had already With his sharp edge showing, Hao Wuyuwen will become the key training target of Wenjian Sect. Although the latter has poor qualifications, his amazing perseverance and his relationship with Ding Hao make Wang Xiaoqi have to pay attention.

Of course, deep down in his heart, these just few days of contact made Wang Xiaoqi completely accept Zhang Fan as an ordinary roommate.

This was the first truly unbreakable friendship he gained in Wenjian Sect.

The first person in the first five-house competition among registered disciples will be determined by the showdown between Ding Hao and Liang Feixue.

This battle can be described as moving in all directions, attracting everyone's attention.

The competition has not yet started, but the viewing platform is already severely overcrowded. Some high-level inner disciples who originally had no interest in the competition between registered disciples have also come to watch the finals.

Especially the stunning swordsmanship that Ding Hao showed before spread, attracting countless people to come to watch and learn more about it.

The three inscription masters are taking the last time to repair the arena that was damaged by the previous battle, inspecting various devices, and carving various mysterious runes on the rocks to enhance the strength and hardness of the rocks to ensure that the finals can proceed smoothly.

Around the first arena, there was a huge crowd of people, extremely noisy, all talking and predicting the final outcome.

"I think Senior Brother Ding will win without a doubt. Even Li Muyun gave up. Liang Feixue ranks second in the [Seven righteousness Alliance]. Is he still better than Li Muyun?"

"This is not necessarily the case. Li Muyun gave up because he was too full of words at the beginning. If there was no agreement with the Three Swords, Li Muyun would be so powerful that he could knock Ding Hao off the ring alive."

"Don't forget the weird swordsmanship that Senior Brother Ding showed at the end."

"There is a terrifying power hidden in Liang Feixue's body. Once he activates this power, the outcome will be unpredictable!"

The crowd was talking a lot, the competition has reached this point, it has reached the final climax, everyone can't wait to know, finally defeat all opponents, collect thousands of glory in one body, stand high on the first throne of the five courtyards, accept everyone Who is the person who is worshiping

Ding Hao and Liang Feixue were both in the players' rest and preparation area.

The representatives from the green-shirted east courtyard surrounded Ding Hao, while the brothers from the white-shirted middle courtyard [Seven righteousness alliance] surrounded Liang Feixue, making final preparations for the game after burning incense. The atmosphere has reached a tense level. .


Thanks to zhenjun7256 and Diamondback Morningstar for their support, this chapter will be updated for the first time!