Supreme Emperor of Swords

Chapter 93: The white-haired old man was surprised


The Yan Yan Xuan Qi is constantly refining the [Tan Zhong] acupoint, softening and merging the huge blockage bit by bit.

In the blink of an eye, more than half an hour passed.

"That's it for today!"

Ding Hao adjusted his breathing slightly, letting the mysterious energy circulate in the [Zhongji] acupoints on its own, and stood up from the futon.

The cultivation of Xuan Qi is indeed endlessly mysterious. In just half an hour, Ding Hao's fatigue was completely gone, and he felt refreshed and energetic.

There were bursts of sweet birdsong outside, and a new day began.

Calculating the time, there are still two hours before the start of this morning's inscription course. According to the habit he has developed in the past few days, Ding Hao came to the yard and started his morning exercises.

"Every day when the sun comes out, it is the time when the yin and yang change between heaven and earth. The yin contains yin, and the yin and yang are reconciled. At the same time, it has the power of the true fire and pure essence of the sun and the power of the true and mysterious pure essence of the taiyin. It is the beginning of practicing the Nine Ice and Fire The best time to turn the golden body for the first time [Skin Golden Body]..."

The opening notes of the first turn of [Nine Turns of Ice and Fire Tight Tight Technique] naturally appeared in Ding Hao's mind.

He took off his coat, exposed his strong and streamlined upper body, and faced the red sun that had just poked its head out of the mountain col to the east. He stood quietly, silently comprehending the method of the first turn of the [Nine Transformations of Ice and Fire Golden Body Technique]. , use spirit to guide qi, use qi to accumulate spirit, and unite mind and spirit.

Then, Ding Hao's body was slow and slow, like a yoga dance, and he slowly assumed the first extremely weird and mysterious body posture of the first turn of the [Nine Turns of Ice and Fire Golden Body Technique].

[First Fire Style]!

This is the first posture used to practice in the [Nine Transformations of Ice and Fire Golden Body Technique].

In an instant, Ding Hao clearly felt that traces of the pure energy of the sun's true fire between heaven and earth, which was originally invisible and insubstantial and could not be sensed before, appeared around his body, and then rushed in from countless pores all over his body. .

The skin of his body felt hot and numb, as if he was suddenly being roasted on a fire.

After a stick of incense, the numbing and burning sensation became more and more intense and gradually became painful. The surface of the skin seemed to be roasted, as if thousands of ants were gnawing at the flesh.

This is the limit of "fire".

Ding Hao took a deep breath, moved slowly, leaned forward, took mysterious steps with his feet, and transformed into another even weirder yoga posture.

[First Ice Style].

The moment the posture changed, the power of the true fire of the sun between heaven and earth disappeared, replaced by the gossamer-like power of the true, mysterious and pure essence of the sun that had not dissipated after dawn. These strands of cold energy from the sun flowed along. Ding Hao's body pores poured in, greedily penetrating into the body's skin.

At this time, the heat in Ding Hao's body had not dissipated, and the cold air suddenly joined in. The effect of the combination of ice and fire was destructive. The pain at this moment was simply excruciating.

Ding Hao almost shouted.

[Nine Transformations of Ice and Fire Golden Body] is indeed an extremely painful and difficult golden body method to practice.

However, the greater the price paid during the cultivation process, the higher the final reward will be.

Ding Hao gritted his teeth, endured the unbearable pain, and persisted.

Another stick of incense time passed.

As the power of the sun's true fire and pure essence and the power of the taiyin's true and mysterious pure essence continue to blend and blend, the yin and yang merge, and the pain that gnaws at the bone marrow finally slowly dissipates like water, and is replaced by a This indescribable itchy and comfortable feeling makes people feel ecstatic, as if they are going to ride the wind back home.

Ding Hao's body surface, wisps of silver and red shimmer, gradually disappeared under the body surface.

At first glance, there seems to be no change in his body, but if you look closely, you will find that the skin on Ding Hao's body has become more delicate. Under the sunlight, it looks like a metal statue, full of explosive power and power. .

"The first turn of [Nine Turns of Ice and Fire Golden Body] is to train the skin, which is called [Episode Golden Body]. It can make the skin strong and strong. It cannot be cut by ordinary swords. After the skin and muscles are injured, they will heal quickly... According to the secret book. Judging from the comments, it seems that I have reached the level of Xiaocheng."

Ding Hao made a judgment quickly.

This is the abnormality of [Double Saint Body of Swords].

As long as you practice the lower dantian of the abdomen and the middle dantian of the chest at the same time, so that the profound energy of the sword technique and the profound energy of the sword technique complement each other, in this state, you will not encounter any problems when practicing any other magic formulas, mysterious skills and auxiliary secrets. Bottlenecks can be pushed forward smoothly.

This [Nine Transformations of Ice and Fire Golden Body Technique] was practiced by Ding Hao for the first time, and he achieved such an effect.

For others, let alone cultivating the first turn of [Skin Golden Body] to a small degree, even if you complete the movements of [First Fire Style] and discover the pure energy of the true fire of the sun between heaven and earth, you need to try it. Thousands of times, the power of the true fire of the sun has been introduced into the body, and it takes more than ten days to complete.

This is the difference between geniuses and ordinary people.

He fetched a large bucket of ice water from the well and poured it over his head, washing away the sweat stains on his body and the impurities emitted from the body during the practice. Ding Hao felt refreshed all over. At this time, Zhang Fan and Wang Xiaoqi were still He didn't come out of the room, so he was probably still practicing.

Ding Hao went back to his room to get the small box containing the three secrets, and followed the stone path to the [Sword Tower Arsenal] yesterday.

"Little guy, it seems you have made your choice."

The person guarding the arsenal was still the white-haired old man rocking the wicker chair yesterday. He raised his head and glanced at Ding Hao, showing a look of surprise, and nodded: "It seems that I... I have underestimated you. In one night, you actually managed to kill me." [Nine Turns of Ice and Fire Golden Body] You have reached the level of attainment in the first turn, and you are indeed a genius-level little pervert, haha! In that case, the other two secret books will not be able to trouble you."

"Uncle Chang, that's a compliment." Ding Hao was grateful to the white-haired old man and respectfully handed over the three secret book boxes.

Logically speaking, when returning the borrowed Xuan Gong secret books, you need to carefully check whether they have been dropped or damaged. Who knew that the white-haired old man did not even look at them and just threw these three precious secret books on the stone table next to him.

The smile on the old man's face became even thicker: "Haha, to be honest, if someone hadn't booked you a long time ago, I would have really thought about accepting a disciple. That's all. Being able to get a seedling like you is the only reason I asked the Sword Sect. Fortunately, little one, remember a saying: "If the wood is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it." When the time comes, you must know how to hide your clumsiness."

"Disciple, please keep this in mind." Ding Hao saluted respectfully again.

"Well, you go ahead." The white-haired old man nodded and looked down at the book in his hand.

Ding Hao saluted again, then turned and left.


Asking for favorites and red tickets.

Thanks to: Chu Jie Jiang Han, Mysterious Man 5240, CND_mK, Prodigal Son Qi, Feng Chu Wu You, I am Xiao Cheng and several other giants for their support.