Supreme God

Chapter 448: Now it is not the enlightenment of the true Dharma, but the name of Avalokitesvara


The city of Saunitapur is in the Indian divine domain. This is a large city that is familiar to all living beings. The owner of this city is the famous king of the Rakshasa clan, the demon god Ravana.

The Rakshasa tribe was originally a human race native to the Indian divine domain. Later, the Aryans followed their gods and the arrival of the Aryan gods on Mount Sumeru. Because the World Honored Vishnu needed the help of the Aryan gods to help him open up the reincarnation of the Indian god realm, he established a righteous law and made the Aryans the most noble among human beings, in charge of sacrifices and wars.

Indians, as native people, have become the most humble untouchables. Under the coercion of the gods, they had to accept the status given to them by Zhengfa, and silently accepted it while being killed crazily.

But there are still some native humans in India who are not willing to accept the fate assigned to them by the gods. Under the leadership of their leader Ravana, they worship Shiva and Brahma and curse Vishnu and the Aryan gods.

Because one of the purposes of the establishment of reincarnation and dharma is to help Shiva resurrect his wife, Shiva felt guilty and felt that he owed these native Indian humans.

So, he gave these people supernatural powers and strength, and eventually, they embarked on a different path from ordinary humans. He changed from appearance to human being and became a Rakshasa.

One of the purposes of the Rakshasa clan's existence in the world is to disrupt the dharma of the world and take revenge on the Aryans. Their revenge almost succeeded, but in order to help the Aryans, Lord Vishnu personally transformed into Rama and joined forces with the monkey god to defeat the Rakshasa tribe and trapped them in the city of Saunitapur.

So far, it has been hundreds of years.

This time, the other two avatars of Lord Vishnu, Krishna Krishna and Rama Rama, suddenly gathered an army from the human world, summoned the powerful yoga practitioners among the Aryans, and together they attacked Shanitapur. City, launched an attack on the Rakshasa clan.

The cause of the matter is that Krishna Krishna has a grandson whom he likes very much, named Wuyu. Krishna Krishna had many wives and had many children, but neither he nor his brother Rama, Krishna, regarded them as the heirs of the Yadu clan to which Krishna belonged.

This young heir has been looking forward to doing a great achievement comparable to that of the former holy king Rama, but he has never had the chance.

By chance, he met the disciple Bo Xun had taken in the Indian divine realm. He was the brother of Gandhari, the former king of Gandhara, and the son of King Myoli.

This King Shakuni seems to have received the true inheritance of Bosunda's transformation into freedom. After meeting the young Wu Zhen, he used his sharp tongue to make Wu Zhen realize that he was extremely powerful and blessed by the gods. Under the illusion, he single-handedly attacked the settlement of the Rakshasa tribe. He wanted to use his own power to annihilate the Rakshasa tribe and complete the great achievements that even the holy king Rama failed to complete.

The result was obvious. The young Pandava prince was quickly captured by the Rakshasa clan.

After the news reached Krishna, he made an appointment with his brother Rama to lead a crusade.

Ravana, the leader of the Rakshasa clan, was naturally no match for Krishna and Rama. He prayed to Shiva and asked Shiva to come to help the poor Rakshasa clan.

Shiva had great sympathy for the Rakshasa clan, and didn't care what Vishnu thought, so he trusted the fire god Agni, the great celestial being Angelo, and the great demon Jieval to help in the battle.

The god of fire Abini did not dare to attack Krishna and the others with all his strength, but the great celestial being Angelo and the great demon king Jieval were no match. In the end, Shiva had no choice but to ride the green bull Nandi with his son Kumara, the god of war, and the elephant head. God came and had a showdown with Krishna.

Krishna asked Rama and Mingguang to stop the ultimate demon army headed by the war god Kumara and the Lord Ganesha, and then challenged Shiva alone.

When Adros came to the Indian God Realm, these two gods were in a duel. Almost all the powerful gods and practitioners in the Indian God Realm were watching this unprecedented battle. Therefore, except for the goddess with a big belly in the Ganges, almost no one paid attention to the bell when Adros came.

Standing above the sea, Adros was also watching the battle situation here from a distance. His clone in the Indian God Realm, Ran Deng, was bringing his disciples to the city of Saunitapur to watch the battle.

Thirty-six years have passed. Due to the secret resistance of the three great creation gods, the Samanas do not seem to have grown much stronger. They are still the same disciples. But Ran Deng doesn't mind. It's not his task to grow the Samana.

His current purpose is to find ways to open up the path to Bodhisattva. In terms of spiritual practice, today’s ascetics can only reach the Arahant path, which is the ultimate level of spiritual practice. To walk out of the Bodhisattva path is already a matter of practice.

Compared with Shinto, Bodhisattva can be said to be at the level of master, even above supernatural power, which is still higher.

Returning to the battle between Vishnu and Shiva, the two great gods first used bows and arrows to shoot at each other. Later, they felt that archery was not enough, so Shiva opened his big mouth and spit out fire that filled the sky. Not to be outdone, Vishnu took out his energy weapon. The magical weapon that can call for wind and rain is called Yunyu, and the rain falls from the sky.

The two of them fought happily, but Vishnu's wife, the goddess Earth, couldn't stand it anymore, so she begged Brahma to help stop the fight. Prajapati Brahma had no choice but to bite the bullet and came to mediate: "Shiva, what are you doing? Vishnu and you are one and the same best friend! How can it be appropriate for you to fight with him?"

I don’t know whether Brahma’s words had an effect, or whether Shiva finally found a step to get down. So Shiva embraced Vishnu and left the battlefield together.

After they left, they left behind a field of stunned gods. A war that was close to destroying the world ended like this? Many gods remember a past event. It is said that in order to make the heaven happy, the Lord Vishnu once transformed into an extremely beautiful woman and had sex with the heaven.

It is said that there was a child between them. It's just that this matter is a secret, and only Prajapati Brahma knows it better, and even their wives only hear about it vaguely.

"You all deserve to die."

The gods had not yet recovered from the scene just now. Suddenly, they heard the furious voice of the usually gentle Lord Vishnu, which shook the world.

The gods suddenly moved and looked at the world. Their faces suddenly showed a look of horror, and they turned their attention to the place where the Yadu clan was.

This is the Brahmin family into which the two avatars of Lord Vishnu, Krishna Krishna and Rama Rama, were born. Because of the birth of these two sages, it has become one of the most precious Brahmin families in the Indian divine realm.

The other two Brahmin families that are comparable to the Yadus are the Rama family descended from the holy king Rama, and the other is the Pandavas who won the Kulu War.

However, the Rama clan has lost its powerful force, and the Panda clan has not prospered after the war. Only the Yadu tribe not only has powerful military force, but also has a prosperous population.

Thirty-six years ago, after the Kuru War, the angry Gandhari, the mother of the hundred sons of Dhritarashtra, cursed Krishna Krishna. Sooner or later, his Pandavas would be destroyed like the Kuru tribe. of blow.

No one took this curse to heart, but now, this curse has been banqueted. The person who took action was the priest of the Asura tribe, the second Brahmin sage who was successful in practicing yoga, Taibai sage.

The cause of the incident was a prank played by Krishna's brother Sarana, who asked Krishna's son Shangpo to dress up as a pregnant woman to tease the visiting Taibai sage. Immortal Taibai cursed Shang Bo to give birth to an iron pestle. The next day, Shang Bo actually gave birth to an iron pestle. Although the iron pestle was pounded into iron filings and thrown into the sea, rushes grew from these iron filings.

Later, the Yadu people were drinking and having fun at the beach. The powerful Yadu warriors Satiqi and Cheng Kai got drunk and had a quarrel, which caused internal strife among the Yadu people. The Yadu people killed each other, and the rushes they caught turned into iron pestles. The drunken fight left all the Yadu people who participated in the drinking dead.

The angry Kuritian came to the beach and looked at the corpses on the ground with sad eyes. With a casual move, he caught Taibai Immortal and Shakuni in front of his eyes.

"You two really work well together. One of you has no problem in planning and lets us go to Shanitapur City to fight. The other one wants to take action against our Yadu tribe. I really underestimated you, disciples of Bo Xun. them."

At this time, Krishna had manifested the dharma body of Vishnu. With his eyesight, he could naturally see that apart from this Shakuni, there was also Taibai, the priest of the Asura tribe, who seemed to have also gone to Boshun. The path that leads.

This is a strange path. He never cares about his own life. He only cares about whether he can make trouble for others and whether he can make himself happy through others.

This kind of practice is completely different from the way of yoga. It only practices the mind and soul, never the physical body.

Taibai Immortal smiled and said: "We have met the World Honored One. This is not our credit. It's just that the teacher planned everything before he left, and we acted according to what he said."

"Bo Xun..."

Vishnu's eyes were full of divine will. He was not Krishna. Krishna would feel sad for humans because they were Krishna's tribe. But not Vishnu, these humans have nothing to do with him. What he was thinking about was the calculation of God Bo Xun, which was so profound that it made him a little worried.

Now that they are enemies, who knows what measures Bo Xun will take against him and the Indian God Realm? If Bo Xun is like this and Ran Deng is like this, how could that Allah not come back

If Adros knew what Vishnu was thinking, he would definitely tell Vishnu that he was right. Moreover, Bo Xun and Ran Deng's attack on the Indian divine realm and their so-called Dharma is definitely not as good as the future Allah.

Bo Xun's invasion of India was nothing more than a temporary success; the Samana's path of burning lamps was only a partial change, which took hundreds of years; but Allah almost gave India a devastating blow to Dharma, at least Dharma. Greatly changed because of him.

"You two, since you dare to do this, you must have thought about your end. Bo Xun, I can't protect your lives."

Vishnu said lightly. Although he was easy to talk to, he could not think of any reason to let these two humans challenge his majesty.

Shakuni used a favorite gesture of the Indian gods and clasped his hands: "Our lives are not at stake. Lord Vishnu is not bothering about it. Once this is over, we should be dead.'

After saying this, Shakuni closed his eyes and became completely silent, even his soul was no longer in his body. Similar to him, the Taibai Immortal next to him was the same.

Vishnu was slightly frightened and used his heavenly eyes to shine all over the world, from the human world to the underworld, but could not find their souls. Even in reincarnation, it seems that they cannot be found. When he turned his eyes to the heaven, he finally found their location.

"In the past, my deity, Adros, the Lord of the Stars, in order to defeat the Brahma body evolved by the three creation gods of Brahma, Vishnu, and Brahma, joined forces with the two gods of the Nine Provinces, Huangdi Xuanyuan and Queen Mother of the West, to attract the Nine Provinces barrier. Bombarded the Indian God Realm. Although it was blocked by the World Honored Tathagata, it also smashed the Indian God Realm and the heaven into dozens of pieces."

"The demon Lord Bo Xun collected one of the many fragments and turned it into his own heaven of transformation, as a basis for guiding practitioners of his way to establish themselves. The living beings who live in this heaven do not need to use their own instruments to manifest it, but Taking advantage of the transformation from the lower heaven, pretending to be someone else's pleasure, playing freely, so it is called "other transformation is at ease."

Ran Deng took one of his fat men and four beautiful disciples, Maitreya, Zhengfa Ming, Manjusri, Samantabhadra and Ksitigarbha, to stand in the void, looking at the heaven evolved by the demon Lord Bo Xun.

In this heaven, the figures of Taibai Immortal and Shakuni appeared, each living in one place, practicing with their eyes closed. This is their first time to come to Hehua Zizai Tian, and they also want to get familiar with this place of refuge that they always leave to them.

"Teacher, won't the three creation gods destroy his world?"

Maitreya said with a smile while holding his big belly.

"This involves a bet between Shiva and Bo Xun." Adros pointed to another heaven: "That heaven was evolved from Shiva and is called the Great Israel. The two gods made a bet to see which side of the heaven would be more powerful three hundred years later. As for what the bet was, I don’t know.”

"There is no worry in the heart, no fear, and I am at ease in the three thousand realms."

Zheng Faming clasped his hands together and looked at the two heavens, which had similar names but completely different essences.

Ran Deng nodded and said: "Venerable Zhengfa Ming, you are the most advanced among all the disciples, but you have mastered the way. In terms of the Bodhisattva's conduct, it is not a help, but an obstacle. When I look at these two worlds, I feel This is your place of practice, you can enter these two heavens, reach the realm of dominion, and try to enter the Bodhisattva line."

"Disciple accepts the order and enters these two heavens. Disciple will no longer be enlightened by the righteous Dharma, but will be called Avalokitesvara."

"It's so good, it's so good. You can see it freely, and you can also see the voices of the world. Practice it, practice it, I won't say that you will realize the Bodhisattva path before me, and set a precedent among ascetics."

When Adros saw this scene above the sea, he smiled faintly, fluffed up his sleeves, and drifted away.


I'm sick and hospitalized, so I'll probably have to stop updating for a while.

I had an upset stomach a few days ago, and I thought it would heal after a while. However, I developed gastrointestinal bleeding and was hospitalized today. I don’t know when it will heal.

Everyone must take this as a warning and treat the disease as early as possible, otherwise the disease will become more serious if not treated.

I will have to wait until I am discharged from the hospital if I want to update, sorry.
