Supreme God

Chapter 453: Kunlun Mountain, the wilderness of emperors


Kunlun Mountain, the wilderness of emperors,

This is the ancestral vein of the mountains on the mainland and the source of all currents. In the ancient times, Fuxi, Nuwa, Queen Mother of the West and other great gods were born here. This place is a holy place in the eyes of both mortals and practitioners.

After King Yu controlled the floods, and with the establishment of the first dynasty of Fan, the chaos between heaven and man gradually calmed down. Kunlun Mountain also opened up the Kunlun realm with Emperor Qing, and truly became a permanent residence for practitioners. Whether it is the gods who have ascended to the throne, the immortal shaman, the celestial demon who has shed his original body, or the human sages who are determined to live forever, they all choose their place to live in Kunlun.

And above the Kunlun Mountains, there is an invisible land, and there is a vast world, which was created by the Qing Emperor. Anyone who has cultivated the world's laws to the end, no matter who they belong to, as long as they are willing to abide by the Qing Emperor's rules, can follow the Qing Emperor's rules. The emperor left instructions to go to this world.

Only more than 300 years ago, when Shang Dynasty destroyed Zhou Xing Dynasty and His Majesty the Yellow Emperor used men to attack the heavens and expelled Emperor Jun and the gods under him, did many practitioners appear in the world.

However, as Emperor Jun's formation was broken and Zong Zhou's world was at peace, practitioners from all walks of life returned to seclusion. In Kunlun, each has a cave, each lives in its own place, and they are content with each other.

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! clang!

The nine bells rang throughout Kunlun and spread beyond Kunlun. This kind of sound is very mysterious and cannot be heard by mortals, but practitioners who have left the human world or those who are gods are surprised.

Since the last war, the bells summoning the gods in Yaochi have not rang again. This time the nine bells rang, it was obvious that something big had happened.

There are also differences in the ringing of the Yaochi bell. The bell rings twelve times, and all practitioners who have left the human world can go there. The so-called transcendent world refers to the realm of ordinary gods, either gods, demon gods, shaman gods, or human gods.

The way of refining qi is different from that of spiritual cultivation, so they rarely call themselves gods. They only claim that they have transcended the human world and have escaped the suffering of reincarnation. At this time, the great human being with supernatural powers has not yet been born, and the name of immortal has not yet been spread. No matter how high his cultivation level is, he calls himself a Qi Refiner.

The bell rings nine times, but it summons the existences such as the celestial demon, witch, and god. However, ordinary gods, lichs, and qi-refiners cannot go there. If these existences follow what Taiyi said when he opened up the divine way, they all have the realm of emperors or have combat power. Along with the sound of the bell, a divine thought has already spread the news to the ears of the gods who are coming. Whether they come or not depends on their wishes.

Guangchengzi took the first step, Huangdi led Adros, followed by Rongchengzi, Ning Fengzi, Chisongzi and Amaterasu, and walked slowly towards Yaochi.

Among the human sages, except for the holy kings, they were the only ones capable of fighting the Shinto emperors. Therefore, Huangdi ordered the others to return to the cave and only took them to Yaochi.

"The emperor's outfit really looks awkward."

While chatting on the road, Huang Di suddenly looked at Adros's clothes.

Adros was stunned and looked at his own attire, wrapped in a green robe. It was extremely simple and did not distinguish between Eastern and Western attire. He looked at the Yellow Emperor again. He was wearing imperial robes and uniforms, and purple seals and jade belts. He looked majestic, but he looked very good.

Shaking his head and chuckling, Adros pointed at himself, and his image suddenly changed. He was wearing a robe embroidered with stars, painted with the sun, moon and constellations, and wore the Beichen Emperor's crown. It was exactly the Ziwei Emperor's attire he had seen before.

"Okay, this is the style of an emperor."

While they were talking, they had already arrived outside Kunlun, and they saw a strange beast, half human and half animal, with a human face and nine tails, a tiger body and tiger claws, looking eastward. As soon as the beast saw the three people, it let out a huge roar. The roar was earth-shattering. Not only could the entire Kunlun Mountains be heard, but the sound could also be heard in the realm created by the Qing Emperor.

In a moment, a group of goddesses came out to greet him. The leading goddess has a graceful face, bright literary talent, elegant appearance, a large spiritual flying ribbon, a sword that divides the scene at her waist, a Taihua golden hairpin on her head, and a crown of Taizhen morning tassel. She is the Queen Mother of the West of Yaochi in the Kunlun Mountains. Behind her are many goddesses practicing with the Queen Mother in Kunlun.

"I didn't expect that the emperor and I would fight against each other three times in the past three hundred years." The Queen Mother of the West had already heard what Guangchengzi said, and she was very happy and could go out to fight again.

The last time she was in the Indian God's Domain, two beings who could beat her appeared one after another. The fight made her very unhappy, so she wanted to do it again this time.

"By the way, the emperor still doesn't know what happened in the past, so I, the little girls, will introduce it to you."

Queen Mother Xi introduced them one by one, and when she saw a stunningly beautiful goddess among them, she was Jiutian Xuannv. Adros immediately took another look. What comes to mind is the story between this goddess and His Majesty the Yellow Emperor.

Among them was a goddess that Adros had seen before, who was Hanba, the daughter of the Yellow Emperor. When he was in the Persian God's Domain, Adros made an agreement with Ahura, the Supreme Good God, and she would bring Ahura's true spirit to Houtu Empress.

As for the remaining ones, one is Luo Shen Mi Fei, the daughter of the Qing Emperor, Yao Ji, the daughter of the Yan Emperor, and Bixia Yuanjun, the daughter of the Dongyue Emperor.

After greeting each other, the Queen Mother of the West said nothing more and took them to the Yaochi banquet place.

The vastness of the divine pool is like a sky mirror floating in the sky, which is the grand scene of Yaochi. The lake water is sparkling, green as dye, clear and translucent. Waterbirds gather in large numbers, either flying on the lake or playing in the water. The golden breeze blows coolly and the auspicious air transpires, creating a peaceful scene. The water and grass on the lakeside are lush, and wild animals such as oxen, wild ass, brown bears, and yellow sheep are seen and seen.

Next to the Yaochi is a platform with a radius of a hundred feet. The platform is surrounded by stone tables and chairs. Judging from their appearance, they should be old things. At this time, many fairies were waiting around, preparing things for the banquet.

There are more than a dozen jade tables and chairs facing the main seat in the north. There is only one person sitting at the moment. This person has thick beard and hair, which are as black as ink. He is dressed in a cold white robe. When he saw the Queen Mother of the West coming, he immediately shouted: "Xi Queen Mother, please bring your peaches over quickly so that I can have a good time."

"Supervisor, the four of you always act at the same time, why are you the only one here this time?"

The Queen Mother of the West was also surprised. Usually when there was a banquet in Yaochi, the gods from all directions would come together. Why did the supervisor leave all his companions this time

"Haha, Queen Mother of the West, the supervisor can't wait to taste your flat peaches. It has been more than three hundred years since you last entertained the gods. Half of the Zhou family is gone, and he is already greedy to death. "

As an old voice came, three more gods appeared, an old man in green robes, a strong man in black and a woman in red. They stood next to the white-robed gods, facing Huangdi and Ade. Ross and Queen Mother Xi saluted.

"I have met His Majesty the Yellow Emperor, I have met the Emperor Ziwei, and I have met the Queen Mother of the West."

Although he had never seen them before, Adros recognized their identities at a glance. The power of the Four Spirits shined all over Kunlun. Who else would be there besides the Four Gods? The Qinglong Mengzhang Divine Lord in the east, the White Tiger Supervisor Divine Lord in the west, the Suzaku Lingguang Divine Lord in the south, and the Xuanwu Zhiming Divine Lord in the north. They have been the guardians of the four poles of heaven and earth since Taiyi God established the heaven.

"The four gods arrived so early."

Immediately after the Four Divine Lords appeared, Tiannan Phoenix Mother also came, nodding and smiling at Adros. She and Adros had fought side by side in the Indian God Realm, so they were old acquaintances.

Adros was familiar with these five emperor-level gods, but he could not recognize the next few. Shortly after Huang Mu arrived, four more emperors arrived.

The first one is solemn and solemn, as calm as water, and does not speak much, but his majesty and demeanor are not at all inferior to Huangdi Xuanyuan.

"This is the Ghost Uncle of the past, now the Dongyue Emperor."

Hearing this name, Adros understood the identity of this emperor, Emperor Dongyue, the commander-in-chief of a hundred ghosts. At this time, the Heavenly Palace was in vain. Although His Majesty the Yellow Emperor was worshiped as the new Heavenly Emperor by all living beings, he said that it was not time and never went to open a new Heavenly Palace.

However, the Taishan Mansion has begun to restrict the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth. Although it does not have the name of heaven, the details of its jurisdiction and the strictness of the laws are far beyond the heaven opened by Taiyi.

Emperor Dongyue's strict laws are also the biggest reason for the gods of heaven and earth to attack the human gods. How many of the gods and ghosts who emerged from ignorance would be satisfied with the use of human nature, good and evil, to restrain the gods and ghosts

They did resist, but their leader, Di Jundu, was defeated by the gods of humanity. The status of Taishan Mansion also increased, and gods or practitioners of humanity continued to join them.

Heaven and earth are selfless and the gods are observing. Don't bring blessings for enjoying sacrifices, and don't bring disasters for being disrespectful. Mortal people cannot use all their power, enjoy all their blessings, and cannot deceive them all if they are poor.

These three are the cycle of destiny, starting over and over again. Therefore, if you do good deeds for a day, although the blessings may not come yet, the disaster will be far away. If you do evil for one day, although the disaster has not yet come, the blessing will be far away. People who do good are like grass in a spring garden, but they grow more and more every day; people who do evil are like whetstones, and they lose less every day. It is advisable to refrain from benefiting oneself at the expense of others.

The slightest bit of good is convenient for others; the tiniest bit of evil is advised not to do it. Food and clothing are what you want, and you are naturally happy. What fortune is counted, what divination is asked, deceiving others is a disaster, forgiving others is a blessing, the net of heaven is wide, retribution will be speedy, listen to my words carefully, gods and men will obey me.

This passage is engraved on the huge stone at the entrance of Emperor Dongyue's mansion. It is said that when Emperor Dongyue expressed his life aspirations to Emperor Taitian, Emperor Taitian personally wrote it to him. There is no second god among those who have received this honor in eternity.

"I have met Emperor Dongyue."

Adros had great admiration for this emperor and what he would do in the future. Even when he called himself Emperor Fengdu outside the territory, he probably had the idea of referring to the emperor's achievements and great aspirations.

"I've met Emperor Ziwei."

Emperor Dongyue didn't talk much, but his momentum was as deep as the ocean. No one, no matter the god or man, dared to be frivolous in front of his eyes that could see through people's hearts.

"Dongyue has always had this temper. Don't be offended if Emperor Ziwei doesn't know what happened before."

A sound as loud as thunder appeared, shaking the Kunlun Mountains.

"Yun Zhongjun is here."
