Supreme God

Chapter 456: Kill the master, and the situation will change a hundred years later


"Lord of the Stars, we are gods from the same divine realm. Please let me live. I promise that from now on, I will live deep in Khaos and never come out again."

As the war continued to advance, the gods in the sea covenant were the first to be unable to bear it. The ancient sea god of Chaos, Pontos, could not help but beg for mercy from Adros under the joint attack of the White Tiger God King's supervisors and Chi Songzi.

However, Adros in the distance did not even look here, and continued to attack Izanagi and Izanami together with Xingtian and Chiyou. At this time, the brother, sister and couple who had parted ways long ago began to work together again under the pressure of a powerful enemy.

But what about cooperation? Their individual strength is completely inferior to Chi You and Xing Tian, not to mention the fact that there is an assist from Adros who is stronger than Chi You Xing Tian.

Pontos, the ancient sea god of Khaos, was originally the last to achieve success among all the masters, and could also be said to be the least powerful. However, against him, Chisongzi and White Tiger both used their offensive skills. Good at killing.

Chisongzi is extremely good at swordsmanship, and his swordsmanship is different from that of Huangdi Xuanyuan. Huangdi's swordsmanship is a majestic and royal sword. And Chi Songzi's sword is a sharp-edged killing sword.

A sword entered from Pontos' heavenly spirit, causing him to scream, and then the claws of the White Tiger God penetrated his chest, directly scratching a hole in his heart.

The white tiger is the Western Golden Divine Beast, and the power of his claws is not inferior to Chisongzi's swordsmanship. Pontos was attacked twice in a row, and he could no longer speak, and fell directly on the vast sea.

The fall of Pontos was just the beginning. Next, Chisongzi and the White Tiger God Lord freed up their hands and began to attack the other sea gods.

Pthar of the Persian God Realm, Varuna of the Indian God Realm, Aps of the Babylonian God Realm, and Lear of the Celtic God Realm were all surrounded and killed one by one.

These sea gods have been planning for thousands of years to create a maritime kingdom that transcends the realms of the gods, but they did not expect that they would lose their lives in Japan, the Choer God realm.

After they died, the seven-star sea plate shared by these five sea gods suddenly flickered, bursting out with vast divine power that none of these five sea gods had ever possessed, trying to escape from the sea area blocked by the Four Spirit Gods. .


Poseidon Ruo was astonished. He had seen this seven-star sea disk before, and even input his own ocean power into it, but he had never noticed anything strange like this before

This time when all the sea gods died, why did the Seven Star Sea Plate become even stronger

When the Four Spirit Gods saw this, they were also shocked. If the sea plate had been so powerful just now, these five sea gods would not have died so easily. They used their divine power to trap and lock the sea disk within it, but the power emerging from the sea disk became more and more vast and surging, shaking the hearts of the Four Spirit God Lords and making their souls tremble.

With the strength of the Four Spirit God Lord, he could not even trap a divine weapon. All the gods felt that there was something strange about this divine weapon.


At this time, Adros had cooperated with Xingtian and chopped off Izanagi's head. Xingtian's divine ax was stained with blood. It is said that among the witch gods, Xing Tian is the most similar to Pan Shen, and his ax technique also has the charm of the God's axe.

The Chaos Clock slammed down on the Seven-Star Sea Disk, trapping it in the wall of the clock. The seven-star sea disk kept impacting in the big bell, but it was still unable to break out.

After all, this is not a long-term solution. Adros looked around and performed the Star Preaching Technique deduction, and immediately discovered the key. The power of the seas is the basis of the power of this artifact. With a thought, Adros sealed the star scroll directly at the mouth of the Chaos Bell.

Soon, the unusual movement in the Seven Stars Sea Disk was suppressed.

He didn't know that in a distant sea area, there was a divine realm that was almost completely enveloped by the power of the ocean. Around this divine realm, the waves rolled and rose into the sky for a long time.

"Who is it?"

A figure stood on the waves, muttering to himself, then turned around and looked towards the east. But his face was completely covered in blue mist, making it difficult to see his appearance.

This mysterious god roughly calculated the direction, took a step towards the east, and then immediately took it back, saying in shock: "What's going on? I'm in danger of falling when I go east. Is it possible that there is a god above my generation in the world? "

Although he sounded very unconvinced, he still did not dare to go there and headed west instead.

On the bank of Gaotian Divine Realm, Adros was also moved and pulled down the scroll of stars. Sure enough, the seven-star sea disk stopped struggling and fell into Adros's hands.

"It seems that there is an extremely powerful being behind the Covenant of the Seas." Poseidon Ruo sighed: "Emperor Ziwei must be careful in the future. You have a great grudge against this being."

In the Celtic God Realm, in the Khaos God Realm, and even in the Babylonian God Realm and other places, there are many gods who have witnessed Adros holding the Chaos Bell and chasing down several Sea Covenant Lords. This account must be Blame it on Adros.

In addition, among the gods of Kyushu present, only Adros has his roots in the outside world. It would be a good thing if that god really did not look for Adros and came to Kyushu to cause trouble for them.

But it seems that the gods who come to Kyushu to seek revenge have never been heard of since the creation of heaven and earth.

Adros chuckled lightly and didn't really care: "Come on, it's difficult to walk the path of gods. It's a good thing to be able to fight against many gods of this level."

"The Emperor is so courageous."

Xing Tian Chi You has now stopped, and the couple from the Gaotian Divine Realm have been killed by them respectively.

"How courageous I am. I've just come this far, but I can't help but be timid. Could it be that because of the existence of this god, he asked me to hide in Kyushu for a lifetime? Since he is coming, I won't be afraid."

"Okay, I'm afraid he will do something." Chi You laughed loudly, and then continued: "By the way, Emperor Ziwei, there is one more thing I want to discuss with you."

"Soldier, please speak."

"According to the decree of Empress Tu, Xingtian and I will follow Emperor Ziwei to the west to help Empress Xuanming carry out the Twilight of the Gods in a divine realm."

"Is this going to happen so soon? I originally thought it would have to wait a while."

Adros was slightly shocked. He also knew a little bit about what Xuan Zhen wanted to do in the Ymir Divine Realm. But in his deduction, it would take another two to three hundred years before the divine realm would evolve to the extent they needed.

"The empress has said that this matter cannot wait any longer. The emperor needs to take action and start this matter in advance. In a hundred years at most, the biggest change will occur in the gods' domain. By then, I don't know how many gods or humans will achieve success. It is an unknowable and invisible state. Once this kind of existence becomes enlightened, you don’t know what position it will take, and it will inevitably affect the divine path of Empress Xuanming.”

A hundred years later, Adros calculated with his fingers that it was indeed almost the same. The reincarnation of Ahura, the battle between Bo Xun and Tathagata, and the great supernatural power of Kyushu, their stories were indeed about to begin. .

"Okay, then please ask the two great gods to go with me and carry out an act that will destroy the world and end the law."

"You really need to hurry up. According to some of our calculations, in a hundred years, all the realms will be catastrophic and the world will change drastically. It is both a great good thing and can achieve many gods. It is also a great bad thing and many gods will be eliminated. In the future, can we If you get a share of this great change, you can take that unfathomable last step."

Qing Emperor Fuxi also ended the war with Zhu Jiuyin and Di Jiang, and all three creation gods fell into their hands.

Those still fighting in the field are the Queen Mother of the West, Yun Zhongjun, Huangdi, and the last two of the Tianjin Gods. At this time, the two gods could hardly hold on any longer. Huangdi's Xuanyuan Sword had been stained with divine blood, and Yun Zhongjun's thunder chisel also had a lot of flesh and blood stuck to it.

When the Queen Mother of the West saw that the battles in other places were over and they were the only one left, she immediately became unhappy. She took off the Taihua Golden Hairpin from her head and turned it into a divine sword.

Under the cover of the Kunlun Mirror, a sword pierced the forehead of the permanent god of heaven, and then the god's body was annihilated by the mirror.

At the same time, Yun Zhongjun triggered the vast thunder and struck into the heavenly spirit of the ancient god Ashabibi of Umochi. Then Xuanyuan Sword struck out again and cut off the god's head.

At this point, the seven masters of the Gaotian Divine Realm and the five masters of the Sea Covenant were all destroyed on the seas. Only the wreckage and the magical weapons of these gods were still faintly visible.

"Emperor Ziwei is alone outside and manages to support a huge divine court. It's up to you to take these spoils."

Qing Emperor Fuxi said this, and naturally there was no objection from the gods. Three hundred years ago, Emperor Ziwei had saved the world in Kyushu. At that time, he did not receive any benefit. Now it is appropriate to give him some gifts of thanks.

Adros was not polite and immediately thanked the gods. He was born too late and had almost no treasures. The treasury of the Court of Stars was established, but there was almost nothing. After killing so many masters this time, I finally got some good stuff.

"By the way, Queen Mother of the West, according to my calculations, a thousand years from now, there will be an ocean goddess rising from the East China Sea. She is benevolent and compassionate. She is probably the last destiny of Shinto. Leave this seven-star sea disk, and you will be able to do it in the future. Give it to that goddess.”

After handing over the Seven Star Sea Plate, Adros began to collect the loot. At this moment, the red sun rose high, and its great light shone on the ocean, which was extremely magnificent.

"It seems that the emperor's crape myrtle number has also recovered. How about we calculate together what the emperor is doing in that divine realm at this time?"

When Adros just said that there was an ocean goddess coming out of the East China Sea, he immediately started to calculate. After a calculation, it was almost the same as what Adros said. Then, he thought of asking Emperor Ziwei again for lessons on the art of deduction.

"Forget it, I will discuss it with His Majesty the Qing Emperor in the future. I have to go back in a hurry so as not to delay Empress Xuanming's plans."

At least so far, Adros has never met Di Jun, and his star preaching skills are far from perfect. Adros feels that it is better to hide his clumsiness.

And in a divine realm not knowing how far away, Di Jun had a look of helplessness on his face. He finally realized the helplessness of Fuxi Shennong and Xuanyuan. It was not an easy task to establish a humane country step by step.

Fortunately, among these humans, there are some remnants of Daxia brought by Poseidon Ruo from Egypt. The existence of these people made Di Jun feel a lot more relaxed, and many systems were established.
