Supreme God

Chapter 458: Atlantis and the Assyrian Empire


In the Khaos Divine Realm, a baby's cry came from a kingdom in the northeast called Ajid.

This is a relatively backward kingdom, bordering Thessaly to the south, Olympia Mountains in the middle, Illyria to the west, and Thrace to the east, but it is independent from the Greek city-states.

The residents of this kingdom call themselves Macedonians. The origin of the Macedonians is unclear. They may be the common descendants of Illyrians, Thracians, and Greeks.

Due to its remote location, Macedonia has been in a backward state for a long time and has been basically excluded from the international life of Greece. The Macedonians, on the other hand, were rough and brave and were regarded as Greeks in a non-strict sense. Many Greeks even called them barbarians.

In the eyes of the Greeks, the people here, like the Romans who had just established the city not long ago, were descendants of losers. Only if you lose in the confrontation between civilizations will you come to this remote place to survive.

The Macedonians and Romans stood up step by step amid the ridicule and contempt of the Greek states. Maybe their ancestors were losers, but what does this have to do with them

True glory lies in the future, not the past.

A baby girl was born in the kingdom of Macedonia. No one knew that this baby girl was the clone of Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war. No one knows what changes this baby girl will bring to Macedonia.

After the birth of this baby girl, eighty-eight more babies were born almost simultaneously in various parts of Khaos. These babies are different from the female babies reincarnated by Athena. They have memories from birth and know their identities and their missions.

Athena's Nandou gods all came to the Kingdom of Agid at this time to protect the growth of Athena's clone.

At this time, Adros was standing in the starry sky of the Chaos Divine Realm, smiling slightly at the bottom. He did not expect that Athena's reincarnation would choose this place.

No need to use star sermons to deduce, Adros knew what kind of place this was. In the future, one of the most powerful kings in the world would be born here.

On Mount Olympus, God King Zeus and his father, the previous God King Cronus, have closed the palace door tightly since the last change in the underworld. I don’t know what the father and son are doing

In the underworld, Hades, the king of Hades, stayed in the underworld, but his heart was extremely depressed. At the beginning, he did not become the master, and was still the only master in name in the underworld. Now he has become the master, and the underworld has been divided into parts by the so-called netherworld.

Hades was filled with dissatisfaction, so dissatisfied that he wanted to destroy the entire world, just like Adros was planning to do, to change the world again. But now I can only endure it. This is the intention of Tartarus, the Lord of the Abyss, and the intention of the kings of hell.

Fortunately, according to the kings of hell, the future war in the divine domain will be their opportunity.


As the ruler of half of the underworld, he discovered the abnormality of Athena and many constellations coming into the world. Hades thought for a moment and then set off towards the country of the Macedonians.

But before he could set out, his path was blocked by a starlight.

Hades' lips curled up, his eyes were cold, he snorted, and then silently returned to his palace. He knew who the owner of this starlight was, and this was not the time for him to fight with the other party, even though he wanted to chop the guy who took his wife away into pieces.

Thinking of his wife, Hades looked to the other side of the underworld, to the source of the River Styx, which was Persephone's new residence. However, Persephone is now no longer the Queen of Hades, but the Lord of Pluto in the Court of Stars.


Above the ocean, Poseidon fell into the greatest joy and excitement of his life.

"What the Lord said is true. As long as I am willing to follow you, I can take charge of a divine domain belonging to the ocean?"

A mysterious and powerful master suddenly came to the door, saying that he wanted to order him to become the master of the ocean god domain and let him break through the realm of master in one step.

"With your little strength, I'm going to kill you, but it's just a casual blow, so why should I lie to you?"

Opposite Poseidon, the master whose face was blurred and wrapped in a ball of blue ocean power smiled softly, seeming to be extremely disdainful. If he hadn't looked at the sea area, he couldn't find a suitable sea god, and he would never have looked for the one in front of him.

"Okay, Lord, I'll go with you."

Poseidon didn't think much, and just looked at the sea in all directions before leaving. It seems that there is only a little sea area that truly belongs to him. Whether it is the sea area of Pontos, the ancient sea god, or the sea area that belongs to his former wife, now Neptune Lord Amphitrite, they are constantly expanding.

Even Oceanus, the lord of the ocean, began to ignore him as the lord of the ocean. All these things made Poseidon feel that no matter what the price, he would get back everything he had lost. Not only the sea area, but also his dignity as the King of the Sea.

"By the way, Lord Master, I still don't know what to call you?"

"My name is Atlantis."

Poseidon was stunned when he heard this name. He had heard this name from his grandmother and lover, Earth Mother Gaia. According to Earth Mother, Atlantis is the source and destination of all sea areas, and is the top of the seas, so the country he created in the sea areas is called Atlantis.


In the land of Babylon, the situation of the war has become clear at this time.

The Assyrian Empire, supported by heaven and hell, has suppressed the Kingdom of Babylon. An Assyrian monarch named Tiglath-Pileser III defeated Urartu, conquered the entire Syrian region, and intervened in the Babylonian throne. The succession led to the merger of Babylon and Assyria, and he became the king of Babylon.

Of course, this is only the situation in the human kingdom, but in some ways, it also represents the situation in which the gods fight above the human world.

Although the Babylonian Moon Goddess Sun Goddess and the female Pluto received support from Artemis, the Hunting Goddess and Moon Goddess of the Court of Stars, Apollo, the Light and Sun Gods, and Ian, the Lord of Aries, they were unable to cover up the decadent situation. .

After all, on the Assyrian side, the angels in heaven, any archangel, are not above Artemis and others. Coupled with Solomon's seventy-two pillars of demons, they almost forced Artemis' side into a corner.

Of course, due to concerns about the existence of Adros, it is estimated that there are still many powerful gods in the Star Palace who have not taken action. The gods on the Assyrian side have also been restrained and have not dealt harshly with Artemis and the others.

But the other gods on the Babylonian side were different. Many of them had died, so the Babylonian Kingdom began to surrender to the Assyrian Empire.

"Artemis, you sent someone over. How is Hecate prepared now?"

Apollo looked at the Assyrian Empire with cold eyes. Even if they defeated Babylon, their soldiers had already gone to the Chaos Divine Realm.

At this time, Assyria was ruled by the usurper Sargon II. He defeated Israel and suppressed the uprisings in Syria, Phoenicia and other places supported by Egypt. He defeated Urartu again and attacked Medes. .

In other words, places such as Syria and Phoenicia on the edge of the Chaos domain were already under the rule of the Assyrian Empire.

Apart from anything else, Phenicia is a very special place for the Chaos Divine Realm. The place where Adros, the original preacher, and Iapetus, the father of the prophet Prometheus, created the word.

It is very strange that the gods of the Chaos Divine Realm seem to have no feeling at all about this foreign army entering Syria and Phoenicia. Of course, on the side of the Assyrian Empire, the ones dispatched were human warriors, but not a single being who transcended the human world took action.

"Hecate is in a critical period. It won't be long before she can take that step. She asked us to wait."

It seems that the relationship between Artemis and Hecate has been excellent since they met. Sometimes the relationship between a goddess and a goddess is very difficult to describe. Just like Scathach, the shadow goddess in the Celtic realm, let her be with Artemis. She didn't even want to say a word, but she was with Athena. , she was very happy even fighting.

"Goddess Artemis, if Lord Hecate takes that step, I'm afraid you won't be able to take action again."

Ian suddenly thought that according to the agreement made by Babylon, Hittite, Egypt, Canaan and even Adros, the Lord of the Stars, the first-level gods could not interfere in the battle in Babylon.

"Don't worry, Hecate knows that she will deliberately resist this step and help us fight a few times before breaking through. If it doesn't work, then we can only ask other members of the Court of Stars to come together to help. The battle situation is now not only It’s just a matter for a few of us, Egypt and Chaos both seem to be among the goals of this ambitious Assyrian empire.”


Adros did not know the conversation between these gods, but he knew the situation in Babylon. But he was not worried about this situation at all, and had entrusted it to Hecate before.

What he needs now is to consider how to set off a Twilight of the Gods in this divine realm dominated by the laws of ice, snow and freezing.

Originally, according to the fate of this divine domain, Ragnarok was bound to come sooner or later, but it was different to come according to natural evolution and to use external forces to push it.

Stepping into the realm of Ymir, Adros couldn't help but think about how Ragnarok began and ended according to its original trajectory.

It seems that the Lord of Mars in the Court of Stars, the evil god Loki who is still locked up by God King Odin, and his children have all made great contributions.
