Supreme God

Chapter 461: The earth shows murderous intent, dragons and snakes rise from the land


In the starry sky, Adros looked at the sun, moon and stars that had begun to gradually evolve, and finally smiled.

He sat quietly in the starry sky for several years, constantly observing the characteristics of this starry sky, and finally had no choice but to give up. This kind of starry sky that evolves entirely based on the shedding of leaves from the World Tree is not so much the way of stars as it is the way of time and space, the way of randomness.

Even if he deduces it using the Star Preaching Technique, he doesn't know how such a starry sky can fit into his Star Avenue.

Since this starry sky does not come to him, and it is impossible to let his great road go to this starry sky, then he simply changes the sky and the earth, moves the stars and fights, and changes to another starry sky.

The star map unfolded and spread beyond the stars. Then, Adros started what he often did again, arranging the stars to align with the way of the stars.

Compared with the Chaos Divine Realm, Egyptian Divine Realm, and Babylonian Divine Realm that he had rehearsed before, the rehearsal for the starry sky of Ymir Divine Realm was naturally more complicated. In the previous divine realms, among the stars, there were more or less shadows of the way of stars, but this starry sky was almost starting from scratch.

However, Adros's cultivation at this time was not the same as before. At this time, he is not like the ordinary gods in Chaos, nor the ordinary gods in Egypt. Now he has stood at the pinnacle of Shinto.

In many divine realms, he has seen many gods who dominate the emperor level, and their cultivation level is above his, which is only the number of hands.

The divine power of the stars, the divine power of the road, and the divine power of destiny were used alternately. The World Tree was temporarily banned, and the fire of the stars was also suppressed. Then came the arrangement and evolution of the existing stars.

Of course, if that were the case alone, Adros wouldn't be under too much pressure. At the same time, he was still inducing the dusk power of this world and continuing to refine his star scroll.

When I was in the Celtic God Realm, I was not able to complete the refining of the Star Scroll because I went to hunt down the gods of the Sea Covenant. By the time he returned, the great catastrophe in the Celtic realm had passed, and the disputes were basically gone.

Therefore, this time in the Ymir Divine Realm, he needs to activate the twilight power and the killing machine to refine the artifact.


Just when Adros started to attack the stars, at the junction of Ymir Divine Realm and Celtic Divine Realm, the God King Odin immediately had a reaction.

"Who, who is it, is triggering the twilight power of our divine realm? Doesn't he know the fate of our divine realm?"

One of the most clever things Odin, the God-King, did was that ever since he learned about the great changes in the Twilight of the Lord God, he had not been hiding it and openly told the gods about it.

His generosity made the gods even more convinced. Therefore, as long as it is to cope with the arrival of Ragnarok, the gods basically have no objection to what Odin wants to do.

He wanted the Arthur Clan and the Warner Clan to merge, and the gods agreed; he wanted to kill his two brothers to break through the Overlord, and the gods let him do whatever he wanted; he wanted to build the Hall of Valor and collect human warriors, and the gods also continued to help. .

Next to him, his father, the giantess Bethla, mother of the Boer God Realm, also had a pale expression. They looked at each other, and then God Bull said in a deep voice: "Odin, you can slowly sort out the laws of heaven and earth here. Your mother and I will go over and take a look."


Because he provoked Yahweh, he was punished here by Yahweh to stabilize the passage between the two realms. Odin felt very unhappy, but he also knew that Yahweh was not something he could compete with.

It's not like Odin never thought about quitting his job, but after hearing his parents tell all about Yahweh's deeds, His Majesty the God-King decided that it would be better to sort out the laws of heaven and earth honestly here.

In the Celtic realm, the clones of Gaia, the Earth Mother, and the Lord of the Night are still sitting quietly in the forest. But at this time, there was a game of Go between them.

The last time Adros passed by, it felt like these two goddesses were always sitting together and guarding each other. It was really boring. So, he became a cultural messenger and passed Go to them.

The two goddesses are worthy of being master-level gods. They have just learned Go and have become proficient in it. Although he may not necessarily be Adros's opponent, there seems to be no problem at all in defeating Xing Tian and Chi You.

"It's really interesting. He actually went to the divine realm in the north to look for trouble. I can't let this kid take it easy."

Earth Mother Gaia looked at the divine realm to the north with gentle eyes, but her tone was full of teasing and ridicule.

"Sister Gaia, if you have any means, you can go ahead and do it. Don't blame me for not reminding you that there is a divine support behind Adros this time. Those two gods are proof."

Although Nyx, the Lord of the Night, doesn't know exactly what is the reason, Adros must set off Ragnarok in Ymir God's Domain, and also advance the time. But one thing she was sure of was that the legendary Nine Provinces Divine Realm must be involved in this matter.

It has been hundreds of years since Adros was born in the Khaos Divine Realm, and he has never seen the gods from Kyushu cross the realm to take action with him. This time at Ragnarok in the Ymir Divine Realm, the two masters came over, there must be a big cause and effect involved.

"Kiuzhou, that is indeed a powerful divine realm. But so what? The god who takes action will not be me."

Earth Mother Gaia smiled faintly, looked at the God King Odin in the distance, and then struck out with a law of the earth.

She is the mother of the earth. When it comes to stabilizing the realm of heaven and earth, there are almost no gods above her. Although it was just a law, God King Odin felt that his life was much easier.

It would have taken more than ten years to stabilize the two worlds, but it seems that a few more years will be enough.


In the Kingdom of Fog, Xuan Ming looked indifferently at the two masters from the south, the parents of God King Odin.

"Xingtian, Chi You, you two go over and stop these two gods. Don't let them affect Adros' affairs."

As soon as she finished speaking, Xing Tian held Qianqi and Chi You held the tiger soul and stopped in front of the parents of God King Odin.

"Two alien gods, what are you going to do?"

God Boer looked at these two gods in different attires, his expression moved slightly, and his eyes were full of vigilance.

"We are not doing anything. We are just ordered to stop the two Your Excellencies. We cannot let you in for the time being in the starry sky."

Chi You's words were extremely cold and stern, full of fighting spirit and fighting spirit. Xing Tian on the side tightened the giant ax in his hand even more. After coming here from Kyushu for so long, I can finally get started.

"Oh, it's really ridiculous. In our divine domain, there is a place that we are not allowed to go to." Giantess Bestela's eyes were cold: "What can we do if we go there?"

"You can try."

The headless Xingtian took one step forward, and the sound came out from his chest and abdomen, like thunder exploding in the air.

As a result, the parents of the God-Kings of the Ymir Divine Realm fought against the two emperors from Kyushu in the void. The battle was so sudden that it was quickly known to all living beings in heaven and earth.

The pressure of the Lord spans the heaven and the earth, and an indescribable sense of oppression spreads throughout the world. As for the air, it is the collision of divine power and laws, and the confrontation of divine weapons and magical powers.

Xing Tian and Chi You, although they had only a short time to become emperors, they were slightly inferior to this couple in terms of divine power laws. However, these two gods who were born in the witchcraft had unparalleled combat skills, which completely covered up their disadvantages.

Xuan Ming's cold eyes just glanced at the sky and stopped paying attention. She believed that Xing Tian and Chi You, even if they couldn't win, would never lose. She had seen this couple fight against the Frost Giant King and the Fire Giant King, and she had a rough idea of their strength.

"Nidhogg, Jormungandr, you two come here, I have something to tell you."

As Xuan Ming finished speaking, a giant black dragon and a giant black and yellow snake appeared in front of Xuan Ming almost at the same time.

This giant black dragon was Nidhogg, the Poisonous Dragon of Despair that once resided at the base of the World Tree. Later, because he offended Xuan Ming and Adros, he was captured by Xuan Ming and kept as a pet. It is the dragon of despair that was born under the World Tree since the creation of the world. The purpose of its existence is to bring despair to the world.

As for the black and yellow python, it almost never appears in the human world, but it also has a terrifying name, the mortal python Jörmungandr. This is the son of Loki and a giantess. Although he is already extremely huge at this time, he has actually tried his best to restrain his body. Once its body is fully spread out, it is estimated that the entire Kingdom of Mist will be unable to accommodate it.

"Goddess, what are your orders?"

This dragon and the snake all respected Xuan Ming and did not dare to go against her wishes at all.

"Nidhogg, you go to the roots of the World Tree, do what you are supposed to do, and speed up time."

What the Dragon of Despair should have done was to entangle and eat the roots of the tree with countless other snakes. It is said that when the roots of the tree are eaten away and the tree of life decays, the world will usher in destruction.

"Jormungandr, go to the deep sea and stop controlling the speed of your body growth. I need you to constantly set off tsunamis, so that the waves gradually surge up to the land of Asgard, so that the earth often faces huge vibrations."

Whether it was the Despair Poison Dragon or the Earthly Giant Python, they were all extremely happy with the order given by Xuan Ming. This is not an order, it is simply a benefit for them. What they are going to do will help them more. The Poisonous Dragon of Despair can gain powerful divine power of despair from the gradual decay of the World Tree; the Earthly Serpent can spread its body freely in the ocean, familiar with the power and vast body of its own mountains and seas.

After the dragon and the snake left and set out, the creatures in the Ymir God's Domain suddenly felt that the oppression they suffered became more obvious. Irritability, depression, rage, and all kinds of negative emotions begin to impact the hearts of all living beings.

Huge waves roll up from time to time on the ocean, and vibrations on the earth occur frequently. Even the most ordinary human beings feel that something big is about to happen between heaven and earth.

In the Kingdom of Fog, Xuan Ming gently blew out the cold air and slowly flowed into the world. This cold air is the most original cold law between heaven and earth. Apart from the cold, it is still cold.

As a result, under the influence of the icy air, the sun lost its heat, and strong cold winds blew from all directions.
