Supreme God

Chapter 463: Loki and Odin


In the human world, the two largest countries are engaged in a fierce war, involving almost all the people who practice magic and all the warriors who are above ordinary people.

In the void above the battlefield, Brünnhilde sighed and went to the battlefield to stop this meaningless fight. According to the instructions given to her by the God King Odin, the war in the world will only further cause the Twilight Disaster and should be stopped as soon as possible.

Moreover, all humans in the world are followers of Odin, so they should be the best to stop it. They are not like the dwarfs or the goblins. They say they are attacking and rebellious, but they are more expressing their dissatisfaction with the gods.

Brünnhilde took one step forward and was about to appear in front of these warriors. Suddenly, there was a wave of space ripples. Brünnhilde did not appear on the battlefield, but came to a high place.

In front of him was a god who was holding a giant axe, had a delicate face, but was extremely tall. The contrasting appearance made Brünnhilde couldn't help but take a second look.

"Who are you?"

After being surprised, Brünnhilde looked at the god who suddenly appeared with cold eyes.

"My name is Kratos, and I have been ordered to stop you."

The god who came was naturally Adros and Kratos, the son of the Lord of the Night. The battle between goblins and elves was watched by Perri; the battle between dwarfs and dwarves was watched by Scathach; so naturally, the battle between humans also had to be watched by someone.

"To stop me, it depends on whether you have the ability."

Brünnhilde's spear flashed in her hand and she attacked Kratos. She wanted to deal with this mysterious god as soon as possible and complete the task entrusted to her by God King Odin.

Kratos's face was full of smiles. He had been in Ymir's realm for so long and could finally fight. This goddess looks very powerful.

Spears and giant axes continued to intersect, and the male and female war gods from different divine realms began to compete. Above, the sentient beings who were fighting in the world, for some reason, did not notice the fighting here.

The gods above all living beings were not aware of this battle because they were concealed by unknown forces. The same is true for the God King Odin who is trapped in the border land.

When these two gods were fighting fiercely, they suddenly felt pain in their bodies at the same time. Then they looked down and saw that there was a divine arrow stuck in their chests. Then, under their gazes, the golden arrow disappeared.

Seeing this arrow that appeared inexplicably and disappeared mysteriously, Kratos panicked. He suddenly remembered a legend he heard when he was in Chaos and quickly looked to the side.

"Haha, brother Kratos, I found you a wife, no need to thank me, this is what a brother should do."

A cute child with two wings on his back gradually disappeared on the top of the mountain. In his hands, there was a small bow and a golden arrow.

When Kratos saw his brother leaving, he felt anxious and thought about going over to stop him immediately and let him shoot him again. However, he was stopped by Brünnhilde on the opposite side.

The goddess found that although she was hit by an arrow, there seemed to be nothing strange at all. So, she continued to take action to defeat the god in front of her.

Kratos had a strong idea in his heart to quickly defeat this goddess and solve this matter. However, Brünnhilde is not so easy to defeat.

So, the two gods, the two gods of war, fought harder and harder, until they hit the back, their brows and eyes were full of love.


In the Kingdom of Mist, Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, watched this scene happen, and Aphrodite couldn't help but sigh.

"Why do you sigh?"

Although her divine power and realm were superior to Aphrodite's, Aphrodite was the biological mother of her body after all, and all the respect she deserved was given to this goddess.

"I'm sighing for your brother. They say he is the reincarnation of the original Lord of Desire, but look at him like this. He is still the same as a child after hundreds of years. How can he become the Lord if this continues? "

If it were an ordinary child, Aphrodite would naturally not worry about her taking the step of becoming a master. This difficult step has blocked many gods, including herself.

But Eros, the little god of love, is different. He has the power of domination, and he can automatically trigger it once he encounters danger. It would be a pity if such a gifted child could not become a master.

Especially now in the realm of the gods, where wars often occur, becoming a dominator naturally brings many benefits.

"I once discussed the situation of Little Eros with Ziwei, and he told me one word, pursuit." Xuan Ming said lightly: "I think what he said is very reasonable. Not all gods have the meaning of existence. In order to pursue the pinnacle of Shinto. Perhaps little Eros, before he was reincarnated in his previous life, had already decided to be a carefree god?"

Aphrodite was stunned when she saw Eros playing happily outside. She really had not thought about it. She wanted Eros to grow up and achieve the status of a master. Did Eros himself want it? The path chosen.

Probably, probably not.


Another battlefield in the world is not a place where humans fight, but a battlefield between dwarves and goblins.

At this time, the dwarf army, led by the dwarf king Tuli, had invaded the hinterland of the goblins and occupied their royal court.

The goblins fled away from their royal court. The dwarfs were extremely happy when they captured this place, and a sense of revenge arose spontaneously.

The dwarf king ordered that all the goblin palaces be destroyed. The dwarfs did not need to live in the goblin palaces.

With the destruction of the goblin palace, the magic circle that was cast in this palace at an unknown time was also destroyed. This magic circle is weird and ancient, even full of a sacred feeling.

Once the magic circle was destroyed, a shrill and violent wolf roar came from the ground.

When this wolf roar came out, the giantess Skadi and the witch Verdandi in the far north suddenly showed expressions of ecstasy on their faces. Their children finally escaped from the shackles of the Lord God.

The owner of this roar is the eldest son of the evil god Loki and the witch Verdandi, the wolf Fenrir. Because of Adros' original arrangement to leave Ymir's domain, mother and son were placed in the kingdom of Adros's wife, the giantess Skadi.

But this demon wolf grew so fast that neither Skadi nor Verdandi could control it. Not long after it reached adulthood, it started causing trouble everywhere.

The things Fenrir caused were not ordinary things. They often brought all kinds of disasters to the gods. Therefore, the gods, under the leadership of Odin, decided to bind him no matter what.

Of course, as the master, Odin couldn't take action, so he ordered the gods to deal with it.

They locked Fenrir with an iron chain that had been forged by Thor for nine days and nine nights. The chain was so heavy that it would sway from side to side when the gods lifted it. But the wolf just jumped hard and broke free easily.

The gods had no choice but to ask the goblins to help. The goblins discussed with the gods and used six rare things, namely cat's footsteps, woman's beard, stone roots, fish breath, bear's Achilles tendon and bird saliva. , made into a cursed chain, this chain is called "Krepnir", and its texture is as soft and smooth as silk.

When the gods came to the demon wolf Fenrir with this soft chain, the demon wolf was very afraid of the chain and refused to be bound. This chain looks beautiful, but it seems to have a kind of magic power.

The gods tried their best to coax Fenrir and said to him: "It's nothing, we just want to use a thin chain to test your invincible power." At the same time, in order to incite the wolf's arrogance, they deliberately said: "Aren't you already two Have you broken free of the chains forged by Thor for the first time? Why are you so afraid of this thin chain?"

After repeated persuasion and encouragement, Fenrir finally agreed to be bound, but he put forward a condition: "A god must put his hand in my mouth to ensure my safety, otherwise, I do not want to be bound."

The gods looked at the two sharp teeth in Fenrir's mouth, and everyone fell silent. Finally, Tyr took a step forward and put his strong wrist into Fenrir's mouth.

Fenrir was forever bound to a boulder by this thin chain. He was so frightened that he struggled and jumped with all his strength, but he could not break the chain no matter what.

From this day on, Tyr, the god of war, lost one hand forever. And the demon wolf Fenrir is forever locked in the underground where the goblins live by the magic circle.

Skadi and Verdandi wanted to rescue it, but Xuan Ming said that the time had not come yet, so they let the demon wolf under the chains to calm down and not do whatever he wanted as usual.

Decades later, this demonic wolf finally escaped from its trap.

The first thing Fenrir did when he got out of trouble was not to take revenge on the gods, which surprised them. Did this demonic wolf change gender after being imprisoned for decades

They didn't know that as soon as the demon wolf came out, a purple star appeared in front of its eyes. In the starlight, a voice that made it extremely respectful sounded: "Follow this beam of starlight to the heaven and rescue your father."

When the demon wolf Fenrir heard this voice, he was overjoyed and was finally able to rescue his father. As for revenge against these gods, there is no need to be so urgent.

It shuttled through the void at extremely fast speeds, and immediately arrived at the place where his father was imprisoned.

Seeing his father Loki, who was emaciated and exhausted from torture, on a stone, the eyes of the demon wolf Fenrir were filled with tears. It roared, then pounced on him and bit the chain that trapped his father. broken.

"Okay, Fenrir, you have grown so big."

Loki was so happy that tears filled his eyes. Before that, he had received news from the goddess of fate that it was time for him to go out, but he never expected that the one who came to save him would be his son.

The demon wolf Fenrir cuddled up to his father, wagging his tail slightly, and was extremely happy.

"Let's go, Sigyn, let's go to the Fire Giant's territory and see if Odin dares to come."

Loki's heart was filled with gratitude for his wife who had been accompanying him in torture and taking care of him for hundreds of years. Although at the beginning, she almost killed the three Fenrir brothers and sisters in order to save herself.

Sigyn nodded, she was so happy that she didn't even know what to say.

It only took a moment for the demon wolf Fenrir to escape from the trap and save people, so fast that even these gods could not react. When they arrived at the place where Loki was tortured, the place and the building were deserted.

"Hmph, Loki, even if you can escape, you cannot avoid the fate of death in the end."

At the border between Ymir and Celt, God King Odin shot out and finally sorted out all the chaotic laws of heaven and earth here.

Then, he began to look at the already smoky Ymir God's Domain, looked at Loki's figure heading towards the Kingdom of Fire Giants, snorted coldly, and headed towards an inexplicable place.

No one has been to that place since the initial decisive battle between the gods and giants.
