Supreme God

Chapter 464: The arrival of dusk, the final battle


In the Ymir Divine Realm, the oldest area is not the residence of the gods in the heavens, nor the World Tree that supports the heaven and earth, but the three kingdoms located at the bottom of the World Tree.

Of course, the underworld of Helm may be of later origin, but the Kingdom of Mist and the Kingdom of Fire appeared before all the gods.

When the world first opened, there was no sky or land. In the thick fog, there was only a golden gap. To the north of the gap was Niflheim, the "country of fog". There was a spring named Hwagmir. The source of all rivers, one of which is said to be extremely poisonous, south of the chasm is Muspelheim, the "Land of Fire".

In the intersection of hot steam and ice, Ymir, the ancestor of the frost giants, and a huge cow named Odembra were born. Ymir ate the milk secreted by Odembra to survive, while Odembra licked the salt grains from the ice.

The place Odin came to was the Jinlunga Trench that existed at the beginning of the world, and the god, or sacred cow, he wanted to visit was Odembula, the creation cow of this divine domain.

"Odin, the descendant of Bree, comes to pay homage to the Creator Cow on behalf of all beings in the world."

Outside the Jinlunga Trench, Odin did not go in, but directly asked for permission to see him.

After shouting this sentence, Odin's one eye suddenly became a little nervous. This creation cow has never appeared since killing Ymir, the ancestor of the frost giants, and has never paid attention to any gods. call.

"Odin, I already know your purpose of coming. The Twilight of the Gods is a period that the world must go through. It is inevitable. It is useless for you to come to me. Go back and see if you can survive the Twilight of the Gods. It’s up to you.”

After a long time, an old voice finally came out, but what he said made Odin's heart skip a beat.

"Lord Creation Cow, I know that the Twilight of the Gods is bound to come, and I am not worried about my own safety. I just want to tell you that the Twilight of the Gods did not come so soon, and it was all due to some foreign gods. It was the trouble that caused our God’s Domain to suffer this disaster in advance.”

After Odin finished speaking, there was no more sound in the Jin Lunga Gap. He stood for a while longer, then said goodbye to the Creation Cow and left.

No matter what the Creation Cow thinks, it is still up to him, the God-King, to take the lead in dealing with the Twilight of the Gods.

He didn't know that after he left, a conversation took place in the golden gallon gap.

"Odembula, do you really ignore everything in the Divine Realm? Those outside gods don't know where they will take the Ymir Divine Realm."

"How is that possible, Gaia. Although the world I created is named after Ymir, it cannot allow outside gods to act recklessly."`

Odin didn't hear a single part of this conversation. After he returned to Asgard, he immediately summoned the gods to deal with the upcoming Ragnarok.

"Gods, we have been waiting for this day to arrive since the establishment of the Divine Court. Now, this day is finally coming. All gods, all warriors, everyone, please be prepared. After this battle is completed, we He will kill all the giants and become the only ruler between heaven and earth."

Just as Odin was cheering for the gods of Asgard, in the Kingdom of Fire next to the underworld of Heim, in the territory of the Frost Giants on earth, almost all the giants gathered together and began to prepare to conquer Asgard. The war in the divine court.

The evil god Loki, at this time, took his eldest son, the demon wolf Fenrir, to stand with the flame giants. His existence is evidence of Asgard's guilt. Fire giants have never been as determined as the frost giants to fight against the gods. But this time, the Fire Giant couldn't bear it anymore. No matter what, Loki was the brother of the Fire Giant King.

Regardless of gods or giants, they can shrink their power at this time, waiting for that day to come. Before that day comes, only the stars in the sky are shining, with a strong murderous intent, only the sea water is churning, rolling back on the land from time to time, and only the mortal life is constantly fighting, and the blood stains the heaven and earth.

Finally, one evening at dusk, before the sun set, the moon had already appeared, and the golden glow covered the sky and the earth, which looked so beautiful and quiet.

In the midst of this beauty and silence, the black rooster Glinkenbi at the top of the World Tree suddenly and continuously croaked a warning, his cry was hoarse, as if he was about to cry out blood. Fayala, who stood on the roof of Odin's Golden Palace, the King of Asgard, also echoed with all his strength, his golden comb constantly shaking.

The giant wolf Fenrir came out from the bottom of the world first. Its two demon wolf sons, Hati and Skull, rushed into the sky and swallowed the moon and the sun in the sky.

After the moon and the sun were swallowed, Adros sat in the starry sky and just smiled lightly without any reaction.

Nidhogg, the poisonous dragon of despair, finally led a group of snakes to hollow out the deep roots of the World Tree. The World Tree that supported the world became a tree without roots, and it could no longer exert its former power.

The earthly python Jörmungandr, which surrounded the atrium in the ocean, also violently moved from the mud on the bottom of the sea. Its long tail set off huge waves, which suddenly submerged the valleys and mountains of Midgard in the atrium, and the seawater rushed straight into it. to the kingdom of the gods.

At the same time, the Frost Giants, Fire Giants, and various other scattered giants seemed to have received some signal, and left their homes at the same time. Singing an ancient but tragic song, they raised their weapons and attacked the people in the heavens. Asgard.

The gods in the underworld, the gods of the Kingdom of Fire, and all the gods who were dissatisfied with Asgard seemed to have received the signal. They followed closely behind the giants and rushed to the heaven together.

In the Kingdom of Mist, Queen Frigga looked at her newly resurrected son, the God of Light, Baldr, and her expression moved slightly: "What decision do you make, Baldr?"

This god who represents light seems to have been reborn. His eyes are no longer as arrogant as before, but full of peace. He first looked at his brother next to him: "Hodel, you don't want to talk to Hela and Hades." Want to go together?"

The blind God of Darkness, Hodel, shook his head: "His Majesty Pluto said that this is a battle to settle the grudge between his family and Asgard. My status is complicated and it is difficult for me to participate in the battle."

"Mother, why don't you go?"

The God Queen Frigga laughed at herself: "As the God Queen, I only have one name left. After disappearing for so long, Odin only knows how to look for lovers everywhere, and never wants to come to me. Ragnarok, let him twilight alright."

Ever since Adros ordered Xuan Ming to trap her in the Kingdom of Fog hundreds of years ago, Odin had been searching for his missing wife.

But just over ten years later, Odin suddenly realized the joy of not having a queen. He went around hooking up with beautiful female gods or other creatures, completely forgetting about looking for Frigga.

"If you don't go, what will I do if I die once? Hodel, when I was resurrected last time, the Lord of the Stars gave us the throne of the twin palace masters and let us make decisions. Now, I have I have decided to enter the Court of Stars and obey the emperor’s orders, are you willing to come with me?”

"Of course I do."

The Dark God Hodel had a smile on his face, and together with his brother, he threw a purple starlight into the soul. From then on, they were the twin masters of the Star Palace, and the Twelve Celestial Palaces were united from then on.


The waves on the sea were rough, the floods reached the land, and the whole world became a vast ocean. Adros and Xuan Ming stood above the stars, and behind them were Xingtian Chiyou and Elf Pelli.

Other gods under his master, as long as they had nothing to do with this Ragnarok, were all included in the star scroll by him. At this time, although the Star Scroll is still absorbing the power of dusk tribulation and killing, it does not affect other functions.

"Did the same scene happen when the Great God Gonggong caused chaos in the Nine Provinces?"

Adros didn't know his past and had never experienced the floods in Kyushu, so he asked these wizard gods.

"That's different. When the flood first hit, there were already many accomplished qi practitioners in the human realm, as well as the human emperors and ordinary human gods. They would never sit back and watch the lives of the Nine Provinces being devastated. How can this world be like this? , every living thing dies, and no one is willing to help."

Adros nodded. This is actually the case for the gods of this divine domain. Not only them, there are not many gods in other divine realms who have received the ideological education of saving the world and the people. With a thought in his mind, a starlight popped up and passed it to the God Queen Frigga and her two sons who were still in the human world, asking them to save these creatures as much as possible.

Fenrir's eyes and nostrils were blazing with flames, while his brother Jörmungandr was spitting out poisonous gas. The two of them ran towards the sky and the earth together. The fireworks and poisonous gas quickly turned the world into a smog.

In the south, the fire giants of Muspelheim, the Kingdom of Fire, fought against the gods with blazing flames, constantly spitting out flames to burn everything in sight. Shirter, the leader of the Kingdom of Fire, held the sword of victory and exuded a powerful energy. The sun's more dazzling light illuminated the entire sky.

Loki was at the helm of the ship, rowing towards the kingdom of gods together with the big snake Jormungandr. The hell dog Garm, whose chest was stained with blood, stood on the rock facing the gray and sad abyss and barked. Hela, the queen of the kingdom of death, Standing on the Najirfa, a large ship made of dead people's nails, the ship was filled with an army of frost giants heading towards the kingdom of the gods. The giant army crowded the Rainbow Bridge, and the noise shook the universe. The majestic and gorgeous Rainbow Bridge finally stood before the enemy* The ground collapsed and shattered, the mountains collapsed, and the rocks turned into ash and flew everywhere.

On the eve of the battle, Odin went to the Well of Destiny alone and visited the three goddesses of destiny. He was eloquent, but these three goddesses with veiled faces always sat silently beside the withered World Tree, with only one person beside them. Open the net and don't listen to any of his words.

Odin had no choice but to go to where Mimir's head was stored. After saying a few words in his ear, he turned around and rushed back to the battlefield. All the gods, including the Arthur Clan and the Warner Clan, were already waiting for him on the battlefield.

Now that both parties are here, the gods and giants, the hatred that has lasted for countless years from the Battle of Creation to the present, will be resolved here at once.

This is the twilight of the gods, and it is also the twilight of the giants.
