Supreme God

Chapter 465: A Nordic Elegy, a Blueprint for the Divine Path


In the starry sky, Adros looked down at the battle in the heavens. Suddenly, the chaos clock in his hand rang automatically.

clang! clang! clang!

The mighty bell sounded throughout the Ymir Divine Realm, low and awe-inspiring, seeming to sound the death knell for the entire Divine Realm.

"finally come."

Adros let out a long sigh and looked at the end of the starry sky. Xuan Ming, Xing Tian, Chi You and Pelli were all standing nearby, looking into the distance with burning eyes.

A huge white cow broke in from the edge of the starry sky, walking recklessly and knocking the stars around her into pieces.

But in the blink of an eye, this cow with a cold breath all over its body came in front of Adros and the others.

"Odembula, the Creation Cow?"

Adros looked deeply, looking at this terrifying and powerful cow, with a smile on his face. Now that we have attacked the Ymir Divine Realm, we are naturally prepared to face the Creation Cow.

"Yes, for the juniors from foreign lands, I won't care if Ragnarok happens as they please. However, don't think that you can get what you want from my great changes in the world. In this world, I Even if it is destroyed and reopened, the foreign gods will not be able to benefit from it.”

Cow's tone was full of determination, and the looks she looked at Adros and the others were full of malice and ridicule.

"Guys, there's no need to discuss, let's do it."

Adros waved his hand, and the star scroll immediately unfolded in the starry sky, almost becoming one with the stars in the sky. The stars that had just been knocked away by the Creation Cow immediately returned to their original state.

On the stars in the sky, there is still a strong murderous intention, facing this sacred cow that created the world.

Several other gods, Xing Tian held an axe, Chi You held a knife, Pelli held a spear, and Xuan Ming held a bone staff, all surrounded the Creation Cow.

As the great seal of heaven and earth in Adros's hand was smashed towards the cow, several masters started to move together.


The power of dusk spreads in the Ymir Divine Realm. Those gods and monsters who have been destined to bring dusk since they were born are now blessed by the power of heaven and earth, far better than usual.

In particular, many monsters do not have the strength of the Overlord, but with the blessing of the power of dusk, they can actually compete with the Overlord.

At the beginning of the war, Odin wore a golden helmet and killed Fenrir with the Eternal Spear; Thor held the hammer of Mjolnir and faced Jormungandr; Frey fought in a melee with the fire giant king Shirter.

Since Frey had previously given the Sword of Victory to Skinir in order to marry Gerd, without this sword, Frey could only fight bravely with Shirter with his antlers. How could he be the opponent of the Fire Giant King? Quickly fight to death.

Next, the Flame Giant King immediately joined the demon wolf Fenrir to face the God King Odin. As for the Frost Giant King, he was fighting with Mimir's head in the Golden Palace.

The hell dog Garm, with blood dripping from his side, rushed towards the war god Tyr. After a fierce battle, Tyr, who had only one arm left, and the hell dog Garm died together.

Thor, the God of Thunder, had a fierce battle with Jormungandr, the world serpent. The serpent's huge body kept rolling, cleverly avoiding the pursuit of Thor's hammer, and at the same time, it kept spitting poison at Thor.

Thor was so angry that he aimed at the serpent's head and threw Mjolnir with all his strength. In an instant, there was a roar of thunder and dazzling lightning. This was a fatal blow. But for this fatal blow, a god flew past quickly and caught Thor's hammer with both hands. It was Adros's son Kratos.

After Kratos caught the Thor's hammer, the big snake raised its body and sprayed terrifying venom at Thor, hitting his heart. Thor shook his head and let out a thunderous groan of pain. Finally, the former The number one warrior who brought countless victories to Asgard also died of exhaustion.

The opponent who fought against the main god Odin was the demon wolf Fenrir. Fenrir seemed to be blessed by the strongest power of dusk. It opened its huge mouth that could fill the whole world, and its eyes and nostrils were blazing with flames. Lightning-like light swooped towards Odin.

Odin raised the Eternal Spear to attack. He wore a golden helmet, and a dark blue cloak undulated behind his shoulders like a blue flame. He stepped off the horse named Sleibnir. He was truly worthy of the title. Lord of the Gods of Asgard.

However, unfortunately, due to bad luck in the battle, he also faced a powerful opponent, the Flame Giant King. Not long after the fight, Fenrir seized the opportunity and bit his vital part.

Then, this giant and a demon wolf, which can also be said to be an uncle and a nephew, cooperated tacitly and beat the God King Odin until his soul was broken, and he died to the point where he could no longer die. Before God King Odin stepped in, he didn't let the Flame Giant King have an easy time. The Eternal Spear emitted a bright light and directly penetrated the Flame Giant King's heart.

When Odin's son Vader saw such a tragic situation, he rushed forward and took advantage of the opportunity to step on the severely injured jaw of the giant wolf with his iron shoed feet, preparing to tear the demon wolf Fenrir directly apart with his hands. But the witch Gullvig on the side saw this and would not sit back and watch her son be killed. She picked up Odin's Eternal Spear and stabbed Vader from the throat into the heart, killing him.

Loki's opponent was Heimdall who guarded the Rainbow Bridge. After being punished for a long time, Loki's appearance was extremely terrifying. His face was as pale as the dead, and his long hair and beard stood up in anger, looking like strange horns.

Heimdall quickly chopped off the ugly head with his sword, but the severed head jumped up from the ground, hit Heimdall in the chest, and actually claimed Heimdall's life. It seemed that their battle Ending with the death of both parties.

But after Loki's head fell, it quickly dissipated between heaven and earth. Then, raging flames ignited from his chest and abdomen, and the sparks in the sky suddenly lit up.

Starlight and firelight were painted together, and a brand new head full of wisdom reappeared on Loki's head.

In the Golden Palace of the Arthur Protoss, the battle between the Frost Giant King and the Wisdom Giant Mimir also ended. These giants, who were considered uncle and nephew, also died together in the Golden Palace.

And above the vast ocean in the world, the parents of God King Odin, the second-generation god Burr and the giantess Bethla, are facing the siege of the three goddesses of fate and the goddess of shadow Scathach.

The three goddesses of destiny have reached the critical point on the road to domination. The shadow goddess Scathach also understands her own road to domination and is verifying everything she has understood with the real dominator.

On the other hand, these two masters had already suffered serious injuries from the battle with Xing Tian and Chi You, the two emperors of the Nine Provinces, before dusk arrived. Now being besieged by four goddesses, there was also Eros, who was receiving divine power and temporarily standing above the master level, making sneak attacks from time to time. Soon, these two masters also fell into the dusk.

The battlefield is littered with the corpses of gods and giant monsters, and the plain has turned into a sea of blood.

The black dragon Nidhogg flew over the battlefield, his wings making a horrifying sound, greedily eating the blood-stained corpses that were still warm, and a blood-like dark red light emitted in the sky, dyeing the sky and the earth a deep color. red.

There were only a few figures standing on the battlefield. At this time, Pluto Hela threw the sword of victory into the sky. Amidst the blazing flames like red lotus, the atrium had become a sea of fire, the pillars of fire penetrated the universe, and the thick smoke rolled up the top of the mountain. The World Tree that supported the universe was also engulfed in flames and collapsed, and the entire universe was destroyed.

The stars fell from the sky, time no longer existed, the charred ground shook and sank into the turbulent seabed, all that could be seen were huge waves, and there was only a dead silence and eternal darkness left in the universe.

The twilight catastrophe of the nine kingdoms ended with the almost total destruction of Asgardian gods and the basic loss of the giants.

The surviving Ymir gods can be considered powerful, and the only ones left are the three goddesses of fate, Loki's family, and the black dragon Nidhogg. The same thing is that these gods are basically subordinates of Adros.

Of course, there are still some gods who have not participated in the war. They are still huddled in the human world and do not dare to show their heads at dusk.

Beyond the starry sky, the battle situation there also began to change.

The Creation Cow Odembula is indeed extremely powerful, especially her defense which is almost difficult to break. Only when she attacks other gods, it is difficult for other gods to injure it.

However, she underestimated Adros and the others, or she underestimated the artifacts they carried.

The Chaos Bell in Adros's hand, Chi You's Jiuli Demon Refining Pot, the Haotian Tower that Xing Tian gave him with Zhu Jiuyin, and Hou Tugui in Xuan Ming's hand, these four artifacts made the Creation Cow tired. To cope.

Continuously fighting against the artifact with her body, the Creation Cow was hit with big bumps one after another. In the end, she couldn't help it anymore and ran away towards the starry sky.

When Adros and the others saw the cow running away, they did not pursue it. Harvesting everything after Ragnarok ended was their top priority. Let this cow go.

They didn't know that outside the starry sky in Ymir's realm, Yahweh was holding the Book of Creation in his hands and looking at the Creation Cow that had escaped from birth with a smile.

Of course, even if they knew, they wouldn't care.

Xuan Ming transformed into her own shaman-god form, stood tall and tall beside the World Tree, almost replacing the broken World Tree, and integrated the entire Ymir Divine Realm into one with her.

The power of freezing that transcended coldness was slowly extracted from the divine realm and integrated into her body. Then, Hou Tugui, who was on Xuan Ming's body, suddenly shone brightly in the void and collected the remaining souls of the dead humans and some gods in the Ymir Divine Realm.

"What is this going to do?"

Although he was collecting the power of dusk in the starry sky, Adros was still paying attention to the changes in Xuan Ming.

Chi You laughed: "Empress Hou Tu and Empress Xuan Ming have already discussed it. After she masters the way to freeze the twilight, she will use Hou Tugui as the foundation to open up six paths of reincarnation in this divine realm. I heard that the emperor intends to come here. There is a Hades Palace in Fengdu outside the territory, and the existence of these six reincarnations can be regarded as complementing each other."

Adros was stunned for a moment, then smiled heartily. The plan of Empress Houtu and Empress Xuanming was indeed of great help to him. Then, he looked down at the many remaining gods in this divine realm, and suddenly thought of something.

"I am the Lord of the Stars, the Great Emperor of Fengdu. From now on, this divine realm shall be under my control. Today I issue an oracle that the nine kingdoms will evolve into the three realms of heaven, earth and man in the future. Gods and gods, as long as they are in this divine realm, Within it, you cannot appear in the human world."

After Ragnarok, Adros suddenly issued his first order, which could be regarded as a hint of the future evolution of the world.

Of course, almost all of this God's Domain is under his control now. If there is anything else he has in the future that requires a God's Domain to respond, this is the best place to experiment.

Why did Marduk make such great progress? Isn't it because he had a divine realm as a blueprint for him very early on, and he could paint the divine path as he pleased

As for the fact that the resources of an entire divine domain have now become the materials for the rise of his Starry Palace, these are still small matters. Gods, after all, still have to take the divine path as their foundation.

(Recommended book: The God of Death in the World of Gods, a God of Death who travels all over the realms of gods, a Western myth with a small starting point. It should be better than what I wrote, and the results will be better than mine. I hope that his first order can surpass that guy Feng Ran . It will be on the shelves immediately. Interested book lovers can check it out.)


Words at the end of the volume

Well, this volume is over, let me give you a few words. First, the last two chapters contain some information from Baidu, and I admit it; second, the editor asked me to compete for monthly votes, saying that readers’ stickiness is achieved through competition, and I replied to him, Taoist writing, no competition, no exception; third, recently, It was really hard for me. I was sick, working, and typing. The doctor told me to go to bed before 10:30 every day. I only did it one day, and the rest were after 12:30. And because of stomach problems, I couldn't eat a lot of things. They are all a bit malnourished; fourthly, the extra chapter is expected to write about the battle between Shang and Zhou immortals, which is my version of Fengshen. The next volume should be the last volume of this book, and it can also be regarded as the center and theme of the whole book.

The subscriptions for this book continued to decline. A long time ago, as early as December last year, both editors and author friends asked me to finish writing the new book early.

They said that by writing about mythology in the new book and learning lessons, the results should be much better than now. I thought everything they said was right, but I still didn't listen and just went through all the myths in the world.

It can be regarded as learning, covering Greek, Nordic, Egyptian, Bible, Canaanite, Babylonian, Hittite, Persian, Celtic, Indian, Japanese, basically some famous mythology.

In order to write a book, I went to see Othello, the Iliad, the Avesta, the Mahabharata, and the Nibelungenlied. I just wanted to complain silently. What I like is actually It was Xianxia and history, and then he actually embarked on this path.

Maybe the results are not good, but this is the story I want to write. Although the editor repeatedly said that it cannot involve religion, the next volume should contain more or less my personal views on mythology and religion. If I write a little more, I probably won't be banned.

I have to sort out the outline for the next volume tomorrow, so I’ll take a break, there’s a lot of nonsense, I’m sorry.
