Supreme God

Chapter 466: The disappeared Adros


In the Babylonian divine realm, this ancient divine realm with the Tigris and Euphrates rivers as sacred rivers, for hundreds of years, fighting has never stopped, whether in the human world or outside the human world.

Ever since the God Lord Marduk united with the Covenant of the Seas and defeated the Hittite Divine Realm, this place where the various realms united has almost become a battleground for the Babylonian gods.

Marduk gathered all the masters and made a covenant, but no master could take action in the great war in the Babylonian realm. However, the powerful Babylonian divine domain was forcibly divided into two kingdoms, Assyria and Babylon, under his intentional actions.

The Assyrian Empire was headed by the Cosmic Triad, and the Babylonian Kingdom was headed by the Moon Goddess Sun Goddess and the female Hades. Of course, they can't take action, but the main god below is fighting to rule the divine domain.

If we say that the first hundred years were dominated by the Assyrian Empire, the main god on the Assyrian side united heaven and hell and suppressed the gods on the Babylonian side.

So much so that in the human world, the Kingdom of Babylon has recognized the status of the Assyrian Empire as the suzerainty of the Babylonian Divine Realm, and the Babylonian royal family has been annihilated. Even the governor of Babylon was appointed by the Assyrian kingdom.

So starting from the past two years, the situation began to change. The Assyrians sent the Chaldean leader Nabopolassar to lead an army to garrison Babylon. After he arrived in Babylon, he launched an uprising against Assyrian rule and established the Neo-Babylonian Kingdom.

Of course, these are just what mortals see in the human world, but what the gods see outside the human world is different.

On the Babylonian side, a powerful main god was welcomed at this time. She single-handedly blocked all the seventy-two demon gods of Solomon from hell.

As for the angels in heaven, they also ushered in their opponents, the Lords of the Twelve Heavenly Palaces of the Star Divine Court, or the Lords of the Ten Heavenly Palaces.

Among the Lords of the Heavenly Palace appointed by Adros, there are also the Lords of the Libra Palace and the Lord of the Capricorn Palace, who still show themselves as angels. Even the gods in the Court of Stars thought that Themis, the goddess of justice, and Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory, had completely become the angels Raguel and Rachel in heaven.

Perhaps those who know the identities of these two goddesses in the Court of Stars are the Lord of the Big Dipper and the Goddess of Roads and Magic, Hecate, who was alone and blocked the seventy-two pillars of Solomon from hell. And Athena, the Lord of the Nandou, who taught the masters of many constellations to fight against Hades in the Chaos Divine Realm.

Even at this time, even the battle between the native gods who were vying for the position of Lord of Babylon was far less intense than the battle between the Court of Stars and Heaven and Hell.

The four lords of the ten celestial palaces are the Egyptian god Ian, the lord of the Aries palace, the scorpion god Serket, the lord of the Scorpio palace, the cat god Best, the lord of the Lion palace, and the Egyptian goddess Hathor, the lord of the Taurus palace. These four are Egyptian goddesses. Then Hestia, the goddess of the heart, is ruled by the Virgo Palace, Thetis, the ocean goddess, is ruled by the Cancer Palace, Aphrodite is ruled by the Pisces Palace, and Dionysus, the wine god, is ruled by the Aquarius Palace. These four are the gods of Chaos. There are also twin palace lords from the Ymir Divine Realm in the north, the God of Light Badr and the God of Darkness Hodr, and the Archer Palace Lords Karna and Arjuna from the Indian Divine Realm.

I don’t know what Adros thought about it. He divided the Sagittarius Palace into two and let the two sons of gods from India compete.

On the side of heaven, there are the nine archangels Gabriel, Medanzo, Lemuel, Sariel, Anal, Raphael, Raguel, Rachel and Moses.

The battle between the ten lords of the celestial palaces and the nine archangels has been going on since a few months ago, when Naboparashar established the Babylonian Empire and re-established his faith in the Lord Marduk, the Triad of Stars, and the female Pluto. Until now.

Of course, at this time, the Court of Stars must go to war with the Assyrian Empire, not to help the Babylonian Empire.

At this time, the Assyrian Empire was huge, or the power of the gods was huge. They invaded the Phoenician region of Chaos, captured the land of Memphis in Egypt, and at some points, even gained the titles of King of Egypt and King of Ethiopia.

The Lords of the Twelve Heavenly Palaces, except for the Lord of Gemini and the Lord of Sagittarius, are almost all gods from Egypt and Chaos. How could they allow the Assyrian Empire to continue to grow and invade their homeland

The war continues, and the two warring sides are evenly matched. No one knows when the war will stop.

Just as they were fighting, in the Persian God's Domain to the east of the Babylonian God's Domain, which was also connected to the Babylonian God's Domain due to the penetration of the boundary wall, a baby's cry was heard.

It was just an ordinary cry of a baby being born. His parents didn't care, and neither did the gods of the Persian realm. However, in a temple in Babylon, two gods sitting opposite each other noticed it, and their eyes were extremely complex.

"After waiting for hundreds of years, it is finally born."

If Adros were sitting here, he would definitely recognize that these two gods were his good associates who wreaked havoc on India, Marduk and Yahweh.

"Perhaps he has been reincarnated many times and is just returning in this life."

Yahweh looked eastward at the Persian Divine Realm and said calmly.

"Perhaps that's true." Marduk smiled slightly: "Your Majesty Yahweh, do you still remember our bet in the Indian God's Domain. At least among us, you have temporarily lost a step."

Yahweh's eyes did not change, still looking at the Persian God's Domain in the distance: "Of course I remember, don't worry, I will stop him for thirty-six years after your Excellency returns."

"Well, this matter is actually not important. It doesn't matter whether he blocks it or not. After all, we still have to have a good talk with him. After all, the Persian Divine Realm has changed a lot." After Marduk finished speaking, he looked at the world: "It's just this war. , aren’t you ready to end it?”

In the human world, the masters of the ten heavenly palaces and the nine archangels are at war.

"I came here this time to discuss this matter with the Lord God. If you don't take action, I will ask the angels in heaven to withdraw. After all, this war is a war in Babylon. Heaven can help, but it cannot Be the main force."

"Oh, is it possible that Your Excellency Yahweh is worried that the angels in heaven will lose to the Court of Stars?"

Marduk's eyes were full of smiles, and seemed to have a hint of sarcasm.

Yahweh replied indifferently: "As far as I know, there are still several Lords of the Main Star in the Star Divine Court, but they have not taken action. If they really take action, these nine archangels of mine are indeed no match."

"Your Excellency Yahweh is hiding deep. There are several archangels in your Garden of Eden, why not call them out and let them experience the battle. In addition, if it is not possible, the two archangels Michael and Lucifer also You can help me. When we made the covenant, the two of them had not yet become masters, but they were not included in it."

Yahweh chuckled: "Your Excellency, God Lord, you really don't know that this goddess who single-handedly blocked Solomon's seventy-two pillars of demons may step into the realm of domination at any time. In addition, in the Khaos God's Domain, that I have seen the reincarnated Lord of the South Dou, and it is said that he has become a Lord."

"Not to mention them, the three goddesses of destiny in Ymir Divine Realm have already taken this step after the end of the battle at the end of the twilight, and the three of them achieved it at the same time. With the strength of Michael and Lucifer , can you really block so many masters?"

"Hey, this Lord of the Stars is really amazing. In just a few hundred years, not only has he become a Lord, but there are also so many first-level gods among his subordinates." Marduk was also sighing, Adros The growth is indeed too fast.

"These are not important yet. Our Lord of the Stars has been sitting quietly in the capital of Babylon on earth for hundreds of years. I have a hunch that perhaps by the time he walks out of that temple, he will no longer be beneath you and me."

"You have the magical power to know all things, not to mention premonitions, but Adros's talent is outstanding. I really want to see what his previous life as Emperor Ziwei was like?"

"There is no past or future life, it is just reincarnation, and the only thing we can live in is this life. Emperor Ziwei may not be able to compare with the Lord of the Stars at this time."

"No matter who is better than who, it has nothing to do with you or me." Marduk smiled casually: "Don't you want me to take action? In fact, someone is already taking action."

In the Persian God's Domain, the Moon God Xin has already negotiated with the three masters in the Guardian Temple, the clone of Earth Mother Gaia, the Guardian God Rama, and the God of Holy Drinks Haoma.

The Persian gods of their lineage can help the Kingdom of Babylon and defeat the Kingdom of Assyria in a combined attack from the East and the West.

However, after Assyria was defeated, the land belonging to Assyria would be divided equally between the Babylonian Kingdom and the Median Kingdom that they protected.

In the Persian Divine Realm, there are mainly two major forces at this time, whether in the human world or outside the human world. In the human world, there are two kingdoms called Medes and Persia, and outside the human world, there are still the guardian temple and the supreme temple.

The gods of Persia are already gearing up to fight on the battlefield of Babylon.

But the gods of the Star Palace did not know that at this time, the Lord of Venus, Isda, the Lord of Mars, Loki, and the Lord of Jupiter, Prometheus, were going to visit Adros where he was. They wanted to know, It’s not necessary to take action to defeat Heaven.

They came to the royal city of Babylon and came to the small temple located in the noisiest area of the royal capital. Standing in front of the temple, they seemed to be unable to feel the hustle and bustle around them. Finding peace amidst the noise is nothing more than this.

"I've met three adults."

Standing at the door were the three Star Lords who helped Adros guard the door, Pandora, the Seven Killing Star Lord, Achilles, the Army-breaking Star Lord, and Sisyphus, the Greedy Wolf Star Lord.

"We have come to pay homage to the Lord God. Please inform us."

"No need, Lord Lord of Jupiter, the teacher has known for a long time that you will come, but he didn't say to see you. He just asked me to tell you that as long as the angels in heaven retreat, then the Star Divine Court will no longer take action."

When the three Lords of the Stars left, Achilles, who had been about to speak for a long time, suddenly said: "You two, is it really okay for us to lie to them like this?"

Pandora glanced at Achilles coldly, not expecting that after so many years, this guy was still so stubborn.

"This was what the teacher told us. How could we lie to them? Is it possible that we still have to tell them that the teacher disappeared for no reason more than ten years ago?"
