Supreme God

Chapter 470: Ian regained control of Egypt, and Babylon spread astrology


The ancient mound is the foundation of the Egyptian God Realm, where the creation lotus and the original spring were born. The supreme sun god Amon-Ra in the Egyptian God Realm has always been on this mound, watching over the Egyptian God Realm. develop.

At this time, the Taikoo Mound is no longer as desolate as it used to be. A huge palace has been formed on the Taikoo Mound.

Inside the palace, almost all the gods from the Egyptian domain were already sitting inside. Among the above heads are the masters of the Egyptian divine domain, headed by the supreme god Amun-Ra, the original water god Nu, the wind and air god Shu, the rain god Tefnut, the sky god Nut, and the earth god Gebdu. On either side of him.

In the lower hall, there are all the main gods of the Egyptian God Realm. Regardless of whether they are famous or not, as long as they reach the level of the main god, they will be directly ushered in by the main hall.

These gods were silent at this time and did not speak. The leaders at the top were all silent and their faces were gloomy. How could they dare to speak.

Although the masters did not speak, the gods standing in the main hall all knew what happened when they were inexplicably pulled into the temple of the ancient mound this time.

The land of Syria has been swallowed up by the Kingdom of Babylon, and its next step is to rule Egypt. Although a hundred years ago, in order to support the Assyrian Empire, the Egyptian God Realm once allowed the Assyrian monarch to take the title of "King of Egypt".

However, that was Assyria, not Babylon today. Even if they helped Assyria in the first place, they just wanted the Babylonian realm to be as chaotic as possible. There has always been an old grudge between the Egyptian God Realm and the Babylonian God Realm.

Not to mention other things, the Babylonian divine realm was under the leadership of the god Lord Marduk and allowed the Hittites to invade and occupy Babylon, while they lived in Egypt. At that time, the gods of Babylon and the gods of Egypt began to fight continuously, and many gods fell.

Later, when the Babylonian gods took advantage of the Hittite domain to attack Egypt, they almost completely penetrated the barriers of the Egyptian domain, making Egypt a divine domain without barriers on all sides.

Compared with the complete breakdown of the barrier of the divine realm, Nephthys, the patron saint of the dead among the Nine Pillars, was accepted as a disciple by the female Hades of Babylon. This small matter is almost negligible.

The door of the main hall suddenly opened, and what came in along with the starlight in the void was a goddess who was very familiar to all the gods, and several of her gods.

"Isis, you, the rebellious one among the gods, still dare to come to the ancient mound?"

The first person to speak was Isis's former nominal husband, the former Hades Olysis, who was castrated by the storm god Seth before they had sex.

The other gods did not have the guts to provoke the goddess Isis. Not to mention that this goddess is already powerful. Behind her are the cat god Best, the scorpion god Serket, as well as the two powerful war gods of the underworld, the two children of Isis, Anubis and Horus. Not something they can match.

After Isis entered the door, without even looking at her former husband, she saluted the masters on the high platform and said, "Ian, the master of the Aries Palace of the Star Palace, has met several masters."

"Isis, have you finally made your decision?"

Geb, the God of Earth, sighed, his eyes full of regret. Both of his daughters finally chose to leave the Egyptian God's Domain. Among the two sons, one died young because of causing trouble, and the other was almost dead due to various blows. ,

"Isis died long ago after the Kyushu God's Western Expedition. At this time, he is just Ian, the Lord of Aries Palace of the Star Palace, who has the soul of the former God Isis."

Isis, or rather Ian, said slowly with an indifferent look.

After she finished speaking, the gods of the Egyptian God's Domain suddenly started discussing.

"What, the goddess Isis actually became a traitor."

"What exactly does she think about taking refuge in an alien god?"


Various discussions filled the hall, including some unpleasant words, but Ian didn't care at all and looked at these gods with a smile in his mouth.

Adros once told her: "There is a divine bird called the phoenix, which never cares about the cries of crows under its wings; the real divine dragon doesn't even bother to look at the wagging of the fish's tails when swimming."

Choosing to be Adros's maid in this life was not only her original intention before she regained her memory, but also her decision after she regained her memory.

"Masters, please come to me. What do you want to tell me?"

Ian was staying well in the underworld with her gods. Suddenly, news came from the void, asking her to go to the ancient mounds and pay homage to the major masters.

After informing the Lord of the Night, Ian came over with the gods in the underworld and came to the newly built hall of the gods in the Egyptian domain.

"Be it Ian or Isis, you were once the main god of the entire Egyptian God Realm. Now, I and the other rulers have decided to make you the Lord of the Gods of the Egyptian God Realm again, commanding Upper and Lower Egypt."

Thousands of years ago, before the Kyushu Divine Realm in the East conquered Egypt in the west, Isis, the goddess of life, magic, marriage and fertility at that time, was the main god of the Egyptian Divine Realm. It is said that it was because Isis discovered one of the greatest secrets of the god Ra, and in exchange for letting her keep the secret, the god Ra granted her this honorable position.

At that time, the goddess Isis, because she had obtained the title of Lord of Egypt, had made great progress in strength and was on the verge of becoming a ruler. However, with a sudden battle, Isis was beheaded by Huangdi Xuanyuan, and everything came to nothing.

What the Supreme God Amon-Ra said surprised all the gods. Just now, he said that Ian had become a traitor to the Egyptian divine domain. How could she be made the Lord of Egypt again in the blink of an eye

Isis's husband, the former Pluto Oresis, changed his expression and was about to speak out to object. However, Amon-Ra just glanced at him with an indifferent look, and the former Hades suddenly did not dare to say anything.

In the Egyptian divine domain, anyone can object, but the words of the supreme god Amun-Ra cannot be opposed. Orisis was in a hurry just now and didn't think much about it. When he saw the look in the eyes of God Amon-Ra, he immediately didn't dare to move.

After hearing the words of the Supreme God Amon-Ra, Ian suddenly fell into deep thought. Ian is also very clear about the current situation. The gods of the Babylonian and Persian divine realms are almost ready, waiting for the troops of the human Babylonian dynasty to invade Egypt.

The war in the divine domain is about to break out.

At this time, Amun-Ra asked her to be the Lord of the Gods in the Egyptian God Realm. It was obvious that she wanted to use the power of the Star Court to fight against Babylon and Persia together.

Ian was about to tell Amon Ra that she needed to discuss it with the gods of the Court of Stars after she went back. Suddenly, a familiar voice came to her ears: "Promise him, Ian."

Hearing this familiar voice, Ian suddenly felt happy, then he calmed down and said calmly to Amun-Ra: "Lord Amun-Ra, if I am willing to be the Lord of Upper and Lower Egypt, will I be the god of all Egypt? Everyone must obey my orders."

"Yes, everyone under the Lord must obey your orders. If anyone is unwilling to obey, you can attack them on your own."

Since the title has been given, the corresponding power must also be given. Otherwise, how could Ian, who already considers himself a god of the Star Divine Court, contribute to the Egyptian Divine Realm? Even if she wanted to try her best, I'm afraid the other gods in the Star Divine Court would not agree.

"Very good, if that's the case, then I agree and become the Lord of Egypt."

Hearing Ian's agreement, Amon-Ra finally showed a smile on his face. He pointed to his left, and an extra seat suddenly appeared, opposite to the original water god Nu on the right.

"Since you are the Lord of the Gods, you should naturally have a seat in this temple."

Ian was stunned. The standard of this seat was extremely high. It could be said that it was second only to Amun-Ra himself, tied with the Water God who created the world with Ra, and higher than other masters. And these masters were all the elders of the goddess Isis in Ian's previous life.

"I have met the main god Isis."

When Ian sat on the throne, Amon-Ra was the first to change his name for her.

"I have met the main god Isis."

Even the supreme god Amun-Ra called her this way, and the gods knew that the result could no longer be changed, and they all began to call Isis the main god.


At night, in the capital city of the Babylonian God's Domain, the starry sky suddenly became brighter, as if it had been washed.

They didn't know that all the sun, moon and stars they had seen before were evolved by the divine power of the Lord Marduk and were not the real sun, moon and stars.

Not only humans, but also gods among the gods, who have reached the level of domination, can detect it. The way of Marduk is the way of integrating the divine realm, and it does not include illusion. But the way of Bo Xun is very good at transforming everything, and few gods can match it.

But the truth is true, and the false is false. The sharp meaning of killing and destruction was completely eliminated in the starry sky, as if nothing had ever existed.

The changes in the starry sky made the Babylonians feel better, and then in a small courtyard in the capital, a burst of hearty laughter suddenly came out.

This sound is extremely weird. After hearing it, mortals feel nothing strange at all. Even those who are sleeping are not awakened, and those who are awake feel extremely normal.

In the ears of the gods, this laughter was like thunder exploding, shocking them.

"I am the Lord of the stars. Now I am evolving the star chart in Babylon. The stars represent the destiny and evolution of all things in the world. Everything unknown can be seen through the star chart. Now I have insight into the way of the stars in the land of Babylon and will spread astrology to the world. Between heaven and earth. Today, in order to help all living beings grasp the connection between the way of the stars and all things, this volume of "Collection of Signs" will be passed on to the world."
