Supreme God

Chapter 471: The signs gather together, the Four Saints in the Midheaven and the North Pole


"If Venus appears in the east in February, and the twin stars the Great and Little twins surround her, and these four stars and Venus are dim and not bright, then the king of Elam will fall ill and die."

"If Venus moves closer to Scorpio, an irresistible storm will hit our land. Adad, the god of storms, will sprinkle the earth with his downpour, and Aia, the water body, will sprinkle the earth with his endless water source."

"If Mars dims, the future will be favorable and auspicious; if Mars becomes brighter, it will be unfavorable and unlucky."

"If the brightness of a certain planet exceeds that of all stars, and even the stars appear inferior, then there will be a king who will sweep away the moon and unify the world."


The "Collection of Signs", which consists of more than 70 clay tablets and includes more than 7,000 signs, soon spread throughout the Babylonian divine realm and spread to other divine realms with Babylon as the center.

Of course, what spread before the collection of signs was the Zhoutian Star Map, which was a scroll that included almost all the stars visible to the naked eye. Many big stars had their names listed on it.

The sun, the moon, the big stars such as metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, the twelve zodiac signs, and many constellations, this knowledge seemed to appear overnight, and scholars began to spread it to all directions.

As the star chart spread, the collection of omens became easier to understand. Nebuchadnezzar II, the king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, even summoned all the people in the country who were proficient in prophecy before he conquered Egypt, and used astrology to predict the outcome of the battle.

"Your Majesty, we all agree that this battle will not have great results. It is better to attack Jerusalem instead."

After many prophets predicted together, they calculated an outcome that made Nebuchadnezzar II hesitant.

"No, the gods are with us, and we will win this battle. This so-called gathering of signs seems to be a lie. When I return from the victory, I must destroy all the stone slabs in the country that are engraved with the gathering of signs."

Nebuchadnezzar II waved his hand and did not listen to what these prophets said. The army moved southwest and penetrated into the hinterland of Egypt.

Ordinary soldiers didn't know it, but as a king, he knew very well that above his head, the gods of Babylon and Persia were walking with him.


"Your Majesty Marduk, I wonder if the agreement made hundreds of years ago that gods at the master level are not allowed to take action is still valid now?"

On the ancient mound, the Egyptian supreme god Amun-Ra asked the god Marduk who was far away in the court of Babylon.

Marduk chuckled: "When the treaty was made, it was originally an agreement between Babylon and the Hittite realm, and it had nothing to do with you in Egypt. However, since I have been going east for many years, you have never interfered with the situation in Babylon. This Our master will not take action in the first battle."

Although Marduk knew that Amun-Ra did not take action in those years because he was worried that he would come back at any time and was waiting for the best opportunity to make profits. As a result, he waited for the best time, but unfortunately Marduk happened to come back from the Indian God's Domain.

After hearing Marduk's reply, Amon-ra breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously. The Lord of God, Marduk, had already taken several steps further than him on the divine path. Although there was no fight, he knew very well that he would not be Marduk's opponent.

And under Marduk, there are already more masters than Egypt, plus those from the Persian God's Domain, what can Egypt do to resist

Even before the human soldiers meet, the divine war is about to begin.

"Osiris, I leave this first battle with the Babylonian realm to you."

As the main god of Egypt, Ian gave her order with a cold face. The first battle order was to let Osiris, the brother and husband of Isis in her previous life, go into battle.

Osiris's face turned red and he tried to argue, but when he saw the cat god Best and the patron saint Horus next to Ian, who were eyeing him eagerly, he stopped talking.

The cat god had been imprisoned in the underworld by him for hundreds of years, and he and Isis had already formed a great feud. If the other party gets a hold of him, he will probably be killed right here.

In desperation, Osiris took his artifact, the crank staff, and rushed towards the Babylonian gods.

"Among the gods, who is willing to fight with this nine-pillar god who was once the Egyptian God Realm?"

At this time, the leader of the gods on the Babylonian and Persian sides was Ninurta, the military god who once led the gods on the Assyrian side. Originally, the Moon God Xin wanted to invite his daughter, who once served as the queen of the sky god Anu, and now the Lord of Venus in the Star Court, Isda, serves as the leader of the gods. However, Isda made an agreement with the Egyptian goddess Hathor, the owner of the Taurus Palace, that neither party would participate in the battle.

In desperation, the moon god Xin had to ask the military god Ninurta for help. He was the cousin of the god Lord Marduk. There would be no god who would not obey orders.

When the war god Ninurta asked the gods who was willing to fight, a goddess no one expected stood up.

"Leave it to me, Lord Ninurta."

This goddess is actually the goddess of the undead from Egypt, and is now the disciple of the female Hades Iregigala in the Babylonian realm, Nephthys. After the Western Expedition of Kyushu, Osiris was beheaded by Xingtian, and she was shot by the god Yi. Only her soul was left behind, and they entered the underworld together, still nominally with the Queen of the Underworld.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, she actually took out her own weapons and wanted to duel with her former husband.

"Okay, with His Excellency Nephthys, Lord of the Underworld, taking action, we will definitely win the first battle."

Nephthys held the staff and faced her former husband. Her first husband was the storm god Knight. Unfortunately, his soul was killed by the war master Chi You.


On the ancient mound, the Earth God Gebu let out a helpless sigh. He didn't understand how the four children he was so proud of had become like this.

His wife Nut, the god of heaven, came to his side silently, grabbed his hand, and didn't say much. She just watched the battle in the world silently with Geb.

Osiris' position as Hades was taken away by Ian and the others hundreds of years ago, while Nephthys was in the Babylonian realm and was solely in charge of the Hades given to her by her teacher.

The two brothers and sisters were originally about the same strength, but Osiris was naturally no match for Nephthys. Not long after the two gods fought, Osiris was killed by Nephthys.

"Shati, the elephant god, you will appear next."

The elephant god Shati was one of the eight beast-god warriors under Isis, but after Ian returned, he chose to join Pluto Osiris.

Ian is not a majestic goddess. She feels there is no need to keep such a subordinate.

"Lord God, please forgive me for my mistakes back then. I swear to the great god Amun-Ra to always be your most loyal slave."

How could the elephant god Sati not know that this goddess must get rid of him

"Well, yes, since you are willing to be my slave, go over there and fight the gods of Babylon."

The elephant god still wanted to shirk, but Anubis, the jackal god, had already taken out his magic gun and looked at him coldly. The meaning is obvious, if he doesn't go again, then there is no need to go.

As a result, this one of the eight great generals under Isis soon fell into the hands of a Persian god.

"Insect God Kebli, I'll leave you alone."

The next one is also the beast god who betrayed Ian.

In this way, Ian pulled these gods with old grievances out one by one to challenge the gods from the Babylonian God Realm or the Persian God Realm on the opposite side. They were lucky if they survived, and they deserved it if they didn't.

After fighting alone for a while, the war god Ninurta was about to ask all the gods to come together and surround and kill the few Egyptian gods in front of him on this battlefield.

Suddenly, many more gods appeared behind the Egyptian gods. He recognized those gods as the main gods of the Star Divine Courtyard.

When he was still commanding the Assyrian gods, he often fought with these gods. Especially the sun god Apollo and the moon god Artemis. When the Assyrian Empire first conquered Babylon, he often fought with these two gods.

These two alone gave him a headache, not to mention that behind them, there were more than a dozen main gods who were not inferior to them in the slightest. Military God Ninurta compared the situation between the two sides and suddenly felt that there was no chance of winning.

"Ninurta, withdraw your troops, don't attack Egypt for the time being, and go to Jerusalem."

After Marduk's voice came, Ninurta immediately left with the gods. As for the human army, it is even more confused. They haven't fought yet, so why are they going back to the army

However, during their coming and going, they wreaked havoc on the Kingdom of Egypt and demonstrated their powerful military power.

When the army returned without success, the Babylonian monarch was silent. Is astrology really so powerful that it can even predict the decisions of gods

He didn't want to think too much. He just ordered people to keep the stone tablets with signs, and then began to think about sending troops to Jerusalem.

"Lord of the Stars, you just returned from outside time and space and gave you a gift to help your female subordinate. But next time, I will definitely win the Egyptian God's Domain."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty the God Lord, Egypt will not be the place where our two sides will fight. The battle should be in Chaos."

In fact, Adros also understood that in the Babylonian Divine Domain, none of the main gods affiliated with Assyria took action, while the Persian Divine Domain only sent the main gods who guarded the temple where the Mede Kingdom was located, and the more powerful Supreme Temple did not come. If God Lord Marduk's subordinates were to come out in full force, the Court of Stars would still fall short.

But neither he nor Marduk wanted to trigger a war between them at this time. There were too many uncontrollable factors.

Earth Mother Gaia, Egypt's Amun-Ra, the supreme god Ahura who has been reincarnated in the Persian God Realm, and the three creation gods of the Indian God Realm are all paying attention to everything in Babylon, either overtly or covertly.

All the masters knew that the God Lord Marduk and the Babylonian, Boshitite and other divine realms he commanded were a huge factor in causing great changes in the world.

After thinking for a while, Adros was suddenly alarmed by the vast divine power in the Egyptian God's Domain, and a smile appeared on his face.

After being born in Egypt and returning to Egypt to achieve success, Ian was reincarnated into Chaos, a few years earlier than him, and finally became the main god of Egypt again, and achieved the position of domination all at once.

As a result, in the Court of Stars, in addition to Adros and Nyx, the Lord of Night, there are already six Lords: the Three Goddess of Destiny, the Lord of the Nandou, the Lord of the Big Dipper and the Lord of the Aries.

"Ian, from now on, the position of Lord of Aries Palace will be handed over to Della, and you will be the leader of the Four Saints of Zhongtian and North Pole."
