Supreme God

Chapter 472: The Fall of the Bright Star, the Son of the Morning


The Four Saints of the North Pole, this title was given to them a long time ago. Xuan Ming had laughed and said that Adros would come up with it sooner or later. By now, it has indeed been done.

Adros even had an idea in his mind about the candidates for the Four Saints of the North Pole. Ian, who had just become the master, was the head of the Four Saints of the North Pole, and the female elf Persia, the master of Persia, was the assistant.

As for the remaining two, they were almost certain. Adros looked leisurely towards the Celtic Domain. In that divine realm, the remaining masters are still competing for the position of the master of the divine realm.

And the disciple of Nyx, the Lord of the Night, the Shadow Goddess Scathach, has begun to plan to become the Lord and overthrow the Danu Protoss.

As for Kratos, the son of Adros and Nyx, after Ragnarok in the Ymir Realm, he was taken by Xing Tian to roam and fight in the God Realm.

In Xingtian's words, if you want to become a true God of War, fighting is the only way. Therefore, whether Kratos is willing or not, it is his destined fate to wander around the major gods.

Adros didn't know that Kratos, with a look of grief and anger on his face at this time, was forced to separate from his wife Valkyrie Brynhildr, came to Kyushu, and actually lived such a life of abuse.

When they heard that he was the son of Adros, both the ancient gods and human Qigong practitioners were vying to ask him for advice. Among those gods and qi-refiners, there is actually a first-level ruler, the emperor in Jiuzhou. When they were fighting Kratos, they even claimed that they would not rely on their cultivation to bully Kratos.

But with countless years of training foundation and combat experience here, Kratos, despite his good background and outstanding talent, cannot escape the fate of being abused. Sometimes, Kratos even misses the days when he was beaten by Athena and Scathach in the Celtic Realm a hundred years ago. At least he wouldn't be so aggrieved. Many times, the opponent was knocked unconscious without even noticing what tactics he was using.

There are also all kinds of magic weapons. He really convinced these so-called Qi Refiners, who obviously have superb fighting ability, but they also want to create these tricky and weird treasures, which makes him hard to guard against.

During this period, it was the time when the nations of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty were in conflict and the Five Hegemons emerged one after another. But in the world beyond the human world, few gods or Qi practitioners care about the human world. Everyone is discussing how to help Xing Tian kill his disciple, the son of Emperor Ziwei.

Adros didn't know everything that happened in Kyushu, nor did he know that the gods and Qi practitioners who had just traveled through time and space and were slightly bullied by him had endured it for hundreds of years and finally had a chance to take revenge.

He was currently struggling with how to give honorific titles to the Four Saints of the North Pole. He is not prepared to give the Four Saints of the North Pole the titles of Tianpeng, Tianyou, Yisheng (Heisha), and Yousheng (Zhenwu). He does not practice immortality. It would be too awkward to use these titles.

Just when Adros was struggling, Yahweh in heaven finally couldn't bear it anymore and descended from heaven to earth.

Sensing Yahweh falling from heaven, a strange smile suddenly appeared on Adros's face. Will what Marduk asked him to do together finally be discovered

The Israelites, the chosen people of Yahweh, don’t know whether Yahweh did this deliberately or if it was due to fate. Their experience was really ups and downs and full of tragedy.

As early as nearly a thousand years ago, for some reasons, the Israelites were ruled and suffered by the Kingdom of Egypt in Egypt. Fortunately, with the cooperation of Yahweh and Adros, Moses, the leader of the Israelites, led them out of Egypt, across the Red Sea, and back to their ancestral land in Canaan.

The thirteen tribes of Israel defeated other descendants of Adam and Eve here, experienced the age of judges inspired by his faith, and finally established the Judaism that believed in Yahweh and never deviated from it, from the creation of Yahweh until The Bible, which was the founding of the Jewish nation, became the holy scripture that they followed throughout their lives.

Finally, a talented and strategic monarch, Solomon, was ushered in, which made the Kingdom of Israel a little stronger among many countries. Egypt, Assyria and even Babylon further away knew the prestige of the Kingdom of Israel.

However, Solomon's existence was short-lived, and shortly after Solomon's death, the kingdom of Israel was divided. The northern part is the Kingdom of Israel, with its capital in Samaria; the southern part is the Kingdom of Judea, with Jerusalem as its capital.

Later, with the rise of the Assyrian Empire and the Neo-Babylonian Empire, the Israelites followed in their footsteps.

More than a hundred years ago, King Sargon II of the Assyrian Empire captured Samaria, the capital of the Kingdom of Israel, captured more than 27,000 people, and moved residents from other areas to Israel.

The Kingdom of Israel, which existed for about two hundred years, disappeared from history. Facing the attack of the Assyrian Empire, the king of the Jewish Kingdom was panicked. So, with humble words and generous courtesy, the price of twenty-four tons of gold kept the king's throne and became a vassal of the Assyrian Empire. After this, there was only one Judea left in the Hebrew kingdom, so the Hebrews were called Jews.

In fact, what really made the Assyrian Empire stop conquering Israel was that the angels in heaven were willing to work with the gods of the Assyrian Empire to help them conquer Egypt and the Kingdom of Babylon.

More than ten years ago, the Assyrian Empire was destroyed and divided by the Kingdom of Babylon and the Kingdom of Medes, and then the coalition forces of these two kingdoms attacked the Kingdom of Egypt. It is a pity that due to some special reasons, they did not take Egypt.

As a result, the armies of the Babylonian Kingdom turned to attack Jerusalem, the capital of the Jewish Kingdom.

King Nebuchadnezzar II of the Kingdom of Babylon soon led an army to attack the city of Jerusalem and destroy the Kingdom of Judea. He ordered that all the Jewish nobles, priests, merchants, and craftsmen be taken as prisoners and taken to the city of Babylon in groups. Only some extremely poor people were left in Jerusalem to repair vineyards and cultivate fields.

After the Jews were taken captive to Babylon, Jerusalem was in ruins, the surrounding walls were destroyed, the temple and the royal palace were set on fire, and all the gold, silver, and bronze vessels in the city were brought to Babylon.

At this time, the Jews kept wailing and asking for help from their Lord. They called themselves the "Babylonian prisoners."

The fate of the Jews has always been in the eyes of Yahweh. For this ethnic group that had almost given up on building strong military equipment because of his blessing, Yahweh was determined to let them learn some lessons.

But the Jews at this time were really too miserable. Their lives could not be protected. Their dignity was trampled on by the Babylonian soldiers. What made Yahweh frown even more was that the King of Babylon ordered people to insult the Jewish faith. .

Finally, Yahweh said something to the palace in the void of Babylon: "I will punish the king of Babylon, let him know my power, and let him know how to fear me."

"Go ahead, God Yahweh, but after you go, I hope you can calm down. As you said a long time ago, every god can choose his own path, and you will not interfere. Likewise, I will never Don’t interfere in their ways.”

Marduk's inexplicable words suddenly moved Yahweh's heart, and he quickly deduced everything in his mind with the supreme power of prophecy. He found that something that would have a great impact on him was about to come, but where he was deducing, it was a fog.

Yahweh wanted to clear the fog, but he found that there was starlight like sword energy in the fog. This made him even more shocked. Why did Marduk and Adros team up to do this

Even though Yahweh has the magical power to know everything and is omniscient and omnipotent, he was unable to understand the truth that two masters who were not inferior to him jointly concealed.

After trying it for a while, Yahweh stopped tempting him and went to the world to declare his power to the king of Babylon.

That night, the escaping Jews were fleeing in all directions. They could not stay in Jerusalem. Staying there would only make them prisoners of Babylon. They seemed to have returned to the days when they had no fixed place to live, not knowing where home was. Everyone's heart was filled with worries about the future.

I don’t know what happened, but all the stars suddenly disappeared, and the moon stopped emitting light, making it difficult for the Babylonian soldiers who were chasing the Jews to see their direction. During the whole night, not a single Jew was found.

Early the next morning, the sun just appeared and immediately disappeared into darkness.

"Descendants of Israel, go to Egypt, to Egypt, to Patro, to Cush, to Elam, to Shinar, to Hamath, and to the islands of the sea. The day of the Lord will come, with cruelty and wrath and wrath; Make the land desolate and destroy the sinners from it.”

The voice of Yahweh rings in the hearts of all Israelites.

“I will punish the world for its wickedness, and the wicked for their iniquity, and I will put an end to the arrogance of the proud, and subdue the haughtiness of the violent.”

"In the day of my wrath, I will cause the heavens of Babylon to quake, and the earth to shake from its place. The sinners of Babylon will be like hunted deer, like sheep that have not been gathered together, every one to his own people, every one of them Flee to their own country. Whoever is overtaken by the enemy will be stabbed to death; whoever is captured will be killed with the sword. Their babies will be broken in pieces before their eyes; their houses will be plundered; their wives shall be defiled.”

"In the future, strong enemies will attack them and destroy their kingdom. Babylon, which has always been called the glory of the nations and the glory of the Chaldeans, will be like Sodom and Gomorrah, which God overthrew. It will be the same. It will never be inhabited, nor will it be inhabited from generation to generation. The Arabs will not pitch their tents there, nor will the shepherds let their flocks lie down there. Only the beasts of the wilderness will lie there, filled with roaring beasts. houses; ostriches live there, and wild goats dance there. Jackals will howl in their palaces, and wild dogs will roar in their beautiful temples. The time of Babylon's punishment is near, and their days will not be long."

"And at that time you will be able to return to your kingdom and live in the land of Canaan, flowing with milk and honey."


The Jews, who had been inspired by Yahweh himself, cheered up and continued to flee in separate directions. Since the Lord said so, they would wait for the destruction of the Kingdom of Babylon some day in the future.

Because of Yahweh's magical power, there was darkness in the sky, but in the east, a star lit up, becoming the only light on this magical morning.

Yahweh looked at the light, his heart moved, his face changed slightly, and he appeared in the place where the stars were shining in one step.

That place was where the military camp of King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon was located. He was sitting high on the throne. The soldiers below looked at him with crazy admiration, while the Israeli prisoners looked at him with crazy admiration. One by one, they lowered their heads, not daring to look at the Babylonian monarch who was as dazzling as a star.

Perhaps, he is originally a star, perhaps, he is more noble than the stars.

When Yahweh arrived, he finally knew what Adros and Marduk had jointly covered up. His subordinate said that he was going to find his own way of faith and left heaven. However, he did not expect that a clone would be reincarnated and become the king of Babylon.

"O bright star, son of the morning! Why did you fall from the sky? Why did you, who defeated the nations, come to the earth to cut down the chosen people in your own kingdom?"

The king's identity in front of Yahweh is none other than Lucifer, one of the two archangels sitting down. Lucifer was the same as Michael, but he followed his messenger from the beginning. Yahweh did not even think that he would turn his back on the path to heaven just like Belial did.

"Lord, I have not fallen from heaven. You have always taught us to walk on our own path of faith. What I am walking on now is my path of faith. I don't want someone to always be high in front of me. I sit on the throne of God, and I will always just humble myself under the throne of God."

Nebuchadnezzar II, or Lucifer, was not at all surprised by Yahweh's arrival. It was his choice to reincarnate into another family and experience the path above all sentient beings.

The reason why he chose Babylon was because he followed the advice of Adros, the Lord of the Stars. The God Lord of Babylon is planning the unification of the realms of gods, and naturally will not allow Yahweh to destroy the actions of the king of the world.

After hearing what Lucifer said, Yahweh was not angry, but just sighed softly, his eyes full of compassion. He said to Lucifer in the same tone as before:

"Lucifer, you must be saying in your heart, 'I will ascend into the heavens; I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit on the mountain of assembly, in the uttermost parts of the north; I will ascend on high. Above the clouds, I will be equal to the Most High.' However, you cannot do this. In the future, you will fall into Hades and into the deepest pits. Everyone who sees you must look at you intently and pay attention. Look at you and say, 'Is this the man who makes the earth tremble, who shakes the nations, who makes the world a wilderness, who overthrows the cities, and who does not release the captives to their homes?'

After hearing this, Lucifer was not afraid at all, his eyes were full of determination, and he knelt down and saluted Yahweh: "My Lord, maybe this is the last time I salute you, maybe not, I don't know."

"But I know that I will never regret choosing this path. As you said, I may never be able to become the supreme being. I will let all living beings fear me in the underworld."

When the avatar of Lucifer in the mortal world stood upright again, Lucifer's true form in the Garden of Eden was also changing.

The holy light that enveloped Lucifer began to gradually disappear, and then, a strange power seemed to rise from the bottom of his heart.
